Celebrating Women's History month
In honor of Women’s History Month, The Southern Berks News is inviting readers to nominate women that have made a difference in their communities throughout the years. Please nominate someone from The Southern Berks News’ coverage areas: • Townships: Lower Alsace, Exeter, Amity, Union • Other coverage areas include Amityville, Baumstown, Douglassville, Geigertown, Gibraltar, Jacksonwald, Kulptown, Limekiln, Reiffton, St. Lawrence, Stonersville and Yellow House. Please mail your nominations to editor Heather Tassmer, 124 North Chestnut Street, Boyertown, Pa., or e-mail htassmer@berksmontnews.com. Write the woman’s name and why you are nominating her. Please also include your name, phone number and e-mail address. Labels: The Southern Berks News, Women's History Month
Daniel Boone Middle School's "Cinderella"
 Check out Daniel Boone Middle School's production of "Cinderella" in March. Showtimes are as follows: March 12, 13, 14 at 7 p.m. and March 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 per person. For tickets please send check or money order to: Daniel Boone Middle School 1845 Weavertown Rd. Douglassville, PA 19518 Attn: Mrs. Sanders Daniel Boone High School will present the musical “Beauty and the Beast” in the auditorium March 20, 21 and 22. Showtimes are March 20 and 21 at 7 p.m. -- March 22 at 2 p.m. Price: $10 for adults, $8 for students and senior citizens. Special - Brunch with Belle on Sunday, March 22 @11:30 a.m. Price is $15 which includes the brunch and the show. First 200 people only. For ticket information, call 610-582-6100 or e-mail danielboonemusical@gmail.com. Labels: Daniel Boone
Winter scenery in Southern Berks
 News photo by Heather Tassmer Although winter storms can make driving treacherous, I can see the beauty that comes with snow and ice. Above is a photo I took recently at the Daniel Boone Homestead. I'm not the only one that was out that day. I saw several people walking their dogs. Daniel Boone Homestead offers many programs for the community. For hours of operation and a schedule of events, visit the homestead's Web site, www.danielboonehomestead.org. Labels: Daniel Boone Homestead
Church renovations
 News Photo by Harold Hoch I visited St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Douglassville recently and spoke with them about recent renovations. To meet the needs of church members and services, the church has experienced several renovations. A wing was created just for the Child Development Center. Other renovations include expanding the kitchen and the worship area. I liked what one employee said about the church functioning as a community center. The church offers not only worship and child care but also youth group meetings and a place for the quilt group to gather and create their works of art. For more information about St. Paul's visit www.stpaulsdouglassville.com. Labels: douglassville, renovations, St. Paul's
Berks-Mont Newspapers looking for freelancers
Our newspaper group, Berks-Mont Newspapers, is looking for freelance writers. If you have a passion for news and writing, you should definitely think about working for Berks-Mont. We are looking for freelancers that are interested in news and human interest stories. (We newspaper people call human interest stories features.) Having an interest in taking photos is a plus. It also helps if you live in one of the Berks-Mont coverage areas. (Visit www.berksmontnews.com to see all of the papers.) Those who are interested can send resumes and writing clips to Heather Tassmer, The Southern Berks News, 124 North Chestnut Street, PO Box 565, Boyertown, PA 19512. You can also e-mail the information to htassmer@berksmontnews.com. Labels: freelancers, writing
Howl-a-day bazaar
This event is out of our area and I forgot to post it in my calendar of events. If you like dogs, especially Goldens, check this out: If you’re into the holiday spirit, Golden Gateway is the place you want to be on Saturday, December 13th, Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will host it annual Howl-a-Day Bazaar from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Reinholds, PA facility. Shoppers will enjoy a festive atmosphere, food, craft activities for kids and find unique gifts for all their 4-legged and 2-legged friends. Pap’s Place, DVGRR’s exciting retail store, is fully stocked with many new items on display during the Howl-a-Day Bazaar. Choices include clothing, unique dog toys, holiday ornaments, greeting cards, jewelry and much more. Delicious food and drink will be available for purchase in the BLT food area. DVGRR’s Holiday Bake Sale will include tasty homemade treats and, prizes will be awarded to the winners of DVGRR’s 2nd Annual Human Holiday Cookie Contest. To enter the contest, contact volunteer@dvgrr.org. In addition to December 13th, Pap’s Place will extend shopping hours throughout December on the following dates: Saturday, December 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m; Friday, December 19, and Saturday, December 20, both days from 10 a.m.-2p.m. Also happening at Golden Gateway on December 13th from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. will be Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue’s December Adopt-a-Golden Day. Many wonderful dogs are hoping to find their forever homes this holiday season. Adoptions will be made only to pre-approved applicants that day. However, visitors may see the Golden Retrievers currently available for adoption and fill out application forms on site. Contact dsbaker@dvgrr.org or call (717) 283-6332 for more information. Since 1993, more than 2400 Golden Retrievers have been adopted through the 501c(3) non-profit organization. Golden Gateway is located at 60 Vera Cruz Road, between Adamstown and Reinholds, just 1.4 miles off Route 897 North. Detailed directions, information about Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue, adoption applications and profiles of the dogs currently available for adoption are available on the group’s website www.dvgrr.org, or by calling (610) 678-4981. Labels: bazaar, Golden retrievers
Exeter tile project
 Students, teachers and parents in the Exeter community have been working on a mosaic mural project that is becoming an addition the high school's stadium. Thanks to teacher Kim Lopez, I was able to run a few photos this week. The mosaic includes thousands and thousands of glass tiles to make the picture. It was neat hearing about the project in phone interviews but even more exciting see what it looks like. It’s great to see projects like this that brings people together. If you know of any school or community projects, please e-mail htassmer@berksmontnews.com. Labels: Exeter, project, stadium