walked on a 2 Àadditonal hours in the day, additonal days to the year
and no negotian from the School board. What the other 2 contracts still
not done?
big D
Added: Monday October 20, 2008 at 09:24 AM EST
Apples and Oranges
compare the East Penn situation to that of Souderton. If the info in
the article is correct, their new contract (4.9 er year)will require a
total of an additional $15 million for payroll over the four years of
the contract.
In Souderton, the SAEA's initial demand was for
9.5 er year for 5 years and would have required an additional $46.6
million for payroll over the life of the contract. It's current 8.2 er year for 4 years would require an additional $26.6 million for payroll over the life of the contract.
The tax increases needed in both cases would most likely trigger Act 1's referendum provisions. The
board is gambling if it agrees to any contracts that require a public
referendum to fund. Should such a referendum fail, the board would
still be on the hook for the contract. The only option it would have
would be to start cutting non-mandated curriculum, activities and
services in order to bring the budget in under the Act 1index.
Also keep in mind that the SAEA didn't walk out on 4.9Àit walked out on 8.2à In the past the union leadership has used the term "parameters of negotiation" to define both proposals. It's
part of the process for the union to come in high. But to be seriously
considered, even high has to be within the boards ability to guarantee
funding for it.
Not fooled
Added: Sunday October 19, 2008 at 06:06 PM EST
Should be settled
3 Souderton contracts should have been settled by now. It took Suacon
Valley a few days, Palisades a few days, but not Souderton. This
community appears to not value education, or they would be working
round the clock to settle this mess. I heard that the contract wasn't
even an item at the last school board meeting. These guys are out to
lunch. SASD is pretty much a joke. Glad my kids go to North Penn.
Jerry H., Hatfield, PA
Added: Sunday October 19, 2008 at 09:13 AM EST
To Campbell, Crusader Against LEGAL Strikes
Reporter quotes you as saying, "They bring in these professional
arbitrators, who are unelected people, who say 'Here's what we think,
have a vote,' and pass all of those costs on to the school board. To me
that is taxation without representation," Campbell said. "If that's the
way we want to go, we might as well bring back the Queen of England."
Two issues I have with your comment (and this is the only one I have the stomach to respond to...) 1)
The Board's arbitrator is passing on costs to the board (AKA
Taxpayers). The union's representation is paid for by teachers' dues.
Many teachers of SASD live right here in our district. Guess they're
the ones getting screwed double here! 2) Taxation without
representation happened under a KING (King George), not the QUEEN of
England. If you're so ignorant as to not even know this basic part of
our history, are you really intelligent enough to lead this fight.
a word to the wise...check out ALL sides of a story and the
consequences of voting for said bill BEFORE you jump on board with more
propaganda and rhetoric. After all, we've had enough of ignorant spin
tearing our community apart in recent months, haven't we???
Perhaps if our Board cared about education, they'd respect our teachers and children!
Added: Saturday October 18, 2008 at 10:58 AM EST
look around at surrounding districts
are parts of an article I just read in today's Morning Call. Another
district settles! Yesl, there are reasonable people who are school
board members out there in other communities. East Penn, Saucon Valley,
and Palisades, all districts in our area who have settled without
tearing apart the community. Can someone tell me what drives the men
who have the most power on the SASD board to be totally disagreeable
and show such distain for public education? They need to be replaced by
people who are more typical school board members. They need to share a
passion for wanting the schools in our towns to be the BEST they can
be. This benefits our children most of all but it benefits everyone by
providing an example for all community members to value education and
our younger citizens too. These mean spirited power mongers need to go.
I know that there are some sasd school board members who really do care
about the educational programs in our schools. Why haven't we heard
more from them? I wonder, because I have personally spoken with some of
them. It is time that we hear from them. Not everyone fits the same
mold as the three or four who seem to display their need for control
you risk a tremendous loss in your own real estate values. Who would
want to pay money for a home investment in a school district that
doesn't give two cents about educating the children of the community. WAKE UP, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! DEMAND A FAIR CONTRACT FOR OUR TEACHERS!!
East Penn teachers sign early East
Penn School District teachers will get average annual pay raises of 4.9
percent under a new four-year contract ratified this week, more than
eight months before the current pact expires. Union members, who
approved the deal unanimously, will have to pay more toward their
health insurance coverage, agreeing to annual increases toward their
premiums. The net effect for the district and its taxpayers will be
a 4.4 percent annual spending increase for teacher salaries, according
to Gary Reigal, the district's business administrator.
got a number of things done in the contract: better starting teacher
salaries and obtaining significant [health insurance premium co-pays]
Both Ballard and Susan Arnold, president of the
536-member East Penn Education Association, said the district could
reach an early agreement because of the good relationships among the
union, school board and administration.
Under the new deal, the
starting salary will increase from $41,432 this school year to $43,700
next year. In the last year of the contract, teachers will start at
''East Penn teachers are absolutely the
youngest teaching staff in the Lehigh Valley,'' Arnold said. ''Our
average salary is going to look low, but it's because [of the
relatively young staff].''
Ballard said the union's willingness to cover more of its health insurance costs was ''significant.''
paying $22 per month toward their premium for individual coverage this
year will pay $40 next school year and $100 in the fourth year of the
deal, Reigal said.
Employees with family coverage paying $75
per month now will pay $107 next school year and $197 in the final year
of the deal, according to the district.
The contract will cost
the district an extra $1.4 million next school year, $1.5 million in
the second year, $1.6 million in the third and $1.7 million in the
fourth, according to district figures.
j. whitten, franconia
Added: Saturday October 18, 2008 at 09:07 AM EST
Haven't attended ALL the meetings
I haven't been attending all the meetings. Foolish me, I actually
thought that the men I ELECTED TO REPRESENT MY VOICE - might actually
be capable of doing that. My eyes have been opened. They do not
REPRESENT ME and from what I have been able to gleen from my friends
and neighors, not their voices either.
The members of the SASB
have become a part of a carefully orchestrated smokescreen to deceive
the public of SASD. Try as you may to justify their efforts and lean on
the union as the cause of this whole debacle, I'm not buying it.
single item on every school board agenda (and especially those items on
the last minute addenda) come directly from the SASD Cabinet. Instead
of continuing to point fingers at the school board, let's just cut to
the chase of who is actually holding the baton - R. Bradley Clemens and
Brenda Jones Bray. Good pairing I'd say, the HR guy and the money lady.
Who better equipped to decide the fate of the teachers?! And just for
good measure let's throw some legal representation in there too, with
seasoned cruiser, Jeff Sultanik.
It must be fun to hold the puppet strings and let the SASB take the heat .
Tired of the smokescreen, Souderton
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 09:05 PM EST
too bad -character doesn't count anymore
you think that public displays of disrespect are OKAY as long as you
don't agree with a proposal that is offered? Okay when citizens are
acting fully within their legal rights as a last resort, that this
community should slander and degrade them? You think it is okay that
the board waited until the end of the contract (June 30, 2008) then
said they would negotiate in good faith IF the teachers would agreed to
continue all their summer responsibilities, which they did! Do you
think it is okay that the SASB canceled the insurance BEGINNING Sept.
1st, the day of the scheduled negotiation meetings? They had obviously
no intention of negotiating, due to the fact that they had to schedule
that during the week prior. (since the teachers had no insurance Sept.
1 and did not know it until someone needed a hospital that very day, no
prior notice and they had not even gone on strike yet). I do not think
it is okay for men representing this community to give their word so
many times and not keep it on many occasions. If they didn't PLAN to
negotiate, then why did they lie to the teachers and to the people that
live here and pretend they intended to? I would have more respect for
them if they would have said, no negotiation, let's go right to
arbitration. I can't really see one area where the school board have
been men of integrity in this situation. I hope you are not foolish
enough to say I don't care what they do as long as they don't raise my
taxes! I'd be careful talking too freely about someone misleading us,
when I think the school board has pretty much perfected it at this
point. I guess honesty is a lost character trait, here in a district
where we pretend character counts.
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 05:36 PM EST
SASD Taxpayer, SASB pajamas- Thats' too funny. Do they have them at the school store? But instead of deflecting why don't you answer the question. If you had a question / complaint about addendums why didn't you bring it up at the meeting? You do attend the meetings, don't you?
Much about nothing
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 04:08 PM EST
LT - we know its you
Much about nothing Not holding my breathe Sorry Shedding tears for union - not.
No need for a name game. We already know how handsome you look in your SASB pajamas.
SASD Taxpayer, Souderton
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 03:57 PM EST
Boundary lines ... again
well, well, whatya know ... another meeting about middle level boundary
lines. Very interesting. Thought this had all been settled back in
February. Somehow it got resurrected?! Guess enough parents complained
they didn't like where the district decided their children were going
for middle school. Amazing what can happen when a few voices are spoken
and actually heard.
It's just too bad the same voices were not
speaking up all summer long when the SASB was talking about the
teachers contract. Oops, I forgot - the SASB did not actually hold any
"special meetings" inviting the public to attend, to specifically
discuss the expiration of the teachers contract.
Something still stinks in SASD, Souderton
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 12:21 PM EST
Issue a statement?
would I ask only the union for a statement? I know the reason from both
sides already. The reason is that they did not start the NEGOTIATIONS
soon enough and did not negotiate to settle. Whether people want to
understand it or not...the way it works is called NEGOTIATIONS. Both
sides have to negotiate the outcome. Is it the teachers' fault this is
the process? A negotiation requires both parties to come to agreements.
Nobody gets it all their way. The school board cannot have it all their
way and the union cannot have it all their way. People who think that
the school board should dictate everything in a negotiation have the
wrong idea. When the law says it will be different, then it will be
different. I say NEGOTIATE.
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 08:22 AM EST
Public Attitude
Even more reality, The union has been attempting to mislead the public since June. What's to respect about that? The teachers can't insulate themselves from the consequences of the union leaderships actions . After all, it is THEIR union. The publics attitude toward the teachers is one of those consequences.
Too Bad
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 07:59 AM EST
To- " Oops They Did It Again"
SASD Taxpayer, The
addendum was handed out at the meeting. I'm surprised you didn't ask
about addendums last night. As you seem to be deeply concerned about
district operations, I'm sure you attended the meeting.
Much about nothing
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 07:46 AM EST
Other Contracts
nichole, Fair
enough. Since you won't believe anything reported by the district or in
the paper, you'll have to ask the PSEA or the leadership of those
unions why their contracts aren't settled yet. Perhaps they'll issue a statement.
Not holding my breath
Added: Friday October 17, 2008 at 01:00 AM EST
Opps They Did It Again
Why is it that a three page addendum was added to the Website again after the Board meeting happened?
SASD Taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 10:40 PM EST
Response to "Precedent"
has been noted- "Teachers have received the same healthcare plan for
the past 15 years, with no changes in co-pays, deductibles, or premium
Given that, the increases are not "outrageous".
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 09:41 PM EST
not giving in
say "it had been reported" that the other contracts want the same
insurance the teachers get. May I ask who did the reporting? Did you
see it in writing by the secretaries and support staff? If you are
speaking of the reporting being a certain area news supplier or better
yet, Mr Jeffrey Sultanik himself, then that is not going to impress me
too much. I've seen both parties do way to much spinning in this
situation to think for a moment that is the truth. If you can show me
where one of the interested staff groups put it into writing then I
would know it is the truth. I still say these contracts are way too
important to be put off any longer and should have been settled prior
to June 30, 2008. We don't have to agree to the terms, but it should
have been settled during the last school year! Who didn't make it a
priority? Whose job was it to make it a priority? That is my point.
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 09:20 PM EST
To "Taxpayers Reality"
do I begin? First, I'm not sure how I'm advocating throwing gasoline on
the fire. Are you saying that new people moving into the SASD is bad,
and that new people moving into the district will make our taxes go up?
Perhaps we should build a big fence around the district to keep them
all out....???????
OK, let me outline this in detail for you,
since you clearly don't get what I'm trying to say (or are
intentionally distorting it).
1. New teachers looking for jobs
are not going to take the lowest paying job they can get. NO ONE that I
know - whether they are a teacher or someone in the "real world" -
takes the lowest paying job they can get.
2. New teachers are
not going to be jumping at the chance to work in a school district
where the school board, and many community members, treat their
teachers with blatent disrespect.
3. Teachers already teaching
in the district are not going to want to stick around when they are
being treated as if they have no value to their bosses (the board) or
to the community. Even people in the "real world" don't stay in jobs
where their talents aren't valued.
4. When talented teachers
leave, and new, talented teachers are going to other districts, the
quality of the school district will decline.
5. When the quality
of the school district declines, new families will not want to move
into the district. Therefore, there will be no buyers for homes in the
6. When there are no buyers for homes in the district,
HOMES, not just the ones with children in them.
And, to
reiterate the point from my first post, IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT SALARY.
It's about attitude. And when the attitude of the school board and the
community is that teachers don't deserve squat, new families are not
going to want to move to that district. And that will affect the value
of ALL of the homes in the district. Including yours.
Even more reality
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 06:36 PM EST
Social Security Administration announced today that social security
benefits will be increased 5.8 percent for 2009. Also, Medicare
premiums will be held at their 2008 levels - no increase in Medicare
Plan B. So the SASB offer of 2.5 percent per year and a increased co-pay to 25 percent of the premium really is outrageous. Many
people on Social Security complain of living on a fixed income. When
the teachers sign a contract that locks in salaries and benefits for
years into the future, is that not a fixed income?
We all pay taxes, Franconia
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 02:19 PM EST
School Board Meeting Tonight
foward to seeing all you complainers there. It's your chance to state
your complaints and make your accusations in person. If you don't have the balls to go and do that, you should just quit your b*tchin and have a little cheese with your whine.
shedding tears for the union - not
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 11:19 AM EST
Tenure and the future
heard about tenure and how it is the magic that keeps teachers no
matter what they do, say, they can't be fired, etc... It actually is,
if you research instead of just listening to negative nonsense, the
certification from the state, that says one has completed what needs to
be done to be considered a teaching professional. It takes time and
work to get there. How many professions require completing all the
education, pass all the required testing and then work in the job for a
number of years to be able to be labeled "professional"? A teacher can
lose their job for any number of reasons as any professional, just not
the foolish ones discussed on this board. Oh, if my child doesn't like
the teacher, they should be fired. If they aren't willing to do any
task that this community sets before them, they should be fired. My
child is BORED in that class, therefore, they aren't a "good" teacher.
How about your child is ENTERTAINED too much and has the misconception
that going to school is another way to be amused! The problem with
little Amanda or Richard is that mom and dad spend too much time
listening to nonsense and not enough time saying do what you need to do
to get the grade and learn all that you can. Life depends on it! This
attitude of parents that think their child should be the judge of a
teacher and decide whether they should be in the teaching field is
ridiculous! These people spend YEARS preparing for this profession. The
idea that a person can just say "this one shouldn't be a teacher" for
any reason is insulting! I'm amazed at how many people talk about their
child liking or not liking a teacher, or a teacher is so nice, or gives
candy, or plays neat review games, etc...These things area all great
and a plus, but they do not mean the person is a "good" teacher. Oh, in
a student's eyes it certainly can make a difference. They DO NOT have
the maturity to see past these things. This was talked about on the
debate last night. It's time for PARENTS to step up! Stop caring if
your child "likes" the teacher. Start demanding that they do their
homework, stop listening to ridiculous complaining, make school a
priority at home. If our children are corrected at school, stand behind
the teacher-you know your child probably did talk or fool around at
some point-give some support! They aren't perfect angels at home, why
would you think they would be at school??? Don't look for excuses and
don't accept them from your children. If education is important in this
district,we need to get behind the teachers and demand more from our
child/children. Sorry for the rant, I just think we need to look at
this closely and examine ourselves with all the negative talk and
attitudes that are coming out toward our teachers. The future is at
stake and we CANNOT blame everything on the teachers. They are our
children and WE are accountable for what we demand from them and
attitudes we pass on to them.
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 10:01 AM EST
To "Even More Reality"
more families that move into the district, the more enrollment
increases. And since development never pays for the infrastructure it
takes to support it, especially when it comes to public education, that
increased burden in the form of higher property taxes is carried by all
the residents of the district.
Your argument that we need to pay
teachers more so that more families move in isn't a very compelling
one. At best you're advocating throwing gasoline on the fire.
Taxpayers Reality
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 09:24 AM EST
No contracts settled
nichole, It
had been reported that the others wanted the same health care that the
teachers got. If that's true than they can't really settle until after
the teachers. I imagine there's some truth to that since we don't see them on strike.
'job" of the school board is to assist the legislature in meeting its
Constitutional requirement to maintain "a through and efficient system
of public education to meet the needs of the Commonwealth." and to "Act
as the general agent of the General Assembly in carrying out the will
of the people of the district in the matter of public education."
does not exist to find a "middle ground" for the rediculous demands of
union thugs who seek to enrich themselves by holding the education
system hostage.
Not giving in
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 09:02 AM EST
Working at a rapid pace?
Waiting for the reveal, It's
been public knowledge that the district would be changing boundry lines
since at least January of 2008, plenty of time for people to provide
input to the district.
The districts intent to sell the old
school has been public knowledge since September of 2006 and the public
has been updated throughout the process. I would think that 2 years if
enough time for the public to "digest" the concept, if they're paying
Will some of the proceeds of the sale go toward the new school? Maybe. Or
perhaps they might consider paying off the approx. $8 million the
district still owes for the 1987 renovation of the old school.
to the slow-down of posting on this site, it's no coincidence. I think
it's because the teachers are working and not posting. It was no
coincidence that the volume on this board was at its highest during the
time of day when some teachers were walking and others were 'getting
the word out' to the public on this and other forums.
And a
question. In your post yesterday, you complained about what was on the
agenda for tonights meeting, How did you know what was on the agenda?
dispute is currently in the hands of the arbitrators, it makes little
sense for the board not to conduct business required for the operation
of the district.
Answer the question please
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 07:05 AM EST
To "Still Reading"
are right, not all SASD teachers are the lowest paid in the county -
those at step 15 (the highest step on the matrix) are about average in
the county. All the teachers BELOW step 15 - so that's steps 1-14 - ARE
the lowest paid in the county. I've done the research. All the numbers
are public, so go ahead and check. So, if by "toward the beginning of
the matrix" you mean everyone except the teachers at the very top step,
then yes, you are correct.
I believe Valerie is correct. And
here is why. My husband and I moved to SASD 10 years ago. Neither of us
is native to SASD. We moved here from out of state. We had the choice
between MANY area school districts, and we were told hands down, SASD
is the best. So we moved here. Now, after seeing how the board and a
shockingly large number of community members are treating our teachers,
we are considering moving to another district - one that treats it's
teachers with the respect they deserve. You see, it's not SPECIFICALLY
about salaries. It's about attitude. I know if I were a teacher, I
wouldn't want to work for a board or in a community that clearly
doesn't value what I have to offer. No one wants to work in those
conditions, not even people in the "real world". I am concerned that
not only will SASD be unable to attract talented new teachers, it won't
be able to retain many of the ones we already have, because of the
attitudes that have been displayed during this crisis. Which is why my
family is seriously considering moving to another district, and why
many new families won't move here.
Even more reality
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 06:33 AM EST
Waiting for the reveal!
add to that and say that until the secretaries and the support staff
all have contracts, no other business should even be considered. This
school board has snowed the entire community into thinking they are
doing their job by protecting the community from the terrible union.
They haven't settled ONE contract that ended June 30, 2008. These
people are the reason our schools can operate. I can't wait to see the
slander and spin that Mr Sultanik does on the secretaries and support
staff. I guess they will try offering them about 10 cents an hour and
say they are foolish for not taking it! I wonder when the public will
wake up and demand the SASB does its job. I for one am tired of the
rhetoric and think that they should not be selling, buying, or doing
any other job until these are settled! There IS a middle ground and it
is their JOB to find it!
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 04:56 AM EST
Business as usual
point is that the SASB seems to move at a rapid pace withot any rhyme
or reason to their actions. Remember the last minute addendum with
admin raises? They pulled that one off quickly and quietly. They tried
to quickly push through the new middle level boundary lines, until a
few parents spoke up. The sale of the new high school will most likely
be approved before the public even knows about it, muchless has the
chance to digest it. Keeping watching how quickly those sale proceeds
get allocated for new furniture for the Taj Mahal.
And yet, the teachers are still working without a contract.
coin Sultanik's term - "our plants" may be up and running, but they are
not at full production capacity. Each and every school board meeting
should be about getting a contract for the teachers.
message board speaks volumes. During the height of the strike - people
were reading and posting at a frantic pace. But now, that school is
back in session - activity here has all but stopped. Coincidence? I
don't think so. Kids are in school. It's back to business. That's the
shame. That's the embarassment.
No other school board business deserves to be conducted until the teachers have a contract.
Waiting for the reveal, Souderton
Added: Thursday October 16, 2008 at 11:59 PM EST
To -Just Read
Valerie, The current credit problem sparked by the sub-prime mortgage mess effects on home sales isn't political spin, it's fact.
not ALL SASD teachers are the lowest paid in the county, only the ones
toward the beginning of the salary matrix. So don't "spin" that into
being all the teachers. And if the SAEA is to be believed, those
salaries have historically been lowest in the county.
And if
youre correct about young buyers deciding to purchase a home based on
what teachers salaries are, then I guess not too many homes must have
been sold here over the years.
And the $17 million the
board has saved over time toward other needs and obligations has
nothing to do with the teachers salaries. Just because the $17 million
exists doesn't mean it belongs to the union.
still reading
Added: Wednesday October 15, 2008 at 05:50 PM EST
Just read
you read my earlier post, I merely pointed out that my young clients
asked about school districts and have compared per pupil spending and
teacher salaries. The rest of you added your own political spin.
the way, this IS my question: if the teacher's union is so
all-powerful, why are the SASD teachers the lowest paid in the county?
If they are paid so well, why does the school board have a 17 million
dollar surplus?
Valerie N., SASD
Added: Wednesday October 15, 2008 at 08:43 AM EST
Another Dose
Ok, my apologies. Yes, getting another degree such as a Masters or Doctorate IS an achievement. A big achievement.
taking additional courses for credits and achieving your Masters or
Doctorate does not necessarily make someone a better teacher. Yes, it
should help, but it's not automatic.
I understand that most
teachers are reviewed on a regular basis, but what difference does that
make? If a teacher is performing poorly on a consistant basis, what
action is taken? Are they fiired? They should be.
My biggest
complaint is that a teacher's merit should not be based solely on their
own personal academic achievments, but also on a combination of various
aspects that go into "being a public school teacher", such as managing
a classroom, educating students, counseling, participating in events,
I would like to see "tenure" either abolished or at least
pushed back to 10 years. If a teacher can perform well (consistantly)
for 10 years, then they have "earned" tenure.
I personally
have no problem with a "good" teacher, who has earned higher academic
degrees and consistantly performs well in and out of the classroom,
making a six figure salary. If that teacher is really that good, then
they deserve it.
Oh, one last thing. Is it possible that the
reason families are not interested in moving into the Souderton School
District, is because of the overpowering control that the teacher's
union has over it's community of taxpayers? Unfortunately, until we are
able to outlaw the ability for teacher's to strike, we have to deal
with it.
All is not lost. We all have some choices to make. We,
as a community, need to do a much better job of voicing our concerns.
We need to work on communicating with our elected officials (such as
School Board Members, State Senators & Reps, etc...) on a regular
basis, not just by the act of who we vote for on election day, but by
contacting them directly and frequently. They all have offices and ways
to get in touch with them. It's about time that we all begin to speak
up and let them know how we feel, and remind them of why they are in
that position.
A Dose of Reality, part 2, Souderton
Added: Wednesday October 15, 2008 at 07:57 AM EST
Response to -Business as usual
Waiting for the reveal, What's your point, that the board shouldn't be conducting business?
Missing your point
Added: Wednesday October 15, 2008 at 07:39 AM EST
Valerie, So that's why home sales are down, low paid teachers.
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the whole 'sub-prime mess
effecting the ability to get credit' is just a cover story cooked up by
the SASB, the Fed and the Treasury to cover for the real reason.
Man on the Grassy knoll
Added: Wednesday October 15, 2008 at 05:49 AM EST
Dear Dose,
I'm in real estate, and this is my reality: Most
of the homes I've sold in the last ten years have been sold to young
couples with small children or anticipating children. Young buyers with
children consider the schools when buying a home: they always ask about
the schools. If you were looking for a home in a good school district,
would you choose the district that has the lowest paid teachers and
spends the least amount of money per pupil? I can tell you it is very,
very difficult to sell a house anywhere right now, but it is virtually
impossible to sell one in SASD.
Valerie N., SASD
Added: Wednesday October 15, 2008 at 05:35 AM EST
Business As Usual
a look at the school board agenda for tomorrow nights meeting. The
teachers are working in nonbinding arbitration, two other support staff
contracts remain unresolved - and yet the school board will be
approving requests for teachers to attend workshops and conferences on
the taxpayers dollar ... more reckless actions by the SASB.
oh yea, by the way - one small little item at the end of the night -
they're going to sell the old high school for 11 million dollars.
Business as usual.
Waiting for the reveal, Souderton
Added: Tuesday October 14, 2008 at 09:32 PM EST
Old criticism
is a poor example of the intelligence of some in the SASD. If his
degree from the cooking school helps him get a good paying job in a
fine restaurant, then the degree will be worth a great deal to him. If
he cannot make it through the interview process and cooking samples,
then he undoubtedly will not reap the benefit of his schooling and
degrees. What you fail to understand is the process of securing a job
in a school district. You must interview with human resources, then
with other administration, and then meet with principals and present
writing samples and actual subject lessons. It is a PROCESS with many
different people in the district. If one secures a teaching job in any
district within a few years you MUST continue education with a masters
degree and then so many more credits every few years. There are
evaluations every year for every teacher by different administration.
Everyone has accountability. Please comment with intelligence. It is a
shame to this district for people to continue this nonsense. If you
think the job is so easy and wonderful, by all means, go back to
school. get a teaching job if you can make it through the interview
process, and try to teach. Then stop your whining and slandering the
teachers in this district. You really should walk one day in their
Added: Tuesday October 14, 2008 at 07:39 PM EST
Education IS an achievement
To the person who said teachers should earn based on their achievement... Um, yeah, going to school and EARNING a degree is an ACHIEVEMENT. Going to school and EARNING a master's degree which most often includes REAL world experience is an ACHIEVEMENT. Oh,
and going to school to earn a doctorate, requires YEARS of dedication
to your craft, extensive experience, determination, and fortitude...
and is an ACHIEVEMENT to say the least. So, if you are going to base
your argument on pay should be based on achievement, then teachers
should be making a TON more than they are. Anyone who doesn't believe
EDUCATION in itself is ACHIEVMENT is ignorant. In fact, I think
thinking like that is what is killing the educational system in this
country, and absolutely tearing apart Souderton
Tired of teachers being bashed, Degree city, PA
Added: Tuesday October 14, 2008 at 07:05 PM EST
To Dose of Reality
'er - its that warped sense of thinking that keeps on attendin' those
sportin' events (while wearing that high priced jersey) paying top
dollar for a beer and a hot dog so those uneducated athletes can run
around on a field, and not get paid what their worth either. DUH?!
G.I. Luv the good ole Indian Valley, Souderdon (no t)
Added: Tuesday October 14, 2008 at 01:32 PM EST
Doesn't the 'fry guy' at McDonalds make more if he's a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America?
Fry guy with only Souderton diploma
Added: Tuesday October 14, 2008 at 09:17 AM EST
Since when does more education equal higher compensation???
To Valarie N. (and the rest of the teachers posting comments on here),
What a warped concept! Why should a person with more education earn
more than someone with less? Does a higher education automatically
grant you the right to higher pay? I don't think so!
In the
world where the rest of us live, it's the performance, achievement, or
value that you produce for your employer and/or client that earns more
It's time to start paying our teachers based on their
performance and achievments, not a free pass to higher pay just because
they took some classes, and hung around long enough.
Time for another dose of reality!, Souderton
Added: Monday October 13, 2008 at 04:19 PM EST
Stop Teachers Strike Meeting
not saying don't attend the meeting. Infact, I may eventually be in
favor of the entire effort. Just not now. The union is in place and we
need to deal with the result of their current action - not what we want
them to do in the future. We need to put out this fire first. And for
those of us who are unable to attend every evening meeting, I'm simply
questionning, would it not be more prudent to be at Thursday nights'
school board meeting and ask the school board where we are with the
"final best offer" proposals? I want resolution on the current strike
situation. You can believe that the school board is elated to know that
the focus has been taken off them, while interested parties pursue
stopping strikes instead.
Parent in waiting, Harleysville
Added: Monday October 13, 2008 at 08:46 AM EST
OK, I'll bite
Parent in waiting, The union and district are in arbitration, I already sent my letter stating what I thought of the unions proposal. So how would you suggest I spend time to "fight the fire" tonight instead of going to the Stop Teachers Strikes meeting?
Added: Monday October 13, 2008 at 04:50 AM EST
Stop Teachers Strike Meeting
idea - maybe ..? But doesn't it make more sense to fight the fire that
is currently blazing out of control within the district - rather than
try and prevent the next one?
Its all about timing folks.
Parent in waiting, Harleysville
Added: Monday October 13, 2008 at 04:43 AM EST
Does anyone know about the bond issue?
I wasn't attending the SASB meetings. Tell me about the risky bond
issue that the SASD, along with several other school districts, is
involved in.
As I crawl out from under my rock ... educate me!
LTL, Telford
Added: Sunday October 12, 2008 at 02:28 PM EST
School Board Members Can Be Removed?- Good Luck With That.
Olin M., 1-
Section 3-318 of the School Code doesnt apply here. The boards not
handling this as you see fit doesnt constitute a neglect of duty on the
part of the board.
2- There is no long history of
foot-dragging, stonewalling, and stalling by the SASB in the contract
negotiations. The union made such accusations at the June 5th meeting.
However just a couple of weeks prior to that the paper reported on the
status of negotiations.
According to SAEA president Bill
Lukridge: All I can tell you is we are looking into employee-employer
contributions to health care Lukridge said So far, weve met, offered
them our proposal, met again where they offered theirs, and we havent
really had a chance to get back and forth and have a discussion.
It also reported that :
Lukridge and Brad Clemmens, assistant to the superintendent / director
of human resources, said they are awaiting the medical representatives
report and may know a timetable for negotiations sometime this week
fact it wasnt until just after the union got the report that the
accusations started flying. So was the board really not negotiating
fairly or was the union just not happy with the results of the report? And
reportedly since June, the union wouldnt meet without the Uniserve rep,
who wouldnt meet without the state mediator, negotiations were totally
dependent on the schedules of those two people.
3- I also
noticed that when you quoted section 3-318 you omitted the part about
who can end up paying for the process of going to court. But considering that you think you have a case, I think you should go for it.
4- And FYI, you wouldnt need a subpoena to see the districts financial records, theyre a matter of public record. And
if people would have bothered to attend the PUBLIC board and committee
meetings over the past few years they would be up to speed on things
now. Then they too would be laughing at most of the facts put forth by some of the people on this forum.
I Love This Place
Added: Saturday October 11, 2008 at 08:09 PM EST
to "don't stop"
excellent word skills!
blm, souderton, pa
Added: Saturday October 11, 2008 at 02:25 PM EST
I'm not here for the entertainment
have found this message board to be most informative. But I also find
it very disturbing when the readers and writers who are obviously
supporting the school board, and have nothihng of worth to add - simply
resort to criticism. If you truly support the decision making of this
current school board - please cite your reasons.
Its about
unity folks - not division. We all have a stake in the outcome. Please
post material that is filled with substance and not cynicism.
LTL, Telford
Added: Saturday October 11, 2008 at 12:37 PM EST
School Board members can be removed
GB and other concerned supporters of public education:
School board members may be removed from office, as provided by the school code of 1949. Here are the highlights:
§ 3-318. Removal for failure to organize or neglect of duty. If
the board of school directors in any district refuse or neglect to
perform any duty imposed upon it by the provisions of this act relating
to school districts any ten resident taxpayers in the district may
present their petition in writing, verified by the oath or affirmation
of at least three such resident taxpayers to the court of common pleas
of the county in which such district or the largest part in area is
located, setting forth the facts of such refusal or neglect of duty on
the part of such school directors. If on such hearing, or if when no
answer is filed denying the facts set forth in the petition, the court
shall be of the opinion that any duty imposed on the board of school
directors, which is by the provisions of this act made mandatory upon
them to perform, has not been done or has been neglected by them, the
court shall have power to remove the board, or such of its number as in
its opinion is proper, and appoint for the unexpired terms other
qualified persons in their stead, subject to the provisions of this act. Any
person so removed from the office of school director shall not be
eligible again as school director for the period of five (5) years
With the long history of foot-dragging,
stonewalling, and stalling by the SASB in the contract negotiations, it
is conceivable that a Court would find them negligent. This is
especially true since the district has the money to fund a contract
with money it has on hand. In such a lawsuit, the taxpayers could
subpeona all the financial records that the district has hitherto kept
closed to the public.
Olin M., SASD
Added: Saturday October 11, 2008 at 11:27 AM EST
God Bless Bloviating Half-wits.
They're just so darn entertaining.
Don't Stop
Added: Friday October 10, 2008 at 07:17 PM EST
Keepin' should be weepin'
To Keepin It Real,
is disturbing that you laud the fact that you voted for this board. The
fact that a handful of vocal residents supports them at a public forum
means little. History is littered with examples of poor leaders being
elected and getting much vocal public support: have you heard of the
March on Rome or the Party Congress at Nuremberg? Like any good show,
the board packs the audience. I was at some of the board meetings at
which pro-teacher speakers were cut off at the three minute mark, but
pro-board speakers lingered for 4 or 5 minutes.
Keepin It Real supports a board that:
Has made no progress in negotiating any of the 3 contracts (teacher,
secretary, support staff) that expired 3 months ago, but have become
experts at dancing and spinning.
2. Has approved a 20 percent
raise for an athletic director and a 24 percent raise for a video
production specialist. The video production specialist now makes more
money than a ten-year veteran teacher with a Masters degree would under
the boards contract proposal. That teacher spends hours working with
students each day. The video guy taped Negotiation Update.
Refuses to tap into a 17 million dollar surplus of taxpayer money that
could easily end this mess immediately. Why would this fiscally
responsible board spend the 17 million on education, when it can be
invested in the financial markets and lose have of its value?
It Real is probably correct, all 515 teachers probably arent great.
What percentage of the 7,000 students are great? What percent of the 9
school board members are great? We dont live in a perfect world. The
fact that one may have a less-than-wonderful anecdotal experience with
an employee at the grocery store does not give the consumer the right
to hold down the compensation for the entire workforce for three to
five years hence.
Organized labor is not the problem, its a rogue board that wants to pay teacher salaries at outdated levels!
Its not 1975, Keepin It Real. Tell the board to SWEETEN THE DEAL.
Valerie N.
Added: Friday October 10, 2008 at 03:21 PM EST
GB... Thanks for clarifying
just assumed that several of the board members were up for re-election
in November, since so many of the union supporters suggested in their
comments that we should "remove them from office" come November.
My bad... for thinking that a union supporter would be able to convey accurate information.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Friday October 10, 2008 at 10:37 AM EST
Can't vote for this board in November!
mentioned that they voted for this current board and would be happy to
vote for them "in November". Since no year was given, let me inform
pay no attention, as Aaron wrote, until the strike happened and things
blew up. The board has 9 members. Their terms are for four years. To
prevent a totally new board from being in office at once, the terms are
staggered. Every two years there is an election, with either 4 or 5
seats being up for re-election. Sadly, for the community who realizes
that this board is horrible, none of them need face the ballot box
until November of 2009, and it's only 4 of them. Those of us disgusted
by the tactics of this board cannot affect the majority until 2011.
It's really sad. Unless, of course, some of them decide to resign. That
is the only way that more seats can be open. So, bear in mind, we are STUCK for 1-3 years with this current crew.
Added: Friday October 10, 2008 at 08:09 AM EST
voted for our current school board members and will likely vote to
re-elect them in November. Unlike this message board, it was clear at
the last school board meeting at Indian Valley, that the majority of
parents and taxpayers supported the boards negotiating position.
being said, I am pro teacher. Anti-union, but pro teacher. I believe
that great teachers should be compensated appropriately and treated
with the respect that they deserve, but unfortunately, we don't have
515 great teachers.
The collective bargaing process offers great
teachers very little when it comes to getting the compensation they
deserve. It's wonderful for the bottom 20 percent who are just putting
their time in until retirement, they're benefiting "big time" from the
efforts of those great teachers.
This isn't 1975 anymore, and we
shouldn't be intimidated by organized labor. No doubt, our great
teachers are "taking it on the chin" here, but that's their choice.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Friday October 10, 2008 at 04:40 AM EST
Aaron's post - 10/7
your comments on the current situation in the SASD were dead on
correct! No one ever bothers to look under the hood of the car when its
running well. And now that the engine is knocking, people are beginning
to look and listen. Myself included. The next school board meeting is scheduled for October 16th . The agenda will be available on October 15th.
of Home & School Parents planning bingo nights and fall parties, we
need to be a part of the real planning for our childrens' education.
Tell your friends and neighbors - its not the classroom we need to get
into to be involved - ITS THE BOARDROOM!
LTL, Telford
Added: Thursday October 09, 2008 at 07:30 AM EST
Souderton Teacher
'm a business owner so I can assure you that economic conditions (in my
industry) have a direct effect on my salary year to year, unlike
teachers salaries.
So far as Christmas/Holiday bonuses.... are
you kidding me. I suggest that you take a poll of the "blue collar
workers" living in your neighborhood, you would find that very few
receive a bonus at the holidays.
While I agree with you
regarding CEO compensation in some cases, the reality of the situation
is that the reason pension plans have all but disappeared... is because
retiree's are living much longer these days. Not all pension plans can
have access to taxpayer dollars if the fund goes insolvent.
have no doubt that your job has challenges as well as its share of
frustration, but we all do. Teachers have guaranteed annual increases
built into their contracts, pay far less for their medical benefits
than the majority of americans and are pretty much guaranteed a job for
life. Add in the pension and summers off... it's a pretty sweet gig.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Thursday October 09, 2008 at 05:40 AM EST
More stats
to the Penn. Dept. of Ed., residents of the SASD earned 1.3 billion
dollars in income in 2006. This was the adjusted gross income on the
21,580 PA state tax returns filed for 2006 - an average of 61,362
dollars per return. Keep in mind that this is adjusted gross income-
pensions are not taxed in PA, so the actual income for area residents
is higher. According to the US Bureau of Labor, the average weekly
wage for Mont. Co. was 1,176 in 2006, which matches the 61,362 yearly
income almost perfectly. Therefore, it is odd that a teacher, who
probably has or will have a Masters degree, would only be earning about
65,000? Since teachers have more education and credentials than an
average worker, why would they not be paid accordingly?
Valerie N., Lower Salford
Added: Wednesday October 08, 2008 at 09:36 PM EST
Keepin' it real..
want to hear a teacher admit they have a sweet gig? When you say that
you are thinking of a pension and time off in the summer, I bet. Every
job out there can find someone who has something they wish they could
have. I wish I could get a Christmas or Holiday bonus. I wish I didn't
have to pay into Social Security since PA state law prohibits me from
collecting. All of you who will collect it-thank a PA teacher. We
teachers have paid into it for years. I worked through college and two
jobs when I began substitute teaching. I was recently married and I
think that my prohbit my husband ,who is a blue collar guy from
collecting his social security.[Though I won't swear to it].
I am not complaining because I don't want someone out there to tell me
I am whining. I love seeing the light that burns in a child's eye's
when they 'get it'. I loath the phone call that implies that a child
not doing his homework is MY fault. I dislike looking into a teenagers
eyes and having him tell me that his parents pay taxes and he can tell
me to 'F' off and I cannot do anything about it. He is right. I can't.
the system is broken because invariably that child's parents will tell
the Principal I provoked him, and threaten to sue. Then I get in
The grass is always greener in someone else's career.
That is all I am saying. Oh, and by the way, I moved here from another
state and rolled that pension over into an Etrade IRA (it was roll it
or lose it). I lost it anyway. I truly believe that America was
stronger when MOST companies showed loyalty to their workers and paid
them pensions. Too bad those same corporations are more intersted in
paying CEO bonuses.
Souderton Teacher, Souderton School District
Added: Wednesday October 08, 2008 at 07:39 PM EST
Aaron, Aaron, Aaron
couldn't agree more! No one cared when the SASD and SAEA couldn't
settle a contract in June. No one cared about what the school board did
with their tax money. No one even knew what was going on with our
school board. Until... the teachers went on strike. Now we can all see
how this board does not have the public education system in its best
interest. Without the teachers taking a stand, we would still be in the
dark. I will bet that many more residents will pay attention to the
board meetings. Even if they can't attend, they will be watching on T.V. So, Aaron made some great comments in his post. If you haven't read it, go back and check it out!
My eyes are open, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday October 08, 2008 at 06:01 PM EST
Tell us more
Tell us more about the bond issue. Where do we learn about it?
need to equip each other with the necessary tools that will hold this
school board accountable. Each and every SASD resident has something at
LTL, Telford
Added: Wednesday October 08, 2008 at 05:27 PM EST
Bond swap and Keepin' it accurate
The bond swap deal was mentioned in this article:,0,6257984.story?page=1
Keepin' it real: I agree that teachers are caring and professional. I
disagree with your other points. If you examine either proposal in
depth, it is obvious that teachers at both ends of the spectrum DO NOT
receive the same increase. Obviously, a 1000 dollar raise is a larger
percentage of 37,000 than 60,000. Also, there is a misunderstanding
that each teacher receives the same pension. A teacher with 40 years in
the system will have a "better" pension than one with 25 years in. It
also depends where the teacher worked and the age at retirement. You
are also assuming that the pension will be there when some of the young
teachers retire! And to those really vindictive taxpayers: the
teacher retirement system is state-mandated and state-controlled. The
SASB and the SAEA have no control over it and it is not a negotiable
A. R., Franconia
Added: Wednesday October 08, 2008 at 03:21 PM EST
Souderton Teacher and Parent in Waiting
it or not I have been extremely happy with the teachers that I've had
encounters with over the last decade. The majority are dedicated and
caring professionals. My main problem is with unions in general.
may well be one of the teachers who deserves a 6, 7 or even 8 percent
annual salary increase, and why won't you get it??? Because the top ten
percent of teachers will receive the same increase as the bottom ten
percent. The system is horrible... It's not the school board cheating
you, it's the system.
Regarding your pension plan... I realize
that you contribute around 7.5 percent of your annual salary into the
plan, but you will retire comfortably after 25, 30 or 40 years.
once... I would like the teachers to acknowledge, that although they
don't have everything they want, you do have a pretty sweet gig.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Wednesday October 08, 2008 at 12:04 PM EST
bond swap deal?
there anywhere that we can research this deal before the school board
meeting? It would be interesting to have a few answers before the
actual meeting. Can you direct us to any site for info? I'd definately
like to know more about this bond issue. Thanks for mentioning it.
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 09:04 PM EST
Bond swap deal
the taxpayer group attend the next school board meeting and ask for
details about the district's bond swap deal? Will the district reveal
how much taxpayer money they have lost on this deal? Given the recent
turmoil in the financial markets, will they disclose how much of the 17
million is still there?
Olin M, Salford Station
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 07:43 PM EST
Many Clubs Canceled at SAHS-But Here's The One's You Can Do
a student at Souderton High, and there are still some activities. A
student led fall play auditions will be held this thursday and friday.
There is a knitting club held at the library, which although is not
affiliated with the school, is designed by a high school student. Come
and make scarves or an afghan. There's also still a robotics club,
fields of faith, and movement, as far as I'm aware.
SAHS student , Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 06:55 PM EST
To Keepin' It Real
explain to those of us who are following the message board postings,
what exactly it is that you are "keepin' real." Do you enjoy the
continual bashing of teachers? Are you pleased that this school board
underhandedly and with poor timing granted raises to administrators
while the teachers, secretaries and aides continue to work without
contracts? Can you really uphold the percentage increases to the video
technician and the AD?
You can keep it real by actually adding
some constructive coments and facs that will benefit the reading
public, rather than continually trying to tear us apart.
Parent in waiting, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 06:27 PM EST
Basiles effort to ban teacher strikes is misguided and naïve. It is
overly simplistic in its approach to solving labor disputes between
school boards and teacher unions. What she fails to realize is that a
strike by teachers is a reaction to a school boards unwillingness to
negotiate in good faith, and that a strike is a last ditch effort on
the part of a teachers union.
Basile is quick to point out
that there has been an outpouring from support from the community, of
people e-mailing me asking, 'What can I do to help you? What do you
need me to do?' My question is: where were these people in June? Did
the community attend the school board meetings and demand that the
contract be settled quickly and responsibly? No. Did the community
follow the negotiation proceedings in late August and demand that the
board avoid a strike? No. Most people paid little attention to the
absence of a settlement between the SASB and the SAEA because they did
not care about it until they were affected by it personally: the
strike. Basile and her confederates are not really interested in
preserving quality education or retaining highly qualified teachers.
They want to pass a law to ensure that they are not inconvenienced by a
strike in the future.
Basile is quick to proclaim that she is a
taxpayer, and that she pays teacher salaries. She did not profess to be
a voter. Did she vote for the current school board members? If so, is
she willing to admit that by voting for this school board she
contributed to the current situation? I doubt it. There are many people
in this community who are quick to blast the teachers and complain
about tax increases. How many residents are willing to stand up and
say, I regret electing this Board. I admit I have not taken a keen
interest in the way in which the school district is run. I have taken
teachers for granted and have failed to consider how absence of a
contract might affect their careers and their families. We have heard
much about taxpayer rights and teacher responsibilities in this
newspaper. When will we hear about a teachers right to a fair,
competitive salary and the taxpayers (and the Boards) responsibilities
in maintaining the excellent school system that has taken years to
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 03:37 PM EST
To Keepin' it real..
just wanted to clarify the point of my post. The point was that we have
been acting professionally. I wasn't complaining that I didn't get
paid-just pointing out a fact.
As for the Principals' raises, I
wish they had been offered more-they do more for our district than the
head AV/SATV guy and the Athletic Director combined. Of course the
district does give the perk of 50 cents for every dollar an
administrator puts in their 403b retirement fund (Teachers do not get
this addition to their own contribution). That can add up.
Souderton Teacher, SASD
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 09:18 AM EST
Paying for the contract
to me with an 11 million dollar payment for the old high school, and
the 17 million dollars of my tax money sititng in a bank account, the
district can certainly afford to pay the teachers the raise they
deserve plus don't forget our hard working secretaries and teachers
aides who still have no contract!!!
Added: Tuesday October 07, 2008 at 07:03 AM EST
8.2 percent raises
I think that you should "fine tune" your calculator. Looks to me as if
tiers 11-15 will receive an average annual increase close to 5 percent.
find it interesting that the union "pit bulls" among us haven't
questioned the 2.5 percent salary increases that the majority of our
principals received, but are focusing only on two administration
To the teacher who attended back to school night
and wasn't compensated for the two hours of her time... Welcome to
America in the 21st century.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Monday October 06, 2008 at 07:43 PM EST
Sultanik's nonsense
I must say that Mr. Sultanik and his words never cease to amaze me.
This is the man, may I remind the public, that could NOT say how many
hours he has billed the district for at a school board meeting. He has
no answers for himself, but he can sit back and at any given moment
slander and insult the teachers of this district. I personally know a
child who has an IEP this year. It was completed and there was never
any question of the preparation for it or professionalism of the
teacher involved. I wonder how much Mr. S charged the district for
the time in giving his derogatory statements about the teachers? This
board might want to look at why they have this man representing our
district. The idea is to settle this contract in a timely manner
without damaging our community and district further. Are new teachers
going to be applying when they find out that this is how the district
treats their professionals when "negotiationg" with their staff? I
think they should look into hiring someone who will attempt to build
relationships and further the reputation of our community, even during
disagreements, instead of continually looking for ways to tear it down.
Added: Monday October 06, 2008 at 04:52 PM EST
Sultanik's truths???
a Special Education teacher in the Souderton district, I am appalled
that Sultanik would mention that we are not going to do our IEP's. I
can tell the public that the Special Education Teachers of SASD are
going to do our IEP's. We will fit them into the school day and fulfill
our responsibility.
I can say it was a shock to come back from
strike and find that even though I had been responsible and informed my
supervisor [prior to the strike] of any September IEP's that I had
due-no finger was lifted to make sure the DISTRICT fulfilled its legal
responsibility. I came back from strike and had an IEP due in 4 days.
It is completed, although it took a HUGE effort to make it happen in so
short a time frame. Keep in Mind that while I was making sure to
fulfill this responsibility, I was also planning to teach my own class,
planning for the two classes that I co-teach, tracking down and
introducing myself to the 20 kids on my IEP list, setting up a new
grade book program, and reading the district last best (?) offer.
have diligently worked to fulfill my responsibilities. I went to
back-to-school night (unpaid). I have done my work. How dare Sultanik
claim that I am not professional!
Professional Educator, Souderton School District
Added: Sunday October 05, 2008 at 10:10 AM EST
Another Fact
The board gave the Souderton administrators raises before offering non-binding arbitration to the teachers.
asked why it took so long for the board to offer non-binding
arbitration and get our kids back in school. I will tell you exactly
what Mr. Currie proudly announced. We saved $1.25 million on the
strike. Face the facts, they knew their offer was something the
teachers could never accept because it was going backwards. It is for
that reason they were able to cancel the insurance effective 9/1---that
date is the day BEFORE the teachers voted. And, if you think just a
little more, for it to be effective the morning of 9/1, the process
must have been put in place 8/30 or 8/31. The board and Mr. Sultanik
are dishonest, manipulative, insulting, and do not care about our
children or our community. Look at how open they were about getting the
raises passed for the principals.
RJS, Franconia
Added: Saturday October 04, 2008 at 10:02 AM EST
Teachers must hold out
I think the teachers should hold out and keep trying to get their hands on that $17 million. No matter how long it takes.
That's Entertainment
Added: Saturday October 04, 2008 at 05:24 AM EST
Teachers = AD?
think the board should just give the same percentage raise to the
teachers as they did to the athletic director. That is amazing. $13,000
raise??? How can this school board look the public in the eye? How can
they show their faces in public? Our kids and community were torn up
because of this contract situation. The board turns around and give
some people huge raises yet let our kids remain out of school and
tarnish our communities reputation for years to come. I can't wait to
see what an arbitrator says. This entire scenario should never have
taken place. Make a fair offer to the people that work with the kids
and end this once and for all. This school board's legacy will be one
of divisiveness, anger, and embarrassment. That school district near
Allentown went back to school in a day or two when the board offered
non binding arbitration. Why did it take our board nearly 3 weeks to do
the same? Our school board should be issuing a formal apology to every
family and child in this community. They collected the tax revenue to
the tune of 17 million dollar surplus, give huge raises to
administrators to "remain competitive with other districts", just sold
the old high school for another 11 million dollars, yet our teachers
have no contract and our kids are having their education shortchanged.
Please get this done NOW Mr. Currie or resign and let somebody do it
who can! ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Embarrassed in Telford, Telford, PA
Added: Friday October 03, 2008 at 02:35 PM EST
public comment of last best offer
the arbitration process. if you are a resident of the souderton area
school districrt please send a letter to the following addreess. for
your opinion to be considered your letter must include your name and
address and you must be a sasd resident. emails are not considered.
help our teachers get an appropriate contract.....write now - there is
only about one week left for comments to be considered. SAEA Final Best Offer Public Comments c/o Souderton Area School District 760 Lower Road Souderton, PA 18964
blm, souderton, pa
Added: Friday October 03, 2008 at 01:58 PM EST
Betting On "A"
I think the administration is smart enough to realize there's a limited amount of money to go around. The
board will never, nor should it, approve any contracts which will
result in tax increases that might trigger the Act 1 public referendum
requirements. Because the residents would never vote to raise their own
Any group holding out only increases the possibility of finding themselves without a chair when the music stops.
And The Band Plays On
Added: Friday October 03, 2008 at 11:50 AM EST
First Bet
Okay Bankrupt, I'll
say the administrators get their raises BEFORE the teachers and the
board will sneak it in under Act 96 this time. Act 96? Don't you
remember it's purpose? We will before this is all said and done.
Added: Friday October 03, 2008 at 01:33 AM EST
Administrator Salaries
I am thinking about starting a little betting pool here to see when the
administration plans on sneaking in their pay raises to the Board. Do
you think it will be A) before the teachers get a contract or B) after
the teachers get a contract? I figure the money we raise in the betting
pool willl be enough to pay for their raises!
Now, we all need to go to the next Board meeting and demand answers for the following: 1) Why does an athletic director deserve an over $13,000 raise? 2) Why does someone who has not even worked for the District yet desrve an automatic $12,000 raise? 3) Why does a video guy deserve a $12,000 raise? 4) Why does a job that does not even have an employee for it deserve a $3,000 raise 5)
What is the District going to do with the over $266,000 they have
"saved" by "eliminating" or "restructering" three positions?
Bankrupt, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 10:15 PM EST
$12,000 for video man
I guess the video production specialist earned his $12,000 a year raise when he video taped Bernie with that leggy blonde.
the administration deserves a raise, SO THEY DON'T RUN TO OTHER
DISTRICTS. The teachers should be granted the same respect, OR THEY
WILL RUN. Get with the program SASD, honor the teachers, they deserve
what they asked for.
Herb, Salford
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 04:14 PM EST
Same Offer?
read with enjoyment Mr. Sultanik's comment about the union offer being
"the same offer we have seen". After reading over the school board's
final best offer the other day, it too appeared to be the same 2.5
percent they have been offering since the beginning. We are going into
arbitration and they will sort through the issues. Bottom line, Mr. S,
did you encourage the school board to change anything about the "same
offer" the union has been seeing since the beginning? Did you remind
everyone that this district final best offer is one and the same the
union has been seeing from day one? It's interesting you are so hasty
to point out that information to the public about the union offer. But
the good news is that we the public have the ability to read and make
some sense of this ourselves without the highly compensated attorney of
the school board pointing out the obvious. It appears the arbitration
will go ahead and the help and negotiating expertise of Mr. Sultanik
was unnecessary after all. Did the question of his actual hours and
fees ever really get answered? No matter, I feel certain that he will
enjoy his hefty tax-payer refund check on that next cruise though.
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 03:54 PM EST
8.2 percent raises?
how Mr. sultanik was saying how he couldn't believe the teachers were
asking for 8.2aises over four years and that they were willing to
strike over that? And people bought the lie! Well the truth comes out.
It turns out the teachers at the top of the scale would earn about 2.5
year over four years according to the teachers' proposal that Mr.
Sultanik said had not really changed since the start of negotiations.
(Oct. 2 article)
Apparently the man who spoke at the 9/11 school board meeting and
claimed those salaries would rise to over 140,000 dollars and would
double his taxes listened to Mr. sultanik too much. I guess the info.
he referred to was misleading.
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 02:57 PM EST
read the teachers best offer and it seems fair to me. The school board
needs to stop playing games and approve what the teachers want. The price of everything goes up and people will just have to live with the tax increases. There is nothing they can do about it.
Butterfly kid
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 02:08 PM EST
remember what Mr. Currie and Mr. Sultanik announced at the last school
board meeting. The board and the associaiton have agreed to "issue by
issue" arbitration, which means the three arbitrators are free to pick
and choose from both proposals. I think that is a good way to go.
Otherwise, the choice is to pick one or the other in it's entirity.
However, also remember this is non-binding. So, if either side ends up
rejecting we are back at square one.
In other postings, I made
it clear that I favor the teachers' side. I think the school board has
acted irresponsibly and has treated the teachers with contempt. I also
think the school board handled the approval and announcement of the
administrative salaries very poorly. But, I do not begrudge them their
increases. I am willing to bet that our administrative salaries lag
behind what other districts pay.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 12:51 PM EST
School Board Motives?
anyone else see the repeated actions of this school board to be
insulting? The whole argument when the teacher contracts were being
reviewed was the economy, the public salaries, "accountability", etc...
Why are raises for other staff members in this school district being
"awarded" with no regard for "accountability" or even our comments? Yet
they have encouraged slander and insult to the teachers in this
community. I have to ask what is the real motive? I am weary of the
nonsense of this school board and would like to see this contract
settled, void of any more insults and accusations toward our teachers.
I would hope that they are in this "non-binding arbitration" situation
for the right reason. If they were voted in to represent the public in
this contract, they should represent the public in ALL situations.
Really Impressed in SASD
Added: Thursday October 02, 2008 at 05:17 AM EST
Fiscally responsible board?
- A 13,500 dollar (20 percent!) raise for an athletic director? - A 12,000 dollar (23 percent!) raise for a video production specialist? These
raises were approved by the SASB last week, after telling the public
for nine months that teachers should be happy with a 2.5 percent raise. Also,
how can the board justify an 80,000 salary for an athletic director and
a 62,286 salary for a video production specialist when under the
board's offer to the union a teacher with a master's degree, 24
additional credits, and 10 years' experience would earn 62,144 dollars? It's
nice to know that the SASB values an athletic director at twice the
average taxpayer salary, but an experienced master teacher warrants
about 1.5 times the average taxpayer salary.
Olin, Salford
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 09:32 PM EST
wake up
is this community going to rise up and voice disapproval for the
actions of this school board? This school board behaves in a manner
that lacks accountability. How can community members oppose and 4 or 5
thousand dollar increase in salary for a teacher and yet approve a 20
ncrease for an athletic program administrator, well in excess of
$10,000?? Do the math people, examine the increases that were gifted so
smoothly, without question and public flogging to these administrators,
many of whom deliver no actual educational services to our children.
What about their benefits? THEY DO NOT PAY A CENT FOR THEIR
INSURANCE...NOTHING!!! When will their benefit packages be published?
The only thing this school board has shown is their hatred for the
teachers of the Souderton School District. They have treated our
teachers with nothing but total disregard for their education, talents,
and work. Some teachers have already chosen to leave. Who will want to
buy houses in Souderton? There is no other school district in Bucks or
Montgomery County that appears to be guided by people who do not value
public education. Let's get this settled and offer a better than
average contract to our teachers. They deserve it.
Amanda Hugginkiss, Lower Salford
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 08:27 PM EST
Those amazing 8.2aises!
Did you notice how the teachers' salaries (in their proposal) do not increase over 40
Think before you speak
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 07:44 PM EST
Now The Fun Begins
three person arbitration panel can now review both proposals. What, if
any, impact public comments will affect their decision remains to be
seen. It seems that public comments really should not matter. An
elected school board supposedly represents the public anyway. If the
School Board proposal is unfair in your mind then it is imperative to
let the Board know that in no uncertain terms. This is especially true
if the arbitrators choose the Board's proposals because then you will
have over 400 very unhappy teachers who undoubtedly will have their
attitudes negatively affected and it just may show up in the classroom
regardless of what they may say to the contrary.
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 07:42 PM EST
Comment. I guess you must be supporting the school board and they are,
as you already know, much more qualified for the job you describe. Good
luck with that!
Really Impressed in SASD
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 05:00 PM EST
Unions Final Best Offer
Hey SAEA, You can't polish a turd.
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 04:05 PM EST
Hey Keepin' It Real
I can't believe the SASB let those principal salary increases slip through. That's about as real as it gets.
LL, Telford
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 03:44 PM EST
What is the problem?
The SASB keeps repeating that they do not want to grant the teachers a salary increase because it will raises taxes.
that same SB had no issue in quietly granting salary increases to their
Act 93 employees. Rather nice increases for people who are not even in
the classroom! That's a problem!
Stand firm teachers! They've got the money. Make them spend it on YOU!
Teacher friend, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 03:43 PM EST
Hey Keepin it Real
you read the part where an Athletic Director got a $13,000 raise?
Teacher hating is fun isn't it? It is fine to hate the people who teach
our kids as long as we can field a competitive team. Thank you from the
rest of us for "keepin it real" with the taxpayers of our community.
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday October 01, 2008 at 11:05 AM EST
Hey Bill
reviewing your "wish list", I didn't notice a per diem for saying "good
morning" to the students. I can't believe that the PSEA let that slip
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Tuesday September 30, 2008 at 05:19 AM EST
What is the problem
TEACHERS STILL DON'T HAVE A CONTRACT!!!!! I don't get why the long
conversations about principals??? Of course they are going to get nice
raises. The teachers got squat!!! Why don't you spend some keeping
pressure on that school board to accept the arbitration and less time
attacking one another. Remember, this will all be over some day. What
is going to happen to your wonderful community then???
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Monday September 29, 2008 at 09:01 PM EST
Salary Increases
"Compensation plan for the principals has absolutely nothing to do with the teachers contract".
comment, but mostly just more naive thinking. Money is money.
Especially when its all being generated from the same source = the
It is that same line of thinking that spewed out the
comment "the budget surplus is for roof and asphalt projects." Money is
still money!
Face the facts - Souderton School District has
money. They are just selective as to how and where to spend it.
Meanwhile, those of us who do not believe its a separate issue will be
waiiting five days for the reveal.
Still Angry and already paid my taxes, Souderton
Added: Monday September 29, 2008 at 06:00 PM EST
Response to -Addendum gives salary increases
Angry Taxpayer, Your
opinion aside, the compensation plan for the principals has absolutely
nothing to do with the teachers contract, it is a seperate issue.
I would suggest that you read up on Act 93.
Added: Monday September 29, 2008 at 04:08 PM EST
Addendum gives salary increases
Comment and clarify in every which way you please.
SALARY INCREASES TO ACT 93 EMPLOYEES! Obviously, the SASB has a total
disregard for the other school district employees. They should be
ashamed of themselves. Even if the compensation plan had been publicly
posted and the public had a chance to comment, TIMING WAS STILL WRONG!
may possess knowledge on school board policies and practices, but is
totally void of what qualifies as appropriate professional behavior.
Angry Taxpayer, Souderton
Added: Monday September 29, 2008 at 12:31 PM EST
Response to - Addemdum Order
Alanis, There
are two public comment periods at a meeting. The first occurs prior to
the board taking action on agenda items. The second occurs at the end
of the meeting for new or unfinished business.
There were two
addendums to the agenda. The first one was provided with the agenda and
other paperwork when you entered the meeting. That addendum included
among other things, the ACT 93 Compensation Plan. So that addendum was available to the public prior to the first comment period on agenda items.
second addendum concerned the boards final best offer. That was handed
out later in the meeting and the board allowed a public comment period
prior to taking action on it.
Had you attended the meeting, you would know this. And that goes to the heart of the problem.
the whiners complain about what they perceive to be improper actions on
the part of the board. But they're not motivated enough to actually
attend the meetings. Many of them aren't as truly concerned about the
education system as they profess. They are just looking for something
to piss and moan about in hopes of turning public opinion against the
board in regard to the teachers contract.
You could run with
your idea of posting on this forum the agenda items that you dont
understand, and hope that someone else will do the work for you. Or you
could attend the meetings yourself and that way youll know what youre
talking about.
By the way, Section 1164 of the school code
(aka ACT 93) was adopted in the mid 80's, not 1949. So it's not really
all that "ancient".
Added: Sunday September 28, 2008 at 09:29 PM EST
Addendum Order
comments or anyone's comments would have been pointless as the ACT 93
and the new administrator approval occurred under Roman Numeral 7
(VII). The public comment session isn't until the very end (XIII). So,
even if I wanted to say something, it wouldn't have mattered.
see, what is going on with the teachers is public knowledge because one
person has a vendetta. He will do whatever it takes to paint the
teachers in his own picture. That is why the public has had a chance to
speak up about the teachers. How long has ACT 93 been part of the
districts agenda? 2 Days? Of course no one is going to say anything
because no one put information out about it, like they did for the
teachers. People have had 9 months to hear about the teachers. We
didn't hear about ACT 93 until after the fact. I'm sure, if the school
board stated that ACT 93 was about raises for administrators, someone
would have definitely said something. I'm supposed to go to a school
board meeting to inquire about ACT 93.
Tell you what, next
time something comes up on the board's agenda and I'm not sure what it
is, I'll post it on here and you can tell me what it is. Then, when I
find out that it is something underhanded, I'll go to the school board
and voice my concerns after its already been approved. Thanks for
bringing me to my sense.
Now don't get me wrong, the
principals are part of the school and they are not a part of this
charade. I just think this board is misusing its executive powers to do
whatever they (he) want(s).
Added: Sunday September 28, 2008 at 07:11 PM EST
Isn't it Ironic?
have written words of truth. Thank You. Does the Souderton School Board
really think the public is so naive to swallow their "jagged little
Still Outraged, Souderton
Added: Sunday September 28, 2008 at 05:27 PM EST
Response to- Silly Sally
Alanis wrote: "Sally,
there is no sense in continuing your useless banter because it is clear
as day that you have insider information about this School Board. Every
bit of information you give makes me go "how would he/she/it know that?"
Well Alanis, you could try attending the PUBLIC meetings. You'll get to hear what you call "insider Info."
Why didn't you express your concerns during the public comment period of the board meeting?
Added: Sunday September 28, 2008 at 01:49 PM EST
Silly Sally
have a problem with it too. What I would like to know is why everyone
else's salaries are made public, even those of the supplemental
contracts? However, when it comes to the principal's salaries, it falls
under ACT 93. I know that it is an ancient, adopted in 1949. The thing
that bothers me the most is that it was placed at the very end and
under an abbreviated name "Compensation Plan." I find it convenient
that the Board omitted the rest of the ACT's title - "for School
Administrators." It was only after the board meeting that it was known
about the principal salaries. Had the Addendum stated "ACT 93 -
Compensation Plan for School Administrators," I'm sure it would have
raise eyebrows. I'm sure if the teacher's "compensation plan" fell
under ACT 74, it would have been noticed by the public either.
irony about this last School Board Meeting. A new administrator, having
graduated in 2003 and with an "anticipated" 2009 Master's Degree, will
be making a salary of $80,074. It will be pro-rated due to just being
So Sally, its okay for the school board to okay $80,000
to someone who has had his/her Bachelor's for 5 years without even
completing their Master's Degree. Yet, a newly hired teacher with a
Master's Degree plus 24 credits starts out at $46,777 (according to the
Board's Final Best Offer). Even with that teacher given 5 years with
the Master's plus 24 would only make $53,113. But this administrator
can come in and make the salary that would take the same teacher 15
years to make.
Sally, there is no sense in continuing your
useless banter because it is clear as day that you have insider
information about this School Board. Every bit of information you give
makes me go "how would he/she/it know that?"
Alanis Morissette, Isn't It Ironic?
Added: Saturday September 27, 2008 at 01:01 PM EST
Principals Salaries
Still Outraged, Souderton-
YOU have a problem with the way it was handled, then why didn't YOU
speak up at the meeting when YOU had the opportunity to comment?
Added: Saturday September 27, 2008 at 09:25 AM EST
Can't wait to see new salaries
am very curious to see what our incredible open district approved for
administrative / principal salaries - will it be the same 2.5 percent
they say they are offering the teachers? When will their health care be
posted in the Reporter? Are they being asked to make much greater
contributions for less coverage? Why won't they simply give the
information out?? So much for "public information"
Curious Taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday September 27, 2008 at 08:21 AM EST
Hey Silly - are you really LT in disguise?
comment was made on the salary increases because most taxpayers were
not even aware that the proposed increases were part of the agenda to
the Thursday night meeting! Could it be that the SASB were once again,
quietly managing our money without our input?
Waiting until
the last minute to put such a senstitive issue on an addendum, that no
one would see unless they were in attendance at the meeting, is
downright SLY!
Tell me Silly, can you really uphold salary
increases to principals when such an unsteady environment currently
exists within the SASD ? Our teachers are working under non-binding
arbitration and two other integral support personnel associations are
also working without contracts. C'mon think about it? Timing couldn't
have been more wrong!
administrator increases should be showing up there soon, along with new
elementary boundary lines and all that new furniture for the Taj Mahal!
Who knows - maybe even the sale of the old place will be determined by
the slam of the gavel on a last minute addendum item!
Still Outraged, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 27, 2008 at 11:43 PM EST
To - Still Outraged
public was given an opportunity to comment on the addendum items prior
to the board taking action. And as I recall, no one spoke up. So you
must have been ok with it at the time.
Added: Saturday September 27, 2008 at 11:26 PM EST
Why the 5 day delay on releasing pay
did they wait until the day after they approved Act 93 pay increases to
post the addendum on their website? I checked for it on Thursday and on
Friday for the addendum. Why did they post it late Friday and after it
was approved by the Board. I guess they didn't want our input? Did they
violate the publics trust? (Maybe a law or two) I also wonder why they
will not release the pay for Principals for 5 days (Act 93 employees).
Could it be that the Non-binding final best offer has 10 days for the
public to make comments??? This School Board does what it wants and it
does not care about my Kids or the teachers. This should be a lesson on
how not to run a School District!!!
JD, Harleysville Pa
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 10:09 PM EST
Reply to Silly
sarcasm was obviously lost on you. Of course the addendum is on the
website today, after the fact. I just thought the timing of a last
minute addendum including salary increases, reinforces the reckless
decision making by the school board. Had this item originally appeared
on the agenda that posted Wednesday, the public might have actually
been given the opportunity to comment on the salary increases of Act 93
personnel. If you're okay with their timing - you are indeed Silly.
Another blantant disregard for the SASD teachers.
Still Outraged, Souderton
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 08:24 PM EST
Principal Salaries
Regarding an eariler question. The
board taking action on principal salaries was on an addendum to the
consent agenda, and it was posted on the district web site with the
meeting agenda. It's probably still posted so take a look.
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 07:15 PM EST
point was that if are a single parent raising three children, as some
teachers are, you could qualify for FREE lunches. Also, if you are a
male teacher and want to provide a home for your family and you want
your wife to stay home, you could qualify as well.
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 05:09 PM EST
Teacher Strike Meeting
gb, According
to the flyer-"This town hall meeting will provide Souderton Area
parents and taxpayers with a status update and comprehensive
information on the Strike-Free Education Act."
So if you're going to "hear the other side" as you say, I don't understand what your issue is. Of
course if your interest is in opening a "dialog", you can always
reserve a room and invite only those who wish to hear you talk. The
library also has a small conference room availible, and perhaps a
cubicle. It's a free country.
Get A Life
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 03:58 PM EST
Optimism Squashed Again!
a group of fools would grant salary increases to their Principals and
still not have contracts in place for the rest of their staff! Was this
listed on Wednesdays' public posted school board agenda? How does this
What is going on in the Souderton School District?
Still Outraged, Souderton
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 12:46 PM EST
Teacher Strike Meeting Banning folks?
read the flyer for the town hall meeting on Monday, Oct 13th at the
Indian Valley Public Library. Across the bottom of the flyer is says
that if you support teachers' right to strike you are not welcome at
the meeting. First of all, if this is a public meeting in a public
place, they do not have the right to bar anyone from attending. Second,
what if you support the right to strike but are willing to hear the
other side? I think that sentence on the flyer says it all,
folks--these people are not interested in a dialog, and they don't want
anyone who disagrees to attend their public meeting.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 08:46 AM EST
Be fair to everyone!
have lived in the SASD for >20 years. Both of our children have
graduated from the SAHS. The tax base here is largely from Home owners,
not industry. Alot of the longer term residents are not high income
Our teachers deserve to be paid fairly and no one
is denying they are doing a good job. I have the utmost respect for the
teachers here.
We all have to be practical though. Due to our
wonderful econmy of oour times, our household income has been lowered
by nearly 1/3 over the opast ten years. I myself have only received 1
pay increase in the last three years and that was only 3í
3n three years is not even CLOSE to cost of living increases but I
continue to work and do the best I can. Our home taxes are higher than
most of Montgomery Cnty as compared to the property values.
Please consideer everyone in this and negotiate in good faith on both sides of the issues.
Thank you!
Bob Reed, Telford, PA
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 07:28 AM EST
a comment to cb re: poverty
compare apples to apples. $39K is for a FAMILY of FOUR. So a teacher
making $37K doesn't mean they are in poverty. They may not have a
children, and may also have a spouse with an income.
km, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 26, 2008 at 07:26 AM EST
To cb - Poverty
believe the $39,000 for "free lunches" means "total" family income not
just from one single person in the family!!! If you are a "single wage
earner" then great - get the free lunches, but MOST teachers have two
incomes coming in and you CERTAINLY do not qualify for POVERTY! You
crack me up. Do you honestly think people are going to feel sorry for
Even more disgusted now!, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 25, 2008 at 12:42 PM EST
of the many papers that came home in my child's backpack was an
application for free lunches. I thought it was very interesting that
you could make $39,000 with a family of foUr and qualify for FREE
lunches! First year teachers only make $37,000. That's poverty level
people! Wake UP!!!!
Added: Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 07:00 PM EST
make them fulfill their responsibiities
spirit of our community has been torn apart by the actions of a few
elected leaders that resulted in the recent school strike. The children
of our school district are left wondering if education is really valued
or important. One role of a community is to facilitate the growth of
its young people, educating them to become citizens who will contribute
to the future growth, security, and prosperity of the area. After
observing the actions of our public school leadership, I must ask
myself if they have acted in the best interest of the public. Or have
they acted in a manner that is self-serving? I am perplexed by
leadership of any public school system resting in the hands of a board
that is not committed to providing the very best schools a community
can provide. What would motivate private school elitists to make
decisions that influence the day to day workings of the public schools?
Is the Souderton Area School District being driven by men who lack
personal faith in public education? It is time to initiate healing and
repair the damage.Not all members of our school board agree with what
has transpired regarding the lack of genuine negotiations. The school
board needs to commence true leadership and heal this fractured
community. The money is available to provide a contract that will
fairly compensate quality teachers. Please donÕt waste it on flashy
furniture and plants (no kidding). The fanciest furnishings and shower
facilities will not educate our kids. Think about what really matters,
pay our teachers a fair wage. They certainly arenÕt getting rich, just
trying to live a middle class existence. They shop in our stores, pay
taxes, contribute to our churches, volunteer at little league. Quit
treating them like criminals. Maybe then we can respect the school
board as well.
Betsy McC, franconia
Added: Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 08:30 AM EST
Time Well Spent
Anything that takes us closer to BANNINIG ALL LABOR UNIONS is time well spent for me!
I understand that HB 1369 is not intended to ban teacher's unions all
together, however the place and time for labor unions has come and
gone! Their stongarm (and often illegal) tactics are no longer welcome
in this world, and they are killing the future of this state and our
Fed up with it!
Added: Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 07:55 AM EST
State-wide teachers health care plan?
A state-wide teachers health care plan would remove that burden from school board during negotiations. But
if the goal is surrendering responsibilty in order to make things
easier, why not just let the state negotiate a state-wide teachers
contract. And while we're at it, hang a target on the taxpayers.
One need only look at the state-wide teachers retirement plan (PSERS) to see how screwed we would be. The
retirement fund lost money do to Eron-type investments, the legislature
increased benefits by 25À now taxpayers are told that the plan is
projected to be under-funded and we must pay more to make up for it.
Yep. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Added: Tuesday September 23, 2008 at 05:29 PM EST
Do not waste your time
"Stop Teacher Strikes Town Hall Meeting" is a waste of time for
Souderton taxpayers. A law banning teacher strikes would do nothing to
solve the difficulties involved in contract negotiations between a
school board and teachers. Remember, a strike is a symptom of a problem
- not the problem itself. HB 1369 is misguided and naive. It's like
passing a law banning hunger in order to avoid starvation, rather than
finding a solution to feeding hungry people. If you really want to
make a difference, write your state representative and ask him to
support HB 1277. That would create a state-wide healthcare system for
teachers and remove healthcare issues from local contract negotiations.
There would be wrangling over level of benefits or copays. By the
way, a law banning teacher strikes would not affect the current
situation in Souderton. A law may not work retroactively... so why
waste your time?
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Tuesday September 23, 2008 at 12:00 PM EST
Stop Teach Strikes Town Hall Meeting
Souderton Area residents to Host Issues & Answers Town Hall Meeting on STRIKE-FREE Education Act WHAT:
Featuring special guest speaker President Simon
Campbell. This town hall meeting will provide Souderton Area parents
and taxpayers with a status update and comprehensive information on the
STRIKE-FREE Education Act (House Bill 1369). DATE: Monday, Octpber 13, 2008 TIME: 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Indian Valley Public Library 100 East Church Avenve Telford , PA 18969, PA
Added: Tuesday September 23, 2008 at 04:41 AM EST
Response to Tom L.
are right on the money - our money by the way! Our money that is being
hoarded aside to make the high paid business manager ($117,800) appear
fiscally responsible! Capital improvements and pretty furniture do not
a school district make. Let the smoke continue to clear.
Put the taxpayers money into the students, the teachers and its staff.
Watching my wallet, Telford
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 06:52 PM EST
Reading into things LT
post only stated that it would be a bold move for them to walk during
the test taking time of PSSA's. I never said anything else. While we
are focusing on the topic, who teaches the students what they need to
know to reach AYP??? Would it be the local baker? maybe the gas station
attendant?? I know!!! It's LT!!!!! Who do you think helps these
students become proficient???
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 06:37 PM EST
Brenda Bray
from Article in Monday's paper - "a lump sum of money should not be
used to fund recurring expenses such as salaries and benefits. A lump
sum is better used to fund one-time expenses such as roof and asphalt
repair or replacement," Bray stated. So, in the district's
perspective, a roof and / or asphalt are more important than the
teachers that educate our children? What in the world kind of logic is
this? How much money does this woman make to make fine insights like
this one??? I want my kids to have a quality education. They only have
so many years in school before they are thrust into adulthood. I want
them prepared for life, and I don't care about her stupid roofs or
parking lots! What an insane school district. How did these people EVER
get into a position where they are running our once proud district.
Every day this becomes MORE of an embarrassment. Please keep your
comments to yourself, Brenda Bray Director of Business Affairs, and let
the high priced PR firm you are paying speak for you! Enough of this.
Tom L, Souderton, PA
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 03:37 PM EST
Invitation to a Town Hall Meeting
would like to extend an invitation to anyone who is opposed to school
stricks. October 13th @ 7p.m. at the Indian Valley Library. Lets help
Pennsylvania become the 38th state to outlaw school strikes!
Marianne, Souderton
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 02:55 PM EST
Dear LT,
bashing teachers on an anonymous website is a sure sign of hating
teachers. Please answer the question presented before you. No more
stalling. The fine people on this board are awaiting your response. Why
do you hate teachers? Please, tell us what happened to you as a child
so we can help you through your bitterness and hatred. It's not
healthy. Let the healing begin, LT.
still waiting for someone to hug LT
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 01:38 PM EST
on, LT. This contract dispute is a two-way street. You don't want to
give our dedicated teachers more money than is in their contracts? Then
don't expect them to provide services that are NOT in the contract.
After all, up to now, they've provided them for FREE. Helping children
before/after school, clubs like Just Say No, after school events (Lip
Sync, etc.) are all things teachers do FOR KIDS with no pay. You can't
really have it both ways, now LT, can you??? You want to stick to the
pay that's in the contract, then expect our teachers to back off on
services and stick to the duties in that contract. That's what I would
do, if I was a teacher. Can you blame them?
Try to see the forest for the trees
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 04:44 AM EST
Cautiously Optimistic
is not over. A hurdle was made, but more work lies ahead. At the 9/11
Board Meeting many comments were made, asking to begin this process
sooner rather than later. At least it has begun. The students are back
in school and most extra activities will also resume. I think this
shows good faith on the part of our teachers. I remain convinced that
they never had the support or cooperation of our School Board, hence
their strike.
LT, you must have been on vacation last week -
only to return lugging a suitcase full of bitterness and resentment ...
why do you continue to degrade our educators?!
I for one, will
be watching for the School Board Agenda to be released on Wednesday.
Eventually, that proposed furniture along with the administrator
increases will appear there.
The SASD Teachers deserve a fair contract.
Souderton Proud, Souderton
Added: Monday September 22, 2008 at 11:34 PM EST
To Mary
Are you claiming that teachers are responsible for the PSSA results?
Added: Sunday September 21, 2008 at 10:33 PM EST
Response to -Dear LT
Quoting the SAEA president is a sign of hating teachers? Interesting
Added: Sunday September 21, 2008 at 07:28 PM EST
Working to the contract
people bashed the teachers throughout this ordeal. I think they should
go back to work and stay within the contract guidelines. This way, the
public gets a real good idea of what this teachers do above and beyond
their official job title. Now that everyone's kids are in school, the
comments have stopped. The public could care less now. If the teachers
show you all what contractual work looks like, maybe next time their
contract is up, you'll remember how "extra" they really do on their own
time. Just now it has become expected of them. Don't forget that when
the board doesn't approve the contract, they can strike again. I do
believe there is a really important test in the spring. Anyone know
what that is????? That's right!! PSSA!!! Say it again! PSSA!! You all
better hope there is a contract before then. If not, they should walk
then. See how much they are needed then. You all need to stop and
realize this is NOT over.
Mary, Missing my entertainment
Added: Sunday September 21, 2008 at 06:56 PM EST
Dear LT,
do you hate teachers so much? Please explain. Refrain from using the
words "greedy" and "selfish" or synonyms of "greedy" and "selfish". Do
not include quotes from others in your response. Support your response
with facts not speculation.
Wishes someone would give LT a hug already
Added: Sunday September 21, 2008 at 06:24 PM EST
Response to- Dear 'still reading"
You wrote: "Meanwhile,
our children's teachers will still be putting in way beyond that 7.5
hour day, running clubs and sports, tutoring kids, planning curriculum"
Yea, right. Statements below made by Lukridge and appeared in the 9/19/08 Intelligencer-
Bill Lukridge, president of the teachers union, said not to expect
teachers to perform any volunteer work after they return. Teachers
are going back, but we are still very disappointed we do not have a
contract. There are things that we are not contracted to do, and won't
do them. We will work to the letter of the contract."
But as
for any after school help for students who have gotten behind, Lukridge
said sternly the teachers will be providing no after-school help.
Added: Sunday September 21, 2008 at 03:44 PM EST
Dear "still reading"
it's the fact that all of our kids are back in school and we, the
PARENTS, are forgetting that there's still a battle going on. We can't
let the fact that they're back to "business as normal" mean we forget
that they're still depending on our support and for us to contact the
board, especially as this arbitration process moves along. Funny how we
all care (one way or the other) until kids are back in school and OUR
lives return to normal! Meanwhile, our children's teachers will still
be putting in way beyond that 7.5 hour day, running clubs and sports,
tutoring kids, planning curriculum, SEEING OUR CHILDREN SOMETIMES FOR
Will we let them down? I hope not!
time to prioritize, with our children's future at the top of the list
Added: Sunday September 21, 2008 at 12:53 PM EST
all quiet on the strike front....
you think it is funny that now that those greedy teachers have released
their hostages and are back in the classroom where they belong that the
comments have stopped The public got what they wanted, so I guess
everything is okay?
still reading
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 08:33 PM EST
Character counts
it does, even on an anonymous message board. There is no reason to
ridicule a grandmother who is worried about her grandson. Someone may
not express themselves elegantly but they have a right to say what they
need to say. It is a shame that there may be a young man who has not
progressed academically. I don't know what the specific issues are but
I have a special needs son too. My son has benefited greatly from the
Souderton teachers. They are patient and have helped him so much. He is
not at the same academic level as his peers, but he continues to
progress and he loves school. So, please, disagree with grandmother if
you wish to but don't mock--it's cruel and bullying. Ma'am, I hope your
grandson does well.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 08:31 PM EST
D-R-B Dumber!
you really calling the teachers terrorists and the students hostages???
What kind of sick world do you live in? You are comparing teachers and
students to a horrible thing that happened 7 years ago. Really, you are
a loser. As someone else mentioned, the teachers shirts were ordered
long ago and the plan to greet the students was in place long ago. The
plan was created by Sam Varano... the principal of SAHS. Oh, by the way, the teachers deserve a fair contract!
Proud to be SASD, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 07:57 PM EST
The Facts...
was not a photo-op for the teachers this morning in front of the High
School. That ceremony was planned long before the teachers decided to
go on strike to celebrate the last year that students will occupy that
building. So please let's stop the negative comments for now. The
students are back in the classroom and that is what we should all be
focusing on now. Thank you!
Stating, The Facts, PA
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 02:16 PM EST
$17 million dollars worth of furniture....
I hope its all gold plated!!! Is it all being custom made in France????
I heard, all the current furniture in the old high school was being
moved by the teachers this summer.....oh cheap labor Mr
Currie.......are you gonna help???? or just sit on your duppa and wait
for the Hill School to ask for another donation?
angry txpyer, Souderton
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 02:08 PM EST
Hey Grandmadirt
were you when your grandson was learning his ABC's??? or learning to
count??? takes a lifestome to learn that starts with PARENTS at home...
shame shame wonder you are go pluk your chinney chin chin hairs....
a real mother, Franconia
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 01:59 PM EST
people obviously are outta work and jealous of teachers.....What
happened?? too many times in rehab make ya lose yer job...D-R-B...
Get a clue....and maybe look in the classifieds....I hear the kettles need a cleaner upper
SAD, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 12:15 PM EST
Over 587 Comments, but who else realizes that This Strike is Not Over Yet?
is kidding who? This strike is not over. This is a Union Trick to get
you on the teachers side. Oh how nice that the teachers are back and
really care about our kids, right. They still have several days left to
strike, and believe me they will. This will mean more interruption to
our kids schooling. Board, stick to your guns and dont give in.
K, Franconia
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 10:07 AM EST
d-r-b are
you a communist...what the teachers did today was a CLASS ACT....that
was planned long before the strike ever occurred...In case you did not
know, this is the last class that will start the year at the high
school...It has nothing to do at all with the union, the strike or a
show of solidarity... I applaud the school and the school administration for such an effort...
Nice job teachers
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 09:41 AM EST
have not supported the teachers cause at all, but I must say that it's
minds like yours that create the need for everyone to remain anonymous.
There really should be sort of a "Megan's Law" for nit-wit's, so that the public knows who and where you are.
Nice job this morning teachers!!
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Friday September 19, 2008 at 08:38 AM EST
Bizarre Photo
bad enough the union disrupted the education of the students in order
to advance its agenda. And they continue to use the students, this time
for a photo op.
Teachers dressed in the same red used signify
solidarity in denying education to our children, now line the walkway
into the building. Forcing students to walk a sort of perverse Gauntlet
O Applause in order to go to school.
Its seems to me a little like terrorists clapping for the hostages theyve just released.
Have they no shame?
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 10:35 PM EST
What is Real
don't think that Bernie was being stubborn at all, and I agree with you
that he knows the number will likely be somewhere between 3.5-5 percent
annually. In my opinion the PSEA was driving the bus on behalf of the
local union and didn't want them to budge.
I'm sure they'll get
something worked out so far as medical benefits are concerned, and I'll
bet that if the teachers come back with a reasonable final proposal,
(around 5a deal will get done and we can all move on.
I'm not
sure why Bernie is the "bad guy" here. The board started at 2 percent,
increased it to 2.5 percent, and the union never moved from 8 percent.
If you're idea of negotiating is just handing the union everthing they
ask for, then I'm glad that you're not on the negotiating team.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 09:11 PM EST
keepin it real
is no way the district was going to agree to arbitration before this
week becuase their offer is not realistic. The teachers have a case
whether you want to believe it or not. Remember what is taken into
consideration and most of the facts (to be considered) seem to be on
their side. Bernie is smart enough to know 2.5 would never get it done,
but he is too proud to admit it at the table. He put a number surpassed
by Bristol then the Lehigh Valley that was not even in the realm of
possibility all in the name of "accountability". This is why this
community finds itself in the position it is in. Now an arbitrator has
to do what the school board was incapable or too stuborn to do.
What is real, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:20 PM EST
school board has too much to lose at non-binding arbitration. There is
no way that outsiders aren't going to give the teachers more that what
the board was offering. It is beneficial for the teachers to go this
route. If the school board had offered this earlier, the union would
have jumped at the chance. Once that's started, they can get back in
their classrooms and then the REAL negotiating can start.
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:33 PM EST
Hey Coward
You might want to consider changing your name to "foolish coward", it would be more appropriate.
I support our school board and believe that they would have agreed to
non-binding arbitration from the beginning, eliminating most of this
non-sense. I'd like to say "welcome back" to our teachers, my children
can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:32 PM EST
Enough of the drama!
Down! We were all told in the beginning that whenever school was
starting, we would be notified by 8pm the night before. Like it or not,
we all knew it could be a last minute change.
As for the
question why did the teachers wait until the 11th hour? They went in to
every session, with their entire team prepared, hoping optimistically
that they would be treated fairly and the board would compromise. Look
at the info...they were backed into the position where they were
essentially bargaining w/ themselves because the board wouldn't give
medical until a salary was named. Whatever teachers were going to make
up in salary was going to be spent on medical insurance. Finally, at an
impasse, it goes to nonbinding arbitration.
Maybe now someone
objective (ie: without an ulterior motive and a large ego, Currie) will
weigh the options and start treating our teachers repectfully. They
care for our children day in and day out, after all!
Looking forward to an empty house, and lots of learning going on!
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 06:43 PM EST
idiocy knows no bounds. do you really believe everything that is posted
here, or that people's signatures reflect who they really are? BTW, I
am a gorgeous blonde looking for a coward to spend my friday nights
with. Maybe you could show me how to bite open beer bottles with the
three teeth you have remaining and then we could watch some Springer.
Georgie Dubya Bush, PA Ave, DC
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 06:03 PM EST
Arbitration Clarification
order to enter into non-binding (or binding) arbitration two sides have
to agree UNLESS teachers are ordered back from a strike THEN it is
mandatory. The mandatory non-binding arbitration would have been
instituted beginning the 24th. I
t wasn't until two failed
bargaining sessions last Friday and Monday that the SASB began
realizing their offer would not be accepted. The solicitor for the
school board called union leadership and agreed to enter arbitration
early IF the teachers would come back early. I realize that he and his
PR firm probably spun that a little bit differently (I am a teacher who
doesn't have a degree in PR) If you are unhappy about how long it took
to get here-call your school board. They were aware that if the parties
couldn't get a settlement this was the next step. I also believe they
knew the union would be amenable to the idea. I would also point out
that if the teaching contract is extended to the number of days the
district propses they have just reached the number where they would no
longer save money. (We are past that if you look at keeping the days
worked a year the same)
I look forward to the process of
arbitration. I feel it will give a fair and balanced look at the
situation. I also look forward to being in my classroom tomorrow and am
glad things are moving to the next step.
Another Teacher, Souderton School District
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 05:51 PM EST
teachers are returning because the board FINALLY agreed to non-binding
arbitration. But as predicted, they will turn this around to make
themselves look good. The teachers are gaining nothing by going back to
school early, they still don't have a contract. Theya re hoping that
the community will see that they are bargaining in good faith and
trying to get the school year started as quickly as the BOARD would
allow. This way, thay could save three days of vacation time for the
kids. Make no mistake, the teachers will do their very best to return
to normalcy, but they still are working without a contract!
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 05:35 PM EST
Get back to work
teachers do not understand what the average family income is, and they
are demanding more money. They are a joke! They need to get back to
work and stop complaining.They need to start caring about what is
really important and that is the students!
Jarett Bown, Hatfield, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 05:24 PM EST
Both sides had to agree
sides had to agree on it and the district just brought it to the table
as a means to get the kids back in school and the teachers
overwhelmingly agreed
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 05:18 PM EST
Thank You Teachers
is not sarcasm. The next step was always going to be non binding
arbitration. The teachers were not obligated to go back before next
week. I think it is a great gesture on their part--they want to teach,
the kids want to go to school!! Now let's just keep pressure on the
school board to be realistic and BARGAIN.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 05:02 PM EST
about time ! Now that the students finally are going back, may the
community begin to heal. At least until we debate which teams best
offer is the best.
Micahel, Harlesyville
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 04:56 PM EST
To A Teacher in Souderton
Quote from A Teacher in Souderton "there is NO WAY that will actually happen"
you have no idea what you're talking about. I just received a phone
call from my friend Charlie Amuso that school begins promptly tomorrow
at 7 AM. You might want to set your alarm "Teacher."
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 03:49 PM EST
Unfortunately, that is the news we get
the headline on the Reporter site. Check the message from SASD. Why
would you rile everyone up by stating that you will return tomorrow if,
in fact, you are intending to return on Monday. Why wouldn't that be
added to the message? Here is a headline for you in case it is
impossible to be straight-forward with the people that are footing the
bill here.
"Teachers may return to school tomorrow. Students would be back in class on Monday"
Is it that freaking hard?
someone also explain to me why... after 2 weeks, the teachers are
deciding to throw in the towel 3 days before the deadline? Is there
some benefit to doing it this way? Or, did the union leadership really
just want to screw up everyone's life for a week and a half. Then, at
the 11th hour say... nevermind, let's do arbitration. Please enlighten
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 03:20 PM EST
Supportive (Drama Queen) Parent
as if you might be the one not sleeping at night... When this is all
over, we can all meet at the high school, hold hands, and sing "God
Bless America" together. Do you think that will help to "mend" our
Go Phillies!!!, Telford PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 03:18 PM EST
So, the main argument that the Union has been using to justify their
strike, was somthing that they actually brought on themselves?
Ha ha ha! I guess I shouldn't be too surprised!
Amazed and Confused, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 02:32 PM EST
Be nice
the kids do go back to school tomorrow, PLEASE talk to them tonight
about being nice to their teachers. There has been a lot of hostility
these past two and a half weeks. I heard that there were some pretty
nasty things done to the teachers as they picketed. Now that the school
year is about to start, please let your children know that they need to
respect their teachers, no matter what the last couple of weeks have
been like. It's a new school year. I am highly doubtful any teachers
will arrive at work tomorrow with a negative attitude. In fact, with
the teachers that I've spoken to, they want to go back just as much as
the rest of us want the kids back.
Almost relieved, Harleysville
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 02:05 PM EST
check for yourself
have been many comments about the school district losing teachers due
to the low starting salary and the lifetime earning potential. This is
very true. Take a look at teachers hired during the summer. You will
notice that some teachers were hired for particular postions and then
you will notice that a different teacher was hired for that same
postition later on. That is before even starting here, teachers are
leaving. Look at how many teachers were hired in late August. What is
the caliber of those teachers who couldn't get hired in the beginning
of summer when districts like to get the best people for their open
jobs? Some of these teachers may be in your child's classroom in the
future. Starting salary and lifetime earning is very important to
attract and KEEP the best.
looked at the board minutes, upper salford
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 01:43 PM EST
Another Taxpayer
union argument has been that we're losing good teachers because of the
starting salaries in the district. Assuming that one believes their
argument, (which I do not) the union is the reason that starting
salaries are so low.
Look at the matrix before you speak. steps
1-5 annual increase 2.55 percent, steps 6-10 annual increase 2.78
percent, steps 11-15 annual increase 6.73 percent. If the union is so
concerned about entry level teachers they can negotiate an increase in
payroll of 4-4.5 percent per year, and give the majority of that
increase to those teachers.
I don't believe that's their
ultimate goal. A large majority of teachers fall between steps 11-15,
which happen to be the steps that will ultimately determine their
pension benefit. That's precisely why the increases are weighted
heavily towards those members.
It's clear to me reading these
posts, that the majority of people are "clueless" when it comes to the
collective bargaining process.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 12:40 PM EST
on people! Do you really believe that Jeffrey Sultanik has been trying
to convince the union to agree to non binding arbitration and to go
back early. IF, that had been the case, why didn't this BIG MOUTH
lawyer announce that earlier in the week. He has done everything in his
power to make Bernie Currie & himself look good. Again, if HE
thought of this idea on Monday, he would have printed it.
really don't know how this man can go to sleep at night with a clear
conscience. I am begging you not to let this man continue to tear us
Supportive Parent, Franconia
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 12:25 PM EST
Need To Stop Predicting & Wait For Facts
need to stop predicting and wait for the facts. One person this morning
said they heard teachers were given permission to stay out until Oct.
Now, people are saying there is NO WAY the students
will return tomorrow. Why don't you just wait until the FACTS are out
and stop wasting your time predicting something YOU don't know.
RJS, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 11:47 AM EST
The Comment OF RJS Harleysville PA , You ask me what I did for a living
? Well let me tell you I am RETIRED. I worked all my life. But no one
has awsers for me about my GRANDSON who is in SOUDERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT
and has been here for years. My GRANDSON CAN NOT READ , WRITE , or do
MATH . My GANDSON is sent to SCHOOL to get an EDUCATION .I want some
one to awser why my GRANDSON CAN NOT READ , WRITE ,or do MATH ? P.S I
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 11:41 AM EST
HB1369 comments
I understand your concern about the board not being forced to settle. I
think they would settle due to the pressure the public would exert on
them if they were stonewalling. No one wants to see the school system
However, don't let that stop you from talking about it. If
that is a sticking point, let the PSEA offer changes to the bill such
that they WOULD feel comfortable supporting it. This is just a proposed
bill - a starting point. Unfortunately, it hasn't even been brought out
of committee to allow the legislature to discuss it. That, to me, shows
that the powers in charge don't even want to negotiate a bill such as
My proposed change would be this: After 365 days, if the
negotiation is deadlocked - all leadership positions would be forced to
be re-elected. So if the board was not up for re-election in November
and thought they were safe to stonewall for another year, they would
have to run and be re-elected to do so.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 11:16 AM EST
Calm yourself, Coward!
although the board will vote to go back to school tomorrow, there is NO
WAY that will actually happen. The school district will need a day to
round up the drivers, lunch ladies, etc... It is much more likely the
kids will start on Monday. Perhaps tomorrow will be an in-service for
A Teacher, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 11:02 AM EST
Salary Matrix
Union decides on where the money goes but the problem is that the board
has yet to put any money into the matrix. Determining the matrix is the
easy part once there is money to "FIX IT" as you say. The board is
offering 2.5 for the entire schedule not 2.5 per individual like they
have duped the community in to believing. What they have offered them
essentially is going backwards from where they are. Bernie Currie has
used this community to try fulfill his own school hating ideology and
this community is the one that had to suffer. I agree witht he guy who
said arbitration will blow up in the boards face because they are very
far behind. Lastly, the other 8 members should be ashamed of themselves
for letting it get his far. They had the power yet they would rather
have their wives posting on here to fire the teachers. All of you will
get your firings come election time.
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 11:00 AM EST
A dart to both parties
the teachers/board/Sultanik living on this planet? They want to start
school tomorrow? After 2 weeks of nonsense, they just want to call it
off? Oh, but you will get a few hours tonight to prepare for tomorrow.
I know a lot of people who wanted to go to work late so they could
escort their kids to Kindergarten. Will they be able to give their
employer such short notice? I want to line these people (Sultanik,
Currie, Smith, Lukridge) up a give them a 'real' dart.
Oh, and
thanks a lot Mr. Leer for not showing up at any of the negotiations.
What are you on the school board for? This was the single biggest issue
facing this district and you couldn't even show up. We need to go to
the next board meeting with fistfuls of darts.
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 10:39 AM EST
Salary Matrix
sides contribute to the creation on the matrix. Part of the bargaining
process involves agreeing on the number of steps, the amount of
columns, and the amount of funds to be disbursed over the matrix. If I
am correct, the board sets the starting salary, but the union decides
where to put the rest. Some teachers are angry, because there is a huge
bump step that served older teachers well at the expense of the rest,
but any anger about this is useless. The board and the union
representatives who serve us now aren't the ones who created this
problem with previous contracts. Besides, even with the bump step, our
beginning salary(set by the board?) and the top salary (set by the
union?) are still below where they should be, as are all the steps in
A Teacher, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 10:25 AM EST
To No More Strikes
HB1369: This bill would indeed benefit the community in that it would
almost immediately begin the process were about to enter into anyway.
After actually viewing the bill, I see one inherent problem that would
ultimately prevent my personal support: There is no need for the board
to settle. According to the bill, contract retroactivity is not able to
be bargained, and if an agreement is not reached by the timetables
outlined in the bill, the teachers would work on a month-to-month basis
under the recently expired contract. With a school board like the SASB,
I would imagine they would be content allowing us to work under the
contract that just expired for the next decade if they could. As
previously stated, this strike has and will continue to put a strain on
the community; I cant imagine what its going to be like as we get back
in the classrooms. It will be awkward to say the least, trying to
imagine what parents and students are really thinking as we exchange
pleasantries and conduct our lessons and try to return to some sense of
normalcy for everyone. I suspect in this non-binding arbitration
process the SAEA will certainly receive a more respectable offer than
the one currently proposed by our school board. Unfortunately, as a
previous poster stated, I fear it will be voted against by the school
board. Yes, they will have public pressure to settle, but as evidenced
by those who have repeatedly attempted to contact them, they dont care.
The almighty dollar is the bottom line. If this bill was amended to
include binding arbitration, it would have my full support.
A teacher
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 10:11 AM EST
Thank you Teacher for checking into HB1369
all I ask. Please look into HB1369. If there are problems with parts of
it, let's work them out. There just has to be a better way and we need
to focus on change before we get lulled into inaction again.
I am far from a teacher hater, every teacher that has taught my
children has been awesome! Which is exactly why this strike hurts so
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 10:01 AM EST
Salary Matrix???
anyone please tell us who exactly determines the teacher's salary
matrix? If it's the School Board, then they'd better do the right thing
and make the necessary adjustments to fix it! However, if it's the
Union who determines the matrix, we will never forget what you've done
to this community!
Time to Fess Up
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 09:37 AM EST
Bow Idea
can't believe this community would actually think putting bows outside
their house is a mature way to deal with the strike. Souderton is
supposed to be a community where character counts! What are we teaching
our children?
JJ, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 09:36 AM EST
A bit relieved
too, would like to thank the teachers for considering ending the strike
and returning to school as early as tomorrow and as stated by an
earlier poster that is a sign of good faith and my hat is off to them.
I really do hope they vote, yes, and get our children back in school. This
will allow all of us to focus and put pressure on the school board to
also show some good faith as well and give our teachers a contract that
is fair and equitable to everyone. We as a community have been
totally torn apart by this strike and it is time to end it and this
possible step by the teachers is the most positive thing that has
happened in weeks. Let's show our support to the schools, especially
the teachers and our childern. Lets rally at tomorrow nights football
game and show our true colors not only for the football team, but for
the band as well. These kids, despite all the turmoil, have stuck
together and continued to practice. We started the strike with a football game now lets end it with one !!!!!
Go Big Red !
lets show our support !
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 09:34 AM EST
To 'No More Strikes'
seems like you have a really open mind and aren't simply a
teacher-hater. I never even heard of HB1369 before this strike
happened. Obviously, it's too late to correct the damage that has
already been done in the past few weeks. I promise to read up on HB1369
in the meantime. I really hope what you say is true, because I don't
ever want to have to go through this again just to be treated in a fair
manner. This has ripped Souderton apart, and I am dreading what is yet
to come when we return. I can only imagine how hostile parents will be.
I have never been cursed at so much in my life.
A Teacher, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 09:29 AM EST
About the arbitration
tells me that the school board will take this one on the chin. As much
as everyone on this board is in love with their proposal, there has not
been one bit of feasibility in it since this mess kicked off. Most of
the facts are on the teachers side whether you the public want to agree
or notbecasue they take into account money at hand, parity with other
districts, and a host of other comparisons that the school board has
denied even exist up until this point.
The board will reject
the arbitrators ruling because the teachers in most lieklyhood will
beat them up. The board picked this fight because Bernie is an idelogue
and now they will have painted themselves into a corner with the
community. They messed up with their original offer and now they will
have to show their true colors. If the teachers were smart they would
call their bluff and push for binding after this, then Bernie will have
to actually live up to his oath.
disgusted in Souderton, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 09:05 AM EST
To the teachers posting
you for sharing some facts with us. The picture has become clearer and
it further brings into focus the necessity of HB1369. While you believe
the strike was necessary to raise awareness, that is only true because
the current system is broken. You had to strike to get to arbitration,
again - because the current system is broken.
You seem to be
as bothered by the strike as the parents but believe you were required
to do it to stand up for a fair contract. With HB1369, you would have
had MORE power and more TIME to state your case and yet avoided the
destructiveness of a strike.
Why do your union leaders insist
that HB1369 won't work? Why won't they allow change for the better? If
you truely hated going on strike, you would be telling the PSEA to get
the laws changed so you no longer have to do it.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:58 AM EST
arbitration is NOT BINDING
applaud the teachers for their possible return tomorrow instead of next
Wed. They have a legal right to stay out until then but the fact is, as
soon as they got a chance to go to arbitration, they are willing to
return to work. That's GOOD FAITH and is something our school board is
sorely lacking. However, the community needs to be aware that the
current law in Pennsylvania does not provide teachers and school boards
with BINDING arbitration. That means that the two sides are not
compelled to accept the ruling of the three arbitrators. While they are
neutral parties, and will be educated by both sides about the areas of
dispute, when the three arbitrators do rule on a settlement agreement,
either side is free to reject it and then the bargaining process begins
again. Of course, at that point there is often a lot of public pressure
on both sides to accept the arbitration recommendation but it is not a
given, by any means. My gut tells me our illustrious school board will
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:28 AM EST
Enough Already...
heard enough union rhetoric to last me a lifetime. You're right... the
newer teachers are the ones taking it on the chin, but they can thank
their union for that. SAEA is responsible for the structure of the
salary matrix, not the board.
Yes, I understand that every
teacher is not asking for an 8 percent increase, although the dollars
that your asking for could make that possible. So now you've decided
that it's time to give the entry level teachers a raise, after giving
them next to nothing under the terms of your expired contract. Here's
an idea... why don't steps 11-15 agree to a 1 percent increase in years
1 and 2, and 2 percent in years 3 and 4. After all, you saw to it that
you were well taken care of with the last contract.
As for
healthcare costs... better plans require larger contributions, for many
americans that's been a reality for quite some time.
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:26 AM EST
Red Ribbons
don't you put all of your energy into tying RED RIBBONS in SUPPORT of
the two sides doing serious negotiations instead of something NEGATIVE?
Hmmm what a novel thought? Grandma who makes 860.00 a
month, may I ask what you do as a living? Did you go to college for 6
years? I am guessing your answer is no. If your answer is yes, then you
need to move on.
RJS, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:11 AM EST
Dear Warning!
am not sure where you heard that the strike can last until October
&th, but that is untrue. In Fact, I think you should read the
update on You might just be enlightened.
As for the
fear-mongering about strikes spreading- they won't spread if the school
boards of neighboring districts act in good faith and show respect. All
it would have taken to stop the strike was true "good faith"
negotiations on Labor day (a day everyone gets off thanks to unions).
So you can believe that the teachers are causing this mess-but the facts truly do not support this.
Get the facts @,
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:05 AM EST
Oh yeah?
I heard they might be out until January of 2014.
Dave from Franconia
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:03 AM EST
School may start tomorrow ?
I just read on the SAEA site that a vote will be taken tonight for binding arbitration and school may start tomorrow?
does the SAEA have this information and I have yet to hear anything
from SASD? Still dragging their feet on informing the public.
Stand firm teachers. You are appreciated!
Souderton Proud, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 08:02 AM EST
Just because I can't pay you doesn't mean I don't want to!
those Souderton Proud teachers need to take a good look at why they are
proud? If the economy could not support salary increases would you
leave? The reason I ask is because the economy may make it necessary
for families to move out of Souderton and while everyone like to point
out their Math, maybe 90 cents a day is nothing to some. 90 cents a day
in taxes for schools, along with the increase to Gas, local taxes,
groceries, and all the other bills we face all add up.
I am not
asking anyone to support those who are facing hard times, but asking
some members of the community to remember some of us didn't move out to
Souderton so we could afford a bigger better house. In fact right now
many of us are just trying to hold on to the one we have. Some of us
moved her because of the community that is made up of the town homes,
row homes, and single homes made for a good mix of experiences and
talent. We see a community of single parent families, same sex
families, and Grandparents raising their second family and who want
what is best for their kids based on what they can afford.
note it is possible to be Souderton Proud and at the same time
disappointed. Disappointed those households will struggle when you pile
on an additional $200 - $500 a year in additional taxes to an already
tight budget.
Community members, teachers, and board members we
are not sides but a mixture of all of these things. We are parents,
mentors, role models, and most of all friends. Please remember that
what you do will affect your friends and that before you think about
what is just going to benefit you, think also what that means to those
families you know struggle each day just to stay in this school
Proud and concerned, SASD
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:51 AM EST
Just to be fair- how about read for 'angry' and white for 'supportive'- that way you'll know which house to egg.
Stop dividing the community, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:45 AM EST
Only One Week? Hmmm don't be too sure!
just recently heard that the State of Pennsylvania may have given the
SAEA Union permission to stay out on the picket lines until October
7th. I really hope this isn't true.
Why aren't the two sides negotiating today? Why aren't they negotiating right now?
Why are we allowing this to continue? Why haven't the citizens of this state done something to prevent this from happening?
you haven't been concerned about this strike, you'd better listen up!
Even if you're not in the Souderton School District, it's having an
effect on you too! What occurs here will set the precedence for
neighboring communities too!
Warning!, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:44 AM EST
"Please Explain'
In reponse to your other questions- Would
you honestly care about this issue if it didn't directly impact you in
a way that you could see and feel? People say they would have supported
us more had we continued to work without a contract, but it's very
unlikely they would have. How many people even showed up at board
meetings before the strike was looming? Our contract expired in June,
and many of us worked during the summer without a contract. How many
people went to the board meeting in July on our behalf? Even in August,
on the day we announced our plan to strike, the small board room was
able to accomodate hundreds of teachers because there weren't enough
community members to make a difference. A strike is a nasty thing. I
can honestly tell you that I hate everything about it, but there is one
event that would scare me more. Suppose we never went out on strike.
Eventually, over time, many great teachers would silently slipped
through the doors without giving you the opportunity do something or to
say you care. Striking has been a catalyst for the community to stand
up and support the teachers, if they care. I love my job, and I put 200
percent into it, because I want to make a difference for the community
I serve, but now I need to know the community cares back. It's easy to
say you would do this, or you would do that, but the reality is that
actions speak louder than words. Chances are if you aren't supporting
us now, you probably wouldn't have stuck your neck out for us if we
continued working without a contact. I don't really know how to
respond to your question about the students with special needs. If they
have an IEP for extended school year, then maybe they could have called
the district to advocate for services. It's a little late now, though,
because we are likely to be back in school tomorrow or Monday now that
both sides have agreed to non-binding arbitration.
A Teacher, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:36 AM EST
Prove it.
A teacher wrote: "(They
have to estimate how many teachers will be at each step, and any
overestimations could just be added to their already huge $17 million
pot. What people don't understand is that much of that surplus money
has come from what was promised to teachers in past contracts). "
Really? So there were teachers who didn't recieve the agreed upon amount in their pay checks? So
far your union president's "facts" have been neither completely
accurate or factual regarding the $17 million "surplus". Specifically
how the new high school was financed, and the situation with PSERS and
the upcoming payment districts will be required to make .
The unions crdibility is gone. So as to what you've said, prove it, cite a reliable source. That means a source other than the SAEA.
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:17 AM EST
you're really interested in understanding how 2.5 percent does NOT mean
2.5 percent raise for all teachers, go see the letter written on 9/9 in
the Reporter called "Are we getting the strike facts?" It breaks it
down clearly.
I'll explain a little here, though...The 2.5
percent is the amount that the BUDGET gets increased. Then that lump of
money gets spread around to 512 teachers. It is NOT the amount EVERY
teacher gets for a raise.
So...(We'll work with small #'s here
just because it's easier to understand, in my opinion) If the school
board's budget was $100, this 2.5 percent means the school board would
now allocate $102.50 for per pupil spending. Then the additional $2.50
gets spread around to all of the teachers, each getting a tiny share.
In reality, our school board works in #'s WAY bigger than that, but hopefully that explains it clearly.
course, how far does your share of that 2.5 percent go when the school
board is set on raising health care? I understand that we should
contribute more to healthcare. But if it eats up your entire raise and
then some, how is that a contract anyone would want?
have tried for YEARS to have the school board treat them respectfully,
as the educated, dedicated professionals we are. Striking was a last
resort, and though many of us are sorry it came to this, we WERE
SUPPORTIVE of our union, not coerced.
Please honk as you drive
by to show you understand that we TRIED to talk it out, but the board
refused to negotiate with good faith and honest statistics. A dedicated teacher, SASD
a dedicated teacher, SASD
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:08 AM EST
have countered an offered. Unfortunately, the school board wants to
talk about healthcare and pay independent of one another. They are not
seperate entities. Higher premiums means higher pay for the
negotiations. The work stoppage is to show the school board that we
want a fair contract and that we won't just take the horrendous offer
that they gave Sept 1 and continue to offer. We would be taking a
paycut. Also, the board was not negotitating with us. If they had been
negotiating in "good faith", we would have continued to work. Please
read the info at It explains what happens with the
percent of increase. People seem to continue to believe that each and
every teacher will get 8 percent. Not true. The budget would get 8
percent, then that is divided among the salary matrix. We need to get
our lowest paid teachers (years 1-9 about) competitive with surrounding
districts. As teachers, we too want the best colleagues and not the
leftovers who couldn't land other higher paying jobs. Take the 2.5 that
the school board offers, add a half hour a day, 8 days more a year and
increased benefits, I just took a significant pay cut. I love
Souderton. People keep asking me why I don't leave. I am still at the
beginning of the pay scale where leaving would get me more money. I
teach math. Math teachers aren't a dime a dozen. Most math grads are
headed to the "real" worlds making hundreds of thousands. I am the sole
money provider for my house as well. My paycheck keeps the electricity
on and pays all the bills it can monthly. As for the special needs
students, I don't know that answer. I wish I did. This strike is the
last chance we have to stay competitive. If we took the contract
offered on Sept. 1 Souderton would have a terrible contract, that
teachers would not be trying to work here. The gap on every issue would
be so huge that we could never close it. The school board continues to
offer the same thing, OVER and OVER and OVER. They are not working
towards that number in between. The school board wanted this strike.
Why??? I have no idea. I don't know why, but I do know that there
wasn't another option available. At least the public is aware that the
board is sticking it to us. What's worst, the board posted a blog
trashing teachers on their (SASD) website. How about that for
respect??? How can we expect people to respect us, when the school
board doesn't and that is obvious. I appreciate that you have questions
and I respect that you want to base your opinion on the facts. Getting
all the facts before making up your mind is a great quality. I applaud
you for that. Thank you for taking time to get the facts, whether you
support us or the board. On a side note, we have to stay out the entire
time in order to have non-binding arbitration. We want that. Unless the
board would agree to it before the Sept 24 date. Non-binding
arbitration "should" get us a better contract than the boards last
offer. I'm sure they won't agree to it until next Wed when it's
Math Teacher, Souderton Proud
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:05 AM EST
No one checks SAEA
Does no one check Check it out!
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 07:01 AM EST
To 'Teachers Please Explain'
the numbers that are presented to the public are much more complex than
they appear, and they have not been sufficiently explained to anyone.
If the teachers were getting a real 2.5 percent raise, that would be
enough, but what ever number the board gives will be a far cry from
what teachers receive once it's worked into the matrix. (They have to
estimate how many teachers will be at each step, and any
overestimations could just be added to their already huge $17 million
pot. What people don't understand is that much of that surplus money
has come from what was promised to teachers in past contracts). The
board initially offered a 2 percent increase, then they countered with
a 2.5 percent increase. All the major proposals have essentially stayed
the same. The union is more than willing to bargain fairly, but
unfortunately we have learned the hard way not to trust the board. They
have slit our throats several times already- benefits, failure to
report the truth, failure to explain facts to the public in order to
make us look bad, etc. We have to be careful when it comes to
bargaining, because we could easily end up with much worse working
conitions with worse pay and reduced benefits. (That is what they want
for us. This isn't my opinion, but a real fact. Just check out their
proposals and compare it to the contract we already have). For this
reason, the teachers need to negociate important issues together, like
salary and benefits, or we may get a salary increase that is completely
depleted by increased medical contributions. The board is very smart.
They refuse to do this, because the public doesn't see what they are
doing, and they can still claim to be last ones with a figure on the
table. That's if you can even call 2.5 percent a figure. (Has anyone
noticed that Saucon Valley is on strike with 4.6 percent on the table?)
It may seem we're being greedy, and I can honestly see how the
community would think that, but unless you've been involved in the
bargaining process- you wouldn't understand. I didn't understand all
these numbers until just recently. When I first heard the numbers, I
also questioned our ethics. The reality is that both sides always
approach the table with the sun, the moon, and the stars. Neither side
expects to get everything. The problem here is that the board isn't
truely budging. They move just enough (.5- please!) to say they've done
something when all they've really done is backed us into a corner. They
know we can't negociate salary and benefits seperately, but they
certainly don't mention that to you, the taxpayers.
A Teacher, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 06:54 AM EST
teachers are unhappy with what they are making . But thay should try to
live on my income I make 860.00 A month and out of that money I have to
pay rent and all of my other bills . I also have a specail needs
grandson who is in Life Skills in Souderton. My grandson has been hear
for years and at his age he still cannot read, writeor do math . Id say
samething a teacher but she told me its not her JOB TO TEACH HIM ......
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 06:40 AM EST
Red bows symbolize the students who want to be in school
was a fantastic post under Wednesday's sound-off column. In a nutshell,
if you think the teachers were wrong in striking, put a red bow out in
front of your home to show a child lives there and is not being
educated due to the strike. I encourage you to read the posting.
Parent who does not support strike, Harleysville PA
Added: Thursday September 18, 2008 at 05:42 AM EST
PLease Explain
2.5 percent raise the school board speaks of is not really 2.5 percent
across the board raise. It is just adding 2.5 percent to the budget for
slaries - this will result in LESS than 1 percent raise for many
teachers. You said you were in support of a raise- think less than 1
percent is fair while at the same time adding almost 2 weeks of work
and slashing medical benefits? I do not. The terms of the last contract
were fulfilled by the teachers. They deserve a fair contract. Tell the
school board to negotiate fairly as they have failed to do so yet.
LMK, Telford, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:21 PM EST
Teachers Please Explain
really want to be on your side but there are a few things I need help
on here-when I read this site and the union site I hear nothing but
nastiness toward the school board and the jerk has lap dogs and he
can't spell and so on and so on. When I read the district's web site it
tells me you haven't countered their offer and they want a resolution.
making fun of the old people on the board and their dogs and families
answere that? Also what is the point of a work stoppage if you know you
have to go back anyway on a certain date? Another one why do you need
so much? I am all for you having a raise, I just think you are asking
for too high of a jump. I think the 2.5 for 3 years is fair, with no
added work days. Tell me why that isn't enough. People are losing their
homes, their jobs, elderly residents are suffering and you want 38Òf
that's true or not true tell me and tell me why. Also why can't the
specail needs childrens getting services through Montco (not the
teachers) have therapy????? I really hope that's not true. I have 3
kids, I want to respect the teachers and I want to teach my children
too. I keep hearig it's not about money-what is it then, respect?
sticking it to the board? Explain-ONLY ANSWER IF YOU ARE A TEACHER
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 08:08 PM EST
Hey Mad parent
what point did you hear a SASD teacher say they would not give their
all when we go back. I have been a special needs teacher for 10 years
in your district and I can GUARANTEE that myself and my fellow teachers
will given nothing less then 110 percent like we always have. Not one
of us has ever said that we would not give our all and no matter what
you think of us during this strike our work ethic in the classroom
before the strike and now after will never be an issue. I just hope
that you understand that once you get your lower taxes that the younger
special needs teachers (who are in high demand by the surrounding
districts we apparently do not compete against) will be the hardest to
keep because of the fiasco Bernie Currie and his 8 lapdogs have created.
A teacher and A TAXPAYER in the community, Francoinia, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 07:45 PM EST
To: Proud Parent
behalf of all the teachers in the Souderton School District, I want to
thank you for your message. It is parents like you who do make our job
A Proud SASD teacher
SASD, Harleysville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 07:24 PM EST
Concerned SASD Parent
comment was not about what you said. WOW!! People on this blog are
quite up in arms about anything said. I mentioned that the furniture
was being used at the high school because Sultanik keeps referring to
all this money from the surplus needs to go towards that. That's all.
It wasn't in response to any other comment. Just pointing out another
SKETCHY piece of info from the school board
Steph, Trumbauersville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 07:19 PM EST
Because it really matters
work for a pharmecutical company. I went to college for 4 years and
only have my bachelor's degree. I haven't had an hour of education
beyond that. I make 92,800 a year and I pay roughly 15f my benefits
(which are better than soudertons). Does this change anything that you
know this. I think not. You all talk about compare us to this school or
that school. So I did. If you all did not want the comparision made,
you should not have mentioned it. Sorry that comparision did not fuel
the pro school board people. I have sided with the teachers. They
deserve way more. Heck, I wouldn't do their job. I'm ready for my kids
to go to school at the end of the summer. Stick me in a room all day
with that many kids and I may just lose my mind. You teacher haters, go
to college and make that kind of money. Then you can vent about how I
make way more than you and leave the teachers alone. It's amazing where
some of the resident's priorities are. I'm sorry that you did way more
work than your colleagues and made less. If I was fresh out of college
and a highly qualified candidate for a teaching position and Souderton
offered 37g and QCSD offered 47g, where do you think I'd go??? Your
school will be filled with the teachers that didn't land the higher
paying jobs elsewhere. You let me know how that works out in the end.
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 06:28 PM EST
To "Stand Firm"
Honking is wonderful! Contacting our board members is EVEN BETTER! :o)
Another Proud Supporter
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 06:00 PM EST
Stand firm SASD Teachers
proud, keep your heads up high and know that we are doing our best to
spread the word that our teachers ROCK!!!! We are honking everyday and
know that you all are important role models to our children lives.
Thank you for choosing teaching as your careers. We love you!!
A proud parent who loves our teachers, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 05:17 PM EST
To concerned parent
is difficult to compare Quakertown and Souderton using millage rates
because Bucks and Montgomery Counties use different formulas for
assessing the value of a home. In addition, Quakertown SD imposes an
extra half percent local income tax - 1.5 percent in total, with one
percent going to the SD and the other half to the municipality.
Souderton could have imposed such a tax in order reduce / offset
reliance on property taxes. In my opinion, it is a good idea, as it
taxes earned income: everyone who works pays, and retirees get a break.
A good way to compare districts is to go to the Inquirer's reports on
the schools at To
the post about "teachers at the top making 50 percent more than the
average taxpayer" -- If they make twice as much, they're paying twice
as much in local and state income taxes.
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 05:12 PM EST
The Quakertown School District millage is: 125.5 not 1.625, I think you were looking at the millage for the municipality.
most notable difference between SASD and the surrounding school
districts is our lack of commercial/industrial real estate tax dollars.
And yes, I do agree that it's not the teachers fault... but it's not the boards fault either.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 03:37 PM EST
words of wisdom
cynics and skeptics... see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust
the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to
whom they entrust the care of their plumbing. ~John F. Kennedy
hope the SASD teachers don't need to call a plumber. They won't be able
to afford it. Let's go school board, you are not doing your job.
Phil Mc., franconia
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 03:14 PM EST
To Common Man
You are one bitter resident. I think it quite interesting that you
blast all of the residential developments, as if the teachers have
anything to do with them! You should be addressing your local
municipalities and township governments about their continued approval
of the construction of the developments, rather than exude bitterness
at your fellow residents. Most people who are vested in a community and
"do not wish to uproot their families " have a clear understanding of
the important role that education has within a community. Your
statements are puzzling.
We need collars of every color to make
up a successul community. Your bark of bitterness has no place here. I
too, am homegrown, Souderton educated and very excited and proud of the
progress that has finally come to The Indian Valley.
The Souderton teachers deserve a fair contract.
Souderton Proud, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 03:06 PM EST
To Aaron...
to add to your figures about taxes...Don't forget that North Penn also
pays a half percent Earned Income Tax to the district. I paid $3200 in
school taxes last year plus another $675 in EIT. Souderton doesn't have
an EIT but it could be implemented!
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 01:51 PM EST
Teachers Answer Me This
have a specail needs son who can not receive services due to the
strike, how am I not supposed to be angry, if you would have went back
without a contract I would have been all over the board and you
threaten to not give it your all if you work without a contract-and you
care about the kids. Proverbs 28:25
Mad, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 01:39 PM EST
work 75 hours per/week? Here is the good news. You still have 93 hours
left in the week to do your other favorite past times. Like hunting
squirrels, whooping up on spouses, chewing tobacky, and placing
gun-racks in your F150s. Heck YEAH! Let's rid our town of
professionals! No more police, no more doctors! Heck, maybe next you
can then get rid of people whose color you don't like. Here is some
more good news. There IS a place like that you can go. It's a little
place called Appalachia. Have fun, and don't let that confederate flag
blind you while you're driving.
GIT R DUN!!, pennsyltucky
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 01:37 PM EST
New furniture??
a note: The district had the teachers at SAHS take an exhaustive
inventory of furniture to find out what would still be usable in the
new building in an effort to cut costs. This included old student desks
that may have had broken stabilization pieces, but could still hold
kids and books. I don't mind using old furniture, though, if it means I
have an HVAC unit that doesn't malfunction or break at least twice a
Another Teacher, SAHS
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 01:22 PM EST
you kidding me? You said "The more you pay, the better the quality
(mostly).". That is so untrue, where I peviously worked, I worked
harder and took my job more seriously than others that were paid more
than me. It depends on the person not the pay. My brother in law went
to Quakertown school, hated it and refuses to move there even though
they love a house for sale there. It's not the pay that determines the
quality of a teacher.
Of course they would use some school
equipment for the new school, why not if it's still good. Everyone is
talking about numbers, well add up how much it cost for ALL NEW
things(chairs, desks, computers, dry erase boards, etc..). How much
does that come to? Obviously many of the people who are talking about
numbers and budgets, haven't had to be the person who had to make it
all work into a budget. Add it up and you will see, it adds up quickly. What do you do? How much do you make and what are your benefits?
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 12:58 PM EST
1 Week and counting
here we are, 2 weeks into the strike and it is definitely apparent that
neither side is going to give enough to put an end to this it. This
strike has done nothing but tore this community apart as you can see by
the comments below. I, for one, have read each and every post, and I to
have formed my opinion in this matter and at this point, it is
irrelevant. Let's face it, both sides have viturally given up on
finding a resolution to the strike and getting our teachers back to
work before the state mandated date of September 24th. What bothers
me most of all, is that where have Sultanik, Lukridge, Currie etc been
hiding the last couple of days. Why are they not meeting round the
clock to try to reach some kind of resolution before it goes to the
hands of the mediators ? Everyone of us have lost out due to the
strike and rest assured, once it goes to arbitration we all are going
to lose even more. There will be NO winners. And most importantly, our
children are the ones that have suffered the most. Yes, they are going
to get their 180 days of learning in, but there is going to be so much
animosty on both sides that they are not going to learn as much as they
would have had the strike not occured. We need to, as a community,
find a way to turn this "black-eye" situation around and get back
everything that we fought so hard for. Souderton is a GREAT place to
live and raise a family. It is just a shame that we have had to endure
this mess.
Let's get our kids back in school and return to normalcy !
sick and tired of this mess, telford, pa
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 12:07 PM EST
who are there 15 years or more are already making more than 50 percent
of the entire population of the taxpaying citizens of the school
You make it seem like teachers aren't "taxpaying
citizens" themselves. If a teacher has made it to the top of the pay
scale in the district it means they have approximately 6-7 years of
post high school education along with at least 15 years of service. Why
should it be a problem if they make more than 50f the population? They
are highly trained, highly dedicated, and highly qualified
professionals who have more education and experience in their field
than 90f the population. This should be rewarded, not punished.
Jim, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 12:02 PM EST
Not just about the salaries
teachers are saying this is not just about the salaries, and I agree.
The 37k starting salary is lower than other comparable school
districts, but someone commented earlier that the teachers union voted
that way previously because there fewer teachers that fell into that
category, is that true.
If our teachers start at 37k and we also
pay 12k a year for their insurance benefits thats 49k and others school
district start at 42k and their insurance benefits are 6k (48k total)
which is better? These numbers are just guesses, but my point is that
we don't have all the facts from either side
Concerned SASD Resident, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:38 AM EST
Help, Need Clarification
the actual residents of SASD should be the only parties involved in
this dispute. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the SASD residents could just
meet with teachers and board members that are actually SASD residents
and resolve this issue. I think we would be at a resolution in no time.
The bucks county tax page school millage rate for Quakertown is 1.625
while my Lower Salford school millage rate is at 24.46
Which Brainiac out there than tell me what this mean? How are teachers paid in different districts, as far as where the money comes from? Do we pay 100 percent of salaries and benefits for the teachers, clerical staff, etc? Do other districts fund their schools in the same manner as SASD residents? I think the issues are not as cut and dry as people would like them to be.
Also, earlier I indicated moving equipment (ie lockers, bookshelves, cafeteria bain maries) not FURNITURE.
Someone, please respond appropriately. Please don't just tell me I am stupid. After all I did graduate from SASD.
Concerned SASD Resident, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:21 AM EST
Let's get realistic here folks!
Ok. Teacher's Union: You want a "fair" contract? Ok then, let's be fair.
the "starting" salary for teachers in the Souderton District are
obviously too low. In fact, the salaries for teachers in the district
for their first 14 years of service are obviously too low. So, if you
want to be "fair', let's give them "fair". Let's try a 6 percent
increase for those in their first 4 years, a 5 percent increase for
those in their 5th through 9th years, and a 4 percent increase for
those in their 10th through 14th years. Those who are there 15 years or
more are already making more than 50 percent of the entire population
of the taxpaying citizens of the school district, and there needs to be
an adjustment made to bring all the teacher's salaries back into
alignment with each other.
Voice of Reason, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:18 AM EST
Very Frustrated
would also like to believe that the teachers union is not expecting
annual increases in the range of 8 to 9 percent, and agree that both
sides should be negotiating in good faith.
That being said, at
this point, which side appears to be closer to what the actual number
is going to be? The school board (2.5 percent) or the teachers union (8
percent). The simple fact that our school administrators received
annual increases that average 4.1 percent, tells me that they will
settle the union contract somewhere around 4 percent as well.
that is the case, I would think that you would start to see some
movement from the school board if the union would counter around 6
percent. Mr. Lukridge himself stated in the interview on this website,
that the number was somewhere between 2.5 and 8 percent. He hasn't told
us what he's doing to find that middle ground.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:14 AM EST
Economic Times
don't think anyone would disagree that our country is not doing well
economically. Many of you have said that the teachers should JUST
SETTLE for what the board is offering. (which is going backwards) You
have then suggested that maybe we will be in a better position to offer
the teachers more money.
I can tell you that I have been
involved in the district for 30 years. The public has never and will
never say, "The economy is doing well. Let's reward our teachers"
Let's start putting our energy into getting this settled.
RJS, Franconia
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:01 AM EST
Thank you Mary
am glad to see some real, factual numbers posted here. The bottom line
is, there is a market value in this county for teachers. The Souderton
school board can plug their ears, close their eyes and pretend it
doesn't exist, but it does. To pay significantly less than the market
is paying means you will attract less qualifiied candidates. Do not
listen to Bernie Currie brag about all the applications they
received--I've got news for you. The application process for teaching
is pretty much all electronic, online. I know for a fact that young
teachers apply to Souderton in droves only because they apply
EVERYWHERE in droves. But, as one new teacher in a neighboring district
told me (and this is an exact quote) "Of course I applied there, but
there's no way I would work there. The salary is too low".
gb, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:53 AM EST
about it people...they are doubling the size of the current high
school. So, being as you are doubling the size, you need to purchase
furniture to put in the rooms. Try uisng logical thinking. I have a
Souderton education. I guess all you other people do not, being as you
are not thinking logical!
Mr Logic, Logicville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:46 AM EST
Dear "Sick of this"
took your advice and went to the Pennridge pay scale - seems there
teachers make more (information was from 2006-7) and they were already
at levels Souderton just reacher in 07-08). It also seems Souderton's
administrators make more than Pennriodge. Just looking at facts.
Tom, Tylersport, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:44 AM EST
Check out Quakertown
pays a teacher with a Bachelor's and 6 year experience 63,402, but at
Souderton with a MASTER'S you could make 54,919. Wow more education
equals 8,483 less. LUCKY!!!! Souderton pays 10,938 less to a teacher
with a Master's and 8 years experience. Look around people!!!!! I'm
glad I'm here in Quakertown and not listening to the people who want to
pay their teachers dirt!!!! Any other districts you'd like to play the
comparision game too??? I love numbers. They speak for themselves. The
more you pay, the better the quality (mostly). Yeah, there will be some
weak teachers mixed in, but with the Souderton salaries it will be a
few strong ones mixed in with the majority of weak ones. That's what I
would want for my children!!! Your fighting on this blog solves
nothing. It keeps me entertained though. You should take all this
effort and put it towards pressuring the board who won't negotiate. Try
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:35 AM EST
Let's Compare
pays teachers with 7 years experience and a Bachelor's Degree 10,638
less annually. With 13 years and a Master's, 20,311 less. With 6 years
and a master's, 6,881. So there a few comparisions. Quit bashing
teachers who just want equality and yell at the school board. In the
"real" world that you all speak of, companies remain competitive with
similar companies so that their employees don't jump ship. Why should
it be different in the "pretend" world of teachers?????
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:25 AM EST
Pennridge Salary Link
You say that Souderton is most like Pennridge. Take a look!!!!! Compare away!!!
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:19 AM EST
Tough Times
certainly are challenging economic times for some in our district.
Luckily, the school board can give the teachers a moderate raise
without placing any of the burden on the tax payers. 17 million dollars
in over tax surplus!!!!!
Also, I wasn't in the community in the
1990s when the economy was stronger. How many people back then were
saying we should give the teachers a really good raise now that the
economy is strong?
If the teachers agree to take the board's
disrespectful proposal in deference to the tough economic conditions,
what are the chances the board and the community would remember and
reward the teachers in their next contract when the economy has
hopefully improved?????
Please Negociate, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:36 AM EST
Here's some context
is some food for thought. The Merrill Lynch debacle has earned 3
employees $200 million for running the company into the ground. That is
more than the entire budget for SASD. AIG's CEO will be walking away
with a golden parachute after spending a whole 3 months on the job. You
tell me whose priorities are screwed up.
"Merrill Lynch &
Co. Chief Executive Officer John Thain and two former Goldman Sachs
Group Inc. colleagues he recruited may reap almost $200 million for
their year running Merrill if they leave or are given lesser roles
after Bank of America Corp. buys the brokerage."
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:29 AM EST
mother of 3
please, we covered the Reagan/Air Traffic Controllers already. Their
strike in 1981 was illegal and that is why they were fired. The
teachers have the right to strike and you cannot fire them. Nor would I
want to--that's just the same, tired angry rhetoric that the school
board delights in. Those men are enjoying their power and the way they
are toying with us. Please continue to call and email, even though
those arrogant board members will NOT ANSWER you. I know because I
emailed all of them several times. They must be sitting at their desks
laughing their butts off while they delete the opinions of the
electorate. They hope you all forget how they treated you when they
come up for re-election. They are bold faced liars who are absolutely
bent on destroying public education. They forced this strike, they
revel in it and they are hoping the community believes the lies.
Mother of 2 myself, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:27 AM EST
Another comment
the way... for all of the people calling for the teachers to 'just go
back to school without a contract.' There is another district in the
area where the teachers have been working with an expired contract for
3 years. They show up exactly at the beginning of school. They leave
promptly at the end of the school day. They do the absolute minimum
required. Now, I ask you... would you rather have teachers working with
a solid contract for the next four years or your children getting the
absolute bare minimum? Striking, while you think it may be affecting
you is not the only method of civil disobedience. Think about it.
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:20 AM EST
To Aaron
am so tired of hearing about other districts, I don't care about them,
I care about MY tax bill, Souderton may not have raised it this year
but they whacked us in the past, Pennridge is probably our closest
school district, I bet there teachers are making less but the Teachers
want to hang on to the Montco card! My taxes will be more than all
those other districts if the teachers get their way.
sick of this, souderton, pa
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:19 AM EST
Dumb' I guess you still haven't figured out that teachers won't be able
to afford counseling. By the way, how may times did you have to try to
add the two flashing numbers before you were able to successfully
submit your response?
Smarter than that, Telford
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:10 AM EST
Too Dumb
2.5 percent raise along with twelve additional work days along with a
half hour more added to 200 work days equals a HUGE pay cut. Really,
it's not that hard. You just have to think about it. Add to that an
increased contribution for medical coverage (from 10 percent to 25
percent) and you can see how insulting the offer must be. Many of the
teachers I've talked to (have you tried that 'too dumb'- actually
listening to a teacher?) say these issues are bigger to them than the
salary. Please tell me you get it now.
Listening, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:08 AM EST
Not about the money
applaud those of you who see this is really not about the money, but
rather the power. Mr. currie, et al, are upset that a new school was
built against their wishes. They are determined to never spend another
dime of the district's money. They have twisted and distorted
information to demonstrate how poor we as a district really are. People
have also complained about how tough things are. You know about the
17million surplus, and you know about the budget. Did you know the
following? Montgomery County is the wealthiest county in the state and
Souderton is financially in the top half of this county. Montgomery
County avg. weekly salary is $1,200 per week and experienced raises of
between 5 and 6.5rom 2004-06. The unemployment rate in the district is
only 2à The avg. home value in franconia is over $700,000. (Approx.
half the school board lives there.) The avg. family income in
Montgomery County is over $90,000. Almost half of the homes in this
district makes more than that. (BLS and BEA and SASD website) If you
are upset about the economy, or your taxes or teachers' salaries in
this district, remember this could be settled without any significant
tax increase You may find it tough to afford this beautiful bedroom
community, but many do not, and not surprisingly, I didn't see many of
them at the last board meeting. mc
mc in Harleysville, 170 kinsey road, harleysville, pa
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 09:00 AM EST
'Listening' is right!!
completely agree with listening! Many of you have no idea how
controlling and degrading this board has been to school employees even
long before the strike. A perfect example of this was when the board
oftered the support staff an annual raise of 3 cents per year. That's
right- three pennies for the entire year. That's not even enough to buy
a gummy worm! Why not refuse to give a raise altogether? Because they
have the power to insult. These staff members work with YOUR children.
They are paid with YOUR money. It's time the board heard YOUR voice.
Anyone with any thread of intelligence can see that this board is
enjoying the game they are playing. The sad fact is that it hurts
everyone but them. Take the power back people; it's time to claim our
community back. Call the board members NOW and tell them you want a
fair contract TODAY!
Sick of the game, Telford
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 08:58 AM EST
Too Bad
really don't feel bad for the teachers if they are too loose money due
to going out on stike. the 400 and some odd teachers who voted for the
strike should have thought all this through before making your vote.
Who cares that you will have to work almost the entire year with little
to no breaks. It is a shame thought that you have robbed your students
of their breaks after holding them hostage all this time as you were on
the picket line, if that is what you want to call it. It is amazing how
there are over 500 teachers in the District, yet you drive past the
schools and there are only around a dozen teachers out front
"picketing". If you wanted to strike, you should all be out there from
7am until 6pm daily making your stance. Real union workers would be
doing that, but instead the teachers must be at their vacation homes in
the mountains or down the shore. Get back to work and be the
profesionals you say you are.
Angry , Telford, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 08:57 AM EST
For concerned resident
Intelligencer published average tax bills for Souderton and surrounding
areas, plus the tax increase for this year. Here are some examples,
from highest to lowest, with the tax increase in parentheses: Central
Bucks, 4,420 dollars (4.37 percent increase); New Hope-Solebury, 4,359
dollars (6.8 percent increase); Hatboro-Horsham, 4,181 dollars (3.2
percent increase); Souderton, 3,669 dollars (NO INCREASE); Quakertown,
3,614 dollars, (4.5 percent increase); Pennridge, 3,405 dollars, (4.4
percent increase); Palisades, 3,400 dollars (4.8 percent increase); and
North Penn, 2,767 dollars (4.4 percent increase). Since Souderton's
average tax bill is clustered in the middle, you can hardly claim that
the tax bills are outrageous. You should also consider that there was
no increase this year, unlike neighboring districts. As for
healthcare, Souderton is self-insured and has a 1 million dollar
limited lifetime benefit that was established 15 years ago. Most
districts in the area utilize outside insurance (like Blue Cross/Blue
Shield), which has no limit. Two points to consider: ONE: The
school board was aware that the teacher's contract was expiring. People
rarely ask for less money and benefits when negotiating. If the school
board wants to leave the fund balance alone, why did they not raise
taxes to cover a possible increase in salary costs? TWO: In what
economic bubble does Souderton exist, in which taxes do not need to be
raised when all surrounding districts raised them by around 4 percent?
Even the state would have allowed the SASB to raise taxes 4.4 percent
under Act 1.
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 08:55 AM EST
$17 Million
Remeber that the school board claims that part of the surplus is for new furniture for the high school!!!!!
Steph, Trumbauersville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 08:38 AM EST
Mr or Mrs Listening
still ain't gettin it, I guess it's my Souderton education but if it's
not about money you tell me what it's about, Pride? That's even more
stupid. Don't waste too much time feeling bad for the teachers, after
some counseling they will be okay
Still Too Dumb to Get It, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 08:35 AM EST
To Listening
PAY CUT? They were offered a 2.5aise over 3 years, pretty good in these
times! I'm not on the side of the board but I'm tired hearing about the
hate the board that bad run for the school board, I AM FOR WHOEVER
WON'T RAISE MY TAXES!!!!! And to Steph, I'm not being smart this is the
first I heard this but why does it matter if they take the old
furniture to the new school, I think that's good. Save Money. Nicer
furniture don't mean smarter kids.
Selfish, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 07:29 AM EST
To Selfish-
you been paying attention? How can you think the board really cares
about public education when some of them didn't even send their own
kids to public school? They aren't volunteering because of some higher
moral obligation. This position feeds a need for empowerment. They get
to control millions of dollars that belong to YOU, and they can move
your children, teachers, and everybody else in this community around
like a bunch of pawns on a chessboard. THIS ISN"T JUST ABOUT MONEY.
I'll say it again, just incase you still don't get it- IT"S NOT JUST
ABOUT MONEY. Who in their right mind would expect their employees to
take a pay cut along with an increased work load? That's what's
happening here, folks. I don't blame the teachers at all. I actually
feel really bad for them. Nobody would even be listening if they
weren't out on strike. Even now, many of you are hearing but not
LISTENING, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 07:15 AM EST
teacher friend from Souderton told me that the teachers will be taking
their furniture from their current classrooms to furnish the high
school. That's what she was told. She asked for different style desks
and was informed that what she has is what it will be for the high
school. So who is fibbing???
Steph, Trumbauersville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 07:03 AM EST
Salary & Benefits
see all the SASD teacher salaries vs. other district salaries and I see
the benefits of SASD insurance coverage. Were can I see both
comparisons and costs of salaries and benefits combined vs. other
school districts. How can I take a side when I don't have all the
details for an informed decision. Personally, I don't have dental
insurance so I pay 100f my own costs in addition to copays and
deductibles. Additionally, I think the school district taxes are
outrageous! How many of the teachers are living in SASD or are paying
the same school tax rates as I pay. I don't think that we needed to
spend the amount of money that we are spending on the new high school;
I think that money could have been saved by moving some equipment from
the current high school. The entire school district needs reform.
Concerned Resident of SASD, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 06:53 AM EST
Common Man--
are you angry. "Who was here first"? I've got news for you,
mister--there were Native Americans here long before your family came
over. You are angry that professionals have moved into this
area--professionals who earn a good living and pay a lot of taxes which
you benefit from. What does it mean, to be "blue collar to the bone"?
Sounds like you are trying to stir up some class resentment.
Chill out, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 06:51 AM EST
School Board
sure that if the school board would have spent the time since February
"negotiating" and not stalling, Souderton would not be in this
position. If the teachers went back without a contract, what would make
the board negotiate??? Obviously the school board meeting did nothing
to put a fire under their butts and get a contract. If the teachers
went back to school, would it matter to the parents of Souderton that
they didn't have a contract?? No it wouldn't!!! Parents would live
their lives as normal. Not caring that the teachers were without a
contract. The Souderton school board planned on having a strike. WHY???
They cancelled insurance before negotiations on Labor Day. Jack Parry
created a teacher bashing website on August 20. The board's last offer
would have left the teacher worse off than their expired contract. The
board knew the teachers would strike. They didn't even offer a fair
contract. From what I've researched, this was the first time in PA
history that a teacher's insurance was cancelled during a strike.
Nothing is getting this board to negotiate. What now??? The only way
that board is going to give the teachers a fair contract is from the
pressure the public puts on them. Hold your own picket and let them
know you want a contract. Whether you are pro teacher or board, you
want a contract. I hope that each and every one of you moves beyond
this, or you will have let this strike tear apart your wonderful
community. Try to start school next week like you would have normally.
I know it's not the same, but your reactions to the teachers will
impact your child's receptiveness in the classroom. If you child knows
you hate and disrespect the teachers, what do you think their year will
be like. Make the board negotiate.
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 06:14 AM EST
Ask...What's the Board doing with OUR money?
found this interesting...Posted today on "There has been a
lot of confusion regarding teacher salaries after a work stoppage.
Although a strike is an unfortunate and inconvenient situation, the
teachers will experience a substantial financial penalty also. Based on
Souderton's average salary and the present employment of 512 teachers,
the district could choose to save nearly $1.5 million as a direct
result of the work stoppage. If so, the average loss for the average
teacher will likely be $2,800. The board may do this by eliminating all
remaining teacher in-service days. Students are in classes for 180
days, and those days must all be taught; however, there are nine of the
initial 12 in-service days remaining. The board could eliminate those
nine days, thereby creating a net loss of teacher salaries totaling
nearly $1.5 million. This $1.5 million alone is enough to close nearly
the entire gap between the school board and union's health plans. The
point is that these dollar amounts, though sounding astronomical, are
actually just a drop in the bucket considering the resources available
to the school district.
This brings up another important
point. The new high school is to be opened in September 2009, and three
in-service days were slated for the move. If the board chooses to
eliminate those days, as they are entitled to do, the move to the new
high school could be adversely affected. The removal of any in-service
days also illuminates an interesting inconsistency in the board's
proposal as they had initially proposed the addition of eight more
in-service days above and beyond the twelve already in the present
contract. The fact that the board feels the teachers need four weeks of
in-service time beyond the actual teaching time, implies that the board
feels that these days are extremely important."
Again, it seems
the BOARD is sitting on OUR money that has already been collected. And
now it has MORE money, from what it "saves" while our teachers are out.
Whether you are pro-board or pro-teacher, aren't you PRO-MONEY?
Have you asked your school board member what they're doing with all of your money yet today????
If you want to talk about fiscal responsibility, In hard times
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 06:05 AM EST
To April and some research, please
SCHOOL BOARD is responsible for setting the lowest salary (1st year of
employment with only a Bachelor's Degree). From there, the union
distributes what is left of the lump of $ . There are often times that
some teachers BARELY GET A COST OF LIVING INCREASE, depending where
they are on the scale. Before you blame the victim here for supposedly
"voting to accept such a low starting salary", do some research. My
understanding from talking to some teachers (have you tried that
yet?There usually are 2 sides to each story.) is that they were
basically told last time around to take what was offered b/c there
wasn't going to be a better offer.
Here we sit again, with the
board repeatedly offering the same amount, saying they have no more
money. What about the $17 MILLION SURPLUS they have collected? Aren't
our kids and their education more important than sparkling new
furniture for an overpriced high school?
Another FACT: The 8
nd 9onstantly batted around is NOT THE AMOUNT OF A RAISE that every
teacher is asking for. It is the INCREASE in the that section of the
BUDGET to afford to give them fair raises.
you're going to debate this issue, please try to bring factual
information to the discussion. We only anger each other when false
accusations fly. So many people have bashed teachers and asked what
message they're sending because you teach your children to talk it out
when something's wrong (and rightfully so!). But are we taking our own
advice here? How many of you have stopped to TALK to a teacher? We've
all heard the explanations/info from the board. Have you heard the info
directly from the source...not the paper...a teacher?
Isn't that the message we'd like to send our children?
Tired of , Misinformation in the hands of bloggers
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:30 PM EST
can teachers be so selfish in these horrible economic times when they
are clearly making plenty?!?!?! People are losing their homes. Why
would the board just be out to screw you, they are working out of their
own time as elected officials (for the community). You are doing this
MAD, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:25 PM EST
To the teacher questioning career choice
you are going through is EXACTLY why you, as a teacher, need to support
HB1369. You should not have to strike to get a fair contract. The
problem is the system and the system is in place because the union
won't let it change. All I hope is that some teachers realize this and
move towards a more civilized process. We parents cannot know what is
taking place in the negotiation room - we need transparency and public
disclosure. That will also come with HB1369. But until you and your
union support it, this mess created by the flawed system will continue
to ruin communities.
You are also a little mistaken to think our
children will receive the same education this year had you not gone on
strike. It is impossible to compress the school year by 3.5 weeks and
have the same success. You as a teacher know it takes time for lessons
to sink in, and kids need breaks to refresh and continue to enjoy
school. We parents know this too and it is precisely why we are so
angered at the ENTIRE situation.
When you say you have no choice
- is it because the current law does not allow you to go to arbitration
until the maximum amount of strike days occur? If so, then isn't that a
signal that Act 88 is flawed? And if not, then why couldn't you go back
after one week and still maintain your refusal to the board thereby
forcing arbitration? Please explain. We parents do not know the ins and
outs of the law as it exists today. All we see is a union bullying our
children and gambling with their emotional state of mind.
Can you blame us for wanting to make teacher strikes illegal? Please research it.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 11:23 PM EST
To the Souderton Teacher
read your comments and I can't believe you would say you can't afford
to rent an apartment in Souderton when your salary is listed above.
What about the elderly retired residents who lived here all their lives
who won't be able to afford the tax hike? What will you tell them? If
things are this hard on you and your family why not go to another
district. What if the district does like Reagan did to the air traffic
controllers and fires you all-Where will your union be then? There's a
lot of good hungry teachers coming out of college who would love to
prove themselves. Maybe our taxes would go down if the board did that.
By the way I am not on the side of the board but your comments are
making it easier to be-I still don't understand why you need so much
more money
Mother of 3 in SASD, Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:49 PM EST
be glad your not one of the 116 out of 217 people from Pilgrims Pride.
Since they don't have a job now, will you be helping them to pay for
your increase? Or help them out with their water bill? How many
Souderton SD teachers actually live in the SASD? I would really like to
know this.
feeling sorry for the pilgrim prides employees., Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:43 PM EST
To the teachers and all
haven't heard anyone say that teachers don't do alot, I really do think
that they do. Many jobs require you to take your work home, most of
them are salary paid not hourly. So.. if you want to be paid for the
time you are at work go get an hourly paying job. Just imagine, if
other people were to strike, think about the outcome. What if your
trash company decided to strike, either you would get a new trash
company or you would pile up your trash. The thing is with teachers
it's not that simple, because this is your home, this is where you
decided to raise your child. We don't have the option to pick new
teachers and many of us can't just pick up and move. I feel for the
teachers because they do alot of work but why do we (taxpayers,
children, the community) have to suffer because of the choices you
made. Noone told you that you had to become a teacher. Were you unaware
of what goes into being a teacher? Geez, I have never been a teacher
but I could have told you that there is alot of work involved. Lawyers,
Doctors, Accountants, just about any job you can think of, there is
alot of work involved-it's called LIFE. No, not all jobs are the same
but every job has it's rewards and downfalls. There is no such thing as
a PERFECT job. I am so tired of hearing how teachers have it sooo
hard,come live a day in my shoes and tell me you have it hard. Many
many people have to choose between food and oil to heat their homes and
your complaining about the short amount of time you are on strike to
worry about it. Are you for real? Geez, I wish I made the thirty some
thousand dollars a year that you are making, the sad part is, I did go
to school and graduated, I just can't find a job in my field. This
month it's food or electric, which should I choose?, Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:32 PM EST
Hurting yourselves more than the children????
First of all, PLEASE understand that we are hurting ourselves more than the children in this community.
I don't buy this for one minute. I'm left to explain daily, to my 1st
grader why she isn't able to attend school, and I'm left to explain to
her about the strike, in as few words as possible, since she's only 6.
And in her 6 year old mind, she's fairly certain that the teachers
would prefer to be outside walking around the schools, rather than
inside them, teaching their students. There is no way to reconcile this
to a child, no way, no how. The only thing that I'm glad about is that
she has no idea (nor do I for that matter) what her teacher looks like,
so at least as we drive in every morning to Kids Kare, she doesn't have
to point out her teacher, walking on the picket line. I have a hard
time listening to professionals bemoan their loss of income, something
that I assume you were fully aware of when you decided that striking
was your only option. I do not honestly believe that was the best way
nor the only way to make your point heard. Really, the only thing that
has happened is that you've lost the respect of this community. I,
myself, am going to try very hard to make sure my child has a good year
in school. I will certainly try to volunteer my time, efforts and money
to make sure that she has a good experience in this district. I can't
speak for anybody else, but I have a feeling that many others do not
feel the same.
Mama, Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 09:40 PM EST
Reponse to April
school board has made no movement on significant issues. The union is
currently the only side that is prepared to negociate. The school board
wanted a strike all along. It will save them money on teacher's salary
this year and they are hoping it will get the community to turn against
the teachers.
The union has been prepared to negociate since
January and the board has repeatedly stalled and slowed the process. I
agree there has to be a middle ground, but there needs to be movement
on both sides in order to meet somewhere in the middle. Teachers do not
expect a 9aise each year. This number is a starting point for
bargaining purposes. Unfortunately, the school board is hoping if they
continue to not negociate and only send one or two members of their
team, the union will continue to negociate against itself and finally
get to the school board's meager raise proposal of 2
Very Frustrated, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 09:06 PM EST
What If?
continue to say that teachers should just be happy to have a job during
this tough economic turn. Lets look at it another way. What if teachers
were laid off because times were tough and instead of having 500
teachers to serve our students, we only had 250? Your child would be
one of 50 in their elementary classroom. What kind of an education do
you think they would receive then? It is a good thing our teachers jobs
have some protection and are not reflective of economic conditions
because the product coming out of a situation like that would be
Become Educated, in Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:47 PM EST
Lowest paid
teachers have the lowest starting pay thanks to the SAEA. The union
voted to accept a lower pay for incoming teachers. How is this the
publics and/or school boards fault?
Many salaried taxpayers also
work long hours. My husband regularly puts in 55-60 hour work weeks
without the benefit of nearly 3 months off in the summer.
I am
glad to hear the you are fiscally prudent with your money yet you slam
the school board for being fiscally responsible with the taxpayers
money. How is that fair?
I know many good teachers but I also
know of many bad ones such as the english teacher at Valley who
regularly took phone calls from her daughter during class time. how is
that fair to the students in the class?
There has to be a middle
ground and from what I've read the board has started moving towards it
but the union hasn't. In a perfect world everyone would get all the
money they want but the world isn't perfect.
April, Harleysville, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:37 PM EST
A Warning
no contract is negotiated between now and the September 23rd deadline
very negative consequences for the students of the SASD will result.
Most likely, the teachers will chose (rightly so) to work to the terms
of the old contract which will be the modus operandi until a new
contract is voted in. Working to the contract will be just that. No
after school tutoring or teachers taking work home would likely result. One can only imagine what else might result from that. And who can blame them? Especially
if the School Board would refuse to accept the Binding Arbitration
decision if it goes in the teacher's favor. Please remember everything
that has happened when you vote on Election Day. It is time to clean
house. If you don't, you will only have yourself to blame.
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:25 PM EST
is such a wonderful school district. I, like many others, moved here
because of the reputation of the school district for my son. I have
listened to my neighbors over the summer talk about the wonderful
teachers at Lower Salford and I have to say, I am excited for my son to
begin school there. Story after story was about the high expectations
they hold for the students and the extra love and support provided for
each child. However, I am shocked at the lack of respect shining
through this community. I recently read that someone is upset the
teachers went on strike. That they should teach while negotiating. It
seems to me they would have done that if the district started
negotiating before the school year began. So, the district didn't and
here we are. The children will still receive their 180 days and their
education. But, what is going to happen to Souderton? Do we have a
board that believes in public education? Are they going to continue to
make Souderton attractive for others to move here? I think if the
teachers do not receive a fair contract, it is going to change the
community and not for the better.
SASD parent, Harleysville, pa
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:20 PM EST
Reason for the Strike
This is for those of you who have lost respect for teachers and need to know why we support a strike... First
of all, PLEASE understand that we are hurting ourselves more than the
children in this community. In the end, the kids will still get the
full amount of school days as during any school year. The pay and
insurance we have lost during the strike will not be made up, so
picketing has been a huge financial burden for our families. We realize
that some parents will give us a hard time. Many of us cannot eat or
sleep, and we want to be in the classroom with your children more than
anything. So why do we do it? Because we have no choice. As much as we
would like to attempt contract negotiations while teaching, the board
has refused to bargain in good faith time and time again. This isn't
just about money, as many people seem to believe. We have families just
like all of you. It's hard to justify adding days and hours to our
contract with more health care contributions when we already give so
much. This would be like taking a pay cut for additional work. I can't
tell you how many times I've taken my own children into my classroom
after school so I could get things done, but enough is enough. How can
I justify this to my family when the salary I earn isn't even enough to
rent an apartment in Souderton, let enough to save up for my children's
future? I can't keep stealing time from my family, especially when it
is obviously not appreciated. I have to tell you, this is the first
time in my life that I have ever doubted my career choice. When my
family watches a movie on the weekends, I grade papers. When everyone
else is in bed, I plan lessons. When most of you thinking about what to
make for dinner tomorrow night, I'm wondering how I can tactfully offer
to donate clothing to little Sally's family, because I noticed that her
pants are too small and her shoes have holes. Teaching is not a 7.5
hour a day job. It consumes your life. I always found this to be
fulfilling, but the lashback from this strike might just be too much to
swallow. This community really needs to see things for what they are.
I'm just afraid that if some of you haven't caught on to the board's
dictatorship by now, you may never see this for what it is. We have
given so much to this community, but it's time we start putting our own
families first. Souderton, please understand that your teachers DO care
deeply about this community and your children. We just can't care more
about your children than our own. Could you?
A Teacher, Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:05 PM EST
Mr. Anynomous Coward
I am not exaggarating at all, I do work 75 hours a week and I own a
business and a home in this school district and I am born and raised
here and BLUE COLLAR TO THE BONE. It would be much easier to have a
regular job than own a business but there's not choice unless I want to
uproot my family. This area is not North Penn, it is founded on BLUE
COLLAR BUSINESSES!!!! These butt ugly developments go up and people
move in and they complain about the cow smell, the ugly Kingscote
development actually tried to stop Godshall Meats from expanding-who
was there first??!!! The Orchard Hill development in Franconia actually
tried to stop tractor trailers from using Church Rd and it was a huge
ordeal. WHO WAS HERE FIRST!!!?? The people born here are mostly blue
collar and can't afford it anymore, the farms are GONE and we are left
with ugly developments along our landscape, IT IS RUINED, and now the
teachers want to cry they don't have enough money, UNBELIEVABLE, if you
TISSUES AND CRAYONS TO THE CLASS ANYMORE-let the teachers pay for it.
THE TEACHERS. They don't teach anymore, they whine and run to the
union. 90f the time the kids come home with homework they don't know
how to do because they never went over it and class so besides working
75 hours a week I gotta teach them what the teachers couldn't.
Furthermore I'm sick and tired of these unions, they are outdated, they
are bullys.
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 06:47 PM EST
Dirty union tactics
admit that I have mislead the teachers union in these negotiation and
caused undue stress and anxiety for many taxpayers and parents. I now
understand that my lust for power and control have lead to ruining a
once great school district. It is with this knowledge that I must
resign as the lead negotiator for the teachers union.
Bill Lukridge , Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 05:39 PM EST
Dear wishing people got it
get it, and I think you and your colleagues are absolutely right. I
defend your right to strike because what other leverage do you have?
The general public does not understand. You work many long hours, you
do work over and above what is required. All you want is a little
respect and a decent salary. I moved here because of the school
district 10 years ago. We did not buy a house in Central Bucks, or
Methacton, or North Penn. We wanted Souderton because it seemed like
the best of all worlds--still a bit rural, with beautiful green spaces,
and a growing professional class that would surely bring a first class
spirit to the school district. Every penny my husband and I earn, I am
careful with. We are saving money for college, for retirement, we pay
lots of taxes. But the money for the schools is so important--not just
for my child but the future students in this district. My older child
has developmental delays. He is at Valley now, and he has been treated
with such care, such professionalism, such love-at Vernfield and now
Middle school which was a wonderful experience. I can never say a bad
word about the teachers for all they have done for us. They are WORTH
more than the lowest starting salary in the county. They are, you are,
and don't believe all the bad stuff on this board. You are valued by
many in this community. I am sorry that you had to strike to call
attention to the horribly disrespectful, dishonest school board we
have. Those men are a disgrace to the community. Keep your head up. The
good guys always win in the end.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 04:23 PM EST
To All Teachers
(the taxpayers and parents) WILL NOT be held hostage by our selfish
greedy school board. Their selfishness has already cost our children
enough. Get back to work if and only if you get a fair contract. The
school board has not offered you a fair deal. If you don't like it then
by all means reject it and reject it now.
To the union - Hold
firm in your resolve. Don't cave in and don't negotiate a deal that
will embarass this community for years to come.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 03:30 PM EST
To the Souderton Math Teacher
sound like an honest teacher worthy of respect. You are trying to
provide quality education. You deal with many issues above and beyond
math. I'm sure many parents have no bone to pick with you or the job
you do. But here's the problem - you've lost our respect by going on
strike. With each passing day, you lose a little more respect. And
should you go back without a contract, then strike again and then
threaten to prevent the new high school and middle schools from
opening, we will NEVER give you any of that respect back.
the teachers refused to sign a contract yet continued to negotiate
while teaching, you would have earned respect two-fold. But you didn't.
You've taken the hardnosed approach based on the agenda set forth by
your union. And for that, I hate to say it, we all will suffer.
you honestly believe the strike is necessary, please explain. Because
their are many, many parents who believe otherwise. Do the laws need to
be changed? Perhaps. But until the teachers in the union explain why
they felt they had to deprive our children, we will continue believing
YOU, the TEACHERS, don't get it.
A parent that DOES get it, Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 02:57 PM EST
Response to numbers!!!!!
am a souderton teacher. I must be absolutely crazy to post on here
because I am sure that many people are going to degrade me and attack
me personally. I teach math. I decided to teach because I know how
tough it can be in school for these kids. I want my students to realize
that math doesn't always mean "hard". I have my masters degree plus 30
or more credits. I could have gone into many fields where the money is
significantly higher, but I chose to teach. I have more years of
education than most lawyers have. I have almost as many years of
education as a doctor has. I make a quarter of what these other
professionals make. I educate your children for their future. Whether
they become electricians, dentists, lawyers, construction workers. For
this I have been called greedy and overpaid. I am crushed that the
public has trashed Souderton teachers. I came to this district and took
a huge paycut. I knew what a great district this was. Now I don't know
how I feel about this district. When school finally does start, I will
have students who will be showing complete disrespect for me in my
classroom because that's what they are seeing and hearing at home. You
as a parent may not value education, but I do. Why are teachers
considered overpaid by the public? You can't even imagine what goes on
in a single day in my room. I have 138 students. Each student learns at
a different pace and has different abilities. I have to teach them the
same thing. I have to keep a decent pace in order to have them prepared
for next year, all the while not leaving anyone behind. I deal with
emotional meltdowns, bullying, broken homes, learning disabilities,
friend issues, teacher issues and all the typical behaviors of an early
adolescent. Try that sometime. Meanwhile, I have to try and get them to
care that a b = c. Add on top of that absent parents and you have a
real mess. But remember, we do nothing. Hence the overpaid babysitters.
I put my own children to bed and spend hours grading papers, making
worksheets, planning activites that will be "fun", writing curriculum,
following state standards, finding a place to stick in some PSSA
preparedness stuff, recording grades, writing notes home, sending
emails, creating quizzes and tests, and getting some sleep. Please
don't ever think that I do nothing. If teaching were so easy, everyone
would do it. For those of you that criticize, go to college for 6-8
years, get your teaching degree and then come talk to me. When you walk
a few days in my shoes, I guarantee no one will leave my classrom and
say that teachers have it easy. I support my union. We want to keep
quality teachers in our school. It takes more than just a good
reputation of a school district to entice new teachers here. I jumped
at the chance to get out of the "ghetto" and teach here. Unfortunately,
our reputation in Souderton is going right down the tubes. Once
teachers get a sense at the lack of respect that teachers get in this
distrcit, the small starting salary, and a school board who could care
less about us, no one's going to be standing in line for a job here.
Many of you moved here for the good schools. Your property values are
what they are because people want their children in these schools. I
live in Quakertown. I pay a boat load of money towards my taxes. I know
that Quakertown is attracting the best teachers here, not just the left
overs. Do we want that for Souderton? The teachers that couldn't land a
job anywhere else? That's what will start happening. That will really
be awful for me. Teaching in a building will below average teachers.
That sounds fun. I've said my peace. Everyone is titled to their
opinion, but disrespect for what I do is horrendous.
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 02:56 PM EST
To All Teachers
(the taxpayers and parents) WILL NOT be held hostage by your selfish
greedy union. Your selfishness has already cost our children enough.
Get back to work and quit your bellyaching. The board has offered you a
fair deal. If you don't like it then by all means leave and leave now.
the school board - Hold firm in your resolve. Don't cave in and don't
negotiate a deal that will burden this community for years to come.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 02:49 PM EST
- your probably right...that is only in the first year...after seeing
such a depressing number (2.79) i did not even bother to go further...
More than frustrated, Telford, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 01:13 PM EST
Response to-More numbers....
To More than frustrated, Wouldn't
the current union salary demands require an additional $26.6 million in
funding for payroll over the life of the four year contract?
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 12:04 PM EST
More numbers....
take a look at some more numbers and actually I am surprised that
someone has not posted this before...Of 500 teachers salaries posted on
here, there are 144 of them that are making the max of $89,363. That is
roughly 25Àin addition there are 188 making over $80k, which equates to
over 35î..on the bottom side, there are only 21 making the minimum
salary of $37,323, which is 3.9f the total....and with those 21, there
is only a total of 28 yrs experience.... Additionally, the total of
the salaries presented is over $34 million, tack on the 8.2
he union is asking for, now you are talking about another 2.79 million
that we the tax payers are going to have to foot the bill for... Now,
lets throw in the insurance, take a teacher making the $89,363 and ask
them to pay the max insurance which is $127.20 a month, you are talking
a measley 1.4f their annual salary....Me, personally, my insurance
premium is 9f my salary... Seems like what they have is pretty darn good.... I
support the board for watching out for us taxpayers, however I don't
know why only 1 or 2 members only show up for the negotiating sessions. Also,
I don't think we can put all of this blame on the teachers either, they
are hard working and do deserve the best as they are the ones teaching
our children, our future, but it seems as they are being controlled by
one person. I would love to see some of the teachers post on here, show
their true feelings from the heart, not what Mr. Lukridge says they
should feel. Both sides need to get off their high horses, swallow
some pride and put an end to this nonsense...Our children are suffering
over this and it is causing way to much tension in the district.
More than frustrated, Telford, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 11:53 AM EST
length of contract and negotiations
the years in the contract is a concession because it allows the union
to open this can of worms that much sooner. The longer the term, the
longer there can be no adjustment based on economic conditions. So if
in 3 years, the economy has turned around and cash is flowing - the
teachers would be able to receive a better contract. On the flip side,
if the economy continues to decline - the increases can be toned down.
This is why the union is fighting it - they know the economy is going
nowhere yet refuse to acknowledge it in their negotiations.
also thought the board originally offered 2.1 percent so their number
has moved as well. Everyone who thinks the board should counter on
medical - listen up. Both sides are in a catch-22. Lukridge said they
won't counter the salary offer until the board counters their medical
offer. The board won't counter the medical offer without knowing how
much the union will counter on salary. I would think the mediator
should be making an effort to unlock this situation, but I guess she's
too busy until Friday.
John , Upper Salford
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:45 AM EST
union first proposed the supposed 9.5 percent raise for 4 years. the
board countered with 2.5 for 5 years. the union countered with 8.2 for
4 years. the board countered with 2.5 for 3 years. the union has moved
their salary, but the board has not. the board is not negotiating. how
is taking away the number of years considered "concessions?"
innocent bystander
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:36 AM EST
How ironic
I the only one to notice this? How funny is it that on one side of the
district's page, there are updates about all their supposed hard work
on negotiations and on the other side of that page is a picture of
TEACHERS doing WORK DURING SUMMER. Induction days take place BEFORE the
start of the school year, right? Experienced mentor teachers and
newbies, side by side...learning for the betterment of the district and
its children.
I'm just saying...before we start jumping on
teachers for how greedy we think they are, maybe we should realize how
much they do for our children and families BEYOND the duties and hours
listed in the contract.
See Arlene's post below for a starting point...
frustrated with the board, who has the power to end this
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:29 AM EST
I see it, the ball is in the School Board's court b/c, according to the
info the union stated after yesterday's negotiations, "The school board
knows that for movement on salary we require the condition that the
school board moves on medical. We will not bargain against ourselves. "
board KNOWS the union is willing to move, but they want to be reassured
they are not going to have a huge pay CUT in paying for a horrible
health plan. All the board has to do is show some movement in good
faith, and the union has said they will follow suit.
Come on, people, in the end this hurts the kids.
try to see the bigger picture here
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 10:10 AM EST
a summary
Ok, so for anyone not sure of what's gone down so far, here's a recap:
Summer 2008: Board:
ok, we're going to offer you 2.5acrosss the salary matrix), increased
health deductibles and worse health plan, an extra half hour on your
day and that essentially results in a pay cut. Union: No thank you.
Late summer 2008: Board:
ok, we're going to offer you 2.5acrosss the salary matrix), increased
deductibles and worse health plan, an extra half hour on your day and
that essentially results in a pay cut. Union: No thank you. We really don't want to strike, but you keep offering the same thing and that's not competitive.
Labor Day 2008: Board:
ok, we're going to offer you 2.5acrosss the salary matrix), increased
deductibles and worse health plan, an extra half hour on your day and
that essentially results in a pay cut. Union: Well, see, here's the
thing. You keep offering the same proposal. We aren't actually going to
take that just because you keep shoveling the same thing at us. NO
Sept 12 and Sept 15: Board: Um,
yeah, here it is, take it or leave it... we're going to offer you
2.5acrosss the salary matrix), increased deductibles and worse health
plan, an extra half hour on your day and that essentially results in a
pay cut. Oh, and most of our negotiating team couldn't make it, so this
is what you get. We really just lied to the public at the school board
meeting on Thursday night, so they would actually believe we want to
negotiate. Union: NO THANK YOU- We've agreed all along we all need
to make concessions, but you aren't making any. So, again, no thank
you. For the record, our whole team continues to be at every
negotiating session. If you aren't going to talk medical, we're not
ready to talk salary, since it would involve a PAY CUT. NO THANK YOU.
there you have it. Pretty much sums up what's gone down. Is that good
enough for the students of Souderton? I think not! Is it good enough
for our teachers? I think not! Get in there, ALL OF YOU from the board,
and make this work. My 5 year old could be negotiating better than the
Al P, Lansdale, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 09:34 AM EST
I'm REALLY confused now. I've read many commnents from those who
complain about the School Board not making enough of an attempt to
negotiate. However, I have yet to see any counter offer from the
Teacher's Union? The most recent negotiation sessions seem to indicate
some attempt from the School Board to make some consessions, in an
attempt to encourage some progress, but where's the Union's
consessions? Why hasn't the Teacher's Union come to the table with a
salary counter offer? WHY?
Dazzed and Confused!, Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 08:32 AM EST
Are we all on the same page?
lot of numbers are flying around in the news and on these comment
sites. We hear of a 2.5ncrease offering from the board and a 'hold out'
figure of 8rom the teachers but did you ever stop to ask what these
figures are a percentage of? If you are assuming it is a percentage of
the teachers take home figure you would be mistaken. As I understand it
(someone correct me if I'm wrong and quote your source) the percentage
quotes we have been hearing are to the annual budget - not individual
salariers. The board hasn't done much to dispell this widely reported
misconception and I don't know why the teacher's union waited until
today to set the record straight ( Another
FYI,I saw on the news tonight that Saucon Valley teachers are on strike
and turned down their boards FIRST offer of 4.71 go figure... the painter, Sellersville
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 08:29 AM EST
Enough is Enough
To Enough is Enough There
are 2 sides to every argument. I guess it is Souderton teacher's union
fault that there are economic issues? Give me a break. Teachers are
never approached for a raise just because times are good, so don't use
the same analogy here. Taxes in Souderton are far below New Jerseys -
so maybe you should be thankful or move back to New Jersey. If you have
issues, tell the school board to make a real proposal for our teachers
that have always served us well in the past. Linda T, Franconia, PA
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 08:06 AM EST
d-r-b; so sad
though he/she was being funny by posting a youtube video "from the
union" that is rude and insulting. And "so sad it's funny" had to
resort to including a profanity in his/her comments. No wonder this
community is in this mess--we have people who think insults and profane
comments can pass as discussion.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:53 AM EST
Don't Blame Dr. Amuso
school board has forbidden him to speak publicly about the strike and
negotiations. I wouldn't be surprised if all "cabinet" level employees
were given the same directive.
It's the school board's fault, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 07:27 AM EST
You have No idea
daughter teaches in Pittsburg, and we talk about her work often. The
truth is that most people have no idea what kind of work goes into
being a teacher. How many of you have gotten a call from a teacher
later in the evening? on a weekend? How many of you have attended
meetings that lasted well beyond the teacher's 7.5 hour day? How many
times have you heard your kids talk about a really cool (well planned)
activity they did at school? How many of you have kids who have gone on
field trips that start before school hours or last into the evening?
The teacher bashers out there better start thinking about all this. If
I were a teacher serving this community, I sure wouldn't feel
appreciated. How many of you would keep dumping 20 hours into your job
a week without compensation just to hear your boss (taxpayers) cut you
down in a most unappreciative way? I'm not saying you have to agree
with the strike or even with their requests, but don't bite the hand
that feeds your child's education. The fact is these teachers DO go
above and beyond, as many of you have already pointed out. The least
you could do is show some respect. You're probably the same families
who teachers buy gift for at Christmas time, who don't support learning
by making your kids do homework, etc. SHAME ON US SOUDERTON!!!
Arlene, Telford
Added: Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 02:05 AM EST
you serious? When I took those I didn't take them seriously. I didn't
like being judged as a group as apposed to an individual. It didn't
grade how smart I was. It didn't help or hurt me. This whole "no child
left behind" is a bad idea. Sure lets just push these kids through, who
cares if they are understanding what is going on, as long as they
graduate right. But anyways, the kids are still going to have their
mandatory number of days, they just have less days off during the year.
Which may or may not hurt the PSSA scores that some of you are soo
worried about. It could help because they don't have so many days in
between to forget what they are learning or it could hurt because kids
need time off just like we all do. C'mon, how many of you have taken
off of work just because you "felt like it"? Kids don't get to choose
which days they can and can't have off, unfortunately. So get these
teachers back in school so the kids can have some days to enjoy the
holidays. You see it, as the holidays get closer they get all excited
and is harder to concentrate. Now you just took away some of their days
off which will probably hurt them more then help. We all would like an
increase in pay but unfortunately we can't all decide to step outside
with signs and demand a pay raise. Of course, I do my job because I
love it. I actually took a $2.50/hour pay cut because I would rather do
something I love. Maybe one day others will do the same. Yeah it's
tough at times but hey, welcome to life. It doesn't matter what you
make you base your life around your pay. More money=more bills(higher
standard of living). C'mon it's common sense. What are the
teachers teaching our kids? That if they don't get what they want, waa
waa let's cry about it and pout until we get what we want. I don't know
about you but I am always telling my kids that if they aren't happy
with something they should talk about it and we will work to come up
with a solution. I also teach them that they can't always get what they
want. How many times do you tell your kids no? Alot probably because
there are always wants and desires, too bad everyone can't always get
what they want or we would all be millionaires then billionaires
Enjoying the extended summer, but I think it's time to end., SOUDERTON PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 10:32 PM EST
That's all the time that was given to negotiating today? It took me longer to get my grocery shopping done.
have been wondering why this strike makes me feel so sad and frustrated
(other than being a taxpayer and a parent of school-aged children
enrolled in SASD). It reminds me of my parents' bitter divorce and us
kids being caught in the middle of it.
know one man who would have never allowed the school board to do what
it is doing right now....Mr. Tinner. He'd fix this situation right away.
Common you really think a teacher does 7.5 hours per day? The
school I drive by on my way to work is half-full at 8AM and still full
at 4PM. Plus, with all those little homework assignments, they end up
taking them home to grade. If each child has a 15 minute homework
assignment and it takes the teacher 5 minutes to grade each assignment;
a class of 20 would take 100 minutes (1 hour and 40 minutes). Most, if
not all, teachers put in more than 8 hours per day. If a teacher puts
in an average of 1 hour extra per day, that's 180 extra hours....about
22.5 (8 hour day) to 24 (7.5 hour day) extra days. That's 4-5 extra
weeks of school, taking them into mid to late July. I'm sure there are
more teachers out there who put in more than 1 hour extra per day.
I'm going....School Board....Do you want the teacher's union to act
like a union? My dad was a union man. I can't speak for all unions, but
one thing that I noticed about his union....when it was quitting time,
IT WAS QUITTING TIME. Any extra time was overtime at time-and-a-half.
The extra work these teachers put in to their job needs to be taken
into consideration.
Or do you want to treat them like
professionals? My mom is the head of the nursing department. She has a
Bachelor's, plus 2 Master's Degrees. She's been working at the hospital
for almost 30 years and has received a raise every year. Now, she's
making more than most of our administrators.
What I'm saying is
you have a union who puts in more time than they are required too and
they have nothing to show for it but grief from this school board.
teachers worked hard for their education. At least you should recognize
that like the other school districts posted in Monday's paper.
Just Sharon
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 07:10 PM EST
Are we all on the same page?
lot of numbers are flying around in the news and on these comment
sites. We hear of a 2.5ncrease offering from the board and a 'hold out'
figure of 8rom the teachers but did you ever stop to ask what these
figures are a percentage of? If you are assuming it is a percentage of
the teachers take home figure you would be mistaken. As I understand it
(someone correct me if I'm wrong and quote your source) the percentage
quotes we have been hearing are to the annual budget - not individual
salariers. The board hasn't done much to dispell this widely reported
misconception and I don't know why the teacher's union waited until
today to set the record straight (
Another FYI,I saw on the news tonight that Saucon Valley teachers are
on strike and turned down their boards FIRST offer of 4.71 go figure...
the painter, Sellersville
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 07:05 PM EST
Reply - Let's Hear from Dr. Amuso
And wouldn't it be nice if we heard from R. Bradley Clemens, Asst.
Superintendent & Director of Human Resources, and Brenda Jones
Bray, Director of Business Affairs too? Glad to know that I am not the
only one who thinks its time we demand answers and resolution from the
people we are actually PAYING TO RUN THE DISTRICT rather than a group
of volunteers who obviously don't care enough to show up to the table?
Parent in waiting, Soudertonc
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 05:44 PM EST
Hey Bill, thanks! Is your last name Lukridge?
Bill has informed us that PSSA scores are important and illustrated how
devastiting it will be if they drop. Doom, Doom and more DOOM!
I guess compressing the school year by 3.5 weeks won't adversely impact
them? I guess alienating some portion of the parent volunteers who
assist in the schools won't impact them? I guess telling the kids that
their school days aren't really that important won't make an impression
on their value of learning and will have no impact?
made Frustrated's point. Our children need to be in school learning
NOW. I don't care who is right or wrong in this dispute between people
with too much power. And if the teacher's REALLY CARED ABOUT THE PSSA
Do you have
any idea how much public opinion would sway on the side of the teachers
if they voluntarily went back to work while refusing to settle? Bill
Lukridge is no leader - it's a shame the teachers can't see that.
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 05:42 PM EST
To Charles...
Amuso did try and speak up but was told by Mr. Currie to 'be quiet - we
don't need your opinion. I also heard that Mr. Sultanik (the board's
advocate) told the board to offer the teacher a 4.5 raise and again
good old Bernie said NO WAY!!! This could ghave been solved long ago!!
tired too!
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 05:41 PM EST
Thanks, Charles
think that you are obviously right about wanting Dr. Amuso to step up
and get this done. For years, the district had Dr. Grande and others
who would step forward and say take care of business, obviously before
the deadline and it did not get out of control. I'm not certain what
Dr. Amuso's stand is, but at the very least he should be pulling the
two sides together and calling for negotiations, until the contracts
are signed. When day 12 is done, perhaps after the board feels they
have saved the community $1.? million, then maybe they will step
forward and all be at the meetings that have been scheduled. Until
then, we should all be calling for someone to keep them all
accountable! Let's face it, they aren't having to explain to their
children why school isn't in session. Nor are they paying $15/day per
child. The contract MUST be negotiated, so get in there and negotiate!
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 05:15 PM EST
let's do some math. There are 168 hours in a week. Let's assume you
sleep 7 hours a night. That's 49 your 85 working hours. That's 134
hours. 168 - 134 = 34 hours left. Divided by 7, that leaves you 4.85
hours each day of personal time. Optimally, it takes you 2 hours to eat
your 3 meals a day. That means you have 2 hours a day for travel, basic
hygiene. And that is assuming you work 7 days. Do you think you might
be exaggerating just a little bit?
To your other point... don't volunteer, don't participate in your kid's school. Who does that hurt? Duh.
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 05:03 PM EST
Let's Hear from Dr. Amuso
there is one person who might be able to bring the opposing sides
together it should be Dr. Amuso. Where is he and what is he doing to
get our district out of this mess? This is really the time for him
to earn his high salary since his job description requires him to deal
with both teachers and Board Members. It is time for him to put his
secure position at risk and sit both sides down and demand a
settlement. He can be a hero or he can be a simple pawn of the School
Board and sit back collecting his salary on a par with surrounding
districts. Time to get the lead out!
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:57 PM EST
are several companies that have tried to take up shop in the Souderton
Area, but were turned away in order to keep it "a bedroom community."
Why don't you ask the board why a major pharmaceutical company in the
heart of the district does not have to pay taxes for 10 years? 10 YEARS!
Mr. Frederick DoesBetter, Some Hill School
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:53 PM EST
Response to Civil Disobedience
you out of your mind? Do you have any understanding of what failing
PSSA scores can do to your child's education? If a school is not
proficient on the PSSAs the school is pretty much in "time out" from
the DOE. WHen this happens, many students who score low will be in
remedial reading and math programs in order to find out where and why
they are unable to be proficient. Do you want children who may be
proficient to jeopardize their entire educational process because of
your encouragement to fail the test? What kind of parent would do that
to their child??? PSSA scores are a rating of the school, but at the
core of it they affect the individual student who fails to score
proficient on the test. THAT specific child's entire schedule, their
ability to participate in the regular ed. program, and their "Track"
for many of their courses would be entirely altered. Many 11th grade
students who are not proficient may not graduate until they can pass
the test or prove their ability to master PA's standards in a different
way. WOuld you enjoy seeing your child jump through a myriad of red
tape and extensive extra work just to graduate because of your revenge
tactic?? IF you don't care about your kids, then what about your
house? Want a quick way to lower your property value??? Live in a
school district that is on the DOE's "warning" list - not many buyers
with kids will be interested. Please educate yourself on what the
PSSA test means to you and your child before you comment - and
encourage only more ridiculous ideas that fuel ignorance in this
Bill , Franconia
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:49 PM EST
11 days and counting
getting more and more challenging to find empathy with either side as I
watch my 1st grader lose precious school days as his cousins in other
area districts are into the comfort of being 2 weeks down and onto the
third week of the school year.
To the teacher's union and
board members, why not start negotiations at 9 a.m. and continue until
its resolved???? Stop the stubborn - We're right - NO We're right fight
that is clearly occuring. Try opening up to the possibility that
neither side is being realistic. It seems easy enough to me. Bring the
starting salaries up to what the Methacton SD pays their starting
teachers as Methacton might be the only district in the area to which
Souderton could fairly and realistically be compared. Then make the
salaries a flat 4ncrease per year for the next few years. The inflation
rate is about 2.5o SERIOUSLY Board members - get it together - 2.5s NOT
Fair. However, teachers GET IT TOGETHER - 9 er year for the next 5
years is as unrealistic as the gas price going back to under $3 per
gallon ever again. Additionally, the health plan contributions should
stay as is. I WISH I only paid 10nto my health care plan. Sorry
Teachers - this is REALITY! Get used to it. Years ago, I paid only $30
per month for my 3 person family health plan but now I'm paying more
than $200 per month which I know is still incredibly cheap. ALMOST
everyone of us pay for health benefits nowadays and your amount of
contribution IS fair.
Please get to the table and please get
this worked out. You are adults and examples to our children. We try to
teach our children the importance of working out problems and by
leaving the table after 2 hrs after 3 days or 1 week between the last
negoitation is not a good example. Two years ago, I convinced my family
to move into Souderton Area SD because of the excellent reputation of
the teachers, the administration, and the community. This is getting
ridiculously embarrassing that two intelligent respectable groups of
ADULTS cannot take the adequate time and effort to work out this issue.
all know that no matter what, the tax payers are going to end up with
an increase in our bills. So just get it done and get the teachers back
to work please.
Tired of the Strike, Souderton PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:41 PM EST
Happens once, shame on you. Happens twice, shame on me!
on the school board for once again convincing us that they would be
available to negotiate! They showed up with an incomplete team (again!)
and then refused to talk about the larger issues (salary and
Is anyone else out there starting to feel lied to?
have the power to get this done, to meet halfway as a true negotiation
does. Yet they seem to think they can speak out of both sides of their
Heaven help us all for how their irresponsible actions
are tearing apart this community and impacting our children's
education...not just by delaying the start of this school year but by
not getting the continuation of quality, dedicated teachers for years
to come!
Shame on you, school board! Shame on you all!
Disgusted and Fed Up
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:40 PM EST
Where's the Board?
should be clear to everyone by now that it is the School Board who are
keeping our children out of school. They are the ones who refused to
negotiate for months, and even now do not show up for meetings.
Couldn't they take a day off for their most important duty - the
welfare of the children! How insulting to the teachers who are willing
to meet anytime - if only the school board knew what 'negotiate' meant.
of my friends and neighbors miss the point - the school board has run
this show simultaneously insulting and badmouthing the teacher. They
have the power to get the kids to school. They could bargain in good
faith, offer a contract extension, or at least tell the truth. Please
check out if you are unaware of 'the other side.'
teachers hands are tied - after the school board turns down the final
offer of the state mediator, they will return to work under their old
contract - which is better than anything the board has offered so far.
to those threatening a state takeover of our schools - the teachers
would most likely be retained and receive better salaries and benefits
than the school board would ever offer.
Who's up to run against these jokers - then maybe we have a chance of compromise in the NEXT round of negotiations.
Wearing red, Harleysville
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:12 PM EST
Leer Skips Second Meeting
Leer skipped today's session too. Why do people continue to support a
school board that lies, that breaks promises and can't even come to
what is probably the most important meeting I can think of, the meeting
designed to get our kids back in school?
Remember this in Nov 09
when four of these board members are up for re-election. You might even
agree with their position (I do not) but you cannot justify a
negotiations team member who skips the negotiations!
school board, let the only member with contract negotiations
experience, Eric MacDougall, try. You three have only proven that you
are total failures and it is YOUR fault that my kids are not in
gb, Harleysville
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 04:12 PM EST
c'mon now
just found out that today's negotiations meeting lasted a little over
an hour. I just found out that once again the whole team from the board
was not present (2 showed up this time). I just found out that the next
meeting is not scheduled until Friday. Where is the commitment to solve
this? C'mon now get to it!
still frustrated , upper salford
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 03:58 PM EST
So if we give them the Money, who is going to bring the Fortune 500 Companies?
will ask all those who support the increase for all teacher levels and
just give them the money so they can increase per pupil spending, to
please now go out and recruit the additional fortune 500 companies that
the surrounding districts have.
With the ever shrinking middle
class, until we pull in the industrial and commercial tax bases
Methacton, Quakertown, North Penn, Council Rock, and the other Big
Dollar Schools have, we are going to be bleeding ourselves dry and
while we will then be spending what other schools do, we will go broke
because the residents will need to move to a school district they can
So before you just settle for what seems easy or what
sounds good when you hear clips...try looking at the numbers and all
sides. Then do the calculations of the increases on your assessed home
value to get your tax increase. Remember that after school taxes
increase, you still have to worry about the municipality. We may not
need to worry about more space, the families moving out to find
affordable housing will make space open up inth classrooms. Good news
is we will have newly highly qualified and highly paid teachers
teaching them all.
Mrs. Franklin Dogood, Souderton Area School District
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 03:48 PM EST
matter who you agree with the teachers don't have to strike, they could
go back to teaching without signing the contract, they are going to
have to anyway, there is no reason to screw up the everyone else's
lives. When your children go back to school don't do any fundraisers or
give any donations of art supplies, etc. for the classroom. They are
making plenty, they can afford it. I will never do another fundraiser
or donate ever again. I will donate to the christian schools where the
teachers make next to nothing but are doing it for a higher purpose. I
have to go now, I only have 5 minutes to sit down because I have to
work 85 hours a week to make my tax bill. ANYONE NOTICE THE ECONOMIC
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 03:38 PM EST
Article in Philly Magazine
To Gail: I
have that article in Philadelphia Magazine to which you referred right
here in front of me. According to MY copy of Philly Magazine, Souderton
Area School District AS A WHOLE ranks 40 out of 100. The high school by
itself was ranked 60. The elementary schools were ranked 23, and the
middle schools 44. All of these numbers are out of 105 school districts
in the greater Philadelphia area, including many in NJ. It is
interesting to note that SASD is also listed as a "Bang for your Buck"
district. Hmmmm, seems even Philly Magazine thinks we are getting away
pretty cheap out here.
SASD parent, Harleysville
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 03:21 PM EST
Hey Gail...
prove themselves everyday! Haven't you heard that the PSSA scores keep
going up and up!? Teachers have the tough job of getting students
proficient despite that fact that they may be reading ona first grade
level or how about all of our ESL students whos peak another language
at home? They ALL have to be proficient by 2014! Do you want that
responsibility? If the students don't make progress then the school is
in danger of being taken over and all of the teachers could lose their
jobs. Talk about pressure! But you know, they aren't in the 'real
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 02:46 PM EST
Fund Balance-$17Million
the Stock Market continues to get battered, where will the lost money
from the PSERS come from? Please see information below taken from
Philadelphia Business news last week. My point, this money will come
from the taxpayers. So be very careful as the Board has been very
mindful of the looming expense.
"The $63 billion Pennsylvania
Public School Employees' Retirement System lost nearly 3 percent on its
investments in the year ended June 30, spokeswoman Evelyn Tatkovski
said. The smaller State Employees' Retirement System reported similar
losses for the first half of 2008 yesterday. PSERS says it made
money on bonds, commodities and private-equity investments, but lost on
stocks and real estate. Private-equity and real estate profits (losses)
are hard to independently verify, since the state doesn't identify
those investments, they're often illiquid, and actual returns aren't
reported until they're sold. The system has plenty of money to pay
pensions to 100,000 retired teachers for years to come, but it'll have
to increase future subsidies from state and school-district taxpayers
to meet long-term goals, unless investment returns recover strongly."
BL, Souderton, PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 12:35 PM EST
Teachers Strike
the school district scores higher then 60 something on the top school
list in PA (Phila. magazine) then they can waste everyones time and
money by striking. What ever happened to proving yourself first and
then being rewarded for a job well done. I don't care how much money
you spend on schooling, that doesn't make you a good teacher. I know
from personal experience that in Souderton School District it's not
your references or your grades from college that get you a position,
it's who you know.
Gail Panzeter, Souderton, PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 09:05 AM EST
Don't just complain, do something
have to echo an earlier comment--I've tried hard to contact the school
board and these "gentlemen" just do not respond, except for Mr. Currie.
It makes me angry that they do not even bother to reply. I also tried
calling and all I get are answering machines, although my neighbor
called Mr. Leer on Saturday to ask him why he didn't attend Friday's
negotiations session and Mr. Leer said he went to work instead. So do
you think they just hit the delete button? Are any of you neighbors or
friends of board members? I also looked to see where they live and none
of them live in the part of the district i live in so my chance to run
into them seems low. Are they just deleting our messages?
I want
a fair contract. I do think the teachers are right to expect to be paid
more, and I never, ever believed that the 8umber was correct. There is
a number that everyone can live with--whether it's 3.5À4À5 don't know.
Why is the school board dragging it's feet?
Wondering where the board is, HARLEYSVILLE
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 09:04 AM EST
Salary Guide
After looking over neighboring districts, this is my fair evaluation of the situation: Souderton
needs to increase their Graduate level status. The other local
districts go to Master's plus 30, 42 and even 78 (plus a doctorate).
Souderton stops at 24. Why not create another 2 columns for Souderton -
Master's plus 36 and 48. Then pay those teachers the highest. Looking
at the other districts, it looks like the top of the Souderton teachers
should make between 92,000 and 93,500 - about a 3.5 percent increase
for gis year. Starting teachers should make between 41,000 and 42,000
or a little over 8 percent for this year. Surely the district can come
up with a plan to make this happen. It is not rocket science. Take the
grid that district use and change the numbers and get our kids in
school. I think my numbers are in line with what the business world
does in order to keep competitive. Embarrasing that Souderton spends
approximately 4500 dollars less on average than other local districts.
KLM, Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 07:23 AM EST
Civil Disobedience?
was told by a teacher that the strike isn't personal, it's just "civil
disobedience" for the teachers to show their displeasure.
So why
don't the parents and students have their own civil disobedience to
show OUR displeasure? Is there a way for us to directly impact the
school district and put them on notice?
If the teachers don't
get back in the classroom tomorrow regardless of a contract resolution
this afternoon, maybe the community should think about the PSSAs.
Maybe, instead of worrying how much they will be affected by the
strike, we should SHOW how much they were affected by the strike.
Maybe, just maybe, those PSSA scores should take a big hit. That would
put everyone on notice, wouldn't it?
Frustrated, Souderton School District
Added: Monday September 15, 2008 at 06:57 AM EST
"What was that lady in the video on? For crying out loud, it's not like someone's getting crucified. Was she auditioning?"
she was asking that the community rally around the football team. To
give the community something to unite over. No matter what a person may
feel about sports going on during the strike or the issues at hand that
are tearing us apart, it was a chance to get people to agree on one
thing for the 2 hours the game was going on for.
Nice work BIG RED! We will get them next time!
Ray Hopkins, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 10:06 PM EST
frustration is not affecting my ability to reason. I would be as
equally frustrated if the SAEA team had not shown up. The members of
the school board were elected to do a job. The members of their team
were appointed to do a job. Being able to be reached by phone or email
is not doing the job. A person must be able to hear the tone of
negotiations, feel the vibe in the room and discuss with their own
mind, not the impression Mr. Currie would give them over the phone or
in a message. That is why there is a team of negotiators, not just one
on each side. All members of each team must attend the sessions - and
both teams need to address why there were no meetings over the weekend.
It seems no one wants this to end.
frustrated, upper salford
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 09:34 PM EST
Lady in the Video?! Big Red!
What was that lady in the video on? For crying out loud, it's not like someone's getting crucified. Was she auditioning?
Ronald Hafler, Tylersport, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 08:55 PM EST
Souderton teacher's wife went to the hospital with an obstetrical
emergency not knowing that Curry, the School Board and Amuso cancelled
the teachers' health insurance. Now they are bankrupted with a $150,000
medical bill. Curry is in fact Satan himself. How could he do this to an innocent mother?"
Apparently she is the only union member without COBRA coverage. Please make sure Grandview or CMMC that she has COBRA coverage.
RUMORS DON'T HELP!, State of Confusion, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 07:12 PM EST
When to be Fiscally Responsible
so I (like most of you) have read every post, article, mailing, and
handout. I've attended the board meetings with an open mind and have
tried hard to balance all the information in an attempt to draw a
logical conclusion. Here it is: THERE ARE TIMES TO BE FISCALLY
RESPONSIBLE (a.k.a. "CHEAP") and there are times when being frugal will
cost you more in the long run. I personnally would never buy single-ply
toilet paper depite the added cost of the two-ply version for obvious
reasons. It makes sense to spend a little more to get the good stuff.
The school district spent a great deal of money breaking down the tax
burden if teachers were to be paid according to their seemingly
outrageous request. (This information can be found on Jack Parry's
(former board member) wesite If you own a
$150,000 home, your taxes would increase from $3,669 to $3,863
annually. That's $194. That's 14 cents an hour, a dollar a day, five
bucks a week. Surely you spend more on toilet paper than that. Isn't
making sure that our district attracts and retains the best and the
brightest worth five bucks a week. That's not even enough to buy a
happymeal! I wouldn't want to shake the hand of anyone who says they
can't afford the tax increase!!!
By the way, if you own a $400,000 home the tax burden would be equal to about 2.5 happy meals a week, or roughly 12 bucks.
Mr. Tidy Fingers, Telford, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 06:11 PM EST
pack your bags
have a challenge to all members of each negotiation team. Go home and
pack a bag. It can be an overnight back, a carry on or a steamer trunk
which ever you decide is best. Then everyone check into a local hotel
with meeting room facilities, maybe the Best Western in Towamencin.
Start tonight and from the moment you arrive no one leaves and no one
else gets in until an agreement is reached. In previous school board
meetings speakers have offer brownies and coffee to the negotiation
teams as they met. I am offering the padlock Because as sure as we are
sitting here as both sides refuse to negotiate we all know we will see
another strike in the spring and a summer full of propaganda and we
will all be here next September as our schools are closed by another
prolonged strike.
Enough is enough. Mr. Currie and other
members of the school board do the job you were elected to do. Mr.
Luckeridge do the job your fellow teachers elected you to do. Mr Smith
do the job the teachers union pays you to do. Negotiate a settlement
that is fair and equitable to both sides.
Our children belong in school, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 05:04 PM EST
intelligent person can see through the bogus rhetoric continuously
being fed to the media by the districts PR Squadron. All it takes is a
small portion of the community to become indoctrinated into this cycle
of misinformation, and the next thing you know, everything the district
says is gospel. Of course, any intelligent person can also tell you
that neither side has been completely forthwith during the strike, but
heyat least the SAEA has based all of their statistics distributed to
the community on real factual information that is publicly available
from valid sources. What can the average Souderton taxpayer learn from
the school board? Heres a scenario for ya: Youre not gonna believe
this: I read somewhere that the Souderton teachers are demanding a 78.6
per cent salary increase over the next four years! Where did I see that
number? Well, my school boards $350 an hour lawyer made it up and
reported it in the newspaper. Since they printed it, it must be true!
Everyone knows that once something is printed in the newspaper, it
automatically becomes a fact. Those of you who cant seem to grasp the
basics of statictics, economics, and common sense (Dave, LT, another
frustrated parent, et al, Im looking in your direction) are probably
going to start quoting that fictional number as the salary demand now.
Seems like your kind of "logic." Or maybe I should post a little chart
of salaries that I calculated based on numbers I made up, too.
Year 1 = 157.2 Million increase in payroll over current payroll Year 2 = 416.58 Million increase in payroll over current payroll Year 3 = 636.66 Million increase in payroll over current payroll Year 4 = 864.6 Million increase in payroll over current payroll.
Total additional money needed to fund this contract proposal = 2.08 BILLION!!! Wow, what a powerful feeling it is to type such big numbers thinking I have even the slightest clue what Im talking about!
many of you sheep actually believed that line about a 48 per cent
salary increase printed in the districts original propaganda mailing?
Youre the ones Im talking to here. Incredibly naïve!!! Deal with facts,
It's amusing (for me at least, but for the teachers, Im
sure its more aggravating than funny) to watch all of the school boards
sheep posting your opinions based entirely on falsified and/or
misconstrued data. Too bad; I bet a lot of you are good people when
there's nothing to argue about. Ah, so gullible, so sad. Baaah on,
Ovis Aries, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 04:51 PM EST
Frustrated, Upper Salford
think that your frustration may be affecting your ability to reason.
Just because all three members of the school boards negotiating team
weren't in the building, doesn't mean that they weren't available by
phone or email at a moments notice should there be reason to think that
a settlement is within reach.
Another union supporter suggested
that it was a waste of taxpayer money to have the boards lead
negotiator Jeffrey Sultanik at the negotiations because they were all
"just sitting around". Which is it? Do the negotiators need to be there
or not?
I to was at the meeting Thursday, until the very last
speaker was finished. I did then and still believe that our board is
ready negotiate in good faith and put this entire issue to rest. I keep
hearing from the union supporters that they're demands for large
increases are being distorted by the school board and the media, "stop
and talk to the teachers they will tell you themselves", I've been
told. Well I haven't talked to any of the teachers, but I have read the
direct quotes from Mr. Lukridge in the newspaper and he's pretty much
confirmed that they are in-fact looking for salary increases in the 8
percent range. That's too much... 3.5, 4, 4.5 percent escalating over
the life of the contract, now that makes sense to me.
BTW... A
teachers union supporter at Thursdays meeting, was outraged that our
administrators received salary increases that totaled 4.1 percent over
the last three years. 4.1 percent, that's a far cry from 8 percent.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 04:06 PM EST
School Board Bankrupts Family
Souderton teacher's wife went to the hospital with an obstetrical
emergency not knowing that Curry, the School Board and Amuso cancelled
the teachers' health insurance. Now they are bankrupted with a $150,000
medical bill. Curry is in fact Satan himself. How could he do this to an innocent mother?
Lisa Walheim, Harleysville, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 03:25 PM EST
A must read for Lukridge
Lukridge needs to read this before he gives another video interview. Specifically numbers 1 and 3. LOL
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 02:44 PM EST
is MR. Jelenski's wife. That is comforting that a school board members
wife would write that. She at least signed her name on Mr. Parry's
blog. Lisa you obviosly understand the situation as well as your
husband. Time for the other 7 minus MR. J who is obviously a lapdog of
currie to get it together and finish this thing.
It is not good when you have spoken more then your husband about this sitation
call the other members, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 02:42 PM EST
Donna Freeman-WE ARE BIG RED!
had very valid points. I do believe it was " We are Big Red!" You did
not follow the video very well. She spoke from her heart. It is more
than I can say about your remarks. I agree with A-Friend! You are nasty!
Sad in Souderton, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 01:53 PM EST
To those who find fault that 2 board members missed the meeting
two board members missed the meeting. True. I don't know why, but I DO
know the meeting still took place and lasted at least 5 hours. So
obviously they were willing to let those who COULD attend do so on
their behalf. If they are in agreement, does it matter whether 1 or 11
Move on and look at the new meeting schedule. Why the
delay? Please explain, I'm all ears. I don't have blinders on, I want
to know why meetings are not happening around the clock, don't you?
also still want to know how often the union leaders take a vote from
the 512 teachers to see if they want to get back in the classroom and
teach while still negotiating their contract. Their point has been
made, hasn't it?
John Upper Salford
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 01:35 PM EST
Fuzzy math...
Sultanik needs a math lesson. Compounded pay raises of 5.98, 9.4, 7.14
and 6.94 percent is an average of 7.3 percent increase per year. He
should use the same math techniques that banks use when they compound
interest on savings or loans. If the raise was truly 8.2 percent per
year, it would be 8.2 per cent raised to the power of four (meaning 8.2
times 8.2 times 8.2 times 8.2), which would result in a pay raise
greater than 32.78 per cent over 4 would be 37.1 per cent
over four years. I think Mr. Sultanik knows this and dodged the true
meaning of the question posed to him by The Reporter. Not a good thing.
Sondra, Harleysville, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 01:13 PM EST
comments to a few
John from Upper Salford wrote: "The
mediator can surely call the meetings off once scheduled, but it is
apparent that SOMEONE is unavailable Tuesday through Thursday. Don't
tell me it is the board, they've said over and over they will meet
whenever the meetings are set. It must therefore be the unavailability
of the PSEA rep to attend that is the issue. So basically, as was said,
the union just wants to drag this out for the full duration." You
are right the whole board stated at Thursday's meeting that they are
willing to meet whenever. But then they had to live up to what they
said. If the board is truly willing to meet whenever meetings are set -
why didn't the whole team show up Friday? The entire SAEA team showed
up. You, John, are falling right into the hands of the board. They say
one thing but do another. It is they who are not willing to sit and get
this done. Take your blinders off. As to all who are calling for the
firing of all teachers - do you realize how ridiculous that is? Have
you given a thought as to the chaos that would happen in your child's
classroom with all brand new teachers trying to learn the curriculum,
the ways of each school, and the needs of the students? Do you truly
believe that test scores would not plummet? And with that so would
housing values. No one on the board or in the administration or any
parent who has children they want educated, would go along with such a
ludicrous idea. You need to start focusing on a realistic solution. Board members need to be contacted - day and night - this needs to be settled.
frustrated, upper salford
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 01:12 PM EST
Enough Already
tired of reading references to Ronald Reagan or Reaganomics. The
insistence of some community members to relate whats going on now to
the air traffic controllers strike is part of the problem herethis is
2008, not the 1980s. Once again, SASD is stuck back in time referring
to a 70 year-old former actor who faced a crisis early in his
administration and wanted to make a statement. The difference is the
air-traffic controllers violated a regulation that forbade government
unions from striking. Maybe its the laws relating to teachers strikes
that need to change (feel free to debate that with No More Strikes from
Harleysville) but to suggest that firing everyone is the answer that
will solve this mess is not accurate or realistic. Read more about it
on Wikipediaif you know what that is.
Get with the times
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 12:43 PM EST
Stick to the local issue
are many posters who keep ranting about the teachers striking and how
the school board should fire them. They also talk about the "real
world." Let's talk about the "real law." 1: It does not matter that teacher strikes are illegal in other states. They are legal in Pennsylvania. 2:
It does not matter that there is a bill - HB 1369 - that would outlaw
teacher strikes. It is not the law, and if it were passed this minute
it could not be applied because the US Constitution prohibits ex post
facto laws. 3: The school board cannot fire the teachers... if they
had the power to do so, they would have tried it. Again, striking is
legal in this state and a teacher cannot be fired for doing something
legal. Let's stop the riduculous posts stating that this or that
SHOULD be done, and concentrate on what CAN be done. Telephone or email
the school board and tell them to show up and settle this contract.
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 12:43 PM EST
Stick to the local issue
are many posters who keep ranting about the teachers striking and how
the school board should fire them. They also talk about the "real
world." Let's talk about the "real law." 1: It does not matter that teacher strikes are illegal in other states. They are legal in Pennsylvania. 2:
It does not matter that there is a bill - HB 1369 - that would outlaw
teacher strikes. It is not the law, and if it were passed this minute
it could not be applied because the US Constitution prohibits ex post
facto laws. 3: The school board cannot fire the teachers... if they
had the power to do so, they would have tried it. Again, striking is
legal in this state and a teacher cannot be fired for doing something
legal. Let's stop the riduculous posts stating that this or that
SHOULD be done, and concentrate on what CAN be done. Telephone or email
the school board and tell them to show up and settle this contract.
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 12:01 PM EST
Hey Lisa - go back to school
state needs to get rid of teachers union and not allow them to strike
like the 38 other states in this country. Fire every one of the
teachers who waked out on strike and hire news who want to work." There are 50 states - not 39. People walk - not "wake" - Go back to school
Doug P, Telford, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 11:55 AM EST
John, are you kidding?
It was two of three of the Souderton Board members who skipped yesterdays session, not the teachers!!
gb, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 11:26 AM EST
Respond to $ultanik 5.5
DARE HE REFER TO OUR SCHOOLS AS "PLANTS." See Reporter interview - his
response to use of the seventeen million dollar surplus.
Explain your understanding of the reserve fund - how much is in it,
what it can and cannot be used for, how this could or could not fund
salary increases for the teachers.
Sultanik: "The reserve fund
is composed of a number of different components. Currently $4.2 million
of the fund is marked for Capital Reserve; for needed capital programs
like new roofs, fixing heaters, upgrades on buildings. We have lots of
plants, and we need to have that money reserved to care for that. It's
been in place for a long time now, and we draw upon that on an
as-needed basis.
PLANTS? Does this out of touch solicitor simply think of our schools as factories?
guess he will continue to keep doing what he does best - billable hours
at the taxpayers expense. So tell us Mr. Sultanik, do you ever think
about the production that is going in the factories while you are
sailing the high seas? Check out the link where he admits he was
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 10:27 AM EST
Souderton School Strike
state needs to get rid of teachers union and not allow them to strike
like the 38 other states in this country. Fire every one of the
teachers who waked out on strike and hire news who want to work.
Lisa, Telford, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 09:33 AM EST
RE: I was there
union is playing games. Just like a spoiled brat they didn't get their
way so they took their ball and went home. They refuse to budge from
their unrealistic demands so why should the school board move from
their offer?
It's a fact of life that medical costs go up and
salary increases have been moving downward. Contrary to what they
believe, the teachers don't live in some kind of buble insulated from
the real world. We hear them cry that it doesn't matter what the "real
world " faces, we just want what we want or we'll hold your childrens
education hostage. You cannot reason with unreasonable people such as
the union leadership.
The school board needs to take a page
from Ronald Regan when he fired the air traffic controllers. They need
to finish out the school year after the union is forced back to work
and then in late spring start hiring non-union teachers for the fall.
Let the teachers negotiate their own individual salaries and not hide
behind the the unions apron strings. If they don't want to work here
then they can sell their house in a "real world" depressed housing
market, take their losses and move on to supposedly greener pastures.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 09:26 AM EST
Meeting schedule?
anyone outraged over the negotiation schedule? They skip the weekend
and don't start until 2:30 Monday afternoon? Then when that ends with
little accomplished since it starts so late in the day, the next isn't
until FRIDAY? The teachers will be forced back to the classrooms on
The mediator can surely call the meetings off once
scheduled, but it is apparent that SOMEONE is unavailable Tuesday
through Thursday. Don't tell me it is the board, they've said over and
over they will meet whenever the meetings are set. It must therefore be
the unavailability of the PSEA rep to attend that is the issue. So
basically, as was said, the union just wants to drag this out for the
full duration.
Our teachers will be back and teaching but
without a contract, disgruntled and with another strike threat looming
over everyone's head. The script is going exactly as the PSEA planned,
isn't it? I'm really beginning to believe they want to disrupt the
opening of the high school next year.
Would a teacher care to
inform the public how often they are asked to vote on if they want to
head back into the classroom or remain out on strike?
John, Upper Salford
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 08:53 AM EST
Interesting interview
each side was asked the same questions and the answers were very
telling. One dealt with facts, one continued to gloss over the facts
and whine.
Here is some more math using the union's current proposal that is on the table: Year 1 = 2 Million increase in payroll over current payroll Year 2 = 5.3 Million increase in payroll over current payroll Year 3 = 8.1 Million increase in payroll over current payroll Year 4 = 11 Million increase in payroll over current payroll.
Total additional money needed to fund this contract proposal = 26.4 MILLION.
draining the entire 17 million fund would not provide that much money.
And once the fund was drained and the contract was over - the new
contract will need to increase on this one and there is no fund to
drain. Where does all the money come from then? This proposal is not
sustainable no matter how you look at it.
So Bill says they
have their numbers and so on. Why not start moving towards those
numbers Bill? Get the obviously outrageous offer out of the spotlight
and NEGOTIATE. Stop whining.
As union president, shouldn't Bill
have made the teachers aware they were at risk of losing their existing
benefits and would need to move to Cobra? He's their leader, isn't that
his responsibility? Stop whining because you don't like the way your
were treated - you failed your teachers in not explaining this simple
fact to them. But again, he just wants to whine and blame everyone else
for his failures.
If I was in the union, I would demand he step
down. He is a detriment to their cause. Or maybe it isn't really Bill's
fault - perhaps he is given poor guidance from the PSEA. "Sure, let's
set the local guy up to take the hit as long as we stir the pot, show
our power and get our way, haha" Hmmm.
another frustrated parent, Upper Salford PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 08:19 AM EST
It's feeling a bit blurry
I need new glasses. As I looked at the published salaries I saw that
the administrators are fairing quite well. Why aren't any of these men
and women stepping in to make a difference? They too, sat up on stage
Thursday night. Sat silently, I might add. So not only are we paying
the solicitors salary to speak for the district, along with a PR firm
that cannot even distribute timely information, we are also paying one
hundred and thirty five thousand dollars (yea, that's real close to the
value of my home) to an HR guy who hasn't said a word through this
entire process. What's up with that? Is the administration the school
board? Is the school board the administration? It's just a little
blurry from this viewers end. I think Smokesceen is right. Someone is
hiding behind their school board.
Parent in waiting, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 07:48 AM EST
The real world
comment "real world" has been tossed around probably more than any
other in regards to this teachers strike. Comparisons constantly being
made to your job or someone else you know, who works in the "real
world". And if the teachers only knew what it was like in the "real
world", well then maybe they would wake up.
I think the real
waking up needs to occur on the part of this community. Try as you may,
you cannot compare a teachers job to a job in the "real world." Or at
least not the "real world" as most of us know it. The educational
environment as you might remember it has changed drastically. Albeit,
Souderton has a lot to be proud of and I for one, am glad that my
family is here. But it is not a utopia. You may go to your "real world"
job everyday and think how easy the teachers have it. Well, a few
questions for you ...
Are your "co-workers" (students) so
distraught over their parents divorce, or a relationship that has gone
so bad that they break down in uncontrollable tears? Are your
co-workers asking to borrow money for lunch because their Mom forgot to
give them some? Are your co-workers trying to concentrate on the task
at hand, but having a hard time because they are worried about living
in a shelter and that their friends might find out about it? Are your
co-workers cutting themselves because their self esteem is so low and
they are crying out for help? Are your co-workers hanging out just a
little bit longer with you, because they are scared and afraid to go
home? Are your co-workers confused about exactly where Daddy is and if
he is coming home? Do your co-workers deface the public restrooms and
vandalize your work place? Do your co-workers curse and spit at you? I
don't think I need to go on.
The intent is not to paint a
Souderton in a bad light - but a realisitc one. So answer the question,
now that you are informed about the teachers world, would you be
prepared to come in each day, enthusiastic and ready to teach? And
don't forget you have to make sure that each and every ("co-worker")
student that you are responsible for, can take a test to prove to their
parents and your principal that you are doing your job!
The Souderton teachers deserve a fair contract. And shame on us if we don't give it to them.
Friend of a teacher, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 07:28 AM EST
$ultanik 5.5
Mr. Sultanik and Mr Currie (the only two members of the board to
actually show up and negotiate this Friday) spent 5.5 hours. That's
almost ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for Mr. Sultanik. Must be nice to do
nothing for 5.5 hours and get paid that kind of money. The Souderton
Community better wake up. Your home values are going to plummet. You
won't get a family to move in here for the next 10 years after this
media circus is over. Get in a room, negotiate fairly and get your kids
in school.
JV, Lansdale, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 06:19 AM EST
I was there
was at the Thursday evening board meeting. I heard 9 men up on a stage
solemnly promise the audience that NOTHING was more important to them
than getting a settlement and having the kids in school on Monday.
Hundreds heard it; many more of you can watch the meeting on tape.
Despite this, two of the three board members did not bother to show up
on Friday, mere hours later, to the negotiations session! The entire
union side was there! So people, who is playing games with your kids?
The board members made a promise! Well, now I hope you all realize that
the word of the Souderton School board means nothing.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 06:17 AM EST
Umbrella Man
am sorry. I was not clear. On Tuesday of last week, it was decided that
on Friday, Sept. 12th, the teachers would have mass picketing and then
attend a meeting. As far as last Tuesday? Hopefully, you wouldn't
need to be told to go inside during a storm with lightning. Obviously,
our teachers did!
Suzanne, Harleysville, PA
Added: Saturday September 13, 2008 at 12:34 AM EST
SAEA 2007-08 Salary Schedule
Steps: 1 thru 5 Average Annual Salary Increase: 2.55 percent
6 thru 10 Average Annual Salary Increase: 2.78 percent
11 thru 15 Average Annual Salary Increase: 6.73 percent
I ask you, does it appear that the SAEA has designed a salary matrix
that values the contributions of young and aspiring teachers? Dont
blame our school board members this is the value that your union
leaders have placed on your services.
When an agreement is
reached, I would suspect that you'll receive annual increases somewhere
between 3 and 4 percent. Let "Bill" know that steps 1 through 10 will
need that entire increase just to be average with steps 11 through 15.
That is after all what this is about, right, being average?
Keepin' It Real, Upper Salford PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 09:54 PM EST
So, what do you want to cut?
Somethings to keep in the back of your minds when talking about compromising with the union -Tax increases -The ACT 1 index -The ACT1 referendum requirement.
Think hard, it will come to you.
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 09:49 PM EST
Tuesday of this week, the teachers had planned to mass picket on ONE
shift. (9:00 - 11:30) They were then asked to attend a meeting. So, as far as disappearing in the rain, this was planned before the 5 day forecast." And on Friday ???
Umbrella Man , Neither side is telling the truth
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 09:23 PM EST
Souderton School Board???
me guess, the Board spoke of how they supported Bernie Currie last
night. I am just wondering, maybe Bernie doesn't really have the Boards
support? Could it be that they were sending him a message to negotiate
NOW and stop stone walling by the action of the two school board
members not showing up? Well to everyone this might sound uncaring. It
might be the only way the Board can get Bernie Currie to listen. We
find ourselves in a position where he is the President and that gives
him the right to be in on the contract negotiation. If he is making it
impossible to negotiate, what choices are the rest of the School Board
given? If that is not the case, boy are we in trouble!!! They must not
care about the children.
JD, Harleysville Pa
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 09:05 PM EST
Reply -to go big red
melodramatic lady at the school board meeting in the Reporter video
certainly has some issues. I bet she lives in a THP development.
in the world could you write something like that - how nasty! Her
message was about the community and how the children are being hurt. It
is clear that she was correct in her statement that the community is
taking a hit. That is evident by your nasty remarks! Why do you care
where she lives. In fact Lisa Gallagher is the kindest and most giving
person - how dare you be so nasty!
A Friend, Warrington
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 08:41 PM EST
Glad to see at least one showed up
for the next round Bernie could get a building principal to come with
him. Better yet how about two life size cutouts of the other two
members who should be there. This is about a board not one man and has
turned into a complete dog and pony show.
For all you
apologist I hope you get exactly what you want (low taxes and great
schools)but remember that Souderton ceased to be a small farming
community a while back and while most of you do not want to look at
reality, I guess you will reep what you sow. Nothing is free.
disgusted in Souderton, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 08:12 PM EST
where was the team
was encouraged when I heard about the negotiations session set for
Friday morning. I was skeptical, but encouraged, when I heard Mr.
Currie say that the board was willing to negotiate all weekend so that
the students could be in school Monday. I was encouraged when the
entire board said they were behind their team. Now we find out that the
only member of the board's team to show up at negotiations Friday was
Mr. Currie and that new meetings are scheduled for this coming Monday
and Friday. So much for getting the students back in school, so much
for listening to the public who wanted the teams to meet until this was
resolved, so much for the board being behind the team. Shame on the
school board for saying one thing and doing another. Both sides need to
settle this - and the only way for the board's team to show up!!!!
Contact all the school board members - let them know this has to end. taxpayer in Upper Salford
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 07:48 PM EST
Let's Not Let the facts get in the way of a good school board "bashing"
Rhetoric: We made our initial contract proposal to the school board in
March 2008, and did not receive a response until June 2008.
In the May 15, 2008 issue of the Reporter, Mr. Lukridge stated: "All I
can tell you is we are looking into employee-employer contributions to
healthcare," Lukridge said. " So far, we've met, offered them our
proposal, met again where they offered theirs, and we really haven't
had a chance to get back and forth and have a discussion."
Real or Not Real, Telford PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 07:33 PM EST
Response to dedicated School Board
Carolyn176 wrote: "only
one member of the school board bothered to show up today at
negotiations. guess who...Bernie Currie. He is in there alone with Mr.
Sultanik. Where is the loyalty? I guess they really don't want this
settled. Was last night's words from the board all a lie???"
are hoping to meet face-to-face with union officials and thoroughly
assess the issues in dispute so we can, at a minimum, make sure that
both sides are working with accurate, up-to-date information, said
Jeffrey Sultanik, chief negotiator for the district. But what we are
really anxious to see is whether or not the union will present us with
a counterproposal. We tried to give some momentum to this process by
presenting a new salary offer on Labor Day. Since that time, the union
has refused to budge. For this process to move forward, we need to see
the union make some concessions just as we did.
could not make another offer at the Sept. 5 meeting since ours was the
last offer put on the table . If we had put another offer on the table,
we would have been negotiating against ourselves.- Bernie Currie
9/11/08 Board meeting.
"We expected the union negotiator to
counter our last proposal of Labor Day. That is how negotiations work.
One side offers, the other side counters," Currie said. "The union
negotiator did not counter, stating that we knew their bottom line.
That is a tactic for delaying negotiations, not negotiating."
while both sides will meet today, Gary Smith, the teachers union
representative, didnt sound overly optimistic when contacted by phone
before the board meeting. The offer they made on Labor Day wasnt
anywhere where it needed to be. We have no intention of making a formal
offer tomorrow. I am not anticipating anything, Smith said.
Despite Progress on Small Issues, $10 Million Chasm Keeps Souderton School Board and Teachers Union away from a Settlement Next Negotiation Sessions Slated for Sept. 15 and Sept. 19 The
Souderton Area School Board and the Souderton Area Education
Association met in a negotiation session today which yielded progress
on small items, but failed to bridge a gap on positions regarding
salary and benefits. According to district calculations, the difference
between the School Board's proposal and the union's proposal on these
two key issues is in excess of $10 million. "What we have here is a
gap that the community cannot afford to close and the union is
unwilling to close. It is truly disheartening," stressed Bernie Currie,
School Board President. During the 5.5 hour negotiation session,
progress did occur in smaller areas. The board agreed to modify its
proposals regarding length of the work year, unused personal days and
timelines for grievance filing. The teacher's union withdrew its
request for classroom coverage compensation and a sick day bank. The
chasm between salary and benefit proposals, however, still remained
with no new counterproposals being presented by the teacher's union. Two
new negotiation sessions have been scheduled for September 15 and
September 19 and, despite requests by parents at last night's board
meeting, teachers have not announced plans to resume work on Monday. "The
union's negotiator made it clear that he plans to exhaust the process,"
explained Currie. "We can only assume this means he has no intention of
recommending teachers go back to school until required to by state law
on September 24. This is most unfortunate for the students and the
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:51 PM EST
Once again...
again, are there conflicting reports about what transpired at todays
negotiation session? The SASD website ( reports
that The chasm between salary and benefit proposals, however, still
remained with no new counterproposals being presented by the teacher's
union. However, the SAEA website ( maintains this
position: SAEA arrived at the negotiating table with a revised salary
and healthcare offer. SAEA attempted to find middle ground, proposing a
lower salary increase for a lower healthcare premium share. The school
board rejected these attempts at compromise, refusing to make any
concessions on medical. Here is a compromise: A standard blue cross
10/20/70 plan, employees pay 10-12f the premium, a 2ncrease to advance
the teachers to their next earned step (assuming satisfactory
evaluation in previous year), and a 2.5-3ncrease towards cost of
living. Neither side wins, and we can start to talk about something else.
Robert Frankenfield, Souderton
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:28 PM EST
After promising the public to negotiate in good faith the school board
has once again failed. I can't believe that 2 of their 3 member
negotiating team didn't even bother to show up for this very important
session. I also love the spin the board put on their site. They must
really think the public is stupid. All I have to say is cut the act -
we know the district has the money to get a fair contract funded. They
just refuse to do what it will take to get all of our children back to
school. Wake up public - this school board is full of empty promises.
Disgusted, Souderton
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:25 PM EST
where was the team
was encouraged that both sides were going into negotiations Friday
morning. I was skeptical, yet encouraged, by Mr. Currie's promise to
negotiate throughout the weekend to get the schools open on Monday. I
heard that the entire board supported their negotiation team. Then
reality hit! Only Mr. Currie showed up at the meeting Friday and
despite his word to negotiate throughout the weekend, meetings are now
scheduled for Monday and Friday - all this despite the pleas from the
people at the board meeting that both sides hash this out until it is
solved. All school board members should be contacted, the SAEA should
be contacted - this lack of respect for the students is getting worse.
Stick by your words SASD school board and Mr. Currie. taxpayer in Upper Salford
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 05:42 PM EST
wondering what kind of negotiations and compromise the board had in
mind when they offered it last night. Two out of three board members
did NOT see fit to even show up today? I guess it wasn't important
enough. I'm not surprised when it was not important to KEEP their word
last June when they also said they would negotiate in good faith. Now
that the district can pocket how much money from the salaries? The
board is calling for the teachers to go back to work WHILE negotiating.
Why would they dare to go back, when YOU aren't negotiating before they
even go! Who needs to be held accountable?
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 05:29 PM EST
Go Big Red - Wow
melodramatic lady at the school board meeting in the Reporter video
certainly has some issues. I bet she lives in a THP development.
Donna Freeman, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 05:06 PM EST
Umbrella Man
you write or speak, why don't you get the facts right? On Tuesday of
this week, the teachers had planned to mass picket on ONE shift. (9:00
- 11:30) They were then asked to attend a meeting. So, as far as disappearing in the rain, this was planned before the 5 day forecast.
Suzanne, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 05:02 PM EST
Are you fed up yet?
I've updated my blog - I have a new question for the strike proponents since no one has yet debated me on HB1369.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 04:51 PM EST
38,960 -that is the mean annual salary according to the May 2007 State
occupational employment and wage estimates of Pennsylvania.
. Bureau of labor statistics. That includes EVERYONE.
FYI, Souderton PA/Fairmont WV
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 04:36 PM EST
Negotiations Update - 9/12/08
Talks between the Souderton Area School Board and Souderton Area
Education Association began at 10:30 am today and broke down after 5
hours at 3:30 pm.
SAEA arrived at the negotiating table with a
revised salary and healthcare offer. SAEA attempted to find middle
ground, proposing a lower salary increase for a lower healthcare
premium share. The school board rejected these attempts at compromise,
refusing to make any concessions on medical.
Unfortunately, of
the three board members on its team, two failed to show up and only one
member, Bernie Currie, was in attendance. It is unclear how much could
have been accomplished if the other school board members were present
at the negotiations.
Although some progress was made on
contract language and development was made on some non-monetary issues,
the school board continues to offer proposals that would fail to make
Souderton competitive with other school districts in the Montgomery
County area. Though it promised to negotiate in good faith at last
nights school board meeting, the school board has again failed to
deliver on its promise to the public.
SAEA cannot negotiate
when the other side refuses to compromise. SAEA continues to work
towards a resolution. We want to be back in the classroom teaching your
children. A new negotiation session is set for Monday, September 15.
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 04:26 PM EST
Negotiations update
Please check out...
an update on the session today. Not promising, only 1 of 3 negotiators
from the Board even bothered showing up. All members of the SAEA group
were there with bells on. That's not looking like good faith to me as
PROMISED AGAIN by the board last night.
So much for good faith-, AGAIN
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 03:53 PM EST
Reponse to Administrator Pay Increases
to this:
, the school district is increasing its administration expenses by
5.68r $251,368. What does this actually mean for each administrator?
Guess well find out when the dust settles since in years past the
increases have already been publicized by now. Oh, and they also
retroactively apply the salary increase to July 1st, the day the fiscal
year begins.
If the 2008-2009 budget
raises for the administrators are granted and approved like last year,
once the dust settles and we are all busy getting our children
acclimated back in school, these raises will be tucked into the agenda
somewhere between field trips and personnel changes. Its just about
time for them to appear. Last year it was on September 13 - page 63.
The people who are in the classrooms each and everyday deserve these pay increases.
Another Disappointed Parent, Telford
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 03:29 PM EST
What I Learned during the SASD Teachers Strike
learned that while I enjoy volunteering in my children's schools - I
need to channel my efforts in a different direction. Instead of baking
brownies, planning a back to school bash, selling entertainment books
and coordinating market day pick ups, I need to tune into the
activities of my school board. This group has so much more power than I
ever realized, over my children's education.
LT is right. I should have been at the school board meetings.
A Parent, Souderton
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 02:25 PM EST
My parents always taught me you don't walk out on a disagreement. You sit and talk it out.
community is in a disagreement between Union and School board, but
between neighbor to neighbor also. While many know that shortly after
the strike is settled, things will get back to normal; but today it
seems far away.
Dont believe me, go to NPSD and see how many
people in NPSD forget all about the 1995 strike or how man were not
even in the district at the time. I was a junior in high school then
and remember the picket lines, the canceled sports, the student
protests, student walkout, and angry community members. I worked for
the Television Station as a Student Volunteer and sat through meetings
where people yelled and hollered and insulted each other. Then when
community members were done talking to each other, they turned to the
board, union and teacher. It got ugly and it did rip NPSD apart for
months afterwards.
People may not agree and want to stick it to
the UNION, but the teachers are our neighbors, family, friends, and
community partners. We may disagree with figures and facts, but there
will be an increase and we can either spend time fighting in the
community about it or unite. Each of us will need to decide for
ourselves, but ask yourself, in 3 years will this matter as much as
what your children learned?
People can jump on me if they wish, but at the end of the day, there will be a middle point found and this too shall pass.
Ray Hopkins, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 02:24 PM EST
dedicated school board
one member of the school board bothered to show up today at
negotiations. guess who...Bernie Currie. He is in there alone with Mr.
Sultanik. Where is the loyalty? I guess they really don't want this
settled. Was last night's words from the board all a lie???
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 02:04 PM EST
can?t even afford umbrellas
These teachers must be under paid. Every time it rains the picketing stops. These people cant even afford umbrellas.
Both sides MUST negotiate, fedupsville
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 11:47 AM EST
What I Learned From the Souderton Teachers Strike
Most people overlook how they would feel to be the lowest paid
employees in their area of work. If you would be in such a position
what would your attitude be? 2. The Souderton School Board needs to seriously assess the value of Mr. Sultanek and stop wasting money that should go to pay teachers. 3.
The School Board has no problem paying it's administrators a fair
average wage or better compared to surrounding districts. Why not it's
teachers as well? 4. Individual School Board members have their own personal agendas that can conflict with or be opposed to the public good. Hopefully, today's negotiations will bear fruit to end this debacle.
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 11:32 AM EST
To "Negotiation means"
why we need HB1369. The board would not have been able to stall in
spring nor the union drag it's feet as it did since June once the
strike was authorized. It makes the process a whole lot better and open
to the general public. Educate yourself and you will find the blame can
be spread on both sides.
Do not try to frame me as a supporter
of the board. Nor do I support the union. I'm speaking for the children
who want to be in school and are being sacrificed while the adults
refuse to work together for the benefit of all. Our legislation allows
this bad behavior and I find it unacceptable.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 11:17 AM EST
Ginny - Keep the focus where it belongs. If you want to start a cop-bashing blog, do it elsewhere.
Kahn - School choice has nothing to do with the fact that homeowners in
the SASD still pay taxes, regardless of where their children attend
school. I knew a good number of people who lare homeowners in the
district, but send their kids to Christian school or homeschool. The
outcome of this strike affects them as they still pay into the school
tax fund. They do enroll their children elsewhere, but still have the
right to be angry about what is going on.
Me, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 10:47 AM EST
you're unhappy about the timeline of the strike unfolding, as one
poster mentioned, perhaps you should check out the timeline of the
teacher's informational flyer yesterday. Apparently, they were ready to
enter negotiations 9 months ago and our board stalled until June. Had
their voices been heard earlier, had a compromise been made, perhaps
they wouldn't have felt the need to take such drastic measures.
Striking--or preventing strikes--doesn't control a renegade board who
believes they can treat our dedicated teachers like toddlers. Come on,
people, Bernie's working by his own "rules". Time to contact him and
tell him to move toward a compromise and get this taken care of for our
KIDS' sake!
Negotiation means, COMPROMISE
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 10:05 AM EST
did my research, thank you. Teachers cannot be considered in the same
category as police and firefighters without a constituional ammendment.
That will never happen. I'm trying to find a better way for the
contract negotiation process to unfold. In case you haven't noticed,
the current one isn't working so well.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 08:28 AM EST
Research Before You Comment
all you "No Teacher Strike" folks, please do a little research before
you scream to outlaw teacher's strikes. Police by law cannot strike, so
please go and read a local muncipal police labor contract. In addition
to being well paid, some police have contract language that allows them
to receive pension benifits while still working (DROP). Also, some
contracts provide post retirement medical care (ask Lansdale Boro). By
law Police are entitled to go to binding artibration if a negotiated
settlement cannot be reached with the muncipality. What the arbitrator
rules is what goes into the contract. Police have pretty sweet and
expensive deals. Be careful what you wish for.
Ginny, Souderton
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 07:51 AM EST
To frustrated teacher
am also a teacher in the SASD. I have also been walking the line for
the last 9 days. However, I have not heard even one teacher say they
are not in support of the union and our position that the contract the
board has proposed is completely inadequate. In addition, I find it
incredible that somsome would claim that Mr. Lukridge is threatening
anyone with "serious repercussions". This is a completely false claim.
If such threats were being made the teachers would be outraged, the
stories would quickly circulate and Mr. Lukridge would quickly lose his
support. The vote the teachers took in June say it all. 448-17. The
post claiming that the union will punish teachers must have been
planted by someone other than a teacher to discredit us.
SASD teacher, SOuderton, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 07:37 AM EST
What happens after the strike?
we are more than half way through the alloted time for the teachers to
strike, let's start asking the questions for after the strike is over.
I'm interested to see what others think.
1) We all know that
Jeffrey Sultanik will make a killing on this strike. Will anyone care
enough to follow up on how much he bills the taxpayers for his
"service"? Will Jack Parry start another (awfully built) web site to
address this waste of taxpayer money?
2) Will it be difficult
for parents to get back into the classrooms with teachers when they
know their exact salary? (I can't figure out why my little Billy is
doing so poorly in math, you make $90,000 a year!)
3) Will Parry Physical Group go under due to the rift that its owner Jack Parry has created in the community?
Can we see at least one news article about a person who will be
starving to death from being overwhelmed by a supposed increase in
property tax? Everyone mentions that they are one step away from
financial ruin, I would just like to see one person.
5) What will LT and Frank Dowd do with all of their free time from not having to post on this blog? :-)
What other post-strike questions will need to be answered?
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:52 AM EST
just finished looking over the salary chart for Souderton teachers and
must say - I don't see what all the hubbub is... I found their salaries
to be on the low end compared to the general public. I'd like to
challenge anyone who feels differently to teach school for a year. A
teachers day does not end when they leave school. There is a lot of
after hours planning and paperwork going on. Not to mention the mental
stress of having to keep up with a class full of students all day. I'd
like to compare the teacher salaries to the salaries of the school
board members, as well as most of the general public in the Souderton
District. How long have you been at your job? How much do you make? How
much continuing education classes do you have to take every year just
to stay employed? These teachers are educating our future generation.
Our CHILDREN! I think we want the best for these kids. Let's pay them
what they're worth so we don't end up losing them to surrounding school
Jane P., Harleysville
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:51 AM EST
Bring it on - Phughs
Phughs. You obviously have no sympathy for a fellow teacher and you
obviously believe the strike is a good thing. You are against personal
opinion and feel the power of the union is required to bolster you own
voice. You are a perfect example of what this wrongful legislation has
So come enter the debate on HB1369.
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:27 AM EST
to frustrated teacher
what I read, there were only 17 teachers who voted against the teachers
going out on strike, that means that you are one of 17, not one of an
arbitary number. You are part of an association and that means you reap
all the benefits of representation if needed, salary increases and
benefits. No one is forced to walk a picket line, the Reporter has
written that some people are working in the office and bringing
messages/information to those on the lines. No one is forced to belong
to an association, you have the option of paying a fair share but not
being a full fledged member. No one is happy or comfortable walking on
a picket line, but it is necessary. If many of you disagree with Mr.
Lukridge and the leadership and feel that they are not speaking for
you, feel free to meet with your school board and negotiate your own
personal contracts - without the support of the rest of your fellow
educators. Not every teacher is going to agree with everything that
happens during negotiations, but to imply that you are better than the
those walking on the picket lines is not going to solve anything,
especially since you did not sign your name to let the community know
just who you are. a teacher who has been there
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:15 AM EST
School Choice
you don't like the right of teachers to strike against negligent and
abusive school boards such as Souderton, then exercize your right to
school choice and enroll your offspring into a charter school or a
cyber charter school.
Sara Kahn, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 06:04 AM EST
Response to smokescreen
Still waiting for the reveal wrote: "A
comment to LT - why is it you only chime in to teacher bash? As a
regular contributor, have you nothing positive or informative to add to
this community?
By all appearances of your postings, you are
siding with your school board. So please answer how can your school
board can continue to give raises to their administrators and leave
their teachers without a fair contract? How did your school board
approve their 2008/2009 budget without contracts in place?
We will all be waiting for your response"
Reveal, Where were you when this stuff was being discussed and voted on? The
budget was being worked on and discussed for months before it was voted
on. In fact, the proposed final budget was availible for public
inspection 30 days before it was voted on. Where were you and the rest
that are now complaining?
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 05:52 AM EST
a comment about the teacher being forced to picket. First of all, you
might not even be a teacher. Second of all, from all the teachers I
have talked to there are a few teachers not striking. No reprecussions.
Third, if you dislike the union so much, why did you join? From what I
understand you can choose not to be part of the union every year. So,
please don't put down all the teachers out there who are also want to
be in the classroom teaching the children.
Proud parent of SASD, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 04:50 AM EST
comment to LT - why is it you only chime in to teacher bash? As a
regular contributor, have you nothing positive or informative to add to
this community?
By all appearances of your postings, you are
siding with your school board. So please answer how can your school
board can continue to give raises to their administrators and leave
their teachers without a fair contract? How did your school board
approve their 2008/2009 budget without contracts in place?
We will all be waiting for your response.
Still waiting for the reveal, Souderton
Added: Friday September 12, 2008 at 11:45 PM EST
If I could write tomorrows headline
'State Senator Wonderling Says Lukridge Full of Dooty on PSERS.'
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 10:39 PM EST
To Frustrated Teacher
really believe you and feel terrible about your predicament. I'm sure
you are not alone, either. I know that there are teachers that do not
believe in the strike and are being forced to join in. As I've said
from the beginning, no good can come from this strike. Thank you for
your message, I was not aware you were forced to picket in addition to
the other sacrifices you are making for "the union".
I've been
asking the people that believe this strike is beneficial to debate
HB1369 with me. I've yet to have any takers. I really just think we
need to find a better way for public teachers to negotiate a fair
contract without resorting to a virtual war in our community. If there
are flaws in HB1369, lets find them. Our legislators need our support
if they are going to stand up for what is right. We can no longer allow
the few powerful "leaders" to continue to hold our community hostage
and sacrifice our children's education for the sake of their own hidden
agendas. The students, the parents and some of our most caring teachers
are all forced into this mess without a choice and it should just no
longer be something our society allows. 37 other states have figured
this out, why can't ours?
No More Strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 10:39 PM EST
Laughing Bandit
said, Rob E. I love how Sultanic was questioned on his fees and what he
has charged the district, but has not billed the district yet for
August! How convenient! He still hasn't billed the district for his
fees a whole month ago, but made sure the teachers' insurance was
canceled a day before they went to strike! Something seems fishy! From the news story: Aside
from the amounts spent on an outside public relations firm, the
district is paying its school board attorney and lead negotiator
Jeffrey Sultanik around $22,500 in a retainer fee. In addition,
Sultanik said he charges $175 an hour, not including bargaining. The bargaining price per hour, he said, is around $175."
Around $175 - come on! It is not $175, so what is it? Does he forget?????
"He said he has been involved in bargaining talks since Aug. 25. The $175 per hour charge, he said, is part of the flat retainer fee per year."
Again, not making sense.
"When asked how many hours he has charged thus far, Sultanik said there is no calculation for hours.
Huh! No calculation? Seriously!
"There are no billings out for August," he said. "It won't be out until the end of the month."
Uhhhhh, August is over, dude!
Fed Up, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 10:06 PM EST
Laughing Bandit
said, Rob E. I love how Sultanic was questioned on his fees and what he
has charged the district, but has not billed the district yet for
August! How convenient! He still hasn't billed the district for his
fees a whole month ago, but made sure the teachers' insurance was
canceled a day before they went to strike! Something seems fishy! From the news story: Aside
from the amounts spent on an outside public relations firm, the
district is paying its school board attorney and lead negotiator
Jeffrey Sultanik around $22,500 in a retainer fee. In addition,
Sultanik said he charges $175 an hour, not including bargaining. The bargaining price per hour, he said, is around $175."
Around $175 - come on! It is not $175, so what is it? Does he forget?????
"He said he has been involved in bargaining talks since Aug. 25. The $175 per hour charge, he said, is part of the flat retainer fee per year."
Again, not making sense.
"When asked how many hours he has charged thus far, Sultanik said there is no calculation for hours.
Huh! No calculation? Seriously!
"There are no billings out for August," he said. "It won't be out until the end of the month."
Uhhhhh, August is over, dude!
Fed Up, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 09:52 PM EST
for your concern, but I am a small business owner and I plan to retire
quite comfortably at some point. And by the way... it won't cost the
tax payers a dime.
Tell me that teachers pensions are a
non-issue when we're paying for all of the retirement fund losses in
three or four years. I think it's great that they have such a good
pension plan, the union leadership never mentions that benefit when
they're trying to convince us how bad they have it.
It's not
poor me Annette, but the teachers aren't doing bad either. After
listening to you... you'd think that they're only a few steps from
"skid row".
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 08:12 PM EST
Teacher's Strike
sounds to me like this Sultanik guy is making out like a bandit and
laughing all the way. If you want to compare salaries, let's look at
his compensation is and what the district has paid so far. I believe
that the district could have given the teachers a reasonable raise and
still save money had they got rid of the leech a long time ago. Is it
coincidence that all the districts that use this slug, go into gridlock
during negotiations? And why is it you have the school board
running for these positions and not doing the jobs they were elected
for? Why arent they negotiating with the teachers?
Sounds to
me that this school board likes to spend money on all the wrong 120
million dollar things. Your best asset in any business or industry is
your EMPLOYEES!!!!!
Remember parents, its your teachers that help your children learn, not the desk, chalkboard or computer.
Rob E , lansdale, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:52 PM EST
ironic that the board notifies everyone about Friday's negotiations
hoping to avoid the angry mob.
Now, repeat after
me..."Negotiating means that someone starts high, someone starts low,
will only occur if you promise to come to the talks with a NEW, FAIR,
and REASONABLE offer for our children's teachers. You cannot keep
plunking down the same old documents expecting qualified, dedicated
professionals to suddenly cave in. They deserve pay commensurate with
their qualifications, and our kids deserve to be back in school!
SDR, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:38 PM EST
Teachers still at work
you seen this yet? On the site there is a link for high
school students who need help with the college process right now. Wow... teachers never stop thinking about the students. Way to go guidance counselors!!
Proud parent in SASD, Harleysville
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:28 PM EST
To all my students
would like you all to know that I voted against the strike and I dont
want to be walking the picket lines. When you see me out there I hope
that you will understand that its not my choice. Mr. Lukridge and our
union leadership have made it very clear that everyone will contribute
to the strike or there will be serious repercussions.
are a number of my fellow teachers who share my view that Mr. Lukridge
should not be speaking for us and is destroying the credibility and
goodwill many of us have built with the community over the years. I am
very appreciative of the working conditions in Souderton and feel very
fortunate to be working here. The thing I hate most about this strike
is that it keeps me from doing what I love which is teaching children.
pray that our union leadership will set their egos aside and accept a
contract which will be fair to the taxpayers and allow us teachers to
get back in the classroom where we belong.
a frustrated teacher, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 06:44 PM EST
on strike are not allowed to enter any buildings of the
district....fact. Did the board arrive in their security vans? Who were
they afraid of? Did the teachers also have security and protection? I'm
not there myself, my husband is representing our family. Is there to be
a real negotiation tomorrow? Wouldn't that be nice if the two met
together and put an end to this!
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 04:35 PM EST
To Frank
do have real pity for you Frank. You certainly have a bleak outlook for
the future. I was stunned by your revelation that "unless you are a
teacher you probably won't have one", a pension , that is. You say you
have nothing against the educators in this district, but what kind of a
"poor me, I'll never get to have what you have" kind of comment is
that? I have famiily members that worked hard for many years. They were
not teachers. I know many different retirees from many vocations and
walks of life. Many folks I know have pensions. If you are without one
and you are at this stage of life, then I truly do have compassion for
you. Please don't muddy the waters and pretend this is another issue
that the public needs to address. The key issue is two groups of people
need to negotiate and put an end to this strike! Our children need to
start school tomorrow!
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 04:26 PM EST
Working mom
family member, who is a teacher in another state, pointed this out to
me when I was complaining about the teachers being on strike.
($15.00/day what most are paying for strike daycare if not more) X (180 days) X (25 children per class) = $67,500.
This is what we are paying people to babysit but not EDUCATE our children. The Board needs to stop stalling and to do something tomorrow.
Working Mom, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 03:59 PM EST
New negotiation session
cant believe this Board. They wait until 4:18 to send out an e-mail and
you know what it is all about. They need cover tonight. I was hoping
for answers tonight and I can see it already, the board was willing to
negotiate, but was waiting on the union. The funny thing is they knew
the union was not going to be at the meeting tonight. Well if you think
you are going to get answers, forget about it. My kids will wait and
wait while the board plays their games. I will be looking at the board
tonight because I will be taking notes. I will not vote or associate
with people who don't care about my children's education.
JD, Harleysville Pa
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 03:50 PM EST
Souderton's Propaganda
a Souderton taxpayer I was thrilled to receive the SASB's negotiation
update from their personal Sultanik linked public relations firm.
Incidentally they are paid for with our tax money. It is filled with
old information (and outdated info. too!- August 25th?) A few
thoughts: If part of the 17 million FUND BALANCE is to be used for
capital projects, then why was this item deleted from this year's
budget? If the money is for if the PSER's contribution rate increases,
why is it not mentioned that if that happens the state will increase
their own contribution amount to the SASD? And if furniture needs to be
budgeted for in savings, then how in the world were we ever able to
furnish the schools in the past without doing this? This fund balance
IS Available for use as SASD's revenue has exceeded expenditures for
almost the last 10 years and the fund balance has more than doubled in
the last three years. The AID RATIO does rank SASD at 16/22 but if
you only include market value of real estate we rank quite well (thanks
to a beautiful new school!). When you add in personal income (including
all those retirees Bernie represents, than the our ratio does rise. Of
course the higher the ratio, the more money the state kicks in. Finally, the 2004-06 2.18
michael cahill, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 03:38 PM EST
Football point
I believe the point that Bill B. was trying to make was this. SASD has
maintained the stance that it will only hire teachers at Step 1 on the
salary schedule. Most districts do this, which is why teachers cannot
easily move between districts as you say. It is curious b/c the board
found a reason to hire this guy and place him at a (deserved) step.
Once again, the board does what it wants for certain people but not
So, you're right. And gosh, really funny too. Football was bery bery gud to hem. Haha.
I am still laughing when you spelled those words wrong. Like he is a
dumb jock. That is so funny. How you just spelled those words to make
like he couldn't spell. OMG! To, like, make fun of him. Amazing. And
well thought out.
An SASD student, footballl player and honors student
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 03:23 PM EST
Salary Increase
I assure you that I have used my real name on all of my posts. I have
nothing against our teachers, in-fact, the ones that I have met in
parent/teacher meetings and other school functions over the years are
fine people.
I did however grow up in a household where my
father was a union official in a large philadelphia labor union for
many years, and I know how the games are played. (by both sides)
Emotions are running high on both sides of the argument and that's just
the way that the parties want it. Are all of our teachers uderpaid,
"all" 515 of them? maybe, but I doubt it. Should there be give and take
and some improvements made to their expired contract? Probably, but if
the union thinks that all of their inequities are going to be corrected
with one contract... I believe they are mistaken.
The fact of
the matter is, that even if you give them everything on their "wish
list" under the new contract... three, four or five years from now
you'll still be hearing about how their contract is the worst in the
area based upon what other districts are likely to agree to in future
negotiaons. The answer isn't just to keep throwing money at the problem
until it goes away. I don't accept the argument that... "that's the way
it's always been with teachers and their salaries". No, it hasn't
always been that way, maybe it has been for the last thirty years or so
but it is time for a change.
The teacher unions have entirely
too much power and it's time to get some sanity back in the system.
I've heard next to nothing about the job security and outstanding
pension plans that teachers in Pennsylvania enjoy. They also need to be
taken into consideration. For those of you who are too young to know
what a pension is... don't worry about it, unless you become a teacher
you'll probably never have one.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 02:24 PM EST
where are the other parents?
time has come for the parents of this community to stand up, join
together, and demand a quality education for their children. if parents
don't do it, who will? This school board is squandering the resources,
and they are vast, that should be spent to not only build a
multi-million $$ high school, but to staff our schools with the best
teachers money can buy. If we do not advocate for a top-notch education
for our children, no one else will. Yes, the teachers are trying to
stand-up for what is right, but we, the parents, need to unite and
demand that our tax $ be appropriated properly. This does not include
wasting money on body guards for a mean-spirited bunch of old men who
do not like schools or teachers. Go to the web-site and read the list
of school board members' responsibilities. They are clearly not doing
their job. Wasting tax dollars on a legal advisor who is only out to
divide our community while stealing money that should be spent on
education is a dangerous tactic. Demand quality education. Go to the
meeting and stand up. Talk to your neighbors and let's join together
and get back to school.
lou Whitten, telford
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 01:41 PM EST
What does our community value?
Found this interesting article on AOL today: "What
jobs pay makes a statement about what we value. As a culture, these
disparities make shocking statements about which human activities are
more valuable to us," says Dr. Al Lee,'s director of
quantitative analysis. This was the example provided: Let's do the math and see if Dr. Lee's statement holds true Ellen Pompeo, Acting as a doctor on 'Grey's Anatomy', this television star earns: $4 Million/Year (approx) or $33/Minute* Comparatively,
while Pompeo pretends to be a doctor on TV at $33/minute, the person
actually saving lives in real life is making: $183,518/Year or $1.53/Minute
The same can be said for our athletes and musicians... People
have argued that teachers should not complain about their salaries
because they went into the profession for the love of teaching. Well,
the same can be said about athletes, they went into it for the love of
the game. And the same can be said for musicians and actors....they did
it for the love of music or the love of acting.
Yet, people
spend billions of dollars a year, buying these athletes' jerseys,
paying high fees to attend games, downloading songs, going to concerts,
attending movies etc. Some ague, well, it's entertainment. Yes, it is.
it's the same people that put their money into these things that are
now complaining about putting some money into our teachers. Besides a
small percentage of athletes and celebrities who actually give back to
their community and society as a whole, there isn't a whole lot that to
me justifies those sort of salaries. But as you can see, they make a
ton more money (33 TIMES the amount) than the actual folks they
represent on screen. I don't think Dr. Lee's statement could have been
any more true.
Don't let Souderton become a place that doesn't
value what humans should innately value. Put your game money and your
movie money where your mouth is and value the work that the teachers do
in preparing the youth of tomorrow. Althletes come and go, so do
actors, but your children are the legacy that will take care of our
future. You can bank on that. Al P, Lansdale, PA
Al P, Lansdale, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 01:40 PM EST
Coach salary
Bill B., Harleysville, PA wrote: "Also,
I was looking over the list of teachers salaries that was printed
yesterday. How is it that the head football coach who has only been
with the SASD for a few years if making one of the top salaries? I
thought that if you come to the Souderton School District you loose
your seniority and have to start at a lower spot on the pay scale.
Something sure is a little fishy!"
Maybe cause he coach da foootball. Foootball bin bery bery good to him.
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 01:33 PM EST
Who's bringing the padlock?
may disagree how we got here, but we can all agree enough already. Time
to put the past behind us, and demand from both sides what should have
been done months ago: NEGOTIATION! Time for school to start people!
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 01:03 PM EST
Salary increase
us remember that a 2.5 percent increase in salary - the board's offer -
is a 2.5 percent increase in the whole payroll budget, not a 2.5
percent increase per teacher salary. I hope all of you who have
posted come to the board meeting tonight. I look forward to hearing
from Frank Dowd and Mrs. Franklin Dogood... are you the same person?
You share the initials F. D., which undoubtedly stands for "Fact
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 12:50 PM EST
Administration Pay Increases
to this:
, the school district is increasing its administration expenses by
5.68r $251,368. What does this actually mean for each administrator?
Guess well find out when the dust settles since in years past the
increases have already been publicized by now. Oh, and they also
retroactively apply the salary increase to July 1st, the day the fiscal
year begins.
Frank LT Dowd's husband
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 12:11 PM EST
A letter of thanks.
for stroking my ego, for backing me, for twisting truth and conjuring
lies. Stick with me. I will carry all of you on my back into a place
full of evil and darkness, but the good news is we'll have LOTS OF
Frank LT Dowd, Davetopia
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 11:36 AM EST
can ask the admiinistration what their salaries and increases are for
the 2008-2009 as well as what their cost of health insurance is, but
you know that they will not tell you until the teachers contract is
final. They are too ashamed to let you know how large of an increase
they will give themselves because you know how little they pay their
professional and supprort staff. Also, if they let you know now how big
of a raise they get then they would have to give all the employees a
decent raise.
Also, I was looking over the list of teachers
salaries that was printed yesterday. How is it that the head football
coach who has only been with the SASD for a few years if making one of
the top salaries? I thought that if you come to the Souderton School
District you loose your seniority and have to start at a lower spot on
the pay scale. Something sure is a little fishy!
Bill B., Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 11:25 AM EST
Communist Indian Valley?
was almost rolling on the floor laughing when I read the comment from
the Electrician that said he won't see the kind of money that a teacher
makes. Since when did Souderton become Communist Russia? A large number
of comments in this paper have waxed poetically about how their own
situation compares to the teachers. Let me explain something. There is
nothing written in the Constitution that says "Life Is Fair." There is
nothing in the Constitution that says "You will keep your job and/or
live in your house for your entire life." There is nothing in the
Constitution that says "all workers should receive a salary conducive
to the amount of physical labor they do." There is nothing in the
Constitution that says that you are even entitled to be happy (pursuit
of happiness is permitted). If you do not like your situation, then do
something about it for goodness sakes! If you think teachers make such
great money and such, then please be my guest. I wouldn't want to do
it. But, that's me. Where are the true Republicans in this community
that are with me? No wonder taxes are so high. It's not because of the
teachers. It's everyone sitting around on their duff waiting for their
handout. Stop the whining, come up with a reasonable contract so we can
all get on with our lives and get back to complaining about people
driving 15 mph under the speed limit!
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 10:43 AM EST
Are you kidding me??? Did you really believe that our distrist wouldn't incurr any legal fees negotiating this contract?
you were focused on the fact that the taxpayers actually have to pay
for legal services, I noticed that at the end of the article the union
president disclosed that it would take 2.5 percent plus 5.5 percent to
meet the unions demands. If my math is correct that's 8 percent. Is
that per year? Is the 5.5 percent a one time increase for each step and
then 2.5 percent annually?
I keep hearing that I don't have all
of the facts and that the teachers demands are being distorted by the
media and school board. The union leader has now entered into the
public forum with his views, I think it's time for him to add some
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 09:59 AM EST
Response to - Teachers banned from board meeting?
Sounds Unconstitutional wrote: "I
just spoke to a SASD teacher who told me the board is banning all
teachers from tomorrow nights' meeting. I can't believe that it is
legal to ban them from it. Also the board has requested police escorts
due to their fear of harrassment from the public."
Where do you
people keep dredging up this kind of crap. Your own union rep said it's
the unions policy not to enter a building when they're on strike.
said teachers plan to make their presence felt outside Thursday's
school board meeting, but none would attend the meeting. Moved to
accommodate a larger crowd possibly similar to the one that filled the
administration building to its gills just after the strike vote was
announced Aug. 28 it will be held in the auditorium of the Indian Crest
Junior High School, at 139 Harleysville Pike in Souderton. We won't have anyone in there, Smith said. We will not enter any school grounds during this strike. That is our policy.
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 09:21 AM EST
the Reporter - please post the current 2008-2009 salaries for the
school distrcit administrators. What you posted is from 2007-2008.
Let's see what types of raises the Administration received this year,
and that should give some type of starting point for negotiations with
the teachers. Call the district administrative office and get the
current numbers. Then post them in the paper for us to look at. While
you are at it, post the administrative health care plan - let's see how
hard they were asked to "give back" on their contract - then we should
apply a similar idea to the teacher contract. Thank you.
Chris B., Franconia, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 08:41 AM EST
said the real issue isn't the money the district has available to pay
for each teacher, but rather what is a fair increase for teachers." Quoted from the Reporter. Now,
tell me what the board's real agenda is... not the children, teachers,
education or taxpayers. It is about power. Power to control the
education system. Power to say we were the ones that ruined public
education. Make no mistake, that is the agenda of this school board.
This school board will never be forgotten.
I support public education, Harleysville
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 08:34 AM EST
School Board
out to the school board meeting tonight. Speak your mind there. Let
them know how you feel about our children. I think the board needs a
reminder about the children and how this situation could have been
avoided. But I don't think the board wanted this situation to be
avoided. It is just so sad that our community is torn apart. I agree
with the Quakertown parent. They have a strong community because their
school board respects its children and knows they deserve a quality
education. Can we say the same for our board? So, come out tonight,
whatever side you are on but make a point to mention the children in
your speech to the board.
See you tonight, Harleysville
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 08:04 AM EST
A story with facts about where this money IS and IS NOT going. Hey, Jeffrey, YOU'RE WELCOME!
Sultanik Crusader, counting paper
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:44 AM EST
just spoke to a SASD teacher who told me the board is banning all
teachers from tomorrow nights' meeting. I can't believe that it is
legal to ban them from it. Also the board has requested police escorts
due to their fear of harassment from the public."
If they are
residents and tax payers, they can not bar them. But this is not a
forum for teachers to come have their voices heard. This is a time for
business regarding the strike.
If you live and teach in
Souderton, then come out. If you live somewhere else and just want to
come in to be a distraction. Stay home. You can walk your 3 hour shift
on the picket line tomorrow to show your tepid support.
Founder of the Hundred Dollaraires Club, soon to dissolve, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:26 AM EST
From the SASD web site
The duties/responsibilities of School Board members are to:
Profess a deep desire to serve children and a strong belief in the
values of public schools and local control of public education
that happening here? I would honestly like to know. You have Mr.
Jelinski's wife on the Jack Parry bulletin board railing to have a
clean sweep of all teachers. Now, that sounds like an educated person.
I would like to have each board member finish this sentence.
I believe in the public education system and the education of our children because...
can be your homework while you are sitting around not negotiating and
not doing anything to move these negotiations forward.
Also, to
the Reporter folks. Can you please get a better bulletin board system?
This blog setup just isn't cutting it. It would be nice if you could
see posts that are responses to other posts rather than this flat
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:10 AM EST
chew on this one
so the board gets security tonight for the meeting, but they refuse to
consider a clause in the contract that helps to protect teachers if
they should get physically assaulted during the school day. Just another example of how the board only cares about themselves and not the teachers and professional staff.
Al P, Lansdale, PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 07:06 AM EST
Teachers doing job alright
refrence to the article in the Intelligencer. You are right that
teacher deserve a fair contract, but when a teacher stands in front of
a class and tells them they will never amount to anything and will
never go to college, I have a problem with that. Also when you have
teachers calling out every other week sick, I have a problem with that.
When spring comes and teachers call out because they are opening their
summer home, I have a real problem with that. Maybe if they hire
teacher that really want the job and are qualified, instead of the
friend of a friend, we may have teachers that stay and take pride in
our district.
taxpayer, Telford PA
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 06:37 AM EST
Waiting for the reveal wrote: "Why
is it that the administration feels the need to communicate through a
legal mouth piece and a hired PR firm while our teacher spokesperson
continues to speak personally? "
Why is it that your teacher spokesperson continues to speak, yet says nothing?
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 06:35 AM EST
Needless Spending
not forget the cost of security bodyguards when we're talking about the
cost of this strike adding up. How ridiculous! The School Board is
spending taxpayers money to be escorted into tonight's meeting
supposedly! I've had enough of this...spending $ on lawyers and
security but not on my KIDS!
Time to Negotiate, That means GIVE & TAKE
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 05:39 AM EST
Where is the school district administration?
is it that our Souderton administration cajoled our school board into
giving them 3 to 11 percent raises but cannot do the same for our
teachers? Why is it that the administration feels the need to
communicate through a legal mouth piece and a hired PR firm while our
teacher spokesperson continues to speak personally?
Who is hiding behind the smokesceen?
Waiting for the reveal, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 11:57 PM EST
whomever it was that said SASD teachers are some of the lowest paid
teachers in Mont. county. I looked and they look about the same. Though
if they weren't I wouldn't be surprised. North Penn is a much larger
school district which means more kids. Some Philadelphia schools have
worse conditions, so I would hope they get paid more. I wouldn't want
to work there after hearing some horror stories from a teacher that
has. You cannot compare salaries from county to county, just like you
can't compare salaries from state to state. Different cost of living
and conditions.
no comparison, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 11:47 PM EST
Response to - RJS
RJS wrote: "P.S.
Why don't you criticize auto mechanics who charge you an arm and a leg?
Why don't you criticize people who work for Merck, have had no college
education, and make more money changing light bulbs than a teacher does"
How much money does a teacher make for changing light bulbs? A better question is, how many teachers does it take to change a light bulb?
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 11:32 PM EST
TS, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 11:30 PM EST
Where will we be 5,10,15 years from now?
now, why are we all fighting like children? The teachers want to take
too much and the school board doesn't want to give enough. Though if
you do look at what the teachers make it IS alot, not all of them but
many. Many make within 89,000! Maybe the lower paid teachers should get
a raise but why should everyone? I know when I go to work and someone
gets a raise I don't go in thinking I will too. That's just a warped
way of thinking. I am an individual, with individual strengths. Why
should I be paid the same as everyone else, when I work harder than
some others? Why doesn't the community vote? Why is it the teachers vs
the school board when it effects the whole community? Maybe one day....
maybe one day...., Souderton PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 10:37 PM EST
Why don't you criticize auto mechanics who charge you an arm and a leg?
Why don't you criticize people who work for Merck, have had no college
education, and make more money changing light bulbs than a teacher does.
the above mentioned professions are not currently disrupting an entire
community by striking. Surely, if it were to occur, you'd hear the same
outrage & indignation that you're hearing right now. All
professions have unsavory aspects to it, unfortunately, there is no
cushy job out there with countless free perks & benefits. Many
persons have to continue their education once they've graudated.
Doctors need to keep abreast of changing medical procedures &
technologies. Laywers need to be aware of changes in the laws that
govern our societies. People in business go for an MBA or specialized
certifications (CPA, CFA, licensed to sell securities, etc) because
advancement in their field hinges on that. It doesn't seem unreasonable
to me to expect people to push harder in order to achieve their goals.
The last thing I want is for my kids to be taught by people who DON'T
want to push harder, who are ok with resting on their laurels. I'm not
suggesting that is the case here, I'm simply just not seeing why
teachers believe their job is any more difficult than the next person's.
Mama, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:53 PM EST
Fire all the teachers?
think that must be the most ignorant statement that I have read on this
site and some of the other sites. Yes, you can hire many teachers right
out of college. Some will be energetic, creative, and be able to coach
a sport in the district. Every new teacher is taken under the wing of
an experienced teacher for some of the ins and outs of lessons,
discipline, curriculum, and any other issue that one learns about in a
classroom but can't always put to the real test until you are actually
doing the job. We have some wonderful teachers in this district. Yes,
you could pay them any wage you please, apparently. But after a few
years of working hard and continuing their education for your suggested
wage or benefit, even those starting teachers might think they are
worthy of a raise. I can't imagine why would anyone look at "fire them
all" as a real option? Many of our teachers have 8 years of education
and are experts in many different areas. Do we really want to give all
of them up for recent graduates, or people who haven't cut the
"interview" process at other times? Now that we are going to make
ourselves desperate, we will just hire anyone that applies? If that is
the position that our school board is going to take and their wives are
going to suggest, are the rest of us going to just sit back and watch?
I do not want to lose the teachers in this district to selfish board
members who aren't even educating their children in this district and
aren't willing to negotiate to settle this issue. Key word: negotiate.
Put an end to this nonsense.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:36 PM EST
would be curious to know how many of the "teacher bashers" who are
complaining about their horrific jobs and their terrible salaries, have
received a college degree, a Master's degree and continue to take
college courses in their field of work? Education is valued - maybe not in Souderton, though.
Get Smart, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:06 PM EST
To : Look At It Through Our Eyes
eyes do you think I am using? I am one of you.. I pay taxes just like
you do. In fact, more teachers than you think live in the district and
pay taxes. They also have children who are not going to school. Yes, I do work and make almost 3 times what a teacher makes at the top. I started out as a teacher and couldn't handle it. I
also want to say that your reading comprehension needs improving. In my
post, I mentioned that teachers DON'T get the summers off as many
think. They are taking courses. They work many more than 7 1/2 hours.
Why do you think it is so hard to get into Merck? Do you think it is
because of the pay & benefits????---Hello???? You mentioned you
went to school for many years and have to put up with rude comments.
Does that make it right for our children to hear that? One last thing,
when you went to your school for many years, did they teach you that
meat is something you eat and when one needs to work hard to make ends
MEET, it is spelled differently. I guess you wouldn't get merit pay at
RJS, Franconia
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:57 PM EST
Response to cb
Regarding the PSSA scores. If you claim to be responsible for the successes, be prepared to be held responsible for the failures.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:31 PM EST
Response to - Disgusted in Souderton
Disgusted wrote: "One
more thing. I think it is pretty telling when the wife of a school
board member advocates firing all teachers on a public forum. Mr.
Jelenski you just lost one vote next time."
Are you sure that was his wife? I
suggest that unless you know for certain, you shouldn't accuse someone.
However if you continue doing so, may I suggest that you consider
changing your name from Disgusted to Du-mass.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:18 PM EST
Been Reading
have read these comments for days now. It's like an addiction. The fact
that everyone feels as though fighting back and forth between one
another will solve anything had been my entertainment. No one is going
to change how they feel about the strike. People are only going to
believe what they want to believe. The people that actually believe
that each individual teacher will get an 8.5ncrease are naive. The
people that can't see the lies that Sultanik is spinning need to look a
bit closer. I am not for or against, but I do think that it's terribly
sad that this has torn a fantastic community apart at the seems. The
school board has hired security to take them to the meeting. Do you
think they are feeling the pressure yet? I pay huge taxes here in
Quakertown, but at least I know that they are attracting some of the
most qualified teachers with their large salaries. My children will
reap the benefits. I am quite excited to read what everyone has to say
after the school board meeting. Nothing will be solved and no one will
have any more answers. Just more confusion. I am almost tempted to go,
to see for myself, how far apart this community has become. As your
schools attract less qualified teachers, everything about Souderton
will go down the tubes. The desireability will disappear. Those of you
that want to pay good money for good teachers, come on up to
Quakertown, where the property taxes are huge!!!!
Mary, Quakertown PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:45 PM EST
hey parent of two
do have my masters and still only make 43,000. So now what's your
arguement? And I give plenty, believe me. Have you seen the PSSA scores?
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:30 PM EST
Get to the School Board so Bernie and the silent 8 can shine
to your school board if you want this fixed. When the dust clears you
and your teacher haters will see them for what they are. They have
created this mess and now are paying PR firms to get them out of it.
Why would a school board get security for a meeting? The time has come
and all the Johnny come lately's are going to see what Bernie is about
and I can guarentee it is not your two kids.
Also, how can you
compare education to private industry? I bet everyone of these teachers
would do great if they got to hire only the best and brightest
students. Then when they fail or ask for something of the teacher they
will be told to get lost. Teachers teach anyone and not just the most
qualified and some of our best teachers work with our most at risk
students. You will chase them right out of the district becuase they
are the most needed comodidty in public education.
Lastly, I
hope there is a mass exodus of teachers in this district becuase then
you will all get what you wished for. Maybe they will replace them with
all of you, given how easy they have it? You should all quit the jobs
you hate so much and get ready to apply becuase it is that easy. Paying
what this board is offering will haunt this system forever. You can not
be behind the rest of Buck/Mont and still expect to be competitive.
more thing. I think it is pretty telling when the wife of a school
board member advocates firing all teachers on a public forum. Mr.
Jelenski you just lost one vote next time.
disgusted in Souderton, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:05 PM EST
Teachers banned from board meeting?
just spoke to a SASD teacher who told me the board is banning all
teachers from tomorrow nights' meeting. I can't believe that it is
legal to ban them from it. Also the board has requested police escorts
due to their fear of harrassment from the public.
Sounds Unconstitutional, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 06:57 PM EST
RE: Taxpayer
wanted to comment on your post regarding merit pay. How exactly is one
to measure how "good" a teacher does their job? A teacher gets new
students every year. Some who are gifted, some who are average, and
some who have learning disablities. Not to mention special teachers and
the teachers who work with children that have severe disabilites. These
teachers are not making a "product" to measure success. There hasn't
been a way to incorporate merit pay successfully in the past with other
districts. It is inevitable that merit pay will fail.
Sue, Lansdale
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 06:16 PM EST
RE: Appalled
This is in reference to RJS from Franconia: I
too have been reading the good and the bad reader comments over the
past seven days. I am not a teacher, but I am friends with many
teachers in the Souderton Area School District. I am sick and tired of
hearing people bash these good, hard working educated people. Yes, some
of these people may not be great teachers, yes some of these people
make way too much money for doing a lousy job - and please let me
repeat the word SOME - because there are so many wonderful teachers in
this District who deserve every dime they earn and deserve a decent
contract from our Board. Their contract might say in black in white
that they are to put in a seven and a half hour day. The District would
like them to put in an eight hour day...but drive past any school
building at 7:00am and you will see cars in the parking lot, drive past
any school building as you are coming home from your job in the private
sector and you will see cars in the parking lot. These cars are the
cars of the teachers. They are in the building way before or after
their contracted working hours working hard to educate your children,
grandchildren, neighbor, etc. You can even drive past a school building
on a weekend and you will see cars in the parking lot. Yes, there might
be a basketball game or a church service going on in the building, but
I bet a half dozen of the cars in the lot at that time are the cars of
teachers who are in their classroom working on student records,
learning a new curriculum, etc. So now that you know that these
teachers are hard workers, maybe you can stop bashing them and maybe
start bashing the School Board.
That brings me onto my next
comment. What is up with this School Board. We have a School Board of
NINE men, however it seems like as though there is only ONE man (if
that is what you want to call him) who seems to be dictating what is to
be done. Why is it that the other eight Board members do not speak in
regards to anything that is going on at meetings? I have seen a few
times when a Board member must have spoke about something that was not
on the scrip that "Dictator Curry" wrote for the meeting and the look
on Curry's face was as though he wanted to take that member out back
and hang him. To you the other eight members of the Board, PLEASE speak
up at the meeting tomorrow night. We want to hear what your thoughts on
this whole process is. I sure hope that your Dictator, Mr. Curry will
let you speak. Also, did you as a Board approve the hiring of this PR
firm that is putting out false information or did your Dictator Mr.
Curry go ahead and do that so he could get more TV time. Maybe you
Dictator will let you all be interviewed by the PR firm that is wasting
our tax dollars so we can hear and see what your views are.
all for your time and may a fair contract be brought to the teachers
soon so the children can get back to school - yes the children. I think
Mr. Curry forgot about them.
Jim, Telford, Pa
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 05:06 PM EST
Dear Taxpayer
You are completely, 100
We're all taxpayers, you don't own the title, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 05:04 PM EST
Now what?
residents, taxpayers and parents, we have been venting this issue in an
open forum, that for whatever our reasons, allows us to remain
anonymous. It has been an outlet as well as an informative source.
Naturally, the opinions run the course, some of us in favor of teacher
increases and some of us not. The common thread is we are all feeling
something. The time has come that we take all of these feelings to the
school board meeting tomorrow night. We are entitled to some answers.
Until this stike, many of us, myself included, may have ignored the
operations of this school board? For those of you who have been
following them, thank you. Lesson learned -we really need to tune in to
what is happening at our school board meetings. Not just now, but the
weeks, months and for some, years ahead. These elected officials hold
the public education of our community in their hands.
We can
pick apart and compare the published salaries and the benefit packages
to our own and those of our neighbors, all to no avail. We can dispute
the use of the solicitor and the hiring of a public relations firm to
perpetuate the spin. It's too late, our school board already approved
both. I use the term our, very loosely. If they are indeed our school
board, working on our behalf, then we must demand the truth - not the
spin. We are entitled to it.
This school district is growing and
while it may have wealth it also has average. To paraphrase from
someone else's post - the have's, the have not's and the somewhere in
between's, are all living in the Souderton Area School District. There
are also diverse feelings placed on the value of education and those
who are doing the educating. That too, varies depending upon our place
in life. Irregardless, an educational system is in place and right now
it is failing. I am not exactly sure how we have reached this desperate
place and frankly, it doesn't matter. The students are not in school
and our teachers are walking the picket line. However, now is not the
time to debate and have discussion about stopping teachers strikes.
Save that argument for later date. Keep the passion (and/or
frustration) about it, but research it and share it when people are
more receptive. It's too late to close that proverbial gate.
nights meeting has the potential to go awry. If even a handful of us
show up there, carrying our burning torches -- nothing will be
accomplished. The venting has occured. It's been occuring now for 7
days. It is time for the next step in the process. We need to attend
the school board meeting tomorrow night and ask the questions that
really need to be asked. Exactly how and why has our school board
brought us to this broken place?
You can bet that the school board will be prepared. We should be too.
Let's Roll, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 04:27 PM EST
Fair and Balanced...
guess you're right Aaron??? It makes more sense to put the "hammer" in
the hands of organized labor. We tried that in the 70's... it didn't
work for the average taxpayer then, and it certainly won't work now.
sure that everyone uses their online "handle" at tomorrow nights
meeting. I'm interested putting the names and the faces together.
of which side of this debate that you're on, we'll accomplish much more
if the "bashers" leave the hotilities at home.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 04:18 PM EST
Response to LT
LT wrote:
Please let me know if I can do the same with public education
that makes a whole lot of sense. Let's stop subsidizing public
education! I guess we should stop subsidizing post-high school too?
Then, we will really lose out on the global race for a good education.
I hope you are well-armed to deal with the fallout of a highly
uneducated workforce living by your house. Oh, that's what you want
anyway... entice teachers with low pay. What then? Souderton will no
longer have "good" (read smart) teachers to draw in high-income
families looking for good schools with good scores. Then, well-to-do
families move out to go to better schools. And what is left... a new
era of low-income and a bunch of dopes that weren't smart enough to get
out while the getting was good. Can't imagine that? Try looking at
places like York, PA or Reading, PA. But, you'll still have your low
property taxes. You won't be able to walk down the street at night, but
hey... those nasty teachers are gone! Good luck with that strategy.
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 04:01 PM EST
to Apalled
was your daughters reason for becoming a teacher? For the kids? Then
why isn't she teaching? You act as if teachers are the only ones who
have it tough. I went to school for many years, work most weekends and
have customers constant complaining which isn't only rude remarks but
also direct insults. Most parents do care about thier children's
education but many people have to work more than 40 hours a week just
to make ends meat. It's not that they don't care, it's just thats what
has to be done to keep thier heads above water. I don't remember anyone
saying it was an easy job, just that a middle ground needs to be met.
Their demands are too high. Do you work? Go to your boss tomorrow and
demand a 8.2ncrease in the next 3 years, you only want to work 7!/2
hours/day, you want summers off AND you only want to pay 10' medical. I
am thinking he/she will probably laugh in your face. By the way-people do criticize mechanics and the like all the time. Also try getting into Merck-it's not as easy as you think.
Look at it through our eyes., Souderton PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 03:57 PM EST
To Taxpayer
you done all your research? Aren't you questioning what this Board is
doing with your tax dollars? Also, do you understand how a salary
matrix works? I think you need to do a little more research before you
continue to post, or just be honest about the fact that you hate
teachers. Remember, communities that value education prosper.
You are ridiculous, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 03:35 PM EST
No more unionized teachers-it works elsewhere.
shouldn't be unionized. If a teacher becomes a teacher for the pay,
summer offs, and the minimal if any contribution to medical than they
shouldn't be teachers, you arent doing it for the kids. If you decided
to teach for the kids then why are you on the lines? The kids are the
ones who suffer, though my kids are enjoying the days off. During the
year is when they will feel the effcts, when our nephews, nieces,
friends, etc.. are enjoying the holidays, my kids will be in school.
Attendance will probably decrease around that time as well considering
many people have already made plans. kids need days off to avoid being
overstressed. MY ADVISE-if your not happy with your pay/benefits then
GET A NEW JOB!!!!! That is what most people do when they are unhappy
with thier pay/benefits. Groceries, gas, oil, and many other thing have
gone up in price EXCEPT my husbands and my pay. Quit putting your hands
out and trying to take something for nothing. If you get your pay
increase I expect you to be that much of a better teacher. I myself
went to NP and was in school during thier strike and we, the kids,
suffered the consequences. So thanks for choosing to make the children
pay for your greed. I do say greed because that is what it is. You want
more money go get your masters. Stop half butting it. More education or
get a new job. Problem solved.
parent of two, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 02:09 PM EST
a long term resident of the Souderton Area School District I am
vehemently opposed to the unfair and outrageous demands of the teachers
union. Please see my comments below. SALARY: The teachers union
seeks 9.5ach year for five years, nearly a 50ncrease in salary. The
School Board counter-offered with a salary increase of more than 2 er
year, a figure that is consistent with the district's taxpayers'
experience over the last three years. The School Board's offer is
more than fair. The increase should absolutely be no more than the cost
of living. It is absolutely unheard of in Corporate America for an
employee of any company or organization to seek a raise of 9.5 year,
let alone a 9.5ncrease each and every year for the next five years. I
would suggest that any teacher who thinks they can do better to go out
in the real business world and see how their demands are met. The
School Board is proposing a performance-based pay plan - a true measure
of accountability in the private sector. The teacher's union rejects
this proposal. This is outrageous that a group of employees would
reject a pay plan that is based on performance. Again, let any teacher
go out into the real business world and try to survive in any company
or organization where they're not evaluated and measured on performance. BENEFITS: Teachers
have received the same healthcare plan for the past 15 years, with no
changes in co-pays, deductibles, or premium sharing. This is virtually
unheard of. The School Board is trying to lessen the burden of this
plan on taxpayers by offering two health insurance plan options: a core
plan with a 4ontribution and a higher level plan with a 10ontribution. The
teachers should realize that they're been extremely lucky that their
healthcare plan has not seen an increase in 15 years. It's a fact of
life that health care costs and the associated premiums / fees are
going to rise. Again, let any teacher go out into the real business
world and demand multi- year healthcare coverage with no changes or
increases. They won't find it. However, the teachers union wants no
increased contribution and, in fact, has proposed a plan which is even
more costly than the current plan. Please see the above. TIME TO EDUCATE: Understanding
the critical importance of having teachers in the classroom in order to
educate students, the School Board has proposed an 8-hour work day -
common in the private sector. The teachers union, however, wishes to
maintain a 7.5 hour work day. A 7.5 hour day? How about the eight,
nine, ten plus hour days that most people in the real business world
work everyday? And that doesn't include weekends. To top it all off
they have the entire summer off. There's no industry in the world that
provides the practically part- time schedule teachers enjoy today. More
importantly, the teachers union also seeks 21 early dismissal days at
the elementary school level and a general reduction in class coverage
responsibilities. What's the deal with wanting a general reduction
in responsbilities? They should be given more responsibilities to
ensure every child is well educated and can meet the demands of the
real world once they graduate. As you can probably tell I'm mad as
hell that a group of individuals can make unheard of demands and hold
thousands of parents and children hostage, and if those demands are not
met will threaten to strike. The union should be abolished and any
teacher who won't agree to work for fair wages and compensation should
be released.
taxpayer, harleysville PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 02:07 PM EST
Both Sides Need To Put More Effort Into An Agreement
feel both the teachers and the school board are being very inflexible
in not proposing any new suggestions that could lead to a compromise in
salary and benefits at the last negotiation meeting. The one hour of
negotiation shows that both groups are not considering the students
point of view, let alone the opposing party. They can't even debate for
more than an hour without getting offended and angry. At this point, to
spare families' (and teachers') breaks, and to come to a quick
agreement, each of them need to inch toward a compromise. It seems like
both groups see the debate going on until it is resolved, as long as it
is on or before the September 23 cutoff date. Instead, they should
focus on finding a solution as SOON as possible. One or both of the
parties won't be happy, but that is inevitable. Stretching out the
strike will not make for a better resolution, necessarily. The time
last week was not used effectively. There were only two negotiation
meetings, and little effort was made from both parties. Many states in
the U.S. do not allow teachers' strikes, and Pennsylvania is the source
of 60f the nations teachers strikes. If they wish to exercise their
right to strike, they should not abuse this power by stalling, refusing
to put in a full effort to compromise, and sacrificing childrens
educations. Children are the future. Will they still have respect for
their teachers when they go back to school? Hopefully, they will not
use their teachers and the school boards current behavior as models for
effective problem solving. Teachers are succumbing to what they
warn kids not to fall for: peer pressure. The 17 to 448 vote for the
strike proves that teachers are as easily persuaded as students are.
Many of the teachers probably feel negatively about the strike, because
their own kids will be affected, they do not want to disrupt students
educations, and now possibly they will not be able to move into the new
Souderton High School next year if a suitable contract is not found.
But unfortunately, the Pennsylvania State Education Association
targeted Souderton as a district with underpaid teachers, and the
teachers followed the PSEAs lead, and began to work at recruiting more
teachers for the cause. The Souderton School District emphasizes
the pillars of "character counts": honesty, responsibility and caring.
The teachers and boards lack of negotiation do not very well implement
these characteristics. Neither party is HONEST with themselves, that
their suggestion for the teachers raise is unrealistic. The teachers
dont realize that most people with other jobs do not get 9.5aises as
they originally proposed. If the private sector cannot afford to give
their workers raises this significant, then public servants should not
expect an amount this large, especially considering the current
economic situation. Both groups need to realize that it is their
RESPONSIBILITY to take the first steps toward middle ground. They also
need to start CARING about parents who have no arrangements for their
children, students who are becoming bored and want to learn, athletics
and activities which are interrupted and familys whose breaks and
summer will be interrupted by school. Stubborn kids are bad.
Stubborn teachers and board members are worse. When kids refuse to stop
fighting, they might affect a few students in the class, and risk a
trip to the principal's. When teachers and board members refuse to stop
bickering, they impact an entire community.
Courtney , Souderton, Pennsylvania
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:51 PM EST
Teacher Bashing site
believe the teacher bashing website was
started by Jack Parry. He referenced the start of this site in the
editoral he wrote in August. Everyone knows the Board has put him up to
bashing the teachers in public. I find it very interesting that he
seems to know EVERYTHING about the negotiations that have gone on in
private. Also, he seems to have influenced the Board to change their
decision about the "Vernfield Triangle." What kind of Board gets a guy
like Jack Parry to do their dirty work?
Disgusted, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:44 PM EST
no raise in taxes
since SASD is sitting on $17 million, including $5 million in
unreserved funds, there is no raise in taxes. And these teachers only
want to be AVERAGE in Bucks and Montgomery County. What is the problem?
Oh yeah. Bernard M. Currie. The guy who votes NO on FREE GRANTS from
the state. You're right, this strike needs to stop. Who is going to
bernosehairs, orbital
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:39 PM EST
Is anyone listening?
teachers as a whole are NOT asking for 8à They want their 100 teachers
in the bottom 10 yrs or less to get a raise in the next few years that
would make SASD competitive with other districts. No one is asking for
an 8aise in one year. Do your homework folks. Stop repeating the info
heard from Mr. S mouth. Sorry to say, his words are not true and not
worth repeating. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! I find it frustrating that folks
out there are putting all teachers in one grouping. In any profession
you can find those that should not be a part of it. That does not
excuse the slandering and bashing of the professionals in this
district. People are worried about making strikes illegal? The kind of
negotiating that our school board and Mr. Saltanik are doing should
also be made illegal. This community should be ashamed of how we are
following their fine leadership. Get in the room and NEGOTIATE, stop
slandering and demeaning the work of the fine teachers of SASD.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:23 PM EST
daughther is a teacher in the SASD. I have kept my comments to myself
for the last 9 days. However, I can no longer do that. I am shocked
bysome of the rude, insulting, and ignorant comments. Is it any wonder
my daughter has rude, insulting, and ignorant students in her class?
Hmmm, wonder where they learned that!!! There are many people who
have commented they WISH they could make what teachers make. They WISH
they had the hours teachers had. They WISH they could have every summer
off. I wonder if these same people WISH they would be REQUIRED to
continue their education immediately after college. I wonder if these
same people WISH they would be REQUIRED to continue to take 180 of
continuing education every 5 years and then start over again for the
next 5 years. (I am not saying that is a bad thing) I am wondering if
these same people would like to spend time in the evening with angry
parents. I wonder if these same people would want to turn down
invitations to go away for the weekend because they have "too much
school work". I wonder if these same people would want to go to work on
a Sunday if their principal was there to let them in. I wonder if these
same people would like to try to educate a child whose parent/parents
don't care or are too busy criticizing the people who work a whole lot
more than you will ever know. If you think that teachers have it so
easy, why didn't you choose to go into education? If you think it is
such an easy job, I suggest you take some time to shadow a teacher for
a day or an evening, or a weekend. You may just change your comments.
Why don't you criticize auto mechanics who charge you an arm and a leg?
Why don't you criticize people who work for Merck, have had no college
education, and make more money changing light bulbs than a teacher does. I think it is time we all look at our priorities!
RJS, Franconia
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:17 PM EST
Response to- security
Perhaps they just don't want their cars to get trashed by the union goons.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:14 PM EST
To gb in Harleysville
gb in Harleysville wrote - "that I am willing to shoulder the costs for a good education"
strange that you automatically think that by increasing taxes and
paying teachers more, that you are suddenly going to get a quality
Personally, if I knew all I had to do was go on
strike to get a raise, I would take my new contract, relax, kick my
feet up, and wait until the next strike so that I could get even more
money! More money does not guarantee better results, and, with the
current state of the economy I don't want to see my taxes raised to
take that gamble.
I don't mind seeing the teachers get something, but it's got to be in the reasonable 3-5 percent range.
P, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:13 PM EST
Come on people, read!
"I love SASD", you quote a statement that I already explained was false.
MUST MATCH SS AND MEDICARE! The same amount that comes out of your
paycheck is also contributed by your employer. In reality, you only pay
half, the employer pays the other half, then the employer submits the
whole payment to the SSA.
The numbers are indeed the payroll
expenses incurred for each employee. You may not like it, but it is
true. Stop perpetuating false information!
John, Upper Salford PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:04 PM EST
just heard that the members will be meeting at an undisclosed location
and then shuttled to the meeting at indian crest. They are 'afraid of
the reaction of parents to the board's position.'
More money well spent.
sultanik's blackberry, your wallet
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 01:01 PM EST
$ultanik'$ Ca$h et al
districts do publish what Jeff Sultanik makes. Springford SD -
$22,500/year (just as a retatiner) and $175.00/hour to work. Now, be
aware, that is not what he is paid to bargain. That is more. Let's see.
I make a lot more money to bargain, so it would be in my best interest
to??? STRIKE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. 8/11 last teacher strikes in
southeastern PA... Jeffrey Sultanik Esq.
Once again, REAL facts
from REAL sources, not Bernard M. Currie's warped perception of
reality. Remember, this is a guy who voted DOWN A GRANT... FREE MONEY
for technology for students! Hate teachers or not, how do you people
defend the board? And make no mistakes, he IS the board. PLEASE
MEMBERS... STAND UP TO THIS TYRANT! You aren't ALL bad people, now it
is time to show it.
Once again, take some time to volunteer in
a school or anywhere else in the community, instead of being an
anonymous coward. The district has posted what every teacher makes.
Teachers who spend their lives teaching your future.
6-6-2 struggle, @CampWawaRd HQ
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 12:59 PM EST
New HS?
strike could last a loooooooong time. I sure hope not, but it could
because our school board is stubborn and cheap. But could the opening
of the new high school be affected? Yes, it certainly could. The
current law in PA never forces the sides to come to an agreement. They
could be out until Sept 23, go back, go through the non-binding
arbitration which surely our board will reject, in the Spring the
teachers can strike again for a week, our kids will be in school until
June 30th, then next fall with no agreement the association would be
free to strike again. Frankly, I don't blame them one bit because they
have been treated shabbiily. Our board is a disaster. So, all the good
things in our community, our growing reputation, our state of the art
high school, all of it is being destroyed by a handful of board members
who detest public education and are trying to ruin a wonderful district.
gb, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 12:48 PM EST
who created
posted a link to the above website. I was curious that the author of
the website did not proudly display his/her name on their wonderful
site. So, I used the resource to discover that this site was
activated on Aug 20, 2008. Isn't that interesting? Someone perhaps KNEW
that the school board was going to be unreasonable and just in case
they set up a teacher bashing site? Almost two weeks before the strike?
And, why not tell us who you are? The registration was done "by proxy"
so I guess you wanted to put up your sneaky little website and allow
comments to be posted without being discovered.
gb, Harlesyville
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 12:46 PM EST
In Response to Greed
all of the teachers make more money than your husband and you combined
or just a top earning teacher? I noticed that many of the teachers make
considerably less than the $61,000 average salary previously quoted.
Furthermore, the SAEA has stated that a contract could be funded using
the HUGE surplus the Board has accumulated over the last three years,
Does that GREED make you angry too? I find it frustrating that the
Board is wasting taxpayer money on mass mailings, ridiculous TV
programming and a high priced solicitor instead of spending the money
on the children of the district. In my opinion, teachers are caring
individuals who dedicate their lives to improving our community.
Communities that value education prosper in the long run. I don't think
it is the teachers that are being greedy. In this case, the School
Board is GREEDY because they won't use taxpayer money to improve the
educational system of this community. Get the facts at
Parent and Education Supporter, Souderton
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 12:30 PM EST
Stop the Strike
Stop teachers strike website does have information. Some of it is very
skewed however. Anyone who gets a paycheck knows that Social secuirty
should be SUBTRACTED from Salary, as should medicare and retirement. I
can't imagine how mortified I would be if my salary were published for
the world to see. Can you?" Let's see some other figures from the
school board like Jeffrey Sultanik. He is known for driving districts
to strike... more money for him. UGH! Let's stop this strike by
having the two sides meet and come to a middle ground which is
obviously what will happen in the future. I love SASD but I've had
it with teacher bashing and salary comparisons. Everyone's salary in a
community is going to be different. OBVIOUSLY!! You will have some
making less and some making more. But what is best for the children?
Qualified teachers who are compensated for their education and work and
qualified educators who are attracted to our district. I want what is
best for my children and the children of SASD>
I Love SASD, Harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 12:12 PM EST
Publish some more
district... tell the taxpayers how much Sultanik is taking from us. Why
isn't that public knowledge? It is our money he is being paid with...
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 11:45 AM EST
Welcome to the real world
everyone want a pay raise & cheap health benefits that are
excellent. Of course!!! The company I work for barely handed out raises
this year....then our health insurance went up so there went the raise!
And those who didn't get a pay raise lost some of their salary due to
the increasing insurace. Welcome to the real world!!! Many souderton
school district residents have all the same issues as these teachers do
but we must work and if we don't like it go find another job!!! Let our
children go back to school and hash it out on your own time.
sick of it all, souderton, pa
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 11:11 AM EST
Concerned taxpayers unite
to our teachers union we now have our own page on the website which details some little know facts of
how our tax dollars are being exploited by the union. The site can be
accessed at:
your school board to let them we are behind them in the fight against
the union. Then contact your state representative and ask them to
support house bill HB1369 which would outlaw teachers strike like 37
other states have done.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 10:05 AM EST
seeing the paper this morning and the published salaries of the
teachers and especially the administration of the SASD, I am outraged
and apalled that the teachers are even on strike! One of the teachers'
salary alone is more than what my husband and I make. We even pay more
per month for our health insurance. So what do they want? Maybe they
should change their standard of living so they wouldn't be sucking the
taxpayers dry. Do they really care about the children? Obviously, not!
I agree with the school board, I would hold my ground too. I think a
teacher should be payed based on their ability, not on the extent of
their education. The most educated teacher could be the worst teacher.
I'm glad my children are now grown and out of this greedy school system., Lansdale
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 10:04 AM EST
Just interested to know
that the school board has opened up this can of worms, when will we
know the rest of the public servant's salaries and benefits? I'd like
to know what our township supervisors, tax collector, and anyone else
who serves this community and are paid with my taxpayer money. And I'd
like a list of hours spent and list of responsibilities. Maybe we will
think they are paid too much money too.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:31 AM EST
Be prepared for the big stall
glad some posters brought up the Middle School issue. I was at the last
school board meeting on Aug 28th and the board discussed this
non-voting issue about the "Vernfield Triangle", as one person noted,
for well over one hour. No offense to the affected families, but there
were several hundred people in attendance who wanted to concentrate on
negotiations and what was still only a threatened strike. It was clear
to me that several board members deliberately dragged out the
discussion in order to irritate and bore the audience. In the end,
nothing was changed. However I found it very telling that several board
members--Mr. Verbake, Mr. Brong and Mr. Jelinski especially--kept
stating how important this issue was because parents had contacted them
and their duty was to help the parents with this problem. But, I have
called and emailed these same gentlemen letting them know that I want
the district to settle, to offer a fair contract that pays the teachers
better, that I am willing to shoulder the costs for a good
education--and do you know how responsive they have been to me? Take a
guess--No returned phone calls, no emails back. Cowards! Yes, and like
some of you I am VERY interested in knowing how much money Mr. Sultanik
is racking up from our tax dollars.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:31 AM EST
d-r-b Teacher rep facts
would you assume it's not necessary to know the other side of a matter?
Is that how you live your life, assuming one side can only be correct?
Hopefully, you are not a person that I come into contact in my daily
life. That is a close-minded way to live my friend. I'm not a teacher,
but I do think we have the obligation to know both sides of the story!
And when you do know both sides, you can see the whole picture.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:13 AM EST
Response to -Insurance Premiums
you're correct. The devil is in the details such as the specific
benefits, deductibles and percentages of coverage. So if it wants
public support, I challenge the union to do this. Post the Summary of
Benefits for each of the medical plans that teachers can chose from. It
will only be about 2 pages for each one. Then the public will be
able to see how bad the teachers supposedly have it. But I doubt the
union would get much sympathy from the public once they get a look at
it. Which is probably why the union isn't too specific beyond the 'it's not as good as other teachers in the county' complaint.
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:06 AM EST
association's facts are all based from PDE on info provided by the
district. Tho board's facts are Currie/Sultanik. And sometimes Parry.
And their 'boiler room' is on Camp Wawa Rd, but you'll never find it.
sixsixtydos, brongsneurons
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 09:06 AM EST
would have required the negotiations to start last September. By the
time the budget was approved in June, we would have been through most
of the process and already had full public disclosure of negotiations,
neutral fact finding reports and into town hall style meetings over the
contract. Don't you see the power that gives the teachers and taxpayers
to make sure budgets aren't passed knowing a contract is expiring? We
certainly wouldn't be where we are today.
The surplus fund is a
non-issue. You take money from that now to pay the salaries for a few
years, then what? You do realize the amount they can raise taxes is
limited unless approved during an election. So when the fund runs dry
and we still have to pay these salaries, what gets sacrificed? The fund
is also going to feed the teacher's pension. It isn't prudent to use
savings funds for ongoing expenses, that's common sense but many just
don't seem to get it. The only thing I could say about the fund is that
money that went into it from unspent PAYROLL expenses should be
returned to the PAYROLL. I don't know what that number is, do you?
up on HB1369, you don't really seem to understand how it HELPS the
teachers and would only eliminate the strike that was caused not by the
board, but by the union as a result of a poor legislation designed to
keep unions in power.
no more strikes, harleysville PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:37 AM EST
Getting Out The Info.
reported in the paper-""Other teachers are performing non-picketing
tasks, such as communications. We have a task force committee that has
multiple jobs in it, and some of our members who are not out on the
strike lines are members of our settlement task force, who are trying
to get information out to people," Lukridge said."
that, it's not suprising that forums heat up only during the hours the
teachers are picketing. So I just have one question for some of the
concerned residents presenting the unions "facts" on here. Does the union have you set up in a "boiler room" type configuration or are you working from home?
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:36 AM EST
School Board
agree with the reader talking about the boundary lines for the
Vernfield children. Mr. Jelinski presented a 2 or 3 year plan which
showed that no additional costs would happen if the VF kids go to
Indian Valley. The plan made sense, 6 of the school board members
agreed with it but yet Mr. Brong still went with the first scenario. He
was nervous... you could tell. I don't know for sure but it did look
like he was pressured into making his decision. Now that I read the
other comment... Jack Parry... I should have known. Well, thanks to
Jack Parry, Mr. Brong and Mr. MacDougall, some VF kids will spend 5th
grade thinking about how they will be separated from their friends next
year. What a great way to spend your last year of VF (and this is the
1st class to go K-5 at Vernfield). This school board is not pro
children... it is pro power!
Sarah, Harleysville, PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:31 AM EST
Insurance Premiums
It is easy just too base insurance on co-pays, but with insurance you
need to know a whole lot more. One being what is covered and not
covered under that plan. How about the deductable, which is how much do
you pay before the insurance even pays one dime. DO they pay for
routine test like x-rays, mammography and blood work, etc? What does it
cost to see a doctor? Are there any doctors willing to accept that plan? It
also looks like they offer a plan to the administration called "cabinet
level benefits" that is a different plan than the teachers get. My
experience tells me the teachers plan must not be that good for them to
have to make a better plan available to administration. The plans are
self insured and the true cost for the coverage is not clear as glass.
Insurance rates like in home, auto and health, it always falls on the
details of the coverage. What seems to be a good deal for the teachers
might only be a bare bones in coverage and a very poor plan for them or
anyone else. Just a thought!!
JD, Harleysville PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 08:08 AM EST
Look under district statistics. Look under home. All of this, and NO
or not, how does that not make you sick?
The Real Dave, oldfolkshome
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:52 AM EST
Fair and balanced?
am beginning to question the impartiality of this newspaper. The
decision of The Reporter to publish the salaries of all teachers and
administrators in the SASD was timed perfectly... right before what
will be the most emotionally-charged school board meeting the district
has seen in recent memory. I wonder why The Reporter did not ask the
school district what Mr. Sultanik's retainer is, or how much they pay
him per hour? He is being paid with taxpayer funds, too. That should be
public knowledge.
Also, to those of you who seem so intent on banning teacher strikes (HB 1369): Over
the past year we have seen a school board that knew three contracts
were expiring, yet decided not to raise taxes or budget for possible
increases in payroll costs. We have seen this school board squirrel
away 17 million dollars of taxpayer money, yet it refuses to tap into
it so that the contracts can be settled. We have seen this school board
state that they have negotiated in good faith, yet it canceled the
health insurance the day before the teachers walked out on strike. We
have seen a school board of NINE men turn a community of over 40,000
people inside out. Why would anyone support a bill (HB 1369) that would
outlaw teacher strikes and give the school board MORE POWER?
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:37 AM EST
on the street. Last school board meeting, the board went back and forth
on the issue of about 17 kids split from Vernfield when the transition
occurs. The board, after 1h 15m, finally decided to go with the
original plan as proposed. This means those kids were going to be split
from the rest of Vernfield and go to Crest. ENTER THE PARRY FACTOR.
Parry was directly affected by this, did not want it, and now...
DECISION CHANGED. Hmm, maybe that was a thanks for dishing out
propaganda and teacher hatred on your blog. Good thing that after
months and months of investigating and researching, a final
decision(again) by 'quick-thinking' Bill Brong, a simple pohone call
from Parry gets things reversed. Ugh. See these people for who they
also a phd, pal, upenn, philly
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:29 AM EST
the UNION exploiting taxpayers?
in taxes, 6th in revenue, LAST IN PUPIL SPENDING. Facts. PDE.
Indisputable. No one wants a strike, but the Bernie better start
spending the money he took from me. $5 million, unreserved. How much
will Sultanic get? Currie does NOT want this to end. Sultanik is still
cheaper than paying all of the teachers, so Bernie's Bucks are growing!
How do you not see this? Well, just you, Dave. Are you glad that they
have the largest surplus in the area, yet give the students the least?
SOME INTEREST... Dave, come out of the closet and follow a first grade
teacher for a day. Clear 730 am-5, than a few more hours that evening.
dave is pretty much the worst, daveotopia
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:23 AM EST
To Check your paychecks
case you were unaware, the employer pays an equal amount of SS and
Medicaire. So while you see that subtracted from YOUR paycheck, know
that the employer also pays that exact same amount on top of what you
see as gross salary. So yes, those numbers are legitimate expenses to
the school district that are above and beyond the base salary rate.
John, Upper Salford PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:16 AM EST
do have a website however that tells me next to nothing. They (the
union) would be better served saving the postage and posting their
proposal on the website.
Better yet... you seem to have all of the details, why don't you "lay it out" for us.
the newer teachers being underpaid. If my memory serves me, the
teachers union made the decision to give the majority of the salary
increases to the the teachers with more seniority under the terms of
their last contract. The district did not create this inequity.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 07:07 AM EST
Residents can also comment on current negotiations here-
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 06:54 AM EST
Insurance Premiums
Reporter posted a list of the teachers salaries on this site, at the
bottom of it is a chart showing the monthly premiums for each of the
plans and the amount of the employee contribution. It appears that the
most expensive family coverage would cost an employee $127 a month. That's
10f the premium, the taxpayers are picking up the tab for the rest of
the $1200. And the union is complaining. These people need to get their
arse out into the private sector, then they would have something to
really complain about. lol
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 06:50 AM EST
Cost the District?
Stop teachers strike website does have information. Some of it is very
skewed however. Anyone who gets a paycheck knows that Social secuirty
should be SUBTRACTED from Salary, as should medicare and retirement. I
can also bet that the Medical, Dental, and vision is has not calculated
the 10ontribution. People with health insurance get that benefit above
salary. I can't imagine how mortified I would be if my salary were
published for the world to see. Can You?
Check your paychecks!, Telford, PA
Added: Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 06:26 AM EST
Shocked in Souderton wrote: "When
you don't have medical insurance, it is not wise to stand outside
against the advisement of the meteorologists, during violent
As if having insurance would make it wise to do so. lol
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 10:41 PM EST
Concerned taxpayers unite
to our teachers union we now have our own page on the website which details some little know facts of
how our tax dollars are being exploited by the union. The site can be
accessed at:
your school board to let them we are behind them in the fight against
the union. Then contact your state representative and ask them to
support house bill HB1369 which would outlaw teachers strike like 37
other states have done.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 08:45 PM EST
Walking in the "Rain"
were warning of violent storms in the area, to take cover and stay on
the ground floor of their buildings, but you want to still see the
teachers (whose medical insurance was dropped) walking the lines? Get
Shocked, In Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 08:15 PM EST
Dogood says, "Oh and if the issues are that serious folks, I hope your
not going to continue to stop picketing just because a little rain
comes your way."
If your medical coverage was dropped, it is not
a good idea to be walking outside during violent thunderstorms, against
the suggestions of meteorologists who are advising people to take cover
in the first floor of a building!
and if the issues are that serious folks, I hope your not going to
continue to stop picketing just because a little rain comes your way.
Maybe you shouldn't worry so much about getting wet, considering the
tax payers are going to spend the next 8 years drowning to make ends
When you don't have medical insurance, it is not wise to
stand outside against the advisement of the meteorologists, during
violent thunderstorms!
Shocked, In Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 04:55 PM EST
The SAEA does have a website that provides information. Here's the link.
the union does not provide an e-mail or phone contact for questions. So
you'll just have to accept the information it posts as fact. You could
verify the unions info. with the teachers on the picket line, they can
tell you what the union says.
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 04:29 PM EST
Binding Arbitration
simple solution to this whole mess would be to enter into binding
arbitration. Each side submits its final best offer and the offers are
presented to a 3-person panel. The panel, made up of a rep. from both
the union and school district side, and then a (supposedly) neutral 3rd
party, would take various factors into consideration (revenue, ability
of the district to pay its teacher, previous contracts, etc.) and
hammer out a fair proposal to which both sides would have to agree. It
would bypass the next phase of this strike (non-binding arbitration and
another possible strike later in the year). Problem solved. A local
districts education association offered to enter into binding
arbitration. The district didnt agree. Why? Jeff Sultanik refused. They
then offered to go to non-binding arbitration which was initially
refused but eventually agreed to, and they settled before it actually
got to that. Their strike was slightly different as it occurred in the
middle of the year and had a different timetable than the Souderton
Tired of the strike
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 03:59 PM EST
for asking...there is over 100 teachers in the SASD that need a boost.
They aren't asking for it all in one shot. I don't know the exact
amount, have just been trying to understand it all myself. As for the
reason that you aren't receiving anything in the mail from the
teachers? The district won't allow the teachers to use the mailing
lists to get info out to us. We really need to question why they would
object to sharing the list. If their demands are truly so outrageous,
wouldn't that just verify what they have been reporting? We cannot make
an informed, intelligent decision without knowing the truth on both
sides of this issue. We have heard the strike attorney's side, now we
need to hear from our teachers. Until they are able to put a list of
addresses together, people need to stop and chat with the teacher reps.
Knowledge is power, my friend. Do the research. Until then, I'm slow to
give my allegiance to Mr. Sultanik, strike attorney in 8 out 11
negotiating districts.
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 03:56 PM EST
Losing ground
response to Aaron's, I understand what you mean by the teacher's losing
ground with small pay increases and larger insurance contributions.
Unfortunately, most families have been losing ground in the same such
way for years. Sadly, their plight is not's all too common.
SPP, Harleysville, PA
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 03:52 PM EST
Hey Dogood and ikb
isn't just about the salary increase, it is about merit pay and health
care and being treated with respect. If teachers weren't allowed to
strike, then your teacher-hating school board would be given free reign
to offer us nothing. Take it or leave it. Boy, there's a lot of respect
there! How about going to the meeting on Thursday and asking them how
they plan on putting merit pay into effect! They have NO clue! Dogood,
you want a plan, ask the board what they plan on doing!!
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 03:38 PM EST
Souderton Salary Scale
it was explained to me, the 2.5 percent increase offered by the board
was for the total teacher payroll, not on each individual teacher
salary. Therefore, the 34 million dollar payroll would increase 850,000
dollars next year. That sounds like a lot of money, but 850,000 divided
by 512 teachers is a 1660 dollar raise for the entire year (it isn't
divided evenly, but that gives an idea of how far 2.5 percent would
go). The teacher I spoke with currently contributes 10 percent of
the insurance premium, but said the board wants to raise the
contribution rate to 25 percent. So between the small raise and the
increased contribution, many, if not most teachers would be taking a
pay cut. I want to thank the citizen who posted the duties and
responsibilities of school board members. Please read that posting,
reflect on how the school board has acted, attend the meeting on
September 11th, and let your voice be heard. It is amazing that 9 men
and a lawyer have the power to polarize a community this way.
Aaron, Franconia
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 03:14 PM EST
Give in and hope for the best?
So that the self serving School Board can continue to give raises to
its administrators and not to its teachers? So that pupil spending can
remain at an all time low, while the district sits on a 10 million
dollar surplus? Have you just tuned in?
A Disappointed Parent, Telford
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 03:00 PM EST
To: gb in Harleysville
I too, went to the website and read exactly what you posted. I agree wih you 100
the Souderton Area School Board are not fulfilling their responsibilities.
anyone out there provide me an explanation as to how and why how these
8 elected unpaid positions can hold so much power over our school
Honest Inquiry, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 02:21 PM EST
I cant beleive this
is the first I am reading and frankly Im disgusted. The teacher
bashing, the same people that spend a majority of time with our
I have spent a lot of time reading through the
facts. And with the current board, nothing seems to be getting done.
How the heck can a guy be president of the school board when he clearly
doesnt like public education.....and sends his children elswhere????
That doesnt make sense....It also doesnt make sense that Souderton
children have the lowest amount of money spent on them!! That
infuriates me as a parent....I want the guy out....
Do you think the teachers will accept a 4.5ncrease??? I bet they would....
Betty, Franconia PA
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 12:07 PM EST
Banning Teacher Strikes (HB 1369)
a response I've gotten from Robert Godshall (PA House of
representatives), he indicates that this bill is essentially dead as it
has been sitting in the House Labor Relations Committee since 7/25/07.
With the Democrats controlling the house, it is unlikely they will
bring it up anytime soon.
As others had pointed out in their
comments, no one wins in a strike, so why do it. It hurts all sides,
including the kids. Do we want to enter the death spiral of these
teacher stikes every year? It has worked effectively in 37 other
states, what makes PA so different that it can not get done?
Frustrated Dad, Harleysville, PA
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 11:06 AM EST
how you worked in such a fine place like NYC and decided to move back
to this community for your children--this area is that good huh?
teachers have spouses who also work---to enable them to drive such fine
automobiles. Maybe they are good at budgeting their money? Who knows,
the point is I don' t think the vehicles they drive are really an issue
The board has failed to negotiate in good faith, and are
using your tax money to pay for the attorney, who doesn't give a crap
if this gets resolved. The longer this goes on the more money he
collects. The board claims, the teachers are asking for a huge
increase, even if the 8.2s accurate (which the union has never
confirmed) that is how negotiating works. You start high and settle
somewhere in the middle. The board has failed to bargain.
really should read both sides of the story and attend the upcoming
board see how this dysfunctional board works.
Ironic, Telford
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 11:01 AM EST
What does everyone say; we all just give in and hope for the best?
is what a lot of people here posting are saying. Hey we have teachers
coming on to try and prove their point and making the teachers look
worse. We are Souderton, not Council Rock or North Penn or Central
Bucks. We do not have booming industrial tax contributors. Merck has no
campus here; we have no mall in the district. We have small retail and
some industrial, but statistics are just numbers that can be
manipulated. You may say the district doesn't have to increase taxes to
cover that...Well show us how. Don't try to double talk. Put it on
paper and show your work. The answer is not always as important as how
you got there.
I am glad the board is being a bit stubborn.
you give into demands no, you telling me in 5 years they will not come
back looking for more. Why not offer a 10 year contract then. Meet in
the middle for 5 and then during the 10 years you offer increases. Not
just all at once. If teachers are saying they want to stay and
teach...then stay and teach over the life of the contract and
understand we will not be held at the mercy of a 3 week work stoppage.
You want to stop working, we will stop paying you and offering you any
benefits that employees willing to work get.
I remember when
teaching was a profession you went into because you wanted to make a
difference in people's lives, not because you wanted to ride on the
backs of the families in your town. Make all teachers move into the
district and pay Taxes. Then let's see how much of a salary increase
they ask for.
Oh and if the issues are that serious folks, I
hope your not going to continue to stop picketing just because a little
rain comes your way. Maybe you shouldn't worry so much about getting
wet, considering the tax payers are going to spend the next 8 years
drowning to make ends meet.
Mrs. Franklin Dogood, Souderton Area School District
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 10:24 AM EST
Have you read this?
If you go to the district website you will find the following information regarding the role of the School board
The duties/responsibilities of School Board members are to:
a deep desire to serve children and a strong belief in the values of
public schools and local control of public education. Use their vested authority to establish, equip, furnish, operate and maintain the public schools. Establish
policies necessary for the governing of the school district, its
employees, pupils and all persons entering school grounds or premises. Ensure educational opportunities for all students of the school district. Appoint a superintendent of schools and invest such powers in the superintendency as may be legally delegated. Elect a treasurer and a secretary. Act on personnel and related matters as recommended by the superintendent of schools. Approve the annual budget. Adopt a master calendar annually. Enter into contracts with all personnel in the manner required by Pennsylvania law. Levy taxes to maintain the schools and the educational system.
YOU DECIDE. Is the board fulfilling it's duty? They are a joke. Their
first duty is to the kids, and they are not even trying to talk to the
teachers and get the kids back in school. Don't vote for any of them
gb, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 09:47 AM EST
for new teachers and teachers with more than ten years experience,
they're being more than reasonable. Okay now I get it... and what
percentage of teachers overall would that be???
If the
teachers proposal is as reasonable as you suggest, I think they should
deliver their message to the taxpayers. It shouldn't be my
responsibility to locate the union leadership in an attempt to try and
figure out what the membership is asking for. Last time I checked the
teachers website they offered NO specifics. The message was that the
school district could meet all of their demands virtually without
raising taxes.
Without specifics, that information is useless.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 08:32 AM EST
is a letter Keith Moyer wrote to the Reporter. Yes, both sides can use
#'s to skew the facts and "prove" they're right. But if you crunch the
#'s, you'll see, it's truly not an 8, 9, or 10 percent raise for every
teacher. Many wouldn't even see a 1 percent increase. Most of Keith's
letter and conclusions are reprinted here. For the purpose of saving
space, I didn't print it all, but you can find it online. It's called
"Are we getting the strike facts?"
We need to realize that
"negotiations" means one side bids high, one side bids low, and a
compromise is found in the middle. It's time to compromise, to truly
negotiate and allow our children to head back to school.
Keith Moyer Writes: I
have received very little information from the teachers' perspective,
the people we trust our children to 180 days a year (and in whom I have
a great deal for trust and respect). So I did some homework...
school board is saying that they are offering a 2.5 percent raise to
teachers and that the teachers are asking for an 8 to 9 percent raise
each year. But what I have come to discover is that the 2.5 percent
increase that the school board is referring to is not a raise for each
teacher, rather the amount of money the school board is willing to
increase the payroll portion of the school district budget.
when it is worked into the pay scale for teachers, amounts to an actual
0.37 to 0.88 percent increase each year for any step on the pay scale
hardly 2.5 percent or even 8 percent, like the school board is
reporting. So what is it - a 2.5 percent raise for each teacher, an 8
percent raise or really less than a percentage point for each teacher?
talking with the teachers, they are saying they are willing to
contribute to their own health-care costs, and currently do contribute
to their premiums. They are saying they do not want to increase their
premium co-pay percentage rate.
Apparently, there has also been no solid proposal by the board on an actual health plan. Again, which is it?
how much is the school board spending on money to discredit the
teachers through costly mailings, produced TV interviews, health-care
consultant fees and a lawyer who somehow ends up on the school board
side of most local strikes Jeffery Sultanik.
I am sure his
services are not gratis for Souderton, and that the longer the strike
continues, the more money he makes on all of the taxpayers.
As I
have done my homework, I would encourage all parents to do the same. It
appears that the Souderton Area Education Association is not looking
for ridiculous raises (in actual "real" numbers, roughly 3 percent per
year per teacher); does in fact want to contribute to their own
benefits; and apparently this can be done without raising taxes.
the truly accountable thing to do is settle this strike and stop hiding
behind a high-priced lawyer and PR campaign in your attempt to
stranglehold the teachers, students and all taxpayers of this
community, so our children can go back to school. Our teachers do
deserve a fair contract unlike the smoke and mirrors version the board
has proposed.
Keith Moyer is a resident of Souderton.
D. R., Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 08:01 AM EST
To: Mr. Renfrew
have to be kidding me, posting here from SC to badmouth someone
personally? Why don't you come to my blog and debate me about HB1369?
So far, I have not received an intelligent (or any for that matter)
reason why we need to keep teacher strikes integral to contract
You must enjoy sacrificing innocent people to
get your way, is that it? Don't give me that nonsense about "society
inconvenience", what a cowardly thing to say - these are CHILDREN for
god's sake!
no more strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Tuesday September 09, 2008 at 07:39 AM EST
in response to ikb...
absolutely do not know the 'ins and outs,' an obvious fact from your
post. If you read previous posts, you would see that there are many
facts that have been cited. These are facts from PDE, not the school
board. I was formerly against the teachers, but after watching the
board in action at meetings, I am changed. The president is a tyrant
and most of the men up there have no idea what even basic educational
terms mean, yet they run our school district These people are sitting
on my money. The part that gets my neighbors and I the most? THEY ARE
SITTING ON SUCH A SURPLUS! Our taxes do not have to be raised. No
matter what Sultanik says, they have the money. Last in pupil spending,
yet 6th in taxation? OW! If you are taking my money, at least use iot
for the students. Look at (www saea info) as well as the district site.
Everything is there.
A Repub Rep, Off the fence
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 09:14 PM EST
Jerry Mc. I'm a 1996 alumna (and proud of it) of Lansdale Catholic High
School, perhaps a school that does in fact have underpaid teachers, yet
finer educated ones than you'll find in the public schools, but I
digress. I'm a 1998 alumna of the Culinary Institute of America and I
spent nearly 10 years baking professionally in some of New York City's
finest restaurants before moving back to my hometown to raise my
children. I've had the unique privilege/advantage of working in both
unionized & non-unionized shops, as well as having been a manager
for unionized staff. So trust me, I know the ins and the outs, and how
the weaker employees use the union to cover their a$$e$ and get away
with any number of outrageous demands. Demands like holding thousands
of kids hostage while the teachers park their Lincolns and their BMWs
on W.Broad Street, right at the CURVE, so that it makes it an already
tight spot even tighter. I happen to have plenty to live for thank you
very much. Yet I wonder about your education however, when all you can
do is sputter back some lame-o insult instead of comment with facts.
Guess that COBRA bill came in the mail eh? Tough pill to swallow.
ikb, Souderton, PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 08:48 PM EST
To Mr. Dowd
would ask you to stop and talk to the teacher representatives, if you
have not. You would find out that they are not asking for the raise
that Mr. Sultanik is reporting. They do want their starting teachers
and those with experience up to 10 years or so to be better
compensated, but I think you would find their requests to be more
reasonable than you have been led to believe. Please SASD go to the
teacher reps and listen to their side of the story. Don't we to teach
our children to hear a whole matter before making a decision? If you
want to get the students and teachers back to school, do your research
before the meeting Sept. 11th at Indian Crest. They all need to
negotiate with accountability!
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 08:22 PM EST
C from Harleysville
the teachers: First off think of the children, you are only hurting
them. Second think of the taxpayers. A 40 aise over 5 years is crazy.
Normal working people never get that kind of raise and most working
people have to pay hundreds a month for all the benfits you recieve. I
think you are very good teachers.I have had my children in this
district for 17 yrs and have been very pleased with the teaching, but
be reasonable.
To the Board: First off Think of the
chilrdren. You are hurting the children too by not bargining in good
faith. I think that 2s unreasonable considering the job the teachers do
and the economy.
To both sides: Why not meet around 4-5aise a
year plus some health plan adjustments. If you both want what is best
for the children then either settle this or submit to binding
Trek, Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 07:39 PM EST
Souderton Proud
wife and I have two daughters in the Souderton School District, one in
junior high and one in elementary school. We have a great deal of
respect for both the teachers as well as our school board members who
volunteer their time to serve our community.
I agree with you
100egarding the personal attacks and the disrespect that is being
directed at our teachers, administrators and school board members.
There really isn't any place for this sort of behavior so far as I'm
Although I disagree with the teachers union with
regard to their contract demands, and believe that our schoolboard
should continue to hold the line when it comes to increases in salary
and health care costs that do not reflect 2008 economic conditions. I
do respect you, all of you, but couldn't disagree with you more on what
I feel are unreasonable contract demands.
If the membership
would like an improved health care plan, they should be prepared to
incurr higher monthly premiums. So far as salaries are concerned,
annual increases in the neighborhood of 3eem to be more than reasonable
to me.
See you at the board meeting.
Frank Dowd, Salford PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 07:00 PM EST
To Mr. Campbell
Mr. Campbell, Please
stop the self-promotion. HB 1369 can do nothing for this situation. In
fact, banning teacher strikes will not solve the problems of the
collective bargaining process. Your approach to this matter is both
simplistic and naive.
I understanding that you are against
unions and that your grandfather tore up his union card. I am also
positive that he did not tear up his National Health Service card.
After all, that would be one part of socialism from which he would have
unequivocally benefit.
Sometimes society has to endure a
little inconvenience while the established, legal process works - even
if it does at a slow pace.
Baron Renfrew, Balmoral, SC
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 06:39 PM EST
Now is the time...
too, am Souderton Proud: the proud parent of two Souderton graduates.
During the late eighties to mid-nineties, I was a member of the high
school's parents advisory board, the district transition team, and the
AIDS curriculum committee. After one of these meetings, I asked a SASD
principal why talented college grads from great schools would choose to
accept a contract to teach in Souderton, rather than in a neighboring
district offering a 25igher starting salary. He replied, "because of
the caring and dedicated teachers here, staff that goes above and
beyond, and the ability to really make a difference." "And," he continued, "things will get better; we'll catch up." Well, Souderton, you haven't. But you can move forward now. The time is now to move these salaries to a competitive level. The
time is now for the board to present a reasonable offer to the
teachers; they are ready and willing to accept a fair settlement. Now. Joanna Hogan
Joanna Hogan
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 06:26 PM EST
Response to Anonymous Coward
You wrote: "let
me ask... when they raise the price of milk, do you go in and complain
to the store owner or send nasty-grams to your local dairy farmers?"
I just refuse to purchase it. Please let me know if I can do the same
with public education. When I can, I'll stop complaining and sending
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 04:48 PM EST
P, from Harleysville
Your comment makes no sense. I was following you about the groceries, but then your story stopped. Did I miss something?
Anyway, for all the people that keep making the point that you will:
a) die from no food because of tax hikes b) will lose your house from tax hikes c) know your mother/father/sibling/some guy down the street that will die from tax hikes
me ask... when they raise the price of milk, do you go in and complain
to the store owner or send nasty-grams to your local dairy farmers? The
price of everything is going up. If this amount will seriously "push
you over the edge" I would suggest that you possibly make a change in
lifestyle. I'm not saying that you can't fight the tax increase, but
stop the hyperbole. I will be in the same boat as everyone else. But,
nothing in life is guaranteed and I don't expect everything to stay the
same forever. It's called planning people.
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 04:32 PM EST
a Souderton Area School District school teacher, I have routinely read
all of the posts on this and many other blogs online over the past
grueling week. I have kept my comments to myself as have all of the
other teachers in the Souderton Area School District. We have not
commented to the many passersby who have blown smoke in our faces, spat
at us, threatened us via email, thrown rocks at us, and have posted
inappropriate signs and comments about us online, in the newspapers, on
the radio, and on TV. Instead of posting acomment or reaction to the
comments that continue to tarnish our fine District, I implore
you...all of you... please attend the Souderton Area School District
Board Meeting this Thursday, September 11th at Indian Crest Junior High
Souderton Proud!, Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 03:54 PM EST
kid yourselves....SASD has plenty of problems...but it is still safer
than the city.....regardless, I am so glad we homeschool!
B Smith, Souderton
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 03:01 PM EST
Teachers Strikes should banned
states current ban teacher strikes. PA is in the minority which allows
teacher strikes. The people who are hurt the most are the kids.
There is a group that is trying to organize to get HB 1369 moving (a bill to ban teach strikes in PA).
Check out the website
www stopteachstrikes org (replace the blanks with periods)
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 02:27 PM EST
Board Meeting
wonder how many people are going to go to the board meeting to throw
the rest of their community members under the bus? As taxpayers I would
hope we'd all stand together, but I'm sure the "haves" will be there
fighting for the teachers. I sure hope that if their voice wins out
that they'll offer to pick up the tax bill for the rest of the district
P, Harleysville
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 01:37 PM EST
Keep the Peace.
think both sides would rather us fight amongst ourselves or we may
educate ourselves to the real issues and see the fault in each side.
We may have recieved a good education, but those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat it.
Mrs. Franklin Dogood, Souderton Areas School District
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 01:10 PM EST
In case you are wondering?
case you folks are wondering why the board is stating they cannot use
the $17 million surplus because of this reason and that reason, one of
the reasons stated is that there are so many teachers retiring and they
must contribute to the retirement fund. Approx. 2f the teachers retire
every year. Do you know or care why? The reason that is that the school
board in the last 5 or so years chose to defer their payments into the
fund (that all employers must pay) . Now time is of the essence and
instead of being truthful with the public that there are some issues
that need reconciling and that someone from the last years(Jack Parry
group, perhaps) was robbing Peter to pay Paul. Now that's another issue
they are trying to blame on the teachers, union, etc...anyone else
except possibly the folks that were part of the planning. In case you
are planning to call me a teacher LT, let me just say a little research
can go a long way. BOARD MEETING Sept.11th people!
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 12:35 PM EST
think it is truly a shame how this community is attacking each other in
this comment section. I think everyone needs to turn their anger into
action, positive action. There are many constructive suggestions in
these postings (i.e making your voices heard at board meetings and by
phoning/emailing the appropriate parties. There is enough animosity in
the world without a community turning against each other.
Keep The Peace, Telford
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 12:16 PM EST
response to -Hey LT
No Fool ,Telford wrote: "Hey LT Sure
hope those SASD retirement benefits are serving you well. Your thorough
understanding of school board meetings gave you away ..."
not getting anything from SASD. All you have to do to understand how
school board meetings work is to attend the meetings or read the
district policies which are posted on the district website.
By the way, how does commenting on something of which you possess scant knowledge make you "No Fool" ?
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 12:02 PM EST
Hey LT
hope those SASD retirement benefits are serving you well. Your thorough
understanding of school board meetings gave you away ...
No Fool, Telford
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 10:18 AM EST
might sound easy to base teachers pay on their performance. Be quite
frankly it is impossible to have merit pay in the teaching field. A
child might respond to one teacher while another child doesn't respond
to that teacher at all. Students are individuals and respond to other
individuals differently. Your child may love Mrs. X but your other
child may have them the next year and not like them at all.
have teachers who teach special ed, gifted, regular ed. If we based
their pay on student performance, well the gifted teachers are going to
make out great! How would you propose an art teacher be paid, or any of
the specials? Merit pay will fail. No one has come up with a good
system for it.
Missy, Lansdale
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 09:38 AM EST
Response to Bobby
did do my research thank you. We moved here despite the high taxes
because we finally found a house that we liked. Obviously taxes are
going to go up, especially with the new high school being built. Now
add on the salaries of how many teachers getting raises and just
imagine how much a 8.2'crease would do.
In reference to
the person who said they emailed President Bernard S. Currie with no
response back. I email him late last night and received a message back
early this morning. Maybe he never got yours. Try again.
Tammy, Souderton PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 08:26 AM EST
Response to- Thank You Rose
John, Telford wrote: "Rose, Thankyou
for your comments on the school board and how they like to control
their meeting like dictators! It is soo wrong that these people limit
your comments to three minutes and that you can only comment on agenda
items at the beginning of the meeting and not at the end."
The comment period at the begining is to recieve public imput on agenda items that the board will be taking action on. When
you go to a meeting, you are provided with a copy of the agenda. Also,
the meeting agenda is posted on the district website the day before the
meeting. It affords you plenty of time to prepare any comments. So why would you want to wait until after the board votes on an item to comment on it?
three minute time limit insures that everyone will have an opportunity
to be heard. If you have more to say just sign up on the list to speak
again, it's never been an issue before.
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 08:24 AM EST
Insurance and Taxes
teachers are upset about covering their insurance during the strike?
Well let's see how many people will be unable to cover their own
medications and insurance if the teachers are granted their 8 percent
The union needs to realize that this is a 2-way
street. If you get the raises you desire it's going to put a HUGE
burden on everyone in the community. I guess the best example I can
think of would be if I just offered to buy a teacher their groceries
out of my own pocket, since essentially that's what they want. Of
course it would mean less food for my own family, but, at least that
teacher would have their food.
The SASB isn't perfect, but
neither is the Union. Let's think of the teachers AND the taxpayers and
find a contract that works...most likely in the range of a 4 to 5
percent salary increase.
P, Harleysville
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 07:56 AM EST
Thankyou Rose!
Rose, Thankyou
for your comments on the school board and how they like to control
their meeting like dictators! It is soo wrong that these people limit
your comments to three minutes and that you can only comment on agenda
items at the beginning of the meeting and not at the end. I'm sure that
if people were to speak on agenda items at the end of the meeting that
the HUGE pay raises that the administrators get EVERY YEAR would be
discussed and that maybe, just maybe instead of getting a 13ncrease
they would get much less because these people do not deserve it. Maybe
the Board should make them get merit pay and see how much their raises
would be.
John, Telford, PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 06:55 AM EST
ikb response
hoo" How old are you? You really must be an angry person with nothing
to live for. What's wrong - still trying to pass the test gfor your
GED? Teacher yell at you when you were a kid? Couldn't cut it to become
a teacher? "Ye shall..." Who cares what you think.
Jerry Mc, Tylersport, PA
Added: Monday September 08, 2008 at 05:24 AM EST
Taxpayers need to face reality too
you mentioned that you thought taxes were high when you moved here two
years ago. So why did you not find a school district with lower
property taxes? Every real estate listing tells you what the taxes are
on the property. The school district also lists the historical
increases in the property tax for the last ten years. Did you do your
research? I doubt it. It is easier to complain after the fact than to
do research ahead of time. It is unreasonable to expect a group of
people to ask for a less-than-inflation wage increase to keep your
taxes level. No one buys a house thinking the taxes will stay the same.
No one takes a job thinking the salary will stay the same, either.
Bobby W, Salford
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 10:51 PM EST
think the teachers are being greedy. My husband makes more than some of
those teachers, but he has been with his company for 10 years. We also
pay alomst a hundred dollars A WEEK for health insurance. Most full
time people have to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and ALL YEAR
LONG. So, what's the problem here? If I were the school board I would
hold my ground too. 8.2ncrease, that's absurd. When we moved her 2
years ago we commented on how high the taxes were here, and to think of
them raising, wouldn't be good. Teachers should not be unionized. Pay
should be based on the teacher and the ability of the teachers not how
long or how much education. You could have a teacher that has been
around for years and a teacher that is new, the teacher that is new may
be a better teacher, one that the KIDS respond to better. Shouldn't it
be about the kids?
Tammy Smith, Souderton PA
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 07:58 PM EST
THE 17 Millions surplus is not available to just use as the district wants. The LAW does not allow it.
to mention what happens when that money is gone. The tax increase was
held down this year. If we give away the surplus, what do we do in 5
years when the teachers come back and claim they are still under paid
and it will happen.
Negotiation is about finding middle ground
and give and take. It just seems like neither side wants to give, just
take. Not to mention the anonymous posting allows for teachers and
union officials to come and add comments, just like tax payers.
Mrs. Franklin Dogood, Soudeton Area School District
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 06:20 PM EST
"add in the money teachers will have to pay for the cobra insurance" Boo
hoo hoo. When you stop working for whatever reason, laid off, quit,
fired, maternity leave, strike, personal leave, etc. you lose your
coverage, either permanently if you aren't returning to your job, or
temporarily if you plan to return to work. That's just how it is. It
may seem unfair, and it's certainly not a cheap alternative, BUT, the
teachers could have continued to work instead of walking the picket
lines and retained not only their medical benefits but also would be
earning an income. How dare you come here and complain about how the
teachers will be effected fiscally by their work stoppage. Ye shall
reap what ye sews . . . .
ikb, Souderton, PA
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 05:32 PM EST
Not all districts limit public input
all post based on our own experiences. I had many years, over a decade
in fact, of attending every school board meeting in another Montgomery
county district. There, the policy was, EVERY single question posed by
a community member was answered at the meeting. If the board president
could not ascertain an answer, he directed a member of the
administration to be sure to answer the question. They had no time
limit either, and one night I remember vividly, an upset parent came
with a novel in hand and he proceeded to read from it for over 10
minutes, making a point that was important to him. So, please
understand my surprise after so many years of seeing a truly
interactive and interested board, which deeply cared about everything
the community had to say at a board meeting, I found the Souderton
policy to be quite restrictive. Oh, and at the other district they also
had two separate times for input but they did not limit "non-agenda"
items to the end like we do in Souderton. So, if the board cared what
the community thought, they would welcome the input and try to respond
in some way.
Rose, Harleysville
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 03:56 PM EST
sultanik = 8/11 PA teacher strikes
not? Do you know how much he gets paid to bargain? The districts are
happy to pay him though, because it is his job to twist and lie in
favor of them. "Misunderstandings" and biased stats are all a game that
sucks in the uneducated taxpayer. He refers to the elderly taxpayers as
'sheep' and teachers 'pigs.' Well, guess what? We are all the j.a. for
buying into it, making him rich and tearing apart our community. Save
the Community!!!
a taxpayer too, lower rd
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 03:29 PM EST
Response to ikb
will not ge their "full salary" back if they only work for 180 days -
the 180 days is all the kids need to be there for. Teachers will lose
over 2 weeks of salary which they will not get back. Just anopther
reason for the school board NOT to negotiate. They look at it as just
money they won't pay the teachers. Take that money away, add in the
money teachers will have to pay for the cobra insurance, and even if
they get a 5aise, they will only break even. Once again People of
Souderton - this board has NO intention of negotiating. This strike
will be going on next year when school attempts to open. Mr. Currie,
Sultanik and a majority of the other board members do not care about
kids or this community. Mr. Currie wants to destroy the community and
our fine schools. I guess we will just sit by and watch as we become
the laughing stock of Montgomery County. This contract should take
about 25 minutes to reach a fair agreement. It will never happen
because the board does not WANT it to.
Jerry Mc., Tylersport, PA
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 01:40 PM EST
Re: Tax Rebate
I am with you Ted. When can I expect my rebate check? I paid my taxes on time - why didn't school start on time?
Tax rebate? If
the school board collected a surplus of 17 million dollars (supposedly
to run the district) and it is not willing to spend it to negotiate a
contract, when will I be getting my Tax Rebate Check?? If you're not
going to send it to me, negotiate a contract and get my kids in school.
Angry Parent, Souderton
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 01:25 PM EST
Disgruntled Employees Forum?
all you teachers on here, which most of you complainnig probably are.
If your union leadership were negotiating for the benefit of it's SAEA
members, instead of advancing the agenda of the PSEA and the NEA. You
most likely wouldn't be pounding the pavement. Tell Lukridge to stop
being a tool for the PSEA.
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 12:07 PM EST
School Board Meeting
think it's ok to call and e-mail, maybe it will become annoying.
Repeated calls to the administration building should be fine since they
are not "administrating" our schools yet! If we all call daily for an
update of the meeting schedule, they certainly would get a taste of our
demands. There has to be scheduled meetings to negotiate! SCHOOL BOARD
MEETING SEPT 11! Everyone must be there! Let's HOLD our school board
and administrators to their "contract of accountability", Until then,
do your research!
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 10:11 AM EST
Will the real Superintendent please stand up
the bios - these are the people we are paying to use the School Board
as a smokescreen: Notice how many actually mention the word student in their bios. It is time to turn the lights on in the ivory tower!
Tired of the smokescreen, Souderton
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 09:57 AM EST
Golf Outing
certainly hope the Souderton administrators posses the intelligence not
to participate in the golf benefit tomorrow. They need to be at the
negotiating table not on the links.
Golf 4 Me, Souderton
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 08:36 AM EST
Response to Call/E-mail School Board
it sounds like a viable option to call and e-mail your School Board -
do you really believe that an inbox filled with e-mails or an answering
machine that is not listened to will result in resolution? It is time
for the Souderton Area Taxpayers who are genuinely concerned about
their childrens' education to realize that the 8 volunteers are not the
sole driving force that has your teachers on strike.
Souderton Area School Finance department presented a 2008/2009 schooll
budget to their school board knowing full well it had very minimal
inclusion for salary increases. The Souderton Area administration was
wrong to send a budget for review without staff contracts in place, and
the School Board simply took their bait. Now both the administration
and the board are scrambling to try and uphold their reckless decision
making. And who better to help them scramble - the district paid
solicitor. Your tax dollars are actually funding his retainer! Smell
the stink yet?
Fellow taxpayers, residents and parents, ...
the volunteers (School Board) are not making the decisions about your
children. It is the well paid administrators, none of whom have any
children in this district that have chosen to rip this community apart,
only to bolster their own egos.
That Character Counts initiative isn't looking so good now is it?
Taxpayer, Souderton
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 08:14 AM EST
Satanic, I mean, Sultanik's salary
Can anyone find Sultanik's salary/wage on any of the board minutes? I'd LOVE to know just how much he's costing the taxpayers....
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 08:05 AM EST
sunshine law explained
To ROSE and others:
The Sunshine Act ensures your right to be at open school board meetings. It
does not require school boards to allow unlimited public participataion
or for members to hold a public form. Indeed school boards are allowed
to make whatever rules that want for this optional public
participation. Most school boards allow two or three minutes per
speaker (often with a 15 or 30 minute grand total limit) either at the
beginning or the end of their regular meeting. That is SOP, and usually
there is a written policy that is often appended to the meeting agenda
or to the public speaking sign up sheet. School board meetings are for
conducting the business of the district.
"Board Meeting To
answer the question, I have been to Souderton Board meetings. Mr.
Currie, the president, does not allow the board members to answer
questions. In fact, the agenda says in writing that community members
are not to ask board members questions. So, I have emailed all 9 board
members and I have left phone messages which were NOT RETURNED. I have
tried to express my opinion to my elected representatives. Only two of
the board members even answered and that was on email. I think they
must be afraid to speak to their constituents. Anyone in the community
who wishes to talk to a member of the SAEA need only drive by a
district school during the day. The board members are hiding and
refusing to acknowledge the public. I urge EVERYONE, no matter which
side you favor, to PLEASE attend the meeting on Thursday night. We can
fire these board members by not voting for them. Please, come and see
for yourself how they treat the public and the employees of the
district. Rose, Harleysville
carelessfills, USA
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 05:36 AM EST
Board Meeting & Jeffrey
First of all, the Board Meeting is Sept. 11th. Sept 13th is a Saturday. Second
of all, ask Jeffrey & Bernie where they sent their children to
school. I will give you 2 guesses and one of them is NOT public
schools. Needless to say, they had enough extra money to send their
children to PRIVATE school. Neither one of them are supporters of
public education.
Bobby, Harleysville, PA
Added: Sunday September 07, 2008 at 11:39 PM EST
School Board's Non Negotiator
you know the School Board hired Jeffrey Sultanik to represent them,
even though 67f all school districts that went out on strike over the
past 4 years have been represented by Mr. Sutlanik? He has knack for
causing strikes. Its my way or the strike line mentality.
JD, Harleysville PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 10:43 PM EST
To "Law Student"
Here are some points regarding your opinion.
HB1369, the negotiations would start in September of the year PRIOR to
the contract expiration. It requires the initial proposals to be made
within 30 days, so the negotiations will start quickly and no one can
drag their feet (like happened this year).
When an impasse is
reached by January during the closed negotiations, a mediator is
assigned to the process. In February, we enter fact finding with full
reports made public. This continues until April. At that time both
sides head to non-binding arbitration. (That is where we will be in a
few weeks, but half a year later).
From that point, the
process opens up to arbitration and both sides submit their last, best
offer. A neutral arbitrator will research the offers and choose the
last best offer from one side that they feel is most fair. The other
side must then take that offer to a FULL VOTE. This removes the
pettiness that is occuring when only a select few review and determine
whether they should take the offer back.
If rejected, we have
mandatory town hall meetings for both sides to present their case.
Public pressure, once the public has full disclosure, will not allow a
school board to stonewall the teachers unfairly. It would be to blatant
if the teachers were not being treated fairly. If the board is just
outright planning to do nothing, school continues under the conditions
of the previous contract, month to month. You know the school board
would then be voted out of office if the public believed their schools
were being destroyed by a select few. Similar legislation works in many
other states and it will work here.
As an alternate, we could
simply force the non-binding arbitration phase that is next on the
agenda to occur at the start of the school year. Then have binding
arbitration should that fail. I prefer the solution offered in HB1369,
but I still don't see why we must endure 3.5 weeks of a strike if
neither side is willing to move. What purpose does it serve when no one
can hear the true facts and both sides just "go to war" with each other
thowing propoganda out left and right? The innocent are stuck and can
do nothing. That is wrong.
There is no need for a strike.
No more strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 10:34 PM EST
Call/Email the school board
need to make a commitment to call the school board members and highly
compensated administrators every single day until this contract is
settled. They must be willing to negotiate the contract with our
teachers." I thought this comment was so true, I quoted it from
another reader. The public can make a difference. Go to the school
board meeting, let them know we want a fair contract for our teachers
and we want them back in school. My neighbors and I sat around the
other day telling stories about the wonderful teachers our children
have had over the years at Lower Salford. They deserve the best... they
are more than educators to our children. Please, contact the school board members... YOUR voice needs to be heard.
Brooke, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 10:24 PM EST
RE: RE: "No More Strikes"
teachers' union ALSO needs to come down from their demand/request of
8àThere's a lot of room between 2.5 nd 8Àbut movement HAS to be in both
directions from both sides. Frankly, the school board needs to stand
their ground and not give in to the completely unrelastic demand of 8
er year for 5 years. That amounts to something like a 53ncrease in
payroll. It should be fairly obvious to anybody with half a brain that
a business could not take on that large of a payroll expense increase
and continue to be solvent & sustainable for the future. The only
people being harmed by all this are the kids. The teachers will still
make their full salary once they go back to school (even if it is on
9/24 and under non-binding arbitration), because they will still
legally need to be able to complet 180 days of school. The school
district employees are working, and therefore drawing a check. Yet my
child is in a district-subsidized program run by the YMCA at her
elementary school, and though I'm sure she's happy enough to be doing
arts & crafts and playing games with the other kids there, they
really ought to be in their respective classrooms at this point in the
year. So let's go board & teachers. Roll up those sleeves, put on a
pot of coffee and get your respective acts together, because the
children of this community need and want for you to get back into your
ikb, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 10:03 PM EST
Call Your School Board Members!
repeat myself again, the ONLY winner in this mess is the
non-negotiating chief negotiator that the school board has hired. He
will do all he can to prolong this mess and feed it as best he can. It
is his the school board money so they can add to their
surplus. After three weeks, on Sept. 24, he can take his big fat check
and smile all the way to the bank! He does not care what damage to this
community he leaves behind him. He is doing what the board hired him to
do and that is to slander and defame the teachers in this community.
Now that's a job one can feel good about! We need to make a
commitment to call the school board members and highly compensated
administrators every single day until this contract is settled. They
must be willing to negotiate the contract with our teachers.
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 09:46 PM EST
Jeffrey T. Sultanik
do some research on Jeff Sultanik. His game is the same for every
school district, his ultimate goal... to bill as many hours as possible
while creating a rift in the community. Read the comments from the
articles you find in your research. They are identical to what we are
reading here about Souderton! Jeff Sultanik does NOT want this
negotiation to end quickly because he will lose money from US, the
taxpayers! Downingtown, West Chester, Council Rock, Colonial,
Pottsgrove... the list goes on. He is worse than an ambulance chaser
because he messes with the education of children and destroys
communities in his wake without blinking an eyelash. Do NOT believe the
propoganda that is being spewed by this spindoctor. His only agenda is
to make more money for himself. A quick resolution will not benefit his
bank account, therefore, he continues to lie to the media and pushes
his twisted version of the truth. How can this community stand by and
allow their tax dollars to continue to bleed into this man's wallet?
Stop the infighting and DEMAND the school board who works for US fire
Sultanik, settle a fair contract for our valued teachers, and get on
with the education of our children.
Michael, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 09:08 PM EST
Let's get a new SASD board president
of the members of the SASD school board are up for election this year
(their terms are listed on the district website). However, Bernie
Curry's term as president is up in December. The members of the board
vote for board president. Call, write, e-mail the other board members
and express your dissatisfaction with Mr. Curry's performance as board
president. Ask them to vote for another member for board president. Mr.
Curry has no vested interest in maintaining the high quality school
district we now have. He is only interested in making sure he doesn't
have to pay for it. Make your voices heard! Let's make sure our
teachers are never treated so disgracefully again!
SASD parent, Harleysville, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 08:56 PM EST
Board meeting is Spet 13th
correct date of the school board meeting is Thursday September 13th. I
incorrectly stated the date in an early post. Just make sure you are
there. Tell both sides to negiate and settle this mess.
Michael , Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 08:51 PM EST
To "No more strikes"
I respect your opinion but disagree.
116 school districts that had to negotiate contracts this year, only
two are on strike. That means that the current system of collective
bargaining which includes the right to strike is working so far for
98.3 percent of the districts negotiating contracts this year.
suppose HB 1369 is the law and we apply it to this situation. Both
sides began negotiating last September according to the timetable set
forth in the bill. It is September and there is still an impasse
between the district and the teachers. The teachers must return to
work. They are paid on a month-to-month contract under the last years
pay scale. Where is the incentive for the district to settle the
contract? They can procrastinate for years and in essence teacher
salaries would be frozen. HB 1369 also forbids paying salaries
retroactively, so it is the districts advantage to drag out the
negotiations process as long as possible.
In addition, HB 1369
outlaws two things: strikes by teachers and lockouts by districts. That
appears to be fair because each side is prohibited from doing something
against the other. Teachers and organizers are penalized with specific
fines two days pay per day of strike and $5000 for individuals inciting
a strike. Those are hefty, specific fines. The districts would pay to
the teachers a fine equal to the financial benefit the district derives
from the lockout. That is open to interpretation- is it the money they
save by not paying the teachers? Is it the interest on unpaid salaries?
Do they derive any financial benefit at all from a lockout? It could be
the money they saved by procrastinating and having salaries frozen but
wait! They cannot pay salaries retroactively! Under this bill, there is
no real penalty assessed on a board that is not negotiating in good
For those reasons alone, I feel HB 1369 is bad legislation.
to the situation as it stands: a strike is the last legal recourse that
teachers can take against an unfair contract offer from the board. It
is a reaction taken against the boards inaction. You claim that you are
neutral in this matter, yet your efforts are only directed at the
teachers and their right to strike. You have never stated your opinion
of the districts role in the matter.
The quickest way to end
this scenario and get all of our children back in school is to contact
the school board and ask them to improve their offer. There is a lot of
room between 2.5 percent and 8.2 percent. In theory, it will be easier
for you to influence nine local elected officials than the entire
Pennsylvania General Assembly and Governor Rendell.
Law Student, Salford Station
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 08:43 PM EST
To Nancy and her daughter
- she will work for $34,000 and then what? Is she supposed to never
negotiate for a decent pay raise again? Teachers at Souderton started
for low salaries as well - and then 15 years of being the lowest paid
teachers on average in Montco, along with a Master's degree and 24 more
graduate credits they have earned over several more years of schooling,
they will peak for the rest of their career in what they can earn. So
please do not try to paint your daughter as someone special. People
work and they ask to be paid more money - that is what you do in
Joe R, Telford
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 08:05 PM EST
Where your money is really being spent
out the first 20 or so names and see how many millions are being spent
for the people who never enter a classroom - go ahead and check out the
MILLIONS! Oh right - these stats are 2 years old - add some double
digit pay increaes (to adjust to competitive market of other local
school districts) You would think with all of this money being spent -
someone could negotiate a simple contract - will the real
Superintendent please stand up...Click on the "salary" link to put them
in order from top to bottom -
PO'd Taxpayer, Lower Salford, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 06:35 PM EST
Parents Read page 10 of this PDF link from the SASD Website and the11/8/2007 Board minutes.
For the Future Grant-$415,000 in free technology (Laptops, smartboards,
and LCD Projhectors) for the high school from the state of Pennsylvania
and the vote was 7-1 to accept it. The only person to vote against was
Benard Currie because the equipment would eventually be outdated and
would have to be replaced. I did not believe it until I looked for
myself and for that alone I lost all respect for him as a leasder in my
child's school. I do not feel this man cares about my child and his
rants about accountability hold no water. He is not accountable to all
and for that I support my child's teachers. THey were going against a
loaded gun from the start and I do not think Bernie cares how long it
AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT. This is a fiasco that you other 8 have the chance
to fix. Cutting the insurance was deplorable and those of you with
families have to think about the long term effects of this district.
Negotiate in GOOD FAITH!! He is an ideologue who is willing to take you
all down with him in his quest to cheapen public education in
Souderton. Stand up already
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 06:28 PM EST
Nancy's daughter
your daughter apply to Souderton? My neighbor's daughter applied and
was interviewed 3 times. She said the interviews are grueling. They
want the BEST, demand the BEST, but aren't willng to pay their
beginning teachers the BEST!!
Bobby, Harleysville, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 06:27 PM EST
Response to-Board Meeting
read the long standing district policies. All questions must be
directed to the president. That policy has been in effect since at
least 1985. It is a meeting held in public, not a public meeting. There is a difference.
the SAEA is so open, why is there no way to contact them shown on their
website, and why isn't the home phone number listed for the SAEA
president as it is for the board members.
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 06:18 PM EST
Ain't no sunshine in Souderton
whatever "Act" you choose ... something still stinks in Souderton! As
long as our children aren't in class, the entire school district
remains under a dark gray cloud.
Taxpayer, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 06:10 PM EST
To"No moer strikes"
have been reading about the timeline of negotiations. I have read and
heard comment regarding the way the SASB does not respect the mediator
enough to "negotiate in good faith". At this point I do not believe
that the SASB would have met any of the benchmarks in a no strike
situation. The more I read the more I understand that the SASB is using
the strike to save money. The insurance issue (or non-issue depending
on your point of view) is a very strong indicator that the board has no
intention of negotiating in good faith.
In a situation like
this, did the Teachers have a choice? The public sounds like they have
been trying to talk to the SASB, they aren't listening. There is money
being spent by the SASB for a high priced solicitor and PR firm. Does
this sound like a system of "accountability"?
The Teachers and
the parents are being held hostage by the SASB, not the other way
around. I can understand your frustration with the strike. I just don't
think any reasonable method would work to move the SASB away from the
personal agenda of Mr. Currie. In my opinion, the teachers are
following the "no bullying" policy that seems to be in every school
around the state How do we teach our children to stop a bully? Stand up
to them.
Frustrated Reader, Perkasie, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 05:20 PM EST
Board Meeting
answer the question, I have been to Souderton Board meetings. Mr.
Currie, the president, does not allow the board members to answer
questions. In fact, the agenda says in writing that community members
are not to ask board members questions. So, I have emailed all 9 board
members and I have left phone messages which were NOT RETURNED. I have
tried to express my opinion to my elected representatives. Only two of
the board members even answered and that was on email. I think they
must be afraid to speak to their constituents. Anyone in the community
who wishes to talk to a member of the SAEA need only drive by a
district school during the day. The board members are hiding and
refusing to acknowledge the public. I urge EVERYONE, no matter which
side you favor, to PLEASE attend the meeting on Thursday night. We can
fire these board members by not voting for them. Please, come and see
for yourself how they treat the public and the employees of the
Rose, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 05:06 PM EST
Smart Board Rocks-NOT SASB
the coaches contract and the teacher's contract are two separate
agreements. This was explained in a recent article. Our children would
be back in school if the board would deny access to the practice
fields. Instead, they are too busy planning on how to make the teachers
look bad and make Sultanik richer
Bobby, Harleysville
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 04:40 PM EST
I will work for SADS
daughter is a recent college graduate. She holds a bachelors degree in
elementary education and special education. She cannot find employment
in the public school sector. My daughter will be more than willing to
take that $37,000 a year a matter of fact, she will do it
for $34,000! Now how's that for negotiating
Nancy, Harleysville pa
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 04:32 PM EST
to frustrated reader in perkasie
course we know they will get the same amount of days in school. Do you
understand that to accomplish this calendar after losing 3 weeks, the
students will have the absolute minimum breaks through their school
year? Everyone needs breaks to re-energize. If your employer told you
that due to someone else's dispute, you could no longer take vacations
and holidays and had to work straight through for 9 months, would that
be OK? Some of the days off were to be for parent-teacher conferences,
how do we make that up? Force the teachers to work at night? What about
election day when we keep the schools closed for security reasons? Now
the schools will be in session with doors open to the general public to
vote? These are all ramifications that some of you just haven't
considered. It's another reason why strikes should be illegal and
HB1369 should be passed.
no more strikes, Harleysville PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 04:23 PM EST
To "Law Student"
did not post to the school board, my intent is not to pick sides in
THIS strike. I just want to hear from teachers as to why they believe a
teacher strike is a necessary part of the process. If you took the time
to read through HB1369, then you would have seen that they do not give
up any of their other negotiation rights. The negotiation is open to
the public with a specified timeline including milestones to be met by
both sides. It simply makes STRIKES illegal and in doing so makes the
whole process fairer to the teachers AND the taxpayers AND those who
are most innocent - the children.
I'm resigned to the fact that
this strike will not end until it goes to arbitration. I just cannot
fathom why we must endure a 3 week strike just to check a box and enter
the next stage.
Please, comment and explain to me why this legislation is bad?
no more strikes, harleysville, pa
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 04:14 PM EST
Response to-Something stinks in the SASD ????
To Taxpayer, Souderton- Suggest you read about The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act.
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 04:10 PM EST
Child Denied " Critical" Treatment
everyone know that it is against the law for a hospital to deny
"critical" treatment to anyone based on their ability to pay? I guarantee the hospitals know it. I'm afraid I have to call bullsh*t to that urban legend.
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 01:46 PM EST
"Stealing" education?????
in this section have been commenting about the teachers "stealing"
their kids education. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania guarantees
children 180 days. No matter how long the strike lasts or how late
school starts, your child will get EXACTLY THE SAME amount of education
that he/she is entitled too. If you don't believe this, call the
Superintendent he can verify. A delay does not equal less!
Frustrated reader, Perkasie, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 01:09 PM EST
Re: Open letter
respect your point of view. The teachers have been on strike for four
days. The strike is a reaction to the school board not negotiating in
good faith for ninth months. Why did you not post an "open letter to
the school board" and ask the nine members to do their job? Why not
have a law in Pennsylvania that requires both sides to start talking a
year before the contract expires, with critical deadlines that must be
met before the situation gets this far? It is frustrating that our
children are not in school. Outlawing the ability to strike would not
eliminate the core issue: the contract negotiations process. That is
problem, not the right to strike. BTW: The reason that Pennsylvania
is the "strike capital" of the US is due to the way in which school
districts are organized. There are 13,500 school districts in the US,
501 of which are in Pennsylvania. In Hawaii, the entire state is one
school district. There was a strike there in 2001. It represented less
the 1f the strikes in the US between 2000 and 2007, but affected
183,000 students- more than all the strikes in Pennsylvania combined.
Law Student, Salford Station
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 01:03 PM EST
Re: Open letter
respect your point of view. The teachers have been on strike for four
days. The strike is a reaction to the school board not negotiating in
good faith for ninth months. Why did you not post an "open letter to
the school board" and ask them to do their job? Why not have a law in
Pennsylvania that requires both sides to start talking a year before
the contract expires, with critical deadlines that must be met before
the situation gets this far? It is frustrating that our children
are not in school. Outlawing the ability to strike would not eliminate
the core issue: the contract negotiations process. That is problem, not
the right to strike. BTW: The reason that Pennsylvania is the
"strike capital" of the US is due to the way in which school districts
are organized. There are 13,500 school districts in the US, 501 of
which are in Pennsylvania. In Hawaii, the entire state is one school
district. There was a strike there in 2001. It represented less the 1f
the strikes in the US between 2000 and 2007, but affected 183,000
students- more than all the strikes in Pennsylvania combined.
Law Student, Salford Station
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 12:14 PM EST
Curry Punishes Teachers' Children
can all disagree on this very sensitive issue...but one thing is
certain: there is no reason Bill Curry and his school board had to
terminate the teachers' health care benefits, thus putting teachers'
children in danger.
Teachers can only strike for a few weeks.
This will be resolved...most school districts choose not punish
teachers' children in such a manner....this will only create years of
resentment and cause more harm to the educational process than it had
I am against this strike, but I am now very much against Curry. He has to go.
Cheryl Reiser, Earlington
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 11:28 AM EST
The truth
Amount the board holds in reserve/surplus above what is required: >11 million dollars The increase in your taxes needed to support a decent salary increase for teachers: $0 A fair and equitable contract for the good teachers of SASD and an end to this strike: PRICELESS.
Al P, Lansdale, PA
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 09:51 AM EST
Check the facts!
looks like the good people from SASD have been pretty much fooled by
their elected school board and non-negotiating "chief" negotiator!
While your dedicated teachers were at school the last week of August
working and preparing to teach your children (go check their rooms),
assuming that the promised "good faith"negotiating was going to happen.
This promise was given at a board meeting in front of teachers and
community members. However, your school board was not in negotiation
meetings but instead "planning and preparing" daycare for your children
at $15/day per child! But hey, their kicking in an afternoon snack so
your getting off cheap. Your trusted school board who obviously had no
intent of "good faith" NEGOTIATING, decided it was time for their
"chief" negotiator to do his best negotiating and it is not in a room
sitting at a table with the teacher representatives. It is taking place
in the media using his best smear tactics, as he spoon feeds the public
slanderous lies about their teachers and their demands. It's laughable
that he says he has never seen teachers want such a raise. Does anyone
think his fees have gone up since his last negotiating visit to a
school district? Do you think he is charging the district, you the
taxpayers "a less than average" rate per hour? Do some research, you
will find these same tactics and non-sense used in other districts who
wanted to degrade and defame the character of their teachers, oh sorry,
i meant "negotiate" with them. Wake up good people of Souderton! You
are spending how much a day for childcare the school board "arranged"
for you? The teachers are losing money each day and HAVE lost their
insurance (canceled by your school board as of Sept.1 without required
30 day notice)again, DO THE RESEARCH! Go to! Your school
board is adding big money to their $17 million surplus, and Mr. S is
laughing all the way to the bank with his big fat check. You people are
losing money, your blood pressure is rising, instead of teaching your
children about "negotiations", your community is teaching them to
disrespect and slander the teachers because they want an average
starting salary for those coming in and a fair raise for the rest of
them. Pray to God your child doesn't want to be a teacher. Wouldn't you
hate for a community to turn on your own child the way you have treated
these teachers! And the winner is? Mr. Jeffrey S! If you really want
school to start, you would be calling your school board members, newly
contracted (check out their raises)administrators, and demanding they
not just keep putting the same offer on the table but actually
NEGOTIATE with your teachers! SASD show some class!
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 08:15 AM EST
New Location for Meeting
assured - the meeting will be moved. Maybe it can be held in the Indian
Stadium? Oops, I forgot, that might interfere with a game practice.
Teachers, while I support you - it is deplorable that you are
continuing to coach and not teach! This muddies your waters.
Smart Boards Rock!, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 08:04 AM EST
Tee Time Anyone ?
Souderton Area Education Foundation is holding their annual golf
tournament on Monday. A just cause, undoubtedly. But what about a
"Mulligan" for our children who are still waiting to start their first
day of school.
Golf 4 Me, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 07:58 AM EST
Something stinks in the SASD
you know that the Souderton School Board meets regularly in what they
call an Exectuive Session to discuss personnel items? Behind closed
doors. Smells a little bit like Upper Salford Township.
Taxpayer, Souderton
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 11:09 PM EST
Added: Saturday September 06, 2008 at 11:07 PM EST
New Location for Meeting
agree! The September 11th School Board Meeting should take place in an
area that has sufficient parking and seating for all attendees. By the
way, do the Board Members ever answer the questions they are asked
during the public comments section of the meeting? I want to know when
we will be getting answers to the questions that have been asked,
starting with "How much taxpayer money is being wasted on Sultanik, who
has no reason to present a fair contract proposal because if he ended
the strike early, he would not get to charge the district for all of
his stalling, I mean overtime?"
Bernie Needs a New Throne, Bernieville
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 10:26 PM EST
Is Sports still on?
I heard the negotiations only lasted an hour. That didn't effect the sports did it?
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:07 PM EST
not saying that a teacher couldnt make more in the city. I know they
could. My sons father works for a public school in Brooklyn. He also
said that he would seriously not mind taking a pay cut to be in the
suburbs not having to deal with the things that go on in the inner
city. He spends more time being a babysitter, stopping fights that
break out then actually being a teacher. Thats what I meant by my
"going to work for a school in the city" comment, they dont have to
deal with that stuff in Souderton, When was the last time there was a
drive by at any of our schools. Or gang violence. And how is that sad
that the city pays more? Last time I checked there is a thing called
"city tax" taken out of your pay when you work in Philly.
But really RJ congrats on the new job!
Nicole, Souderton
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:48 PM EST
am glad you have a good job. I am sorry you don't make what a starting
teacher does. Clearly, I can tell you two things. First of all , you
don't know what you are talking about when it comes to tenure. A
teacher does not lose their tenure when they move to another district.
Second of all if you have your degree, you could have become a teacher.
However, you would never have passed the writing assessment the
district gives their teachers because I quickly counted at least 18
mistakes in your short, but incorrect comment. I am glad your company
doesn't pay you MERIT PAY!
Bobby, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:35 PM EST
Tell them in person
strongly suggest that the school board find a larger venue for the
September 11th school board meeting. There is now way the
administration building will hold the number of upset parents, students
yes they should be heard from, and tax payers that will attend and
voice their opinions of the lack of true effort on either side to
resolve the issues that have led to the division of this community.
People we all need to be there and let each side know where you stand.
You pay the taxes, your children attend these schools, you elected the
school board, and you pay the teachers. Be there tell them in person
what you have said here. Better yet camp out the night before at the
administration building otherwise you may not get in.
Michael, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:32 PM EST
Please, get back to work!
am so discouraged by the lack of effort on both sides to end the
strike. At this point, our children need to come first. How do you
explain this situation to a 7 year old boy who cries because he wants
to be at his elementary school and not at a strike day camp at another
school. There are always 2 sides to a story, but I can honestly say in
my 14 years as a RN, BSN in a specialty unit I have on occasion
received some 3.6-4aises but more frequently received 2.2-3.2aises-
this past year 1.8à Two years ago, my health care cost went from $100
biweekly with a $20 copay to $138 biweekly with a $5000 deduction. My
patient load increased, paperwork has increased all while upper
management received far more of a raise then staff nurses (I work for a
for profit company). I stay at my job because I like the patient's I
care for and I like being part of this community. I hope that both
sides can come to terms, just visit a household with some elementary
school kids and you will know how wrong all of this is. Once again, how
do you explain this to the tearful face of a 7 year old?
mom of 3 in the SASD, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:06 PM EST
Response to Nicole
thought you might like to know that an experienced teacher left
Souderton this year because he could make more money in Philly. He is
actually making about $15,000 more in Philly than in Souderton. That is
just plain sad! So how much do you really know?
RJ, Souderton
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 06:25 PM EST
dont give a damn that your the "lowest" paid in montgomery county. Out
of 747 school districts you are the 55th HIGHEST PAID in the ENTIRE
STATE OF PA. Seriously. 37k to start out with your first year is not
bad. I have my degree. I'm in insurance, I have a really good job, but
I don't come near that.
And your picketting teachers is a joke.
You can tell that your the 55th highest paid teachers, because the
teachers on the lower end of that pay scale WOULD BE out there day and
night for their cause not at 230 on the dot when the 10 of you out
there decide to go home.
And the working conditions? YOUR IN
SOUDERTON. How bad can it be really. What is a cow from Mopac, or
whatever its called now, going to get lose and give you Mad Cow
disease? Go to a school in Philly, Camden, New York and see how GREAT
you have it. Oh but you can't because you will lose your tenure and
have to start at the low end of the pay scale. Hmm sounds like when I
took a lower paying job (by $10,000) to actually improve my life in the
ways that matter most, being home for my son at night. YOUR SICKENING.
Nicole, Souderton
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 05:58 PM EST
Get rid of the school board response
Wendy, let me take a wild guess... you were once a member of the "Drama Club".
Frank Dowd, Salford Twp. PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 05:22 PM EST
Board's Proposal Needs Clarification
Board has stated their current proposal includes a salary increase of
2.5 percent per year for 3 years. This only differs from their initial
5 year proposal in the length of the contract. Another issue that no
one seems to be addressing is how the "working conditions," meaning the
length of school day and number of days per year, also impacts the
salaries. The teachers currently work 192 days that are 7.5 hours long.
That comes to 1440 hours per year or 4320 hours over 3 years. Along
with the 2.5 percent salary increase each year, the Board is asking the
teachers to work 1560 hours in year one (195 x 8 hours), 1576 hours in
year 2 (197 x 8 hours), and 1584 hours in year 3 (198 x 8 hours). That
comes to a total of 4720 hours over 3 years or a 9.3 percent increase
in hours worked. Bottom line the Boards current proposal of 2.5 percent
increases each year, in combination with the increased hours that are
part of their proposal, is actually a pay cut at the hourly wage rate
for most of the teachers. How many of us would accept a wage cut lying
down? Both sides need to get back to the table and work things out. If
neither side is willing to move, then why wait for the strike to end on
Sep 23? Lets just go to arbitration now and get an independent opinion.
Although neither side will have to accept it, maybe it will bring them
both closer to reality a little quicker.
Kevin, Perkasie, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 04:56 PM EST
a resident and parent in the SASD, I am embarassed that our teachers
are on strike. Many families move into this district because of the
fine public education that is available here. This fine reputation is
now hanging in jeopardy because a group of volunteer individuals (read
School Board) have chosen not to negotiate fairly with their teachers.
At what point in this process do the well-paid SASD administrators
support their educators and tell the School Board they want their
teachers back in the classooms?
Citizen , Souderton
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 04:44 PM EST
Enough Is Enough
read all these comments and I just don't know how anyone could be on
the side of the teachers. I'm sorry but the product the teachers are
producing today has a lot to be desired, have you listened to our
younger generation speak, I think the word "Like" is the only word in
their vocabulary and from an experience a few years ago at an open
house, if the teacher I listened to said "UM" one time, she said it no
less than 50...I was astonished that this woman was teaching my child
then to find out that she is making almost $60K...sorry, but I just
can't say I'm on the teachers side on this one. How do the teachers
think the parents are supposed to pay for their 8.2
Sharon, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 04:36 PM EST
What about special needs?
have a child with special needs. He has an IEP which is a legal
contract with the SCHOOL DISTRICT. The district is not providing my son
with his services. Why the heck can't I sue them for neglecting my
His teachers are wonderful. My son works hard but some
things are hard for him to do. We work with him at home too. He has
been treated with dignity, respect, humor and love by the special
education staff. I love his teachers and they are like family. To see
the way this district is treating its employees is SHAMEFUL. Shame on
you, Bernie Currie! Shame on you, Jeffrey Sultanik! My son deserves
better and you have let him down.
Proud of my son, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 03:59 PM EST
SASD doesn't have money?????
am tired of reading that the Souderton School District doesn't have
money. It appears they have money for want they want. Yes, I agree it
was time for a new high school, but in a community that is described as
"not having a tax base", did we have to spend 125 million dollars? In a
district that is described as "not having a tax base, 98,000 dollars
was found for our top administrators over the last 3 years. In a
district that is described as "not having a tax base", we probably have
the largest, fanciest, and most beautiful DISTRICT OFFICE. (with open
office space) Does the public know this same "poor district" has the
money to hire a consultant to advise them how to schedule? It seems we
need to start questioning their priorities! Do you also realize the
longer this strike goes on, the more bank deposits Mr. (I use that term
loosely) Sultanic gets to make in his account. quickly do
you think he is to help get this settled.----not quickly---just look at
his record. We need to ban together and get the board to really look
at what is important---OUR CHILDREN and the professionals who spend the
most time with them.
Suzanne, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 03:39 PM EST
I want my kids to go to school now
a parent of two children enrolled to be attending Oak Ridge Elementary
in Souderton School district, I am beside my self that yet again
negotiations between the teachers union and district school board has
yielded no results. Meanwhile I scramble to find child care for my
children who should be in school receiving what they are entitled
to--an education. My taxes are paid for this year. I have to contribute
toward my health insurance and my salary is less than the salaries of
the teachers in the district. I am sure that my story is the same as
other readers. The state of our economy is to blame for the inability
for any employer to take a chance and provide employees with large cost
of living increases. The teacher's union declined performance raises
and with my experience with SASD teachers, the performance has be
excellent--so what is the problem. I'll tell you. You are all dragging
your feet and my sons are being shipped here and there and not
receiving anything of what they are entitled to--an education. Please
end the strike now!
Monica Kratz, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 03:29 PM EST
Amuso not so SUPERintendent
you want to talk about Amuso Does everyone know his contract terminates
after this year? He works less than 4 years here and they are giving
him health benefits until 2015. Make that Cabinet level Benefits!! I
bet the teachers dont get that type of health coverage that they need
to offer a better health plan. Can anyone tell me why the School Board
is so generous to him and cant find any money for the teachers?!!! I
guess the School Board needed a puppet until this contract is settled.
JD, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 03:19 PM EST
Another taxpayer,
kind of you to want to put word in my mouth. Thanks, but no thanks. I
have never said that I was against public education and I don't believe
that I have ever mentioned the new high school in any of my posts. In
fact, my children do attend public school so I guess that blows that
theory out of the water.
The facts I present are exactly that,
facts. Just because you don't agree with the information doesn't make
it less true. A strike is a very emotional time for all parties
involved but you need to control the emotion in order to look at the
situation with clarity. The Strike-Free Education Act (HB 1369) is
important as it will outlaw the type of action that is currently being
forced upon the parents and taxpayers by the teachers union.
feel that the boards offer is fair in light of the current economic
situation and the information they have provided about aid ratios and
ability to pay. If you can't see that the teachers demands are totally
unrealistic for our community and the taxpayers in it, then I guess we
agree to disagree.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 03:01 PM EST
This is the Board's Fault
blame the school board, I really do. You don't have to sympathize with
the teachers (which I do) to realize that certain members of this board
have been deliberately provocative and downright nasty since this
situation began. And, make no mistake, this began months ago. They
passed a budget that would not allow them to pay even modest raises,
the board broke their word and leaked negotiations details to the
public, the board cancelled insurance, they refuse to acknowledge
quality work their teachers give them. They are causing a rift in this
community. If our schools perform better than average then why do we
pay our teachers lower than average? Am I the ONLY one who has looked
on the district's webpage and seen the Strike Updates juxtaposed with
the outstanding PSSA results?
If the Board took a small amount
of the reserve money--MY MONEY, YOUR MONEY--that they already took from
us, and spent it on teachers instead of an attorney, there would be no
strike. It never would have happened. And, so far the Board has
remained silent behind the President. Do all 8 of the others really
want to tear this community apart? They are so arrogant--I have called
each one once and left messages, and I have emailed each one twice--and
out of 24 contacts with my elected public officials, do you know how
many responses I got? Three (and two were from the same board member).
That's a LOUSY response rate--3/24. which is a 12.5í
Sad & Disgusted, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 02:21 PM EST
fail, the tactics Mr. Sultanik has advised the Souderton Area School
District to employ are following the same blueprints he has used in
other school districts for which he acts as solicitor. The medical
insurance was terminated, the school board has offered a fair proposal
that suits the needs of the community, the union leadership has not
done a good job of informing its members..blah, blah, blah. This is a
systemic attempt to kill the teachers in the court of public opinion
and it seems to be working very well thus far. Well surly hear of
another contentious issue in the next few daysmaybe about the sports
teams, maybe a threat to terminate positions, who knows. In any case, a
contract has yet to be reached even though they started this process in
January. Isnt one of the jobs for which this man is retained by the
district to negotiate a contract? After 9 months? Id ask for my
retainer fee to be refunded. Instead of fooling around, posturing,
executing scare tactics, and giving cute names to the contract
(LadiesandgentlemenI give you.The SASD Contract of
Accountabilityta-da.give me a breakthis is also know simply as a
contract) perhaps Mr. Sultanik should advise this school board
tonegotiate. Please realize this man is very, very good at what he
does. Unfortunately, hes a professional jerk. Jane, Lower Salford
Jane, Lower Salford
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 02:19 PM EST
Karen Aleman, Souderton, Pa
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:57 PM EST
SASD website
again, the SASD website offers its intentionally inflammatory recount
of what transpired at today's negotiations. The website refers to the
School Board's proposal and the union's demands. This is nothing but a
tactic used to fan the flames. Both the union and the school board have
demands, or the union and the school board offer proposals. In any
case, this may speak to the district's continued vilifications of its
teachers and will forever change the way these teachers will interact
with this administration. This situation is a community-wide
embarrassment for all parties involved--teachers, administration,
school board, parents, students....everyone. Although not one of us
knows the real particulars of this situation (unless you are a board
member, teacher, or district office employee), this seems to be a
management (school district) problem indicated by the overwhelming vote
to strike. No offense intended, but I doubt the SAEA president swayed
that many members of the union to strike. These teachers willingly
surrendered their paychecks (no--teachers do not get paid for the days
they are not in school), have had their health insurance terminated
(although it was spun differently, these teachers are not theoretically
insured at this moment--a technicality, but uninsured is uninsured
regardless of how Mr. Sultanik spins it), and have publicized
themselves on the picket line. Should they be allowed to strike? That's
open to opinion, but until legislation changes, they are within their
right to do so. Instead of viciously attacking either or both sides,
maintain your civility, educate yourselves with parties' propaganda,
and encourage both sides to negotiate a contract that will entail
concessions on both sides so the children and teachers can return to
school and we can finally focus our attention other community events
worthy of our attention. Dave in Franconia 12
Dave, Franconia
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:57 PM EST
though I have a senior, it doesnt bother me that he is out of school
for another 2 weeks, by law they have to go back to work if they like
it or not. I don't agree with the (greedy) union's demands and I'm
happy that the Board stood there ground. Keep up the good work Board
members. The union and its members will eventually come down to Earth!
If not, maybe they should go to work on another planet!
Marianne, Souderton, Pa
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:46 PM EST
moral ground
HOW DARE YOU run that picture. That is an underage girl who is writing
that on her windshield. I understand that it is opinion and open to
interpretation. Please explain what a feacher is? If you print this,
what else will you print? What else is open to interpretation? What if
I write nuck figgers? How about puck the folice? When I get pulled
over, will you help me explain? Maybe I could put it on my child's
shirt and send her to school. My argument could be that it is simply
open to interpretation. Is that all right? How would people interpret
this? I would take a huge offense to that as well.
brona neaux, reporter hq
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:38 PM EST
Insurance issue - for Dave in Telford
The information concerning COBRA can be found at
states that the employer must inform the insurance company about an
employee's status of employment within a 30-day period AFTER the
qualifying event (in this case, the strike).
The union was set
to strike at 7:00 AM on September 2nd (the first day of classes for
students) IF there was no progress made at the September 1st bargaining
session. The talks were fruitless and the teachers went on strike
September 2nd. However, the insurance was canceled as of September 1st,
one full day before the strike. The teachers were not on strike
September 1st, therefore the earliest the insurance could have been
canceled was the 2nd. Obviously, the district had no intention of
negotiating in good faith, knew that they would not settle on the 1st,
and canceled the insurance.
Law Student, Salford Station
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:31 PM EST
Sounds reasonable to me
union members in Bristol will earn annual salary increases of 3.5
percent, 3.5 percent, 3 percent, and 3.5 percent between now and 2012,
according to a contract the Bristol school board approved. The
labor agreement also calls for Bristol Borough Education Association
members to increase their contribution to their health benefits
negoiate now SASD, Harlesyville PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:17 PM EST
If we fight among ourselves, how will the board or teachers ever get anything done.
is just as bad as Tracey Cole getting up to support the teachers
because she is no longer a board member. I use to have more respect for
her, before she became a lapdog for a public cause that will allow her
a platform to run for reelection in the next election she has a seat
Get a hotel room and work like other UNIONS do. Lock them
together till they work it out, not till you get annoyed. If teachers
want to be in the classroom and the administors want to do what is in
the community and taxpayers best intrest, sit there and work.
at this point you wait till September 23rd and we can continue to pay
them at the same rate. People like to point out 80 some people were
offered jobs and only 42 said yes? Wow, how wierd people took other
jobs, I mean that never happens in any other job segment. I mean
imagine people apply or interview for more then one teaching job.
Mrs. Franklin Dogood, Souderton Area School District
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:16 PM EST
SASD Retaining Teachers?
may ask why the SASD was able to find teachers to fill the vacancies
this summer. The school board claims it is not a problem. Maybe the
reason for that is a rather good reimbursement policy for people
seeking certification and advanced degrees. This may be the best part
of the old contract and the only part that compares favorably with
the top paid school districts. What happens when teachers have attained
the certification and degrees? Do they seek positions in other
districts? Just another unanswered question among many others such
as why are the administration pay raises always compared by the school
board to other districts to rationalize their outlandish increases yet
to do so for teachers is out of the question - a dispicable double-standard!
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:12 PM EST
Souderton School Board cut the teachers' health care to strong arm the
teachers. Apparently, a teacher's child needed critical medical
services and was turned away by the hospital...and now the District
will be facing a huge civil lawsuit.
Sally Hennings, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:03 PM EST
Who puts out these "Press Release" e-mails
want accountability (ironic that I am posting this anonymously) from
the district on who puts out these e-mail messages. All it does is
further enrages the parents and taxpayers of the district. If you are
going to put a slant on every single piece of correspondence, I would
like to at least know who it's coming from.
Cut the crap and freakin' negotiate people. My kids are growing tired of their endless summer!
How do Charlie and Bernie stay awake during these meetings? I have
never seen/heard anyone with such low energy before. I'm not just
talking negotiation time either. This is for all of the board meetings.
Show some enthusiasm man!
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:00 PM EST
Proud of the Souderton Area School District!
a former student of the Souderton Area School District, I fully support
the teachers as they attempt to get a fair and competitive contract. I
had the most wonderful experiences and teachers through my thirteen
years in the district. It has certainly not been the pay that has kept
the staff here; it is their dedication to educating our future and
seeing us grown into adults. I am proud to say that I am a well
educated and successful young adult that attended the Souderton Area
School District. I know that I would not be the person I am today
without these amazing teachers.
Sarah , Harrisburg, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:56 PM EST
SASD Strike
the School Board did not deliver anything new to the teachers on
Friday. In today's economy with inflation running at approximately 6
hus far this year, why would the teachers accept a 2.5ncrease? Their
salaries should be compared to neighboring districts of similar size
based upon both the residential and commercial growth that the SASD has
seen over the past few years and the starting salaries are not in line.
The brand new high school is testament to that growth. The initial
salary should be increased by more than the average just to bring it in
line with their peers (equity increase) of the same caliber and this
will require roughly a 10ncrease BUT leave the higher salaries for more
experienced teachers somewhere around 3Õange to keep with inflation.
The area will not attract good teachers if it is not brought in line
and that's what we require, or should demand, as a community. A comment
was made that there is "little turnover" and this can be a two-edged
sword. On one hand, we have experienced teachers (maybe) on the other
hand we are continuing to employ teachers that may be just "settling
and waiting tenure/retirement". It's the same dilemma all businesses
face. None of this should come without accountability; however, and
PSSA scores should not be the primary measurement. Some SASD scores
have fallen but the school district hasn't done much to find out why.
Perhaps more focus should be brought to learning styles and the
teachers should be expected to teach to all styles. In the end, we want
the best for the future of the Souderton Community and, unfortunately,
everything has a cost.
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:56 PM EST
comparison of the teacher?s job to the ?real world?
of the comments here dealt with comparison of the teachers job to the
real world. So I decided to compare my job to that of the teachers. I
work in an office the a few years ago had a staff of eight to handle
the workload, today there are three of us, and the workload has
increased. This makes for a times a very stressful environment. The
teachers face the stress of the requirements of the failed No Child
Left Behind Act. My day starts at 6:30 AM and I usually do not get back
home until 5:30 or 6:00 PM. There are many nights that I then log back
on from home and do additional work. Teachers spend many nights
performing additional work, grading papers, developing lessons plans. I
deal with, customers, vendors, management and co-workers. Teachers deal
with the diverse abilities and personalities of their students. I work
with executives whose only concern is the bottom line, not the
feasibility of the implementation. The teachers have to deal with a
school president who seems to have forgotten that the seat he holds is
an elected seat not a throne of royal bloodline. Seeing the many
parallels I decided to inform my manager that I wanted a 9ncrease each
of the next 4 years. As I said earlier the job is very stressful at
times. So when I asked for this increase at least the rolling on the
floor laughing relieved someones stress level.
both sides need to negotiate, Lower Salford Township
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:53 PM EST
A whole hour of negotiating
hour of talks since this strike started ! Just enough time for a cold
drink after hours of picketing and for the other side a drink from the
carafe of Bernies Kool-Aid. Teachers get you demands on a level of
feasibility and reality ! School Board negotiate in good faith and both
of you get our kids back in school.
disgusted , Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:40 PM EST
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:34 PM EST
when you were a teacher? I do. You were great. Now you have sold your
soul and are destroying the district and community. You don't need the
money, but many of us do. Stop pleasing the Board and stand up. Lord
knows Charlie is sitting back waiting to retire. That's another
thing... after a "nationwide" search, we hire a superintendent from
Boyertown in the twilight of his career. A puppet.
R. Bernie Amuso, lower road, souderton, pa
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:29 PM EST
Be a solicitor!
Sultanik works for at least 10 districts. $25,000 a year strictly as a
retainer fee plus 175-225 per hour to bargain, etc... Wow, 25k just to
have you show up for 2 meetings a month and answer a few questions here
and there. Oh yeah, selling your soul. Enjoy the afterlife Jeffrey!
Jeffrey Satanic, hellish, pa
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:14 PM EST
It starts with the board President
starts with Board President Bernie Currie. As a resident of this
community I am pleading with the other members of the board to stand up
and do what is right by the students of this district!!!! You were
elected too and the sooner you go around Mr. Currie to get this done
then the sooner we can have our community back. He is destroying our
district and I for one will not forget this at election time.
disgusted in Souderton, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:08 PM EST
Are you kidding....
you kidding...they met for one hour, then the meeting was
suspended...what, was it lunchtime ? It would be nice to know that our
children are worth an hour when it comes to settling this fiasco....
Unreal, Telford, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 11:41 AM EST
Souderton Area School District Board Policy
Local Board Procedures, Membership, Section 2 "Qualifications," point a: "S/He shall be of good, moral character....." Does
every member who sits on the board meet this qualification? If not,
regardless of their public election to the board, their status as a
board member is in direct violation of board policy. Who evaluates
this? What is the criteria? Perhaps an immediate removal of anyone who
is not of good moral character is necessary to solve the contract
situation that has gripped this community. It's time to negotiate a
fair contract with both sides willing to give and take and engage in
true bargaining.
Frank, Souderton
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 11:16 AM EST
Tell it to the people who need to hear it!
Barbara C and Darth Nancy
agree with both of you and I think it's wonderful that you are voicing
your opinions on this site. It is my hope that you are also letting the
SASD board and adminstrators know your thoughts. They need to hear from
all of us. So, if you have not yet let your opinions be told to them, I
encourage you to do so and do so today. We need to continue to support
our teachers and stand up for ourselves as residents of this fine
JJ, Lansdale, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 10:18 AM EST
a teacher in another district, we hope that you get what you deserve.
As a taxpayer in Souderton, I DEMAND that the Board spend money on my
child. As of right now, in this economic 'clutch,' our Board has raked
in 3, 5, and 7 MILLION DOLLARS over a 3 year span. And that is after
buying a high school. My money and your money are sitting in their bank
account, doing nothing (except collecting interest). You may not agree
with either side, but to me, this is the largest problem. YOU HAVE MY
Barbara C., souderton, pa
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 10:11 AM EST
I come from the dark side!
have an admission. When I first began hearing about all of this, I was
purely against the teacher's union. Another strike in the news, another
bunch of greedy teachers. I read the board's information and it made me
even more angry. I have children in school now and one who passed
through SASD. We had some amazing teachers, including my child's fourth
grade teacher who really turned his shy and meek personality and taught
him to laugh at himself. He is now assertive and confident, and you ask
him, and he always gives credit to Mr. ---. That being said, I bgean to
wonder. Maybe they aren't so bad. Maybe the teachers have a point.
did some research. I attended the last board meeting. I began to read
both sides. I can honestly say, do not believe the news and propaganda.
I do not believe everything from either side. But I am swayed towards
the teachers. Look at both sides. Make a real decision. But let me say
this. The information that the teachers are providing is directly from The information from the Board is from the Board. You do the
math. The website provided by the association is The
board is
darth nancy, harleysville, pa
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:59 AM EST
I love this Dave Guy
your rants are second only to republican_bob. I love reading what you
write. Maybe you and I could get together and put together a gun rack,
or maybe I could help you get the Confederate flag across your pickup
truck's window. Hopefully, it has a bench seat so I can sit right next
to you. I want to look through your scrapbook which chronicles the rise
and many victories of George Bush. I happen to know a lot of great Spam
recipes, some call for chewing tobacoo and Pabst Blue Ribbon, so we are
good to go.
You blog. A lot. Enough is enough. Why not spend
some time volunteering in your community? Try volunteering in a school.
You are an awful person. Just the worst kind. We can only hope that the
next time you and Bernie are making out that a meteor crushes both of
DaveFan2000, Telford, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:56 AM EST
Contract Signing
I know for a fact it was 45 new teachers signing contracts. 45 new
teachers who are union members that are getting that awful starting
salary after putting out for Praxis tests, Clearances, FBI checks, and
continuing credits that all together costs them between 1000-5000
dollars in expenses. But the real fun comes here, listen closely Dave
cause I've checked my facts. They actually told 85 teachers at some
point this summer that they had a job in the district. 40 OF THEM SAID
NO THANKS, I'll go elsewhere. Dave you are correct that some of the
teachers in the district changed responsibilities but get a clue, the
teachers we have in this district are folks that come and stay because
they love the community and the kids. They've dealt with terrible pay
year in and year out, for the kids. Now finally something is being done
about it. Show your support for our teachers Dave instead of your
support for the weasel SULTANIC and the board he represents. You
and the rest of the community are being duped by him and it's sad to
see. This whole insurance thing is the weasel at work. They cut the
insurance on MONDAY. MONDAY folks. Terminated, FINISHED, no more. How
did the teachers find out? When they went to the doctor and were told
theyre uninsured!! That shows good faith bargaining. The DISTRICT
really expected to come out of Monday with a contract agreement? No
they didn't it was another Sultanic lie. Don't hold your breath that
anything would come out of today, because with him running the show,
there is no compromise! And my bet is it will be spun in the media
something like, the teachers brought a proposal that was completely out
of the question, unconscionable, and we could not accept their
proposal. LIES. Support your teachers. They are the finest group of
hardworking, enthusiastic and loving individuals. Realize how lucky you
are to have this group that worked for less for so many years. I know
they're great because I live with one. I see what she goes through day
in and day out. Work comes home with you. SUPPORT YOUR TEACERS!
John, Souderton
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:45 AM EST
They are new teachers
positions were filled. That is not the same as earning tenure. Mr.
Currie will do anything to advance his agenda and teh minute he is gone
then this mess will get settled. He does not care about this community
and accountable is code for only people with no children. THe other 8
members are even more shameful for not standing up to him. Think for
yourselves and this will get DONE!!!
You will get second best
in this community if you keep pretending that you can get something for
nothing. This is not 1987 and the sooner this community sees Mr.
Curries motives (blasting us back to the stone age) the sooner these
two sides will talk. Mr. Currie needs to be removed from the table or
this will drag int o next year becuase the other members are scared of
The other Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:38 AM EST
Administrators working?
the schools are shut down right now, and there doesn't seem to be much
going on with any real negotiating - what are all of the $100,000 plus
administrators doing right now? Tell them to go home until this is
settled. Why should we be wasting any of our tax dollars? We are
probably spending over $30,000 a day to have them sit around and talk?
What are secretaries doing? send them home to. If we did all this we
could probably lower our taxes.
Don K, Franconia
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:37 AM EST
The AUDACITY to strike with news headlines like this......
rate soars to 6.1ÚUnemployment surges to 5-year high as employers cut
workers for eighth straight month, bringing '08 job losses to 605,000. AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO STRIKE........
parent/taxpayer, harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 09:31 AM EST
teacher has a contract. Whether it is for a year or the term of the
entire contract. Regardless, why did Souderton have 42 contracts to
Steph, Trumbauersville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:44 AM EST
Checking the Law
the reason that the SASD listed Saturdays, Sundays, and the 4th of July
is because they wanted to avoid people starting rumors. I wouldn't put
it past someone to start a rumor that the kids may have to go to
schools on Saturdays & the 4th of July. So, instead of having to
fight those rumors, the SASD put out a statement saying that in no way
would those days be used for make-up days.
Avoiding Rumors, Harleysville
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:39 AM EST
Contract signing
Youll have to double check but I thought that some, if not most of
those contracts were for teachers who had completed a sort of
probationary period. And they were now receiving regular contracts.
Dave, Telford
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:35 AM EST
Health Coverage Stopped!
rumors to the contrary, no members of the Souderton Area Education
Association (SAEA) have lost or will lose their health insurance
coverage during the current work stoppage, school district negotiator
Jeffrey Sultanik said Thursday."
"Even though the insurance plan has technically been terminated"
IS IT? You say the teachers have insurance and then later in the
article you are stating that their insurance has been terminated. It is
my understanding that employees are to be given written notification
prior to termination. Was that done? NO. Shame on the board, the
administration and Mr. Sultanik. Stop playing dirty and stand up and
bargain in good faith. You've had since January to fix this mess and
yet look where things are. The children of SASD deserve the best in
education. The teachers in the district are outstanding. The district
needs to stand up for their teachers and treat them fairly. Stop making
everything into a publicity stunt and get out there and get the job
JJ, Lansdale PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:34 AM EST
Make up days
Careful reader, is telling the truth is a lie? Prior to the article, how many people in the district knew that those days couldnt be used to make up school?
Dave, Telford
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:04 AM EST
find it sickening that the school board and teacher's union are
allowing ANY sports to continue in the Souderton district. Is Souderton
an athletic club or a school district supposedly educating our
children? If there is no school, then there should be nothing taking
place at the schools. Get the school board and union in a room
somewhere and do not come out until there is an agreement. Shame on Dr.
Amuso and the school board for allowing sports to continue in the light
of this situation. Kids belong in school, not playing sports. Please
get this contract settled today. -Mother of 2 in Telford
Andrea, Telford
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 08:00 AM EST
Check the law
wonder why someone chastised a post about lies--the school board
certainly did lie, if you consider a deliberate deception a lie, which
i do. See, they tell everyone they won't hold school on Sat or Sun, or
the 4th of July, and there was no reason to include those days/date
because it is ILLEGAL to have school on them. They are inflaming and
deceiving, which to me is a lie so I agree with the lady who posted.
Careful Reader, Harleysville PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 07:15 AM EST
If Souderton has no problem retaining teachers (Curry's words), why did he have to sign 42 new contracts????
Steph, Trumbauersville, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 05:50 AM EST
Intelligencer incorrect
Intelligencer reflection of seven teachers at the bottom is incorrect.
The school board president himself stated that he just signed 42 new
contracts. Over 360 teachers employed in the district are below the top
step, and therefore earning the lowest salary--at their step--in
Montgomery County. You can see in their old contract--it's floating
around somewhere on the internet--it takes a teacher nine years of
service, plus a Master's degree, PLUS 24 post graduate credits to even
break $60,000.
Sarah, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 05:36 AM EST
you for clarifying that you are clearly against publically educating my
child. All of you taking this kooks advice just read what he wrote.
This is nothing more then him hating public education and that new high
school. Instead of you long winded comparisions how about you just say
I am angry over the new school and I feel that since I cannot fight a
big hulking building that the next best thing is your kid's teacher.
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 01:17 AM EST
RE: some truths
you know that Pennsylvania is tops in the country? Thats right, we are
number one!! Thanks to teachers who have lost sight of the true goal of
our education system, Pennsylvania leads the country in teachers
strikes. from 2000 to 2007, the PSEA has been responsible for 60
percent of all strikes nationwide. In the past two years alone over
70,000 Pennsylvania students have been affected by strikes. Doesn't
that just make you proud? (not)
You obviously haven't been
listening or reading anything from the school board so I understand if
you views are a bit one sided. I grew up in a family of teachers so I
know boths sides of the fence.
As the school board has stated,
aid ratios plays a big part of a school districts ability to pay
teachers salaries. Souderton doesn't have the luxury of having a huge
corporation such as Merke residing in it's district to help lessen the
tax burden placed on homeowners. Comparable school districts by aid
ratio are Perkiomen Valley and Spring-Ford, which pay maximum teacher
salaries of $86,090 and $89,100 respectively. Based on these
comparisons, our teachers are paid accordingly.
You must
remember that by paying taxes to fund their salaries, the taxpayers are
the the teachers employers. Closed door negotiations that conceal
information from the taxpayers do no good for any of the parties
involved and that is why the Strike-Free Education Act (HB 1369) is
being sponsered by state representative Todd Rock. This bill would
makes strikes illegal in the state of Pennsylvania just as they is in
37 other states. If would also facilitate getting contract completed
which are fair to all parties involved.
Contrary to what many
teachers think, public education does not exist for the benefit of PSEA
and SAEA union members or school boards. It exists for the benefit of
our children. (a fact that the teachers union forgot some time ago)
urge all concerned taxpayers to learn how they can support this bill by
viewing information found at
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday September 05, 2008 at 12:58 AM EST
Response to Dave in Souderton.
I'm not a member of the board. my name is Dave and I live in Telford. I
do however support this board because, unlike the old board which is
responsable for the new school, they have stated that they have a
responsibilty to ALL residents. Not just the ones that are part of the
"school community". Which is nice since the opinions of those without
children in school had been dismissed by some of the old board.
the board did something illegal in regards to the insurance, please
cite a reference were I can find the law on it and if you're right i
won't defend them. It's not enough evidence for me if the accusation is
only based on what the union says. I have no reason to believe the
union has been honest with the residents on other issues. Take the $17
million in the Fund Balance for example. When the union first mentioned
this it was done as though they had discovered money that the board was
hiding. Anyone who has attended meetings regularly has known this
existed as it has come up in discussions. The intended purposes have
also been known. It was no big secret. The union first claimed that
this was a "surplus" and also claimed that "The teachers proposal does
not require an increase in taxes." That was false, look at the first
proposal,48ver five years. If you just do a basic number crunching of
the specific percentages for each year, it would require about $46
million to fund the increases over the five years. That's a little bit
more than 17. Even the current proposal 8.2 er year for four years would require over $26 million in addtiional funding. Again, more than 17. The
union is still claiming that this could be used without raising taxes.
At the same time on its website it claims that to pay for the other
projects " The board can raise more than enough money through the
issuance of debt, like a mortgage." Well that would mean a tax increase, would it not? It's just robbing Peter to pay Paul. And then having a tax increase to pay Peter.
Another thing, the union also complains about the raises the
Administration recieved. I didn't agree with it either, but where were
a couple of hundred teachers the night the board voted on it. I was at
that meeting and I didn't see them there as concerned members of the
public. In fact there were only a few members of the public there.
read complaints from the union about not having enough teaching
supplies in the classrooms. Where was the union when the old board was
spending millions on the extras for the new school. For example
$220,000 to make the windows "operable". Even though the HVAC design
was such that they served no practical purpose. I'd bet $220,000 would
have bought a lot of stuff for the classrooms. So where were the
teachers? Here's the real kick in the pants. One way the old board
supported it design of the school was with the results of 2 surveys.
One a community and the other a staff survey. The results of the staff
survey showed much support for the old boards ideas. And it also showed that 60f the respondents didn't even reside in the district. So they weren't even paying for it, just helping to stick us with big tax bills.
I think this "school community" (Boards, administrators, teachers and
small special interest groups) have plundered the taxpayers enough. And
I'm sure that many taxpayers in the district, who's universe doesn't
revolve around the school system, have basic needs that they are
struggling to meet. So those in the "school community" can just suck it up for awhile as far as I'm concerned.
Dave, Telford
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:56 PM EST
to the Intelligencer, only about seven teachers in the SASD are making
the starting salary at the low end of the pay scale. Seven. And
somewhere in the neighborhood of two-hundred teachers in the SASD are
making the salary at the high end of the pay scale. That tells me that
the SASD has a great retention rate, and clearly, it must be an ok
place to work, since educators are hanging in there, and working their
way up the educational totem pole. Here's the deal folks, you have to
start somewhere, and $36K 90f your benefits paid for you right out of
college isn't such a bad deal, and if you stick around, you'll see your
salary increase. You can make a nice life for yourself in Souderton on
$36K! If this strike continues until September 23rd, I will have spent
over $260 on childcare for my oldest. $260 that this single, working
mom can surely use for groceries, bills and gas. We're all feeling the
squeeze, but some of us much more than others. And another thing, there
are hardly any teachers walking the picket lines in the afternoon.
Where y'all going? Sun too hot? You'd be nice & comfortable in your
air conditioned classrooms if you'd just take the 2 1/2
nd get back to work as soon as possible.
ikb, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:27 PM EST
some truths
Dear Dave in Souderton and Others,
are some facts. The school board, school district, and Jeff Sultanik
did in fact break a federal law when they terminated the teachers'
health insurance without notification. Under federal law, employers
must give 30 days notice to employees of the termination. The teachers
were NOT notified and only found out about the lack of coverage when a
chronically ill teacher sought treatment. Mr. Sultanik clearly knows
his way around the law, and is now trying to cover up the facts. How
the school board members can sleep at night with that blood on their
hands is beyond me.
Further--Yes, it is true that the teacher's
low starting salary is low because of the union dispersement over the
last contract. However, imagine if the starting salary were higher, and
the salary scale were smoothed out with no large jump step. You and
your school board friends would be unable to state that the top salary
was one of the highest in the area. Souderton teachers at the top would
be way below other school districts. Souderton teachers at the top are
only asking for cost of living raise. The rest of percentage raise
would be dedicated to raising the starting salary and helping to begin
smooth out the salary schedule. The fact remains that Souderton
teachers are underpaid. Not compared to blue collar workers. Not
compared to other industry. Compared to other TEACHERS. That is the way
of the world. We compare our salaries to others in our profession.
Thought we might like to know some FACTS. Thank you for your time.
Jim, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:14 PM EST
are either a member of the board being dishonest or a hatchetman for
Bernie (because the rest of the elcted board obviously cannot or will
not think for themselves. What is it? Let the negotiations go on fairly
if at all (depending on your people) or come out with your real name.
They cut their benefits before the strike and that is fact. 9/1/2008 is
the date Ameri-health is giving the people as the cut off and you can
pose no possible defense for that.
The other Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:10 PM EST
Hey "Bored with Souderton" watch your time. You've got to be on the picket line bright and early tomorrow.
Dave, Telford
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 08:15 PM EST
starting salaries
Mr. Lee,
post was in fact accurate and made to drive home the point that the
teachers cannnot complain about the low starting salaries when they in
fact were the reason the starting salaries are so low.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 08:11 PM EST
friend that works in Souderton just told me that there insurance was
terminated before the negotiations even started on Monday. Hmmmm??? Do
you think that the school board knew there Monday offer would be
rejected??? How can they terminate insurance before the union even had
a chance to negotiate? Pretty sketchy stuff!?!?!?!
Steph, Trumbauersville, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 07:07 PM EST
Hey Dave (in Telford)... Do Bernie and Mr. Sultanik like to spoon you in bed? Can't wait to see how your negotiations turn out tomorrow.
Bored with Souderton Drama, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 06:49 PM EST
Our special needs children
am the mother of a special needs child with an educational diagnosis of
autism/pervasive developmental disorder. The skyâs the limit when they
receive therapies/education in a continuous, predictable and structured
environment. These same kids often qualify for extended school years
because, without the constant reinforcement of skills received in the
school environment, they may lose those skills they worked on (this is
also called regressing).
These kids are striving to someday lead
an independent life. They are some of the most vulnerable citizens in
our community. For their sakes, I ask the board and the union to please
be civil and negotiate.
Thank you.
Sandra, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 05:04 PM EST
Pregnant Teacher Can't Get Care
school board DID cut teachers' benefits yesterday. I read a pregant
teacher with complications couldn't get care because the school board
cut her insurance.
Wendy M., Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 03:41 PM EST
The Insurance Issue
I seriously doubt Mr. Sultanik would allow the district to do anything illegal. As
far as "immoral, unethical, and irresponsible" goes, it can't be any
worse than screwing over the kids in a strike over outragous demands
made on the taxpayers. Quit crying and get back to work.
Dave, Telford
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 03:37 PM EST
READ, people, READ
read the update to this ongoing story about the insurance issue. No one
is losing anything. Second, how can you say the teacher's knew their
medical coverage would not continue during the strike but say they were
not told it was going to terminate? They knew they were striking,
therefore they knew their coverage was going to be affected. The strike
notification was given on Friday August 29. The union SAID THEY WOULD
STRIKE if settlement was not reached at the Sept 1 meeting. So
obviously, after the meeting concluded, the strike was on and the
coverage as it existed was terminated.
So did the union
explain this ramification prior to taking the strike vote? If they did,
then the teachers knew it would happen. If they did not, who's fault is
And again, the insurance is CHANGED, not TERMINATED. Really,
people, read before posting rumors generated from either side. The only
thing immoral, unethical and irresponsible is the strike itself - and
for that we need to blame Harrisburg. Yes, Harrisburg including Gov
Rendell and the political party that will not make teacher strikes
John, Upper Salford
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 02:55 PM EST
Get the full story
not the no insurance that is the problem. The teachers fully understand
that while they are not working, their medical coverage would not
continue. The problem is that the district terminated the health care
coverage September 1. For those of you keeping up with this situation,
you realize that September 1 was the last day of negotiations - the day
BEFORE the strike went into effect. The problem is that the district
provided NO notice to the teachers that termination occurred, and in
doing so, broke federal law. Not only is it illegal, it is immoral,
unethical, and irresponsible. That alone is a clear sign as to the
school board's intentions throughout this unfortunate matter. They have
lied to the public from the beginning and will continue to do so.
A SASD resident, Schwenksville, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 02:45 PM EST
Rose - Try Reading for Comprehension
So the Board announcing that Sat./ Sun. will not be used for make-up days, makes them "liars" exactly how?
begining to think that some of you people are taking advantage of the
strike, making political hay by blaming everything on Mr.Currie. You're
not friends of a certain "former" school board member are you?
Dave, Telford
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 02:27 PM EST
are a monster along with Bernie and his lap dogs. They have not put
your kids in any physical danger. The other members of this board with
families should look at this mess with their eyes and not Bernie's. You
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 12:52 PM EST
Dropping health coverage
dont feel sorry for them dropping the coverage at all. They are not
doing there job! If i dont go to work for 3 days I'm not only fired but
I lose my health insurance. What really makes them better? The minute
they put 6900 kids hostage to their antics I gave up caring about their
families. The minute I have to reach in my pocket to find emergency
daycare for my son based on their actions is the minute I dont care if
they have to reach in their pocket for emergency doctors visits.
Nicole, Souderton
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 12:42 PM EST
See, the school board really does LIE!
school board just announced which days will NOT be used as makeup days.
They list on their website "Saturdays and Sundays" and "July 4th".
Parents, they are trying to scare you by lying! State Law FORBIDS
districts from having classes on sat/sun, and also state law requires
the school year to end by June 30th. Those lies are so obvious and easy
to prove, it just shows me what I have felt all along--this strike is
the fault of Bernie Currie and the Board, who do not care that they are
destroying a wonderful school district. That information is a flat out
LIE meant to scare you--but then, Republicans are the masters of scare
Rose, Harleysville PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 12:38 PM EST
Let's Talk NOW
entire situation is entirely the fault of the School Board. They are
the body that voted in a 0udget last spring when they had three new
contracts to negotiate. Plus, they refused to bargain in good faith. If
you are as frustrated as I am, remember, it's easy to say "let's fire
all the teachers" but in reality, we CAN FIRE THE SCHOOL BOARD! Email
them, call them, let them know you will not vote for anyone who doesn't
work hard on BEHALF of the STUDENTS and get down to work and settle
this contract!!
Oh, and to clarify, it is not true that the
union hires the mediator. The state employs the mediator and she was
not hired by the SAEA.
Rose, Harlesyville
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 12:30 PM EST
what you will but what the district did was illegal and benefits had to
be reinstated right away or this mess was going to Federal Court. I do
not see how that helps the siutation between the two sides and
furthermore why not tell them and their families? That could have led
to some major liability issues which would have inflamed this mess
more, I do not see the point. I
The other Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 11:28 AM EST
Striking Teachers
are all the teachers???? Hmmm, shouldn't everyone of them be out there
picketing if they believe in the cause. How many teachers are
there...close to 500...driving by I certainly don't see 500 teachers
out there picketing. Each and every one of them should be out there
from 7 am until 4:30 pm if they don't want to be in school teaching our
kids. Oh and by the many teachers fear the fact of losing
their job by having it sent off shore...the rest of live with that
everyday in today's economy, I guess that's the difference between the
teachers and the rest of us, we're just grateful for whatever we're
given because at least we have a job. It's sad that the teachers are
only thinking about themselves and not about the kids and the parents.
Disgusted, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 10:46 AM EST
No contract = no insurance
it is a terrible hardship to not have insurance. But is there a signed
contract somewhere that I don't know about? The union chose NOT to
extend the contract and work while negotiating. To me, that means they
are so sure of their position they are willing to sacrifice to get it.
But what sacrifice are they making? They will still get paid for these
days and I guess the labor laws designed to keep the unions in power
force the district to pay for their benefits even out of contract.
Nope, they just want the parents and students to do all the
sacrificing. How fair is that?
Bottom line - the teacher's
should not be striking, but our laws let them do it and tear apart our
community without any sacrifice on their part. Vote for leaders that
will make teacher strikes illegal next time you visit the election
booth. That's the only way to end this nonsense.
John, Upper Salford
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:40 AM EST
Pay raise
on folks we all know the deal ask for the 9 percent pay raise, but
hoping for to settle for 5 percent. People do it all the time ask for
more than negotiate for middle ground. I think the strike is a
disgrace, and I think the union is offbase. I am glad that not all the
teachers voted to strike. Look at some of the union salaries and for
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:35 AM EST
SD insurance
dropped the insurance without telling people. There are people with
babies and children. Regardless of what you think of their parents this
is not legal let alone moral. There is nothing more disgusting that
they could have done and I am ashamed.Call them what you will for their
demands, but their well being should never be put into question. Thank
you Mr. Currie for letting some of us see the light, your actions are
another taxpayer, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:29 AM EST
Stop Teacher Strikes in Pennsylvania
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 09:03 AM EST
Stop Teacher Strikes in Pennsylvania
To resolve the issue of Teachers striking inn PA once and for all click here!,000_Salaries#faq0
TAXPAYER, Sourdenton, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 08:17 AM EST
SD drops teachers and families from health coverage
school board broke a federal labor law late yesterday and dropped all
the teachers from their health coverage. Of course, almost immediately,
attorneys got involved and forced the district to reinstate it, but
this gives you some insight into just how cutthroat this board is.
Please keep in mind, these teachers have families. They have husbands,
wives, and children. Some of them are sick and need a doctor's care.
It's sad that the school board is willing to actually play with
people's lives on DAY 2 of this strike.
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 08:10 AM EST
School Board threatens Children
School Board has canceled teachers' health care insurance, putting
those with children needing medical attention in grave danger.
Michele, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday September 04, 2008 at 07:52 AM EST
Souderton Teacher Strike
am all for paying teachers well. My kids have had some of the best
teachers. I think that their are very few thinking of the kids, simply
they just want to be in school. This issue should of been taken care
long ago. With the prices of everything going, loss of jobs. If you
have a job I think you should count yourselves lucky. A teacher becomes
a teacher because they have a love for teaching children ok lets go and
get back to what is really important!!!!
Becky, Souderton,Pa
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 09:20 PM EST
a tax payer i must say this is crazy. souderton high's school teachers
have it pretty well. $37000 to start for working less then 10 months
with paid holidays, sick time, vaca, and insurance. i should have been
a teacher! welcome to the real world.
m, harleysville
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 08:46 PM EST
Al P., If
you would like me to believe that the union is being accurate about
things please explain this. Regarding the first union salary demand.
The SAEA Community Information flyer stated "The teacher's proposal
does not require an increase in taxes". If so, how was it to be funded?
Dave, Telford
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 06:21 PM EST
The leadership directed
The union leadership directed the teachers to work in good faith this summer. Dave, as I have said before, it's not the union that's stalling, it's the board. The union has wanted to serve the community since the beginning. They have been begging for a contract since January, or even before.
Al P, Lansdale, PA
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 05:31 PM EST
like how many people on here can honestly say that this board cares
about students. Bernie Currie has been waiting for this day for 20
years and he has no problem tearing this great school district to
pieces. He fought as a citizen for a new school 20 years ago only to
have to build a 125 million school now. He has no dog in this fight
other then he feels public education is a drain on society and the
other 8 members should be ashamed that they are following his lead.
Remember this is the same man who voted against smart boards, laptops,
and projectors for the high school that were part of a state grant. Yes
grant meaning FREE..his reason the technology would have to be replaced
in the future??? What is that? That is far from accountable. Read
November 8th minutes
that being said this fiasco needs to be settled. Mr. Currie, the union,
and the 8 other suppossed members of this board. Negotiate!!!! To those
of you who want to fire all the teachers...I dare you because these
"monsters" are the ones who helped build this district along with great
students and families and the harm that would do would haunt this
district forever. Both sides sound unreasonable because they are not
talking and the sooner they get down to it the better off this whole
community will be.
disgusted in Souderton, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 04:59 PM EST
The Teachers Worked In Good Faith?
I'm sure they did, but it's something they might want to take up with their leadership. The union had no problems before June. Both sides were awaiting the report on health care insurance. It
was at the June 5 board meeting, after it recieved the report, that the
union complained about problems with the way negotiations were going. Remember,
the union hired a Uniserv rep to negotiate for them, but Uniserv
reportedly won't meet without the state mediator. There's one for the
county. So negotiations have to be worked around the schedules of the
Uniserv rep and the state mediator. There seems to be a lot of questionable info comming from the union. I
think the teachers need to start asking questions of their union
leadership. Just to insure that it is their interests being served
here. And that they're not withholding education from the children and
pounding the pavement in order to advance someone's state wide agenda.
Dave , Telford
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 04:39 PM EST
Dave from Souderton's Logic(sic)
idea that Souderton's veteran teachers took the money in the last
contract rather than boost the starting salary is probably true BUT ,if
they didn't,try to imagine what the argument would now be. The veteran
teachers would all be the lowest paid in the area (possibly with the
exception of Perk Valley?). The bottom line is that more money must be
spent to give the SASD teachers a mid range salary with neighboring
districts. More money and a higher han was given in the past is the
only way to fix the "problem." If administrators receive big aises to
keep pace with surrounding districts, why not teachers? An answer from
the School Board on this question would be greatly appreciated.
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 03:50 PM EST
haul out the kids. You can't discuss this like adults. You bring out
the kids who understand nothing about taxes and what this does to the
taxpayers. You went out on strike. You want and want more. Where do I
go to get your kind of raises. You deserve no respect. You don't
respect the children to be there to teach them. You get all of your pay
when this is over. You don't lose one single penny. Don't like the pay
move to another district. Oh that's right teachers jobs are hard to
find. Because they get the jobs and never quit.
Linda Kulp, souderton
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 02:37 PM EST
the teachers worked in good faith
for those of you who may have forgotten... At
the end of the school year, the board PROMISED to negotiate all summer
and in turn, the teachers and professional staff worked all summer
(summer camps, extended school year services, evaluations). The board
lied. So, to those of you who think the teachers walked out on the
kids, it's not the teachers. It's the board. The teachers tried to work
in good faith for the children of the community ALL summer long. See
how far that got them. You need to rally around the teachers and
help get them back to work. They've tried to get a contract since
January, January folks.
Al P, Lansdale, PA
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 10:10 AM EST
souderton strike
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 09:56 AM EST
Who is holding up the negotiations?
The negotiations can now only be set by the state mediator. Guess who hired the state mediator? The union.
board wanted to meet over the entire labor day weekend, but could not.
We are now at the mercy of the state mediator's schedule. This strike
has been targetted by the union (and the state teacher's union) since
spring. Make no mistake, we are victims of the strongest union in PA.
can't we make it illegal for strikes in PA? Because the bills that
would prevent it are not allowed out of committee meetings in the
legislature. Ask yourself who controls the legislature and the
governor's seat. Remember this at election time if you think teacher
strikes should be illegal.
Wouldn't it be nice to force both
sides to arbitration now since they are so far apart? Well, the
existing law says you have to let the union go on strike and destroy
the community first then the DOE will step in. Who thinks that's OK?
We reap what we sow. Remember this at election time, I will.
Jon , Harleysville PA
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 09:50 AM EST
So I guess we want to pay what Council Rock and North Penn earn, not because we can afford to, but because the union demands it.
don't know about anyone else, but if the teachers continue to just let
the Union speak for them, they may continue to lose face. Releasing the
Unions contract details does nothing more then show the 9 percent
increase is only 1 year. The others are just 5 percent and 6 percent.
That is obviously so much better, right?
By the way...Is
Souderton hiring teachers? I mean with the job force the way it is,
maybe some of those with experience training, or teaching in the
business world maybe able to use the work offered by the school
district. With the medical and salary of 37,000 a year to start is a
pretty nice salary for a college grad starting out. No wonder their
counterparts in the business world have no concept of starting salaries
in a regular business market.
So day 2 of the three week strike.
It looks like we are in for the long haul, so along with the kids
enjoying the extended summer, I expect each teacher will walk those
picket lines 7.5 hours a day... I mean we know 8 hours is too demanding.
Mrs. Franklin Dogood, Sounderton Area School District
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 08:46 AM EST
Another Idea
Everyone should watch SATV Channel 28 to see the latest edition of Negotiation Update. It is shown daily at 6:45am, 11:45am, 1:45pm, 4:45pm and 9:45pm. You'll
learn about that $17 million "surplus" the union has been cranking
about. Along with other information you might find interesting. I think the union may have been a little less than accurate with info it's been presenting to the public.
Dave Lord, Telford,Pa.
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 08:38 AM EST
RE: comparisons
Here is your answer which was explained by the school board.
ratios are used to determine a districts ability to fund education
costs from local taxes. This ratio is determined using a formula that
takes into account a districts real estate values and the personal
incomes of its residents.
Souderton ranks 16th out of 22
districts in Montgomery County that is the lower third in terms of
ability to pay teachers salaries and benefits. Souderton lacks
significant commercial and industrial properties prevalent in
neighboring districts. Therefore, the burden of paying salaries and
benefits falls on home owners to a much greater extent. When comparing
salaries at Souderton to those of other districts, it is imperative to
compare them by similar aid ratio, but not by geographic proximity,
Currie stressed.
The highest paid teachers in Souderton earn
salary of $89,363. Comparable school districts by aid ratio are
Perkiomen Valley and Spring-Ford, which pay maximum teacher salaries of
$86,090 and $89,100 respectively.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 11:39 PM EST
a novel idea. Instead of fighting back and forth on The Reporter
website, where nothing can happen anyway, why don't we actually make
our voices heard. Call up Bernard Currie and let him know that the
teachers should be paid more, or that all our teachers suck. Whatever
you want. But dividing ourselves by fighting online, in the media and
everywhere else isn't good for anyone, ESPECIALLY our children. What
are you teaching your kids when they do have to go back to school with
these teachers? " Daddy says your greedy and I don't have to listen to
you." " You made mommy cry because she didn't know what to do with us."
I'm not gonna plug for one side or the other, but I'll tell you
this much. Either way BERNIE needs to hear your thoughts. No one else
in this awful battle matters. Because EVERYONE is hurting the kids,
until something changes.
Added: Wednesday September 03, 2008 at 11:05 PM EST
have been reading information on the Websites of both sides and two
quesitons come to mind: 1) why is the District hiring a PR firm when
they have a PR person on their payroll? What is this person doing? 2)
why is the Director of Human Resources who got a $13,000 raise not
negotating this contract? One would think that if the District did not
hire a PR firm to fabricate the information and a lawer that is getting
no where in negotiations that they would have the money to pay the
teachers a decent salary.
John, Telford, PA
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 10:12 PM EST
A history lesson
Lisa - please read the next few lines very carefully as I am sick of repeating them.
Teachers union voted in the last contract to lower the starting salary
of incoming teachers so they could get more money for themselves.
That's right, THE TEACHERS UNION is responsible for the low starting
salaries, not the school board.
Yet the teachers still try and
complain about something they brought upon themselves. This lack of
character speaks volumes about the union and its leadership.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 10:11 PM EST
54th out of 500?
I also saw that on the union web-site. But if you access the entire
list- 2007 Best Performing Schools as researched by the Pittsburg
Business Times, it's unclear the point the union is trying to make. When
you compare the average teacher salaries of the 53 school districts
which ranked higher than Souderton, 32 of those districts pay their
teachers less. Also, the school district with the highest average salaries in the state, Council Rock, ranked # 19 . So does better pay equal better performance? The #1 best performing school has lower salaries than Souderton.
Dave Lord, Telford, Pa.
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 09:24 PM EST
really saddens me to see all this anger toward teachers on here. Yes
the kids being out of school does not benefit anyone, I think everyone
can agree on that. But, I think it's extremely unfair to call the
teachers greedy for this. SASD was ranked 54th out of 500 schools in
Pennsylvania last year, which is very impressive. But SASD is 1 of only
3 districts in all of southeastern PA that has a starting salary of
under $40,000. As with any profession, a teacher's salary should be
based on the competition in the area, and SASD is not keeping up with
the competition.
For those who say teachers are free to leave
whenever they want...they're really not. If a teacher left a district
in which they taught for 15 years to work for another district, they
would be bumped down to the salary of a much less experienced teacher,
and have to work their way up all over again.
And for those who
are looking at that database and saying teachers are paid too much,
take a look at how many years of experience these people have. The ones
who make the most have given 30 years to teaching your children, and
most of them are very good at it.
Just a few years ago the SASD
board was in the same situation with its administrators. How about
taking a look at what they did for the cabinet members (from
*Each cabinet member averaged a salary increase of $3,584.04 per year since the 2005/2006 school year.
2005, Dr. Amuso recommended to the board that the salaries be increased
to be in line with the surrounding school districts. (Souderton
*It was cited that resident wage-earners have
experienced a 2.25ncrease total over the last 3 years. The
administrators averaged over 10except for Brads 17
They'll go to
the mattresses for their board members (some of whom have children in
private school, can anyone say "conflict of interest"?) But they won't
do the same for the people who drive this district's success?
grew up in SASD and I have the utmost respect for the teachers there. I
wouldn't be where I am today without their dedication and passion for
what they do. All they're asking for is to be paid like the districts
that surround them (many of whom they out perform).
Lisa (a proud SASD Alumna)
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 08:35 PM EST
is fair for the community to compare teachers with workers in corporate
America , but unfair for teachers to compare themselves to other
teachers in neighboring districts in Montgomery County?
At least teachers are comparing apples to apples... the public school system and corporate America are apples and oranges.
Ted Kauffman, Souderton Area
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 05:07 PM EST
To A Person Who Cares...
on your comments, you have to be a teacher or are married to
one...there is not one person that I've talked to either in or out of
the school district that feels these teachers are being reasonable. The
average person in today's economy is getting a 1-2 percent raise, where
do the teachers get off thinking they are better than the average
person that they deserve more. Everyone wants a nice raise but in case
they don't know it, you don't always get what you want so suck it up
and get back to work. How do the teachers propose that this raise is
paid for...let's see the average person gets 2
Sharon, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 04:57 PM EST
Teachers - get a new leader
teachers better find a new leader. Every time Bill Lukridge opens his
mouth, I'm pushed further to the board's side. The latest joke is the
leading story at the SAEA's website. On the first day of the strike,
the best he can do is make fun of a spelling error on a press release?
Are you kidding me? How about more facts about what they want and how
it supports his constant claim "they only want average". Statistics are
easily manipulated and both sides are doing it. Give us some facts for
once, give us the median salaries instead of averages. Tell us what you
did between June and last week if the school board is the one
supposedly dragging it's feet. Your propaganda is no better than the
school board's.
And by the way Bill, you've misspelled "article"
on your own webpage - it isn't spelled "artilcle" - why don't you check
your OWN website? You ARE an educator, right?
I NEVER find fault
when I see spelling errors and I see them often (including from
Souderton teachers). Bill is obviously in over his head and now nit
picking, find a replacement if you really believe in your cause and
really want to get back in school. He's not helping the situation at
John, Upper Salford
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 04:57 PM EST
one of the many TV spots and also on video Mr.
Sultanek is shown stating that the figures used by the teacher's union
are all wrong. Why should anyone believe him? The facts are that from
the starting point through 14 steps the SASD teachers are the lowest
paid. If you average the teachers pay from the 15th step(top amount
earned by longest serving teachers) it may slightly skew the figures
and give a false sense that so many of the district's teachers are
actually well paid. The truth is obvious. Souderton taxpayers have
had a real bargain paying for teachers for years. Residents do not live
in North Central PA or the coal regions where teachers earn
appreciably less. This is Montgomery County with a stonger economy and
considerable wealth. There is no way the district lacks money to pay
the teachers. It certainly always has the money to pay for a bloated
administration with little question when granting them raises. A 17
million dollar surplus in rediculous. Either spend it on the teachers
or refund it now to the taxpayers. The district cannot have it both
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 04:25 PM EST
Kids need to learn
a parent of a 5th grader who wants to go back to school & a tax
payer, I really can't afford to pay more. Our taxes will be going up
because of the new high school, how much more do we need to pay. I am
all for a pay raise but what the teachers want is unheard of. The kids
are the only ones being hurt in all this. They want to learn, they want
to be taught & they don't understand why the teachers don't want to
teach. Life is hard for everyone right now. I don't have health
insurance because my husbands job does not offer it & we can not
afford to pay out of our pockets. Am I asking others for help. NO! Lets
get our kids back to the books! PLEASE!!!!!
Beth Merlino, Harleysville, Pa
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 03:35 PM EST
have a 4 year old son who has a severe disability and can't speak one
word, he finally was to be started this week for speech through
Montgomery County but due to the teachers strike they can't start
because they can't use Vernfield as their site now.It's not just the
current students affected. Way to think of the kids, especially the
ones with specail needs who will all suffer
Angry Mom , Souderton
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 01:42 PM EST
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 12:30 PM EST
Don't just blame the teachers
agree with you "CC", what a terrible lesson to be teaching our kids,
our future. But i don't think we can blame it all on the
teachers...alot of the blame has to be put on the union and their
outrageous demands. If it weren't for the union, the teachers wouldn't
be strking. I know if i went in and "demanded" that kind of raise, i
would be sent packing. One of my kids actually cried last night when he
found out that he wasn't going back to school today. But hey, the kids
aren't important here, atleast that is what it appears....stop thinking
about yourselves (both sides), come to an agreement and get back to
work !!!!!
Telford newbie, Telford, PA
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 12:26 PM EST
oh please
blame teachers for wanting more money to be average.....give me a want the best for your children and your town, yet people
always bash teachers. What other profession gets bashed like this?? for
wanting an average pay scale and health insurance...give me a
break.....Who will cry to the teachers when their child isnt dont know a teacher who has the summers
off.....All the teachers I know work another job in the summer or have
side businesses because the teaching salary doesnt foot the bills.... Your
school board dont give a rats ass about your children...they only care
about money.....the people of Souderton should ask where their refund
checks are for the 17 million surplus they have in the bank that they
dont plan on paying teachers for.... Get a grip people.....stop the fighting...stop the bashing...get the balls rolling and get these kids in school
A person that cares!!!, Franconia PA
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 11:04 AM EST
Only hurting the kids
I sat here and read this article, I just started to laugh. It seems to
me the teachers are teaching a true lesson to our kids, that is if you
do not get what you want wine and cry about it while you walk out. SASD
teachers should be ashamed of themselves. If I wanted a raise at work I
just can not walk out and cry like a child. Hey teachers remember you
are trying to teach our kids NOT to be greedy and act like this.
cc, Harleysville
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 09:35 AM EST
Greed or America?
sickens me every September to hear the same thing in our local
communities - "teachers are greedy" because they want a pay raise. Who
in America doesn't want a pay raise? This is what America is all about.
How many paople on this board that bash teachers turn down pay raises?
NONE! The goal in America is to work and make as much money as
possible. How does this make a teacher greedy? How about this,
Souderton Community is "cheap". There are a lot of people who write in
here say "go work in another district if not happy..." Well, it works 2
ways - "Go move to another community if you don't think you can afford
to live here..." All I know is I'm glad I don't live in Souderton.
RJ, Lansdale
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 09:10 AM EST
Tax rebate?
the school board collected a surplus of 17 million dollars (supposedly
to run the district) and it is not willing to spend it to negotiate a
contract, when will I be getting my Tax Rebate Check?? If you're not
going to send it to me, negotiate a contract and get my kids in school.
ted, letz
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 09:01 AM EST
Held Hostage
average American worker receives maybe a 3-5 ay increase each year, 1-4
weeks vacation depending on length of service, and works at least 8
hours a day 11 months of the year (only if they qualify for that
coveted 4 weeks vacay). It is obscene and shameful how greedy these
teachers have become. They are holding the taxpayers and children
hostage and offer very little return on investment - wouldn't we all
like to work less than 8 hours/day, have 3 month summer vacations, and
week long Christmas and Spring breaks, along with all the other extra
days off for the minor "holidays". Get real, get some gratitude, and
Lynn, Souderton, Pennsylvania
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 08:52 AM EST
Souderton Teachers
was disappointed and even more disgusted that the Teacher's Union
decided to strike. Stop comparing your salaries to other districts. You
are all paid very well for what you do. If you don't like your
salaries, do what they rest of the working public does and go
elsewhere. You complain that SASD is last in student spending. Well if
the students SAT scores are so high, limited spending per student is
not really a problem now is it? Students do so well on their SAT's
because that is the majority of what is being taught in schools these
days, SAT prep. Salary demands are unrealistic in todays economic
conditions. If teaching is truly your 'call in life' that you should be
in school today doing just that. It is obvious to all taxpayers,
parents, and even students, that your first priority is monetary. Maybe
now that teachers have an extended summer vacation, they can all pick
up a newspaper and do a reality check on the current economic
situations that face not only our county and state, but the U.S as a
whole. You're acting like children who don't get there way.
Jeannine, Harleysville, PA
Added: Tuesday September 02, 2008 at 08:00 AM EST
Under paid?
Look.... Here are the FACTS. Check out this link, it lists ALL teachers in the state of PA's salary. Want to know how badly that favorite teacher of yours is paid ? Look it up. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT UNDER PAID !
Get rid of the union, they are bullys, if the teachers aren't happy go to another district.
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 10:00 PM EST
hours a week my husband works, I work 25 and raise 3 kids all to pay
that tax bill and the gas bill and the teachers aren't happy, isn't
that a shame, They knew this was coming, they stopped talking in June
so they could get their 8 weeks vacations. I got one week, funny how
when I was away they opened day camp registration and now that I'm home
they are full so here I sit at 11:00 p.m. after finding out 4 hours ago
there's no school as I scramble to find childcare. If the teachers
aren't happy about how poor it is in Souderton then go elsewhere. If
you are so great and Souderton is so rough GOODBYE! Or are you not good
enough? Shouldn't a job be based on merits instead of what some union
is saying you should make? My daughter had a teacher in Souderton last
year consantly talking about how great Hatboro-Horsham is and how poor
Souderton is-well what are you doing here? They claim to love our
kids??!!! They love the dollar
Janelle, Souderton
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 08:30 PM EST
On Labor Day? C'mon!
am a United Steel Workers union member. I work for the massive
pharmaceutical company in the North Penn district. I have lived in
Souderton going on 10 years. In order for the School Board to even
listen to the demads of the teachers, they have to set realistic
demands. I've gone through a few contract negotiations myself, and
every time the employer tightens the belt. There is absolutely a time
to stand up for what you deserve, but being realistic is also part of
that equation as well. Try negotiating with a global multi-billion
dollar company with the demands set on the table here. If these facts
presented are true I can understand why the School Board isn't even
listening. GET REAL! The economy is not good. Take 4 er year and run.
That is a fair and realistic raise on the lines of inflation and the
How do I explain this to my son who is supposed to be starting 1st grade tomorrow?
Why are there not even any other negotiations scheduled?
Is your current contract so bad that you can't continue to work until an agreement is made?
DJH, Souderton, PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 08:03 PM EST
many taxpayers is the SASD routinely get 8aises??? Teachers need to get
real...and thanks for putting the children first - NOT!!
Chuck, Harleysville PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 07:34 PM EST
If you won?t negotiate it?s time for arbitration
you have school board president who does not have a student attending
school in the district and apparently has no vested interest in any
item other then tax dollars it makes negotiation difficult. When you
have teachers fighting for pay raises with seemingly no concerns how
their demands may impact the wallets of a tax base that lives in
difficult economical times it makes negotiation difficult. Since both
sides have held only two bargaining sessions since August 25th and none
scheduled it makes negotiation none existent. If you cant or wont
negotiate bring it is time binding arbitration. Settle this and educate
our children, it is the job you were elected to do or are paid to do.
Michael, Harlesyville
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 06:44 PM EST
Greedy School Board
have never seen such a greed stingy school board in my life.
Apparently, the board cares nothing about our would
rather pay the lowest salary possible at the risk of losing our best
teachers and replacing them with anyone who'll take a teaching job.
This is a horrible smack in the face to our children!
Sandra M., Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 06:34 PM EST
Facts only please
Here are the contracts the two sides are proposing, now who really thinks the union demands are fair in this economy?
The teacher's union made salary demands with increases of 5.98À9.4À7.14
nd 6.9n each year of a four-year contract.
to the School Board, the union's proposal will result in a 32.8ncrease
in payroll over four years, or an average of 8.2 er year for each year
of the contact.
At the time negotiations ceased, the School
Board made concessions on its salary proposal which provided teachers
with salary increases of 2.5 er year over three years
John, Lower Salford
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 04:32 PM EST
You've lost any sympathy
official - the strike is on. And to add insult to the taxpayers and
parents, no further negotiation sessions are even planned at this time.
the Philadelphia teachers can agree to extend their current contract
for a month or two and continue to negotiate, why can't the SASE do the
Just go to binding arbitration and let a neutral party resolve it NOW. Stop the nonsense, ALL OF YOU! It sickens me.
Jon Emery, Harleysville PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 02:27 PM EST
you are totally correct! I remember reading the article in this very
paper when the SASD Cabinet was awarded huge, gigantic pay increases
last year around this time. Dr. Amuso's direct quote was that he wanted
to bring his staff up to par with surrounding districts. Funny how the
board isn't interested in bringing his teachers to the same standard.
dave, for the record, tenure does not protect people who are not doing
their jobs. You can still get fired, just as in the "real world" of
which you speak. Please.
Al P, Lansdale PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 12:52 PM EST
Administrative Pay & Benefits
so much concern about teacher pay and benefits one needs to look at the
compensation given to principals and upper level administrators as
well. I wonder if these educational leaders are paid less than their
counterparts in surrounding districts? If they are then the low
comparative pay permiates the entire SASD. If they are paid equally or
more than surrounding districts then there is a real issue to consider.
Does the district single out teachers as a second class entity? It
would be tragic to think that but it really is important to see whether
there is consistancy in comparative pay with other districts througout
the Souderton workforce. I challenge the school board to deliver those
figures. I believe teachers actually deserve more pay than
administrators since they are the real stars in educating today's youth.
Charles Lee, Franconia, PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 11:53 AM EST
starting salaries
issues with starting salaries is that the teachers union sold all new
hires down the river in the last contract negotiations. In exchange for
better increases for current union members, the union agreed to a lower
starting salary for incoming teachers. The fault with the lower
starting salaries has to be laid directly at the feet of the teachers
who ratified that deal. I guess that any of the bucks county districts
should be taken out of the equation as Souderton is in Montgomery
While I understand your comparison about a teacher
with 13 years experience and a masters I realize that the database is
missing one important piece of information for an apples to apples
comparison. It doesn't show how many credits above a masters the
teacher has accumulated. These credits (in addition to years in the
district) are crutial in determining a teachers pay. I can only assume
that the 66K is a teacher that has not made the effort to accumulate
any additional credits above the Masters as there was also a Souderton
teacher with just 13 years experience that was making 71.5K. While
still slightly lower than North Penn, it is not the huge discrepancy
you were coming up with. The North Penn district also encompasses a
much larger tax base than Souderton which included many more busniesses
that help to take the burden off of homeowers.
A study done by
the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy back in August of 2007 noted
that Pennsylvania is responsible for over 60 percent of all teachers
strikes in the country from 2000-2007. Pennsylvania teachers are ranked
#4 in the nation in average salary when adjusted for cost of living.
anyone in the working world will tell you, there is always someone
making more than you for doing the same job. No one says that you have
be at exactly the same pay rate as all your peers. Pennsylvania is an
at will employment state and no one is forcing the teachers to work in
what they call unfair conditions. Souderton teachers are well
compensated for their work and enjoy many other perks. They receive 2.5
months vacation, minimal copay for insurance premiums in an era when
premiums have skyrocketed for the public, tenure which gaurantees they
cannot be let go from their positions even if they are not meeting
standards and a pension plan that allows them to retire at or near full
If they teachers are not happy then they have every
right to leave yet here they still are trying to force feed the
taxpayers their outragous and unrealistics demands.
dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 10:18 AM EST
for bringing up the fact the the administrators each year get a HUGE
raise the the School Board never debates as to why they are entitled to
receiving it. If I remember correctly though, when the Superintendent
makes his plea to the Board for the increases he states that it brings
them in line with the surrounding districts. If they can bring the
administrators in line in terms of pay and other perks, why can't they
bring the teachers and support staff in line as well.
Outraged in Harleysville, Harleysville, PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 06:07 AM EST
Three further points
re-read Act 88 and it is non-binding arbitration; I was mistaken. I was
correct in stating that a fact finder would consider the board's
ability to pay (i.e., the 17 million dollars) in the fact finding
report. The fact finder may also consider the cost of living.
doubt a local texpayer could have any legal recourse against the union,
since it is legal for teachers to strike. Act 88 regulates how the
teachers may strike, but does not outlaw strikes completely. Act 88
also requires both sides to negotiate in good faith. Since it appears
that the school board is holding up the negotiations, I wonder if the
union would have any legal recourse against the board?
As for
salary comparison, I looked at the Asbury Park Press database. A
teacher in SASD with a BA and 4 years' experience earned $40K in
2006-07. In Pennridge (one word), a teacher with the same degree and
experience: $43K. For North Penn it was $44K, for Perkiomen Valley, $45
and Quakertown, $50K.
For a teacher with a Master's degree and
13 years' experience, the figures were: $66K for Souderton, $75K for
North Penn, $78K for Perkiomen Valley, $77K for Pennridge, and $89K for
Quakertown. In that case, a Souderton teacher made $9000 less than a
similar one in North Penn, which was the next lowest salary.
Law Student, Philadelphia, PA
Added: Monday September 01, 2008 at 12:15 AM EST
Salary comparison
just checked the database for both the North Penn and Penn Ridge school
districts (which are contiguous) and the top salary for teachers was
within $200 dollars of Soudertons. So how can Souderton be underpaid???
From my understanding any arbitration would be non-binding.
The teachers union is by far the biggest of the three unions so the board is right in starting with them first.
you are a law student maybe you could answer a question. If the union
continues to strike and doesn't budge from their ridiculous demands, do
the taxpayers have legal recourse against the union?
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Sunday August 31, 2008 at 08:48 PM EST
Two points
of all, if the teachers are being unreasonable and the board is
negotiating in good faith, why has the board failed to reach
settlements with the other two groups whose contracts also expired in
June? No agreements have been reached with the secretaries or the
support staff.
Secondly, in regards to the 17 million dollars.
Whether you call it a surplus or a balance, it's there. If this
situation ends up in binding arbitration, it will be considered an
asset that the board has available to pay teachers. Legally, the money
is not encumbered for a specific purpose. And in arbitration salaries
of teachers in contiguous districts, not the median income of the
community, will be considered.
Law Student, Philadelphia, PA
Added: Sunday August 31, 2008 at 04:09 PM EST
supposed surplus
large surplus that the greedy union talks about is a combination of a
rainy day fund for repairs, etc. and millions of dollars that the
school district will have to pay into the PSEA retirement fund in the
future due to some really bad legislation that was passed in
Harrisburg. (btw - the PSEA is spends millions hoping to effecively buy
politicians by contributing to their campaigns)
Let me ask you a
question. What type of pension are you or most of the tax paying base
looking at when you retire? My guess is not a very good one. The
teachers get to average the last three years of their earnings (the
highest years of pay) and then they receive 90 to 100 percent of that
average. That is a huge cost and totally unheard of in todays
environment where most companies are doing away with pensions
The union wants the taxpayers to give and give
regardless of the fact that their demands are totally outragous and out
of touch with the world and economic reality we live in.
the 17 members of the union that voted not to strike, I applaud you. To
all the rest of the teachers that choose to strike, you should be
ashamed to show your faces in public.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday August 30, 2008 at 10:54 PM EST
To "Greg" in Telford
Coward is an endearing term used on many other forums throughout the
Internet. I am not related in any way, shape or form to the SASD
(except my kids go to school here), but I don't want a potential
"real-world" employer taking objections to posts expressing my
political views. Perhaps "Greg," you would like to share your mailing
address and phone number with the forum? I care to be more personal.
BTW, using only your first name is just as anonymous as using anonymous
coward "Greg."
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Saturday August 30, 2008 at 09:25 PM EST
District is Funding Day Care????
am a parent of a first grader at Lower Salford Elementary School. First
of all, I want to know why the district is funding child care at the
YMCA during the strike, rather than giving the teachers a fair and
competitive salary within the county? The teachers are highly educated
professionals who are given the responsibility of teaching all of our
children day after day, year after year. I want the school board to
stop dragging their feet on this contract. If the school board was so
committed to reaching a contract, why didn't they start those daily 24
hour negotiation sessions in January when the teachers started
negotiating? Let's get a quick, fair and competitive contract so our
children can start school on time and receive the high level of
education we have come to expect.
Mom, Lower Salford
Added: Saturday August 30, 2008 at 01:48 PM EST
My thoughts
I keep hearing that teachers are a bunch of greedy people. Do any of us
know for sure that they asked for 9 How many of us have been sitting in
on these negotiation sessions? Instead, I like listening to the facts... The Souderton Area SD collects the 7th highest taxes but spends the least on students! Wow! What are they doing with all the money? Apparently they aren't paying their teachers, secretaries or support staff. A
9aise is a lot but the board approved larger raises for the cabinet
members of the district. The school board states that it is illogical
to compare teacher salaries to surrounding districts, but they did just
that when they approved these large raises for the administrators. The
district has the money to pay the teachers. They have 17 million
dollars in a surplus fund. They need to use that money to better the
school district not just build pretty buildings.
RJ, Souderton, PA
Added: Saturday August 30, 2008 at 11:18 PM EST
expected, the bitter whine-and-complain teachers' union members come
out in force once the taxpayers start voicing their opinions. The
status quo in these posting thus far has been to sign with your name
and municipality. To add an extra layer of credibility and prevent
anonymous signatures such as COWARD..., I recommend the union
supporters start by posting their full names, school they work in, and
subject/grade they teach (or floor they sweep/lunch they serve). I
suspect the union has rules against accountability and the whining will
dissapate. Lets get real here. Most members of the union live outside
the district. It's much easier to criticize your employer when you're
not footing the bill. I support the efforts of the school board and I
praise them for not backing down.
Greg, Telford, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 07:11 PM EST
Are you listening?
Only the board dragged its feet. Where are the proposals, counter-proposals, exchanges, negotiations, offers? Tell
the board to end these stall tactics now, and give everyone a reason to
celebrate Labor Day this year. Increase the starting salary, iron out
the bumps in the scale, offer reasonable medical, and let's open the
doors to our schools next week.
Pro-education from Upper Salford
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 04:14 PM EST
Why now?
drag your feet NOW? Why go through all the motions NOW? The teacher's
contract expired in June. Why weren't better & stronger efforts to
resolve the sticking points made? The teachers call themselves
professionals, but I find striking, effectively holding thousands of
students and their parents hostage highly unprofessional.
Mama, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 01:46 PM EST
How many days can we afford?
great, here we are on the eve of the teacher's strike and the rocket
scientists are coming out of the woodwork to give their opinion on the
teacher's contract. In the August 29th edition of The Reporter, we have
two more people calling for the ouster of all teachers if they don't
like it here. That really makes a lot of sense. Yes, let's be known as
the school district that tosses out all of our teachers because they
are demanding an increase in salary. They would, no doubtedly be
replaced by teachers that were far superior in abilities and have even
better morale because a) they are making less money b) they are paying
more for health care and c) if they demand more salary, then we will
just throw the bums out. Wow, that sounds great. Let me quit my job to
become a teacher in Souderton!
I am not a teacher but just a
concerned parent in SASD. Here is what I know. My kids are excited to
start their school year. I blame the union and school board for
dragging their feet on this contract and I blame both for the strike. I
read the other day how the school board was committed to reaching a
contract if it meant working on the negotiations 24 hours. Well, why
didn't you start those negotiations 24 hours on June 15th if you were
so concerned? Then, you would have all been done negotiating by the end
of the month and you could all take your little vacations with school
starting next week.
So, let's get a move on with this contract.
I know Bernie Currie and his ilk came onto this school board with the
sole intent of decreasing property taxes for senior citizens, but let's
be fair. The teachers are highly-educated professionals and are given
the responsibility of dealing with all of our children. In case you
missed it, teachers are in fact required to do more in the classroom...
deal with part-time parents, deal with increasing ADHD and special
needs and tap-dancing around a lawsuit-happy society.
Anonymous Coward, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 12:54 PM EST
Did you attend the board meeting last night?
did. I witnessed an overhwleming show of suuport for a group of
dedicated faculty who gathered in a respectful fashion to show that
this time, things need to change. And I also listened intently to
those who voiced concern, those who bashed, and those who see
themselves on "middle gorund." I saw friends, family, co-workers and
neighbors coming out because they want a I learned
that has been no salary proposal from the borad since the end of
spring. The teachers' negotiating team has come with proposal after
proposal...and nothing. The board needs to sit down and NEGOTIATE:
discuss, agree, disagree, exchenge ideas, examine proposals and
possibilities. I ask that everyone involved step back for a moment
and realize that the teachers are trying to get to the AVERAGE. Let's
get there now. And that, readers, is the bottom line.
Joanna Hogan
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 10:34 AM EST
Real World #2
I respect the teachers and their efforts to educate, I find their
demands completely unreasonable. In the private sector, if we were to
approach our employers during a period of financial turmoil (or any
period) and demand an over 9early increase in our salaries, better
benefits, and a shorter work day - we'd be fired or laid off shorlty
after. I don't know if I want people who think like this teaching my
children. Thanks for your service, but that's the way it is. Please go
find employment elsewhere if that's how you feel.
Dave, Harleysville, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 09:36 AM EST
The Real World
I love reading the comments about the "real world" of work, from which teachers seem to be divorced. However: 1)
In the real world, people don't have to negotiate their salaries in
public and submit to public comment on them. Paying $4 per gallon of
gas gives you no control over oil company salaries, and eating in a
fancy restaurant does not give you the right to dictate the chef's
monetary compensation or his health coverage. 2) Teachers unions
must sign a contract that locks in salaries for a long term - four of
five years. Does that happen in the real world? Can you negotiate with
your doctor, plumber, or grocery store and lock in your costs for the
next five years, and limit them to a 2ncrease per year? 3) Merit
pay is in place. If I understand correctly, a teacher with a Master's
degree makes more than one with a Bachelor's degree, just as a doctor
or dentist with specializations makes more money than someone who is a
GP or practices general dentistry. In industries that work with people
- education, medicine, dentistry, psychology, etc. - salaries are based
on training and preparation. What doctor would attempt an operation if
there was a chance that he would not be paid if the patient died? 4)
Pennsylvania, not the teachers, sets the school year at 180 days. Even
if the teachers would work 240 days a year at the same salary, your
taxes would go up. That's because you'd have to fund two more months of
transportation, electricity, supplies, wages for bus drivers, etc. Let's
hope that the recalcitrant school board presents an offer that is fair
to both parties. Don't allow this tension to ruin the good name of the
Olin Matterson
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 07:53 AM EST
Board Bashing!
Bashing. Thats what I witness last night at the Souderton Board
meeting, As a taxpayer and mother of two children, one who is a senior
this year, I was embarrassed at the conduct of the teachers. As I was
trying to listen to what Board had to say, I could only hear the
teachers talking in disagreement, unable to hear what was being said,
was this done on purpose? Is this what they would expect in their
classroom? I dont think so. I was extremely disturbed by the fact that
a parent took the position of speaking for me, saying that ALL PARENTS
WILL AGREE TO PAYING HIGHER TAXES, well not this one. I work a 10 hour
day, holding down 3 jobs just to keep my son in this school distrist. I
dont have a husband to support me (my sons father passed away). I will
be hit with a bill to pay for the new high school, hook up sewer and
water and now the teacher want 9.5 ay increase and better benefits.
Will you please tell me where Im going to get this money? While this
parent also offered to make the board brownies, I will be working my
(you fill in the blank) off to pay my bills. Is she saying these things
to get brownie points with the teachers? I grew up in this district, Im
no transplant from another district coming her demanding that we foot
the bill no matter what the cost. Lets be real here, based on the the
Souderton Area report card, you dont deserve it. Just like in any job
you are held accountable for your performance and it just doesnt
warrant such an increase. I do believe being a Teacher is a very
rewarding job and also a challenging one, but does this request really
think of the students or does it just fuel an echo? I agree with the
offer the School Board has purposed, it just looks like the Teachers
want to get paid no matter what students education they produce.
marianne, Souderton, Pa
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 07:16 AM EST
Souderton Teachers
SCHOOL BOARD NEED TO HOLD THERE GROUND. Every body wants a raise but
what the world gets is higher insurance costs. These teachers need to
go there should not be a union for this WHITE COLLAR job. Get in the
real world. If you are that unhappy with your pay, health care &
working conditions go try and find another job. GOOD LUCK DOING THAT. Tired of being held for Ransom by these teachers. Schoold board members DO NOT GIVE IN.
Lisa, Telford, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 12:13 AM EST
More union lies
it funny how Mr. Currie shot down every excuse the union voiced for
wanting to strike. God Bless him and the other members of the school
board for finally standing up to the greedy teachers union.
with any number of years in our school system are not going to leave as
the would have to give up years of tenure or service which would put
them in a lower pay scale at the new school. I guess losing one teacher
a year is really opening the floodgates.
During the last
contract the union voted to lower starting salaries so all current
members could bet a bigger piece of the pie. Gee, I guess that must be
the school boards fault too...
The teachers unions in this area try to play a game with the local communities that goes something like this:
says Pennridge and Quakertown makes more than us so we deserve more.
Pennridge says that North Penn makes more so we need a raise. North
Penn says the other school districts all got more so why shouldn't we.
it's a vicious circle that is perpetuated by the PSEA and the unions
and it has worked for many years.
Now is the time to get mad
and do something. Go to and find out how
you, the taxpaying public, can put an end to this disgracefully display
of greed by the teachers unions.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 11:48 PM EST
Wendy Kahn - get your facts straight
1. The teachers union hasn't had an increase in medical premiums, copay or a reduction in benefits in over 15 years!!! 2. Over 140 staff teacher (25f total teachers) make over $87,000/year 3.
Pa teachers are ranked 9th in average pay and when that pay is adjusted
for cost of living they are ranked #4 out of 50 states. hardly in the
bottom of the national averages. 4. Pennsylvania is responsilbe
for over 60f all teacher strikes due to the irresponsible and misguided
actions of the PSEA and it's unions. 5. Souderton teachers union
voted to lower starting salaries in the last contract so that current
union members could get bigger increases. This is a classic example of
the greed that unions bring out in it's members.
yourself about the facts before you start to lambast our school board
for not meeting the totaly unrealistic demands of the teachers union.
urge all concerned taxpayers to go to to
find out what you can to to avoid being held hostage by the teachers
unions in the future.
Dave, Souderton, PA
Added: Friday August 29, 2008 at 11:39 PM EST
are you kidding me?
make $50-$70k a year. It takes me almost two and a half years to make
that kind of money. AND DO YOU SEE ME GOING ON STRIKE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
NO!!! So stop complaining and give the children an education. After
all...they will be caring for us when we are older. Keep that in mind
you cry-babies!!!!
Mike, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday August 28, 2008 at 10:58 PM EST
Harleysville Taxpayer: I think your comments are quite short-sighted.
Perhaps you should consider your added tax dollars as an investment in
your future? Do you understand that we live in a top district that pays
its teachers the lowest of low wages? Do you realize that our top
students NEED top teachers to succeed? Can you imagine what it would be
like if we could not produce top students in our community? Will we
ever evolve??? We are no longer a small farm community. We need to
produce students who will stay in our community. Perhaps you should
consider what it would actually mean if our highly qualified teachers
left the district. Would you want to live in a community of young
adults who don't care about the future? Would you want to live in a
community where our children are not sufficiently educated to take care
of YOU when you are old? Would you want to live in a community where
the value of our homes would be reduced because our school has a poor
rating? Would you want to live in a community where young families stop
moving in and you can't sell your house because our schools are not up
to par? Perhaps we should all be thinking about change. It is not easy
to deal with rising costs and change in our economy but we should all
remember that without change, we cannot have progress. I have a child
who is about to start her senior year. Of course we would prefer the
school year not be disrupted by a strike but we remain steadfast in our
confidence in the teachers who have educated her over the years. We are
thankful for all they have contributed to who she is. She is a
spectacular kid as a result of her dedicated teachers and the values
she has learned as a citizen of our great community.
Rebecca Kay, Souderton, PA
Added: Thursday August 28, 2008 at 09:47 PM EST
Greed & Power
a taxpayer and resident of Franconia and I'm apalled that the Souderton
School teachers have been seduced by their own greed to ask for 9
percent a year for the next couple of years for their proposed
contract. Who in their right mind would ask for a 9 percent raise?!? We
are living through tough times and struggling to make ends meet but our
Souderton School teachers have been convinced that they're at the
bottom of the barrel on the pay scale. Why do the teacher's and their
union propose such unrealistic pay raise? They're not thinking about
the children on this one, it's just plain old selfcenteredness and
greed. Will they get away with it? The teacher's union is very strong,
united, and powerful and they just might get away with it unless people
wake up! If we're going to pay through the nose by having it twisted
then we might as well have a say as to who keeps their job through a
review process. Get rid of the teachers who are coasting and have a
history of poor performance and hire some more ambitious ones. The
teachers should do a little self reflecting and be reasonable with a
pay raise, not greedy!
Fed-up In Franconia, Franconia, PA.
Added: Thursday August 28, 2008 at 09:46 PM EST
These are our community leaders?
It's a sad day when grown adults have to resort to playing chess with children and their right to an education.
Shame on the union, the teachers that lock step with it, and the school board for letting it go this far.
Rendell, I call on you to guide PA away from teacher strikes and find a
better way to reach a fair compromise. Enough is enough.
Jon, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday August 28, 2008 at 09:15 PM EST
What else is new
are overpaid, have better benefits than average working people and
don't care if the tax payer has to foot the bill! Maybe they should
live in the school district and pay the increase in tax's their greed
will cause.
The Raven, Telford
Added: Thursday August 28, 2008 at 09:09 PM EST
Lost respect for Teachers in Souderton, PA
people, their friends and neighbors, are being laid off across america
and homes are being foreclosed upon, the teachers union in Souderton
has the audacity to ask for 9 percent a year. Who gets 9 percent a
year? What was the US average last year ~2.5 percent. When everyone in
america is struggling to pay medical deductibles, copays and contribute
to their insurance coverage the teachers union feels they are owed a
free pass? Why? How about contributing like eveyone else? How about all
those half days? If I just requested from my CEO 21 half days a year of
work, his or her answer would be fine, just work 12 hour days to make
up the time. Will the teachers agree to that? Lastly, what is the
teachers union afraid of with performance based pay. Poor performers
should be removed from the financial burden of the tax payers and good
performers should be rewarded, not just mandatory increases. The Board
of Ed should continue to represent the taxpayers justly and the
teachers fairly. Maybe if the teachers were required to live in the
school system they would think differently.
Taxpayer & Parent in Hville, Harleysville, PA
Added: Thursday August 28, 2008 at 09:00 PM EST
Get rid of the Souderton School Board
I'm against teacher strikes, but not this time. The Souderton School
board is the most pathetic entity of government that ever
continues to leave all Souderton SD employees near the bottom of the
NATIONAL pay scale. This nasty, stingy school board is actually harming
our children's education by providing good teachers with every
incentive to leave the district to teach elsewhere. When that happens,
we'll attract low-grade teachers who will have no probably taking rock
bottom salary. For our children's sake, it's time to dump this entire
school board, pay our teachers what they deserve, and move on.