Monday, June 9, 2008

Is it hot out here or is it just me?

If I had any time to spend this weekend in Schuylkill County, I'm sure I would have heard that line at least once. Another famous heat line is "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."

We've spent too much time swimming in coal holes up there to realize the off-kilter way in which we approach life. And sure enough, at the first break of real, summer heat, you'll hear these lines, and definitely the classic, "Hot enough for ya?"

It was a scorcher outside Saturday and Sunday, and Monday only promises to be the hottest day of the year, yet. I cruised Hamburg today looking for some heat imagery to relay to readers in the most artistic sense, but found not much happening. The streets were pretty much empty, and since I don't know where the pool is, just yet, or if there is even a public pool (Should I be admitting that?), so there wasn't much in the art department from that angle.

Then I asked the question: Do I run the sooo expected and tired shot of a bank thermometer registering at least 10 degrees hotter than it really is? (Schuylks believe it's because it "bakes" in the sun all day) I went past every bank I knew in town and couldn't even find the time, had I needed it (because the 17 other clocks which are standard-issue on everything but a sneaker these days malfunctioned).

Hamburg has no public thermometer? I couldn't even find one that's showing off the progress of a fundraiser. Is this even possible, or am I missing something entirely?

So a Hamburger can't really answer the question: Is it hot out here or is it just me? What's your point of reference for your claim?

Perhaps this all comes back to the coal-hole notion.

In Pottsville, I'd guesstimate there to be at least 25 public thermometers. Someone must have been giving those color message boards away to small businesses because even empty storefronts are getting marquees up there, and now everyone has their own two-cents on what the real temperature is. Tack on the wide array of banks the city features for one of the more economically depressed portions of the Commonwealth, and we've got more outlooks on the weather than Jim Cantore.

So apparently we've got nothing else to talk about but the weather in Schuylkill County, and people in Hamburg are busy doing something else, entirely. Case in point, you've been spared the obligatory bank thermometer shot in the next paper, but I wonder if you even know what that means.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY, what are you say with this?

"Case in point, you've been spared the obligatory bank thermometer shot in the next paper, but I wonder if you even know what that means."

If you think Hamburgians don't even understand, what was considered your obligatory pic, why are you even here? This was way insulting!
And you have been with the Hamburg Item how long? And you don't even know that our community pool is? Dude, it;s only about three blocks away from the Item? Head north out Third St. for a block and half, turn left!!

If you want to stay at your post, be nice....not insulting!

June 12, 2008 8:40 PM  

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