Press release from the Souderton Area School District: Tuesday August 26, 2008






AUGUST 26, 2008…Committed to negotiating a contract which is consistent with what is fair to the community it serves, the Souderton Area School Board’s Negotiating Committee met with the Souderton Area Education Association, the union which represents the district’s teachers, for five and one-half hours on Monday to discuss proposals.


“We call our proposal a ‘Contract for Accountability’ because we feel that the community would expect us to develop a plan which is accountable to teachers, students and taxpayers, all taxpayers. We believe our current proposal accomplishes this,” explained Bernie Currie, School Board President.


The School Board’s Proposal at a Glance


Highlights of the School Board’s five-year offer include the following:



The teachers union seeks 9.5% each year for five years, nearly a 50% increase in salary. The School Board counter-offered with a salary increase of more than 2% per year, a figure that is consistent with the district’s taxpayers’ experience over the last three years. 


The School Board is proposing a performance-based pay plan – a true measure of accountability in the private sector.  The teachers union rejects this proposal.



Teachers have received the same healthcare plan for the past 15 years, with no changes in co-pays, deductibles, or premium sharing.   This is virtually unheard of.  The School Board is trying to lessen the burden of this plan on taxpayers by offering two health insurance plan options:  a core plan with a 4% contribution and a higher level plan with a 10% contribution. 


However, the teachers union wants no increased contribution and, in fact, has proposed a plan which is even more costly than the current plan.




Understanding the critical importance of having teachers in the classroom in order to educate students, the School Board has proposed an 8-hour work day – common in the private sector.  The teachers union, however, wishes to maintain a 7.5 hour work day.


More importantly, the teachers union also seeks 21 early dismissal days at the elementary school level and a general reduction in class coverage responsibilities.



The Problem with Salary Comparisons


According to Currie, the teachers union’s attempt to compare teacher salaries at Souderton to neighboring districts is illogical because the districts differ in aid ratios. Aid ratios are used to determine a district’s ability to fund education costs from local taxes.  This ratio is determined using a formula that takes into account a district’s real estate values and the personal incomes of its residents.


“Souderton ranks 16th out of 22 districts in Montgomery County – that is the lower third in terms of ability to pay teachers’ salaries and benefits.  Souderton lacks significant commercial and industrial properties prevalent in neighboring districts.  Therefore, the burden of paying salaries and benefits falls on home owners to a much greater extent. When comparing salaries at Souderton to those of other districts, it is imperative to compare them by similar aid ratio, but not by geographic proximity,” Currie stressed.


The highest paid teachers in Souderton earn salary of $89,363.  Comparable school districts by aid ratio are Perkiomen Valley and Spring-Ford, which pay maximum teacher salaries of $86,090 and $89,100 respectively.


School Board to Union: Focus on Talking Not Striking


 “We continue to work to a schedule of meetings determined by a state mediator who has participated in negotiations from the beginning of the process in January,” explained Currie. “We are hopeful that the next meeting scheduled by the mediator, on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 1, will yield progress.  We also hope that if an agreement is not reached on that day, teachers will teach and continue to negotiate to reach a fair resolution.”


For more information, residents are encouraged to tune into SATV, Channel 28, for “Negotiation Update,” which airs daily at 6:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:45 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. Community members can also visit the school district’s website at