Pottsgrove students raise $1,200 for Relay

By Brandie Kessler

LOWER POTTSGROVE — Walking along the same path hundreds of cancer survivors will take May 31 and June 1 during the 11th annual Relay for Life of Pottstown, more than 800 Pottsgrove High School students raised more than $1,200 Friday to benefit the local Relay.
Each student gave a donation of about $2 to spend part of their school day Friday to walk along the track.
Health and physical education teacher Roxanne Murgia, who organizes the event with the cooperation of the high school staff and administration, said this was the 6th year the event was held at the high school.
“Teachers promote it in their class,” she said, and “the kids can come out and walk with their class.
“We raised our best ever (Friday): $1,255.00,” Murgia said.
In addition to raising funds for the Relay for Life of Pottstown which ultimately benefits the American Cancer Society, Murgia said the event gives students some exposure to what Relay for Life is.
“We’re part of the puzzle,” Murgia said, referring to the school’s contribution to the bigger picture of raising money for the local relay with the hope of finding new treatments and an eventual cure for cancer. “It’s a team effort and (the students) realize that we’re only one of the many ways we participate.”
Former Pottsgrove High School Principal Joyce Wishart brought the idea of having a Relay for Life event to the school and Murgia has been working to make it happen each year.
“The easy part for me is organizing it and I hope the kids come through,” Murgia said.
And come through the students did.
“It’s great to see the kids come out and support the cause,” Murgia said.

Why do you Relay?

The Pottstown Relay for Life is an event of voices. Voices of hope, voices of love, voices of encouragement ... the voices of a community that has taken up the fight against cancer.

Last year, the Pottstown Relay raised more than $1 million.

This year, the theme is Hometown USA: Color the Town Purple, and the goal is to raise $1.1 million locally to fund cancer research and awareness programs.
From now until the date of Relay on May 31-June 1, this page will feature the hometown voices of Relay in stories, pictures and video.

We invite you to send us comments, pictures and video that you would like to see appear on this page and check back for our updates. Tell us your reason you Relay and your hope for a cancer-free world.


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