Wednesday, October 22, 2008

e-mail time

I got an e-mail the other day from a friend, forwarded from a friend of hers, and so on ...

It contained about 20 of the cutest photos of dogs dressed in Halloween costumes. Some really tolerant pooches there. Also, I didn’t see any cats dressed up. I could just image the complaining and the scratches I would get if I tried to dress up my cat in a costume of any kind. She even hates the collar.

Anyway, it really got me thinking about the originator of this e-mail and of the dozens of others with equally large content. I got another e-mail about two months ago with dozens of beautiful photos, set to music.

What do these people do for a living? How do they have time to compile all this?

If anyone knows the answer, let me know. I want that job!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some retired people have also mastered the internet also. They have the time to devote to photography, web editing, Photoshop and other things related to it; blogging, coding.

Some also have time to kill in the office. Especially people who have jobs related to website management. It's almost a requirement for an entry level public relations job these days.

I enjoy the cute stuff I get from friends. I forward it to my friends (some seniors at home). For those not on the net, I have actually printed and mail it. They enjoy getting something interesting in the mail besides bills.

You blog is interesting. I stop in from time to time.
Did I answer your question?

August 22, 2009 7:36 PM 

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