Taz's Book Bits
Yes, it's another blog about books. Well, if you've been reading the paper, you will see I just wrote a review of Jennifer Weiner's "The Guy Not Taken." Like I said before, I have read "P.S. I Love You" and "Twilight." I haven't been able to write reviews just yet. I am now reading Nora Roberts' "Angels Fall." It's kind of a murder mystery so far. It's pretty good. After meeting Jodi Picoult a few weeks ago, I bought two of her books and will hopefully be reading those soon. I guess you can tell that I like to read. I think the fall is a great time to read because the weather isn't as nice and it's getting chilly. It's a great time to snuggle up with a book. I have a few different TV shows I like to watch ("The Office," "Project Runway") but on the nights those shows aren't on, I like to pick up a book. I read fairly fast and if it's a suspenseful book, I read even faster. Writing the reviews helps me to remember what I have read. If you have any books that were exciting, fill me in! E-mail htassmer@berksmontnews.com or leave a comment on this blog. Here comes more rain! Labels: Angels Fall, books, fall, Jennifer Weiner, Project Runway, The Office, twilight
Hearts Ablaze handing out gas gift cards
Members of Hearts Ablaze, a church in Birdsboro, will be handing out gas gift cards at the Turkey Hill in Birdsboro this weekend. A Hearts Ablaze member said that they were handing out gift cards as a way to show people that they are out there to support the community. Labels: birdsboro, Hearts Ablaze
A smart way to save money on gas
 This week (the Sept. 24 issue) I wrote a story on people who bike to work. I’ve been wanting to do a story on this for quite some time now. I’m glad I finally did. I interviewed two men who bike to work. I have to give them credit. They bike to work in all kinds of weather. One of the reasons I wrote a story on this subject is because of the coverage in April or May we had about gas and food prices increasing. We received excellent feedback from the coverage. I guess you could say that the economy issue really hit home. I wanted to show our readers that there are solutions. Sure, I hate paying $35 every time I fill up. But I try not to complain about it. I know some people who drive SUVs and bigger vehicles have it worse. Instead of complaining about gas and the economy, do something about it. Talk to local politicians. Write letters. Look into getting a hybrid car. A familiar phrase comes to mind: Don’t be part of the problem. Be part of the solution. Labels: bike, economy, gas prices
Public meeting about Hopewell Big Woods
I forgot to put this in the paper this week and I'm sorry to the person that sent it! Public Input Sought on Plans for Birdsboro Gateway to Hopewell Big Woods Anyone who has fished or walked along the Hay Creek, hiked or biked around the Birdsboro reservoirs, or climbed the rocks around the old Dyers/Trap Rock quarry south of Birdsboro Borough know how magnificent and beautiful the area is. This area provides the water supply for Birdsboro residents and surrounding areas and is also home of the Rustic Picnic Area, dense woods, natural springs, wildlife, trails, remnants of historic charcoal platforms and collier’s huts, among other historic and natural features. On Tuesday, September 23rd, at 7:00 pm in the Birdsboro Borough Hall, a public meeting will be held by members of a study committee to introduce plans to prepare a master site plan for the property and to discuss recreational needs and uses for the area. The project will also study the renovation of the Millard House, future home of the Hay Creek Watershed Association’s Environmental Education Center. The Birdsboro Waters site and the Millard House serve as the “Birdsboro Gateway” to the Hopewell Big Woods, the largest continuous block of forest (100 square miles) in southeastern Pennsylvania. The area is part of the Highlands Region, which was designated as a nationally important region by an Act of Congress in 2004 and stretches from Connecticut to Maryland. The Hay Creek Watershed Association took ownership of the Millard House in 2007 through partnership with PennDOT, Haines & Kibblehouse, and the Borough of Birdsboro after the adjacent bridge was closed and removed due to major flooding in 2004. The projects are funded by grant monies provided by the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and the William Penn Foundation. Stell Environmental Enterprises, Inc. of Elverson has been hired as the planning consultant to prepare the study. A committee comprised of representatives from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the business community has been meeting since June to coordinate completion of the plans and will chair the public meeting. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the September 23 meeting. Labels: birdsboro, Hopewell Big Woods
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
 Did anyone watch Saturday Night Live this weekend? Not only did Michael Phelps host but Tina Fey also appeared in a sketch about Sarah Palin. I'm not a big fan of SNL anymore (I miss Farley and the other people that were actually funny.) As I was watching the Sarah Palin sketch, I had to google it because Fey looked like Palin. Labels: michael phelps, sarah palin, SNL, tina fey
Covering the Jodi Picoult visit
Every now and again, journalists get to meet famous people and at these moments, it's exhilarating; a rush. (Don't get me wrong. I like to meet all types of people but the famous people really stick out in my mind.) Last night I had the chance to meet Jodi Picoult who has written a ton of books on controversial subjects. (I reviewed "My Sister's Keeper" a while back.) Picoult came to West Reading last night to a sold out presentation. Swarms of women came to hear her speak and a few husbands that were dragged there by their wives. I also had the chance to get a book signed which was awesome. It's my boyfriend's mom's book and it's going to be a nice surprise. (I don't think his parents read my blog so I'm ok.) Picoult was a great speaker and told the crowd about how she conducted research for three of her books: "Second Glance," "Nineteen Minutes" and "Change of Heart." When I finally got my book signed (I was one of the unfortunate people near the back of the line) I got to ask my question. Mind you, I was wearing both my fan hat and my reporter hat. I had asked her while she was conducting research...getting documents, talking with people, was it hard to get this information. I told her I was a reporter and people try to hide things from me. She said that she did have a bit of trouble, especially while researching the death penalty. She said it was like being a reporter. And with that I smiled and told her to keep up with the great work. I took a picture I will later be posting on here. As you can imagine, I am still pretty psyched. Have to go work on my article now! Labels: jodi picoult, scottish rite cathedral, West Reading
Boone Area Library Events
Boone Area Library is offering tons of events for the community and it's mostly all free. Check them out! Oct. 1-Dec. 31 LIBRARY LOTTERY DRAWING Take part in the Library Lottery Cash Prize Drawing. There are 92 chances to win. Tickets cost $10 and prizes are based on nightly daily number. The prizes are $30 daily, $50 weekend and $100 holiday. Tickets are available at the library, 129 North Mill Street, Birdsboro. For more information, call 610-582-5666. Children’s Story Times Mondays: Preschool Story Time 10:30 a.m., 1:30 and 6:30 p.m. Stories, crafts, songs, games, poems and more Wednesdays: Mommy and Me Story Time 11 a.m.: Recommended for babies and older Stories, crafts, songs, games, poems and more Fridays at Amity Township Building Preschool Story Time 10 a.m. Open to all children but recommended for ages 3 and up. Stories, crafts, songs, games, poems and more Computer Class Wednesday-1:30 p.m. Thursday-6:30 p.m. Come learn the basics of computers from how to turn it on to how to navigate the internet. Teacher will customize classes to answer student questions. Classes are free and registration is required. Dinner and a movie Tuesday, Sept. 23 5:30-8 Bring your family and friends and come see a movie, “Speed Racer.” You may bring your dinner or the Junior Friends will be selling pizza, popcorn and drinks. Admission is free. Bring a comfy chair. Teen Movie Night Sept. 18 5:30-8 Bring friends and join us for “Prom Night.” Free pizza, popcorn and soda. Admission is free. Bring a comfy chair. Labels: boone area library, events, movie night, story times
Books, books and more books
I just recently finished "P.S. I love you" which was very good. This book has also been made into a movie and stars Hilary Swank. I'm hoping to write a book review soon. I finished a book, "The Guy Not Taken," a few weeks ago and will be posting a review for that soon. Right now I am reading "Twilight," which is also being made into a movie. I started reading it last week and did a lot of reading yesterday. I am almost halfway through. It's sooo good. It's basically girl meets and falls in love with a vampire. I can't wait to see what happens next! Yesterday was a great day to read with all of this rain. Couldn't do much else... Have you read a good book lately? Let me know about it! Comment on here or e-mail me, htassmer@berksmontnews.com. Labels: books, p.s. i love you, the guy not taken, twilight
I'm working hard I swear!
 I went to the eye doctor's the other day and decided to share this silly picture with you. I had to wear these because I had my eyes dialated. Fun Fun! Labels: eye doctor's
Exeter Township School Board appoints new member
 Photo by Heather Tassmer News school board member Andrea Sandusky. The Exeter Township School Board appointed a new member, Andrea Sandusky, after a public interview yesterday. Sandusky was sworn in today at the administration building. For more information and stories, continue to read my blog, our newspaper web site, www.berksmontnews.com and the newspaper. Labels: Exeter, school board
In this week's newspaper...
Hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend. I came back, tired and saw that I had more than 50 new messages. That's the only downside to a three-day weekend. In this week's Southern Berks News: • Construction will occur on Sundays for the Exeter Commons shopping center. • The Daniel Boone Optimist Club will hold a community days celebration this weekend in Amity Township. This will be a great event for people of all ages. If it doesn't rain there will be fireworks on Sunday around 9 p.m. • Douglassville based Thunder Outreach is helping out with the Boyertown Inn makeover. • Kessler presented grants to area fire companies and an athletic club. • Gokey wrote a letter to the editor about demanding officials take action on a puppy mills bill. For more information, pick up a paper today! Also, I've been receiving a lot of anniversaries and wedding announcements recently. I wanted to let everyone know that we don't have any policies on how long ago the weddings or anniversaries were. I'd say just use your best judgement. If it happened in January or February, it may be old news by now. You can send announcements to my e-mail htassmer@berksmontnews.com or mail to Heather Tassmer, 124 North Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 565, Boyertown, PA 19512. If you want your pictures back, make sure to make a note of that. Berks-Mont is looking for interns (fall, spring and summer.) As you can see, our interns built up their portfolios this summer and were a great help. For those who are interested in interning, send resumes and clips to the above addresses. Thanks! Labels: Exeter Commons, gokey, internships, kessler, Thunder Outreach, wedding announcements