Uptown Ramblings

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

There has been plenty of chatter over the last few years about the YMCA on East Chestnut Street leaving West Chester and what that will mean to the borough, especially kids in town that are able to walk to the facility, but may not have transportation to reach the new facility in East Goshen.

Borough Council has decided it would like to see a feasibility study done to determine how much it would cost to build and maintain a rec center. As part of that study, residents would be asked if they are willing to help pay for a rec center via taxes. Problems with the study arose early, however, because council did not know how it could fund the first phase of the study, which is expected to cost about $18,000.

Well, at a committee meeting last night, council members were told they could receive some funding to make the study happen. State Sen. Andy Dinniman has assured council he could provide a $10,000 state grant for the study's first phase. Now, the study will most likely be able to move forward and council will be able to see if people actually want a new rec center to replace the Y when it leaves.


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