Tide Talk

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Last night

Was talking to someone last night during halftime of the J.V. game when a small group of Annville-Cleona students entered the Elm.

Some didn't have their shirts on and many had their chests painted A-C colors. Well, guess they didn't understand the L-L League sportsmanship policy. A potential bad situtation was quickly taken care of by the CHS administration and the security.

I wasn't going to make a comment on sportsmanship after reading yesterday's Intell, which ran a story on the lack of sportsmanship across the L-L League on page 1. It upset many when they first saw the story with a picture of the Columbia fans at Monday's game, the reaction was "what did Columbia do now." You had to read the story to find out it was pretty good for Columbia.

I said it 100 times before, there is a sportsmanship policy for the league, district and state. At least at the league level, there is selective enforcement. Until there is a no tolerance policy at ALL games and everyone enforces the rule to the "T," there is no policy.

It's not just the students that can be brutal either. There are some great student sections throughout the L-L League and District 3. I can remember last year being at a game at a Lebanon County School, complaining to a security officer about that school's student section. The officer said go see the principal. Well folks, the principal was near the student section and failed to do anything.
There are two schools in Section 4 that Columbia plays that also has selective enforcement.

So my question why do we read or state the sportsmanship policy before the game? I saw two examples of what I would term marginal sportsmanship within the last 24 hours. One was on TV last night, in another "important" Section 4 game and another was a picture in the paper this morning, that in the one corner, it showed students standing during the game. If there are 24 schools in the L-L League, there are 24 different ways that the rules are enforced.

If we talking about sportsmanship, there should be one policy and one way of enforcing it, not 24.

Sorry for the rant.



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