In Front Of The Courthouse

Here you can share your opinion on both sides of the protests and the groups of protesters, the Chester County Peace Movement and the Chester County Victory Movement. It needs to stay respectful though. The Daily Local News staff can delete any post that it deems inappropriate.

Friday, November 2, 2007

And Your Thoughts ...

Read the stories, see the photos, watch the videos ... tell the community what you think.


Anonymous Leannan Sith said...

Both sides have good points. Thanks for creating this

November 3, 2007 1:25 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

As far as statements and signs carried by protestors saying they support our troops…bring them home. That support is an illusion at best and a lie at worst. It is in fact impossible to support the troops and be against the war. Troops in conflict have one mission….win the conflict. If you are not for wining the conflict then you are not in support of the troops. Why is this hard to understand? When I was in Vietnam and I saw the “peace” demonstrations, when I saw a movie icon, Jane Fonda laughing and cavorting in the gun turrets of the enemy…I did not feel “supported”. Any demonstration against any war puts the troops on the ground in more danger. The reason is simple…..the enemy may be losing the physical war, may be ready to talk or surrender but when they receive aid and comfort that they may win a political victory they continue to fight and more Americans die. It’s simple logic; if you don’t support the mission you don’t support the troops…period.


November 3, 2007 6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a war, this is an occupation for the purpose of oil control. Republican spin is sad & very deadly.

November 4, 2007 3:09 AM  
Blogger liberata said...

Since when do our forces fight under the flag of Israel? Talk about partisanship!

I find the display of the Israeli flag by the pro-victory group --but not the flags of any of our other allies-- to be very disturbing. While I support the state of Israel, I do not support all the actions of the Israeli government. However, the US is not permitted to criticize their government, regardless of all the financial and political support we give them. First it was my country, right or wrong. Now I guess it's Israel, right or wrong.

If anything, the pro-victory supporters should display the Iraqi flag, if they are for victory in Iraq.

Of course, the display of the flag of Israel is in blatant support of the scare tactics of the administration, which invokes visions of "WWIII" unless we go to war with Iran next. One war (no, make it two -- we're still in Afghanistan) just isn't enough for them.

November 4, 2007 8:11 AM  
Blogger Anthony said...

anonymous talks about "Republican spin" and then uses the democrats talking points of a war for oil as his / her argument. As John Stossel says, "give me a break". Liberals may want to remember that oil is of vital interest to our national security...I ride a bike and a motorcycle...I could do very well with little to no oil for my cars. But liberal friends...harken back to the days of Jimmy Carter....odd even days to buy your gas and poor people freezing to death in their homes. Oil is important to America for security reasons as well sustaining life. You might want to think about that a little anomyous before you throw out your talking point line so your heat on today?

November 4, 2007 10:19 AM  
Blogger Anthony said...

liberata is upset with the flag of Israel...a Democratic allies, being flown at the "Pro Victory rally" ? Well I have been upset with the United Nations flag being flown instead of the American flag at the "peace rallies". There are many anti-American nations in the United Nations. There have been documented ties to terrorist nations on the part of Russia and Germany. Why not fly the flag of our only true friend in the Mid-East….it is funny, liberals have been saying we have to change our ways so that more nations will embrace and respect us. Well we have not changed our policies and France now likes us again. As the kids say….”duh”…what changed? Liberals would have had us comprise our principals to gain France’s blessing. Well the arrogant American hating Jacques Chirac is gone and Sarkosy embraces America….wants to be more like America and has recently said America has a friend in France.

What has changed liberal friends? You are so ready to compromise our principles for the friendship of a few rogue leaders. That’s not leadership folks…a 10 year old can make friends that way but very dangerous for world politics.

November 4, 2007 10:42 AM  
Blogger liberata said...

So, anthony, I can safely assume that you now say "French fries" again instead of "Freedom fries?" Vive la France, is it now?

France is on our good list now even though we didn't change anything? Well...neither did la belle France. She still hasn't joined the coalition of the w/killing ... the transportation workers just had a big strike and the nurses are ready to go out any day ... doubt that you'll see much Americanization of their economic system, despite Sarko's efforts.

But I'll be on the lookout for the French flag next time I'm on the corner of High and Market.

A bientôt, mon ami !

November 4, 2007 11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any demonstration against the war puts our ground troops in more harm. we have the right to protest because as in former wars, our troops fought for that right for us. noone likes war, but we need to support our troops and give them our blessings. all of them enlisted and made the decision to stand up for our country. unlike the draft of the past, these brave americans volunteered for their jobs. let us be thankful and pray for them all and stand behind them.


November 4, 2007 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dying for can that comfort the mother or father who lost a child in Iraq or who has been maimed for llife?

You would think that the 'greatest nation in history' would be a lot smarter when it came to making that better land-use patterns, vehicles with more mpg, and alternatives to oil.

It's not just that they died for oil. A foreign policy based on oil has now put our future in jeopardy with the consequences of nuclear proliferation - aka Pakistan.

If you thought the blowback from our CIA work in Afghanistan was bad, well, you won't even want to think about where Pakistan is going.

How could we, Americans, allow any of our sons or daughters to die for oil?

November 4, 2007 11:43 AM  
Anonymous Skye said...

Should I link this blog on Midnightblue or should this blog link to Midnightblue.

The new French President has wisely chosen the geopolitical course of working with America instead of the disastrous policy of his predecessor. France's opposition to America and her foreign policy was an abject failure which injured their credibility and influence on the world stage and within the EU.

The French voted for change with the election of Sarkozy - a change NOT welcome by the entrenched french unions. On a fundamental level, I support the type of change Sarkozy embraces. Sarkozy and those who support him are looking to rebuild a competitive, strong France. On a political level, I supported Segolene Royal and her commitment to avoiding the changes necessary for a France that is competitive, prosperous and safe AND her opposition to America.

November 4, 2007 12:00 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

sure the French Unions are protesting. They are about to lose their blood sucking policies. Imagine a vicious demonstration when France attempted to give employers the right to terminate a bad employee....what a stupid idea? Don't conservatives realize that companies exist to provide cushy jobs for anyone that wants one. Wake up liberals....the free lunch in France is over. And that is good policy...we are in a world economy now and France's Unions make them unable to compete in that economy....Sarkosy knows that and so does the majority that elected him.

November 4, 2007 1:03 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

Barb says "we have the right to protest because as in former wars, our troops fought for that right for us."....thats right Barb you do have the right...but what I said in my post is that by excerise that right you are putting troops in danger. Osama BL has referenced Vietnam to his cohorts....America has no stomach for war he says....they are a paper tiger...he is counting on people like you who provide aid and comfort by protesting the war to help him win the war. So understand that you indeed have the right....but you do so to the peril of troops on the ground. I know Barb, I was one of those troops and when you folks lost the Vietnam war for us the Inconvient truth is that millions of our abandoned allies died after we abandoned them....but I suppose those lives don't count to you or to Jane Fonda because no one ever acknowledges that fact of "peace demonstrations"

November 4, 2007 1:13 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

...the quote below was the last straw that got me kicked off Karen Porters web site blog...I reminded the "peace" crowd that JFK would not recognize todays democrats. If they didn't know better they would probably have attributed these words from JFK's Ignaugral Address to some neo-con was Kennedy who said we would advance the cause of freedom and support any friend....Iraq had free elections because of us....Kennedy would be proud.

"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. 3
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. 4
This much we pledge—and more...

...JOHN F KENNEDY (when democrats were still pro America)

November 4, 2007 1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very easy to support the troops while being against the war. They are two separate things, and it's disingenuous at best to state otherwise.

Those of us who oppose the WAR have also sent items to the troops, who we believe are NOT supported by a government policy which sends them into combat unprepared. And please explain, how is making our soldiers stay in Iraq longer, away from their families, supporting them?

Our soldiers are doing their jobs; it is the JOB DESCRIPTION which is what we protest, not the workers who have no say about what they must do. They're the 'little guys' being screwed by the greed of their commanders. Tell me how standing up for their rights, standing against those who wilfully disregard the rights of those soldiers, is NOT supporting them? Tell me how it is that supporting the criminal policies of the government is supporting the troops? Please. Do think this one through, won't you?

This war, like Vietnam, is an illegal war. However, there were at least some reasons to defend the Vietnam war... there are none to defend this war. We should have stayed in Afghanistan and gotten bin laden before he spread his poison around the world, making everyone less safe, most especially our troops over there.

Bringing out bikers to try and intimidate those who are simply and peacefully protesting is juvenile. Revving engines is a statement of what, folks? Such behavior does nothing for the side which supports the war.

BOTH sides support the troops. Only one side also supports the war. Only one side is threatening violence against the other. Both sides believe speaking out is a good thing, but it would seem that the Rick Davis side believes that those who speak out and disagree with him need to be harassed and threatened.

This is all so sad. And worse, it takes away from the REAL issues at hand.

I suggest those of you who are on the 'Victory" side take a couple hours of your time and watch the documentary called "Why we Fight". Check out the Frontline stories on Dick Cheyney, too. Do some real investigative work before you get out there and shout out your ignorance and hostility. Perhaps you'll find that this isn't so black and white after all.

Then perhaps you're REALLY support the troops, by insisting they are brought home to live what lives they have left, before more are killed or maimed in a despotical attempt to dominate the world by the current White House cowboy and his puppet master.

Wars are a terrible thing, sometimes a terrible necessary thing, but they should only be a last resort, not something any country should wear as a crowning threat to the rest of the world.

Look at the mess over there now. WE did it. How can anyone be proud of that.

Reply if you wish, I won't be back.

November 5, 2007 4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to High School with Rich Davis. He was well aware of everything that was wrong with the Vietnam war. He seemed tto have a rational understanding of the political motivations of that war. Something went wrong somewhere for Rich or anyone Rich's age to support this current occupation of Iraq under a president that has the lowest IQ of any modern day president. Rich what happened to you? The best way to help the troops is to get them home.

November 5, 2007 9:17 PM  
Anonymous Carolyn said...

The contrast between Karen's interview and Rich's highlights the difference of their movements. I was struck instantly at how Karen talked only about herself whereas Rich talked about someone besides himself, i.e., the soldiers, fellow patriots.

Karen was utterly self-centered. And without passion. For instance, she didn't speak of any religious beliefs or moral convictions, etc. to explain why she started protesting on the corner of West Chester. As she calmly explained it, it was merely something she'd done before (i.e., protesting in the 60's) and now she was doing it again. She spoke in a dispassionate way, as if she was describing a hobby she practiced - like quilting or birdwatching, etc. - nothing more. And it was HER hobby. Whenever she talked of her 'peace' protest, she spoke only of the effect it had on her. Her success in getting people to honk, her sacrifice on being on that corner, her tiredness on doing something on a Saturday when she would rather have been doing something else. In short, Karen was a narcissist.

Rich, however, was a patriot. And like a patriot, he spoke of others. He spoke of how the soldiers were hurt by what Karen did. He spoke of how others were coming together to protest what she was doing, he spoke of people in the community who were now relieved that someone was finally standing up to Karen.

The two interviews was more than a contrast between a woman who protested and a man who supported. It was a contrast between a person who did not care and one who did.

November 6, 2007 12:29 AM  
Anonymous Rich Davis said...

anonymous said:
He went to high school with me and wants to know what happened.

I grew up a patriotic person who always looked up to and respected those who wore the uniform of our great country and had the courage to defend it.

I always felt bad about the way the press and the protestors put down our soldiers.
I was confused about why the press and protestors were so eager to turn their backs on these soldiers.

I could not believe what I was seeing on the news and reading in the papers.

I decided to join the military and check it out for myself. I wanted to know first-hand, what the military experience was all about, so I joined for the Navy for 4 years.

But I learned they were all good guys (and gals) and that America was worth defending and that if WE didn't do it, then who would? So I kept reenlisting, because I enjoyed being a part of those who would sacrifice everything so that others could live free.

I cherish all our freedoms, including the freedom of speech, but I can tell you that it hurts soldiers to constantly see protestors sending messages that only help the enemy and make OUR JOB that much harder. They do not realize the harm they cause.

That is why, now, as a civilian, I will exercise my right to free speech to support my brothers and sisters who have stepped forward, to defend us. Who say, "If not me, then who?" - They know what they are doing, they see the Jihad threat is real and implacable.

All they ask for is our support. They deserve our support and benefit of the doubt - give them the time they need to finish the mission.

They don't need the constant drumbeat of demoralization - that's the worst thing someone can do for our troops. I've been there, I know.

By the way anonymous, feel free to contact me. I loved my high school days at Great Valley and would enjoy reminising and chatting someday.

November 6, 2007 7:47 AM  
Anonymous Joe Boyce said...

As a participant in the Victory rallies, I believe that our efforts are meaningful in at least two ways:

First, we are demonstrating that there are a large number of people who support both the War on Terror and our President.

Second, we are showing the Troops that we strongly object to those who dishonor our nation and those who seek to discourage our troops and military families. We have sent pictures and commentary regarding our rallies and other similar demonstrations across the United States to our service members in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their response has been overwhelming grateful.

Those who claim that their opposition to the war on terror is “supportive of the troops”
and “patriotic” are either deluding themselves or being deceitful. While serving in Vietnam in 1967-68, I and my ‘brothers in arms’ were appalled and discouraged by the actions of the ‘peace movement’- and the enemy was encouraged. General Giap, the Commander in Chief of North Vietnamese forces, revealed in his memoirs that the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) was on the verge of total defeat and the Viet Cong were decimated as a result of the Tet Offensive in 1968. He goes on to state that the “peace” movement in the U.S. encouraged him to stay the course; he believed that the growing opposition to war would force the U.S. government to eventually pull out. Giap was ‘spot on.’

The Islamofascists are not ignorant of our history of “bugging out” when the ‘going gets tough’ (Vietnam, Beirut, Somalia, etc) and they believe that their “Fifth Column” – the “peace movement” will insure our eventual defeat.

We cannot allow this to happen!

November 6, 2007 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Peace" protestors give hope to our enemies in Iraq.

That hope inspires them to recruit one more jihadist. To build one more IED. To bomb one more bus station.

"Peace" protestors hate our president. The call him stupid, despite his degrees from ivy league schools (where he earned a higher GPA than Kerry), despite his ability to fly a jet fighter (that's easy!), despite his attainment of the highest office in the land.

It's fine that they hate President Bush.

What isn't fine is that they put their hatred of our president ahead of the good of the country, specifically the safety of our troops.

They couldn't wait for the US death toll in Iraq to hit 2,000. They couldn't wait until it matched the death toll from 9/11.

They're sick people. And they are killing our soldiers by giving hope to the enemy.

November 6, 2007 9:34 AM  
Anonymous Joe Boyce said...

To Anonymous who claims that the peace protesters support the Troops.

Ask a Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman or Coastguardsman which side he or she thinks supports the Troops.

November 6, 2007 4:10 PM  
Blogger Bud said...

Pure and simple: the "Peace Protesters" are for anything anti-American. They hate and hate and hate. They are now planning to print circulars to put in all the nations universities that wrongly state the US will attack Iran and will bring back the draft. These anti-American people will do anything to pervert democracy. They will do and say anything to get new converts.

The Victory Group is on the corner to show support to our troops who are in harms way. The victory group is not pro-war! Thank God we have these brave Veterans and other patriotic Americans to protect the Constitution and our freedom.

Let the anti-American protesters say and smoke whatever they want ... they will not win ... they did not win in 1776, or in the 1940's, or in the late 1960's. Ane never again will they spit on returning veterans!

November 6, 2007 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Rich Davis said...

At the Nov 10th rally, I was asked by a couple people if I would be willing to come talk to you off the corner sometime.

I said I would.

I appreciate the offer and hope we can make it happen as soon as possible.

I promise it will be civil and respectful and hopefully interesting too.

If you are reading this, please contact me so we can make it happen.

Thank you very much.

Rich Davis

ps - I enjoy reading these comments - from both sides.

November 11, 2007 11:36 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

Excellent comments from the Victory patriots. Let’s recap because liberals have a hard time with facts...

1. Bush has higher educational credentials than ANY of the liberal democrats that oppose him. He speaks 2 languages; he is a Yale undergrad, Harvard MBA, jet fighter pilot. Not the best public speaker? So what, neither was Einstein. You folks made the same mistake with Reagan and he outwitted and outmaneuvered all your intellectual elites. The man who was going to cause WW3 with the Soviet Union according… to the left…brought the Soviet Union to its knees. Wrong again and wrong as usual my left leaning friends.

2. Peace protesters have the right to protest. We agree. But their protest causes more Americans to die and the protests give aid and comfort to the enemy. This fact is supported by history and the actual comments of our enemies.

3. Oil is of vital interest to our economy, our security and our personal welfare ...we should not be ashamed to support efforts to protect that critical life line. Please lose the “war for oil” signs. Last time I looked most of you drove to the Court House in your oil burning cars after leaving your oil warmed house after cooking on your energy powered stoves. Stop being hypocrites.

4. On Carolyn’s comments about Karen Porters interview...good observations in general Carolyn. Take a look at the protesters...for many the 60's and their over inflated sense of self importance during that period was a highlight of their lives. I truly believe many of these folks are trying to relive those glorious "Woodstock days". Remember that when some of these same people forced us out of Vietnam many more died after we left than died during the war. I was in Vietnam for TET and that could have been the North’s “last hurrah” had it not been for their ace in the hole...liberal protesters gave them the victory they could not get on the battlefield.

5. Illegal war??? Lose the signs please, it’s another liberal lie. Congress and your liberal front runner Hillary Clinton gave Bush the authority. Do you think we are all stupid? Just because you keep writing Illegal war doesn't make it so… except in your own narrow mind.

Again much thanks to Rich Davis and all the Victory in Iraq crowd from a grateful Vietnam Vet... Class of 68.

November 12, 2007 9:32 PM  
Anonymous Rich Davis said...

Great Comment Anthony -

We can't afford to allow these leftists to smear America for their own political agenda. Which is what they do.

The leftists are doing the propaganda work for all the subversive organizations that want to see America defeated as we fight back against the Jihad that has been declared against us and Israel by the radical Islamists.

They are helping our enemy by being part of the propaganda network that wants to crush America's will to fight back, just like they did in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, they knew they couldn't defeat us militarily, so they used the media and protestors to pound the "can't win" drumbeat - and they are doing it again.

Sadly, it worked during the Vietnam era, but not today. The surge is working - we are on the verge of achieving stability and yet the protestors don't care, they just want us to drop our guns and come home NOW...

I encourage everyone who wants to stand up for America and our Troops to come to our Victory rallies every Saturday.

Thanks to all who give us a thumbs up and appreciate our efforts - feel free to join us.

And finally Anthony - THANK YOU! FOR YOUR VIETNAM SERVICE!!! You are every bit A HERO as all the soldiers throughout our proud American history.

It's the Vietnam Vets who are leading the charge to never again allow protestors to demoralize our troops - and that is exactly what the peaceniks do - demoralize our troops, prolong the war, and cause more American Troops to be killed by foreign assasins in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they endanger the lives and safety of our children and all Americans with their misleading propaganda.

Our soldiers defend us and protect our children, 24/7/365. The least they should get for their sacrifice - is for these protestors to stop helping the foreign assasins to be emboldened to kill them.

For more information on the Chester County Victory Movement
contact me at or visit

Thanks to all who support us.

November 16, 2007 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

find something better to do. Pick up a hobby. Continue educating yourself. The facts and subtle nuance of this situation are complex and no one on that corner seems to understand any big picture rather their personal beliefs. I pass by and see it as ignorance to take one position or another. Why not protest against overpopulation? Lack of education among the public? Or anything else than the artificial pro/anti war position. But what do I know......

December 31, 2007 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a common thread among these tired, unaccomplished misfits. Generally speaking, they have failed monetarily, failed at relationships,never made a positive difference in society. Why is this? They feel that they are intellectually superior to anyone that doesn't agree. that is when the "syndrome" sets. The tired, frowning, ugly bitterness shows on their face, making it easy to pick them out in a crowd.

Dear Rich, Even though I live 400 miles away from you, I share your fervor and respect for our troops.It is palpable. You are an American Patriot.
The Karens of this country would almost be laughable or pitied, if they weren't so dangerous. More than likely, they will carry the bitterness with them to their graves, never knowing what our brave troops have done for them. Even though they are incapable of appreciation for our nation and military-our soldiers are aware of their "support". I wonder how many times Ms. Porter has received a thank you from an active soldier for her public displays? Or better yet, how many times has she ever walked up to a soldier in uniform and humbly thanked him/her for their bravery? Never! Bottom line? It is all about her greatness, not theirs.
Our military is second to none. They display more wisdom, maturity, understanding and appreciation for life than these ignorant, tired people ever will. And although they know what these goofy groups are doing, they continue to defend our rights and freedoms.
But for now, these misfits have an excuse to be seen and heard.
They are relishing, basking in themselves.
"Carolyn", a past blogger, wrote with deep insight. She nailed Karen to the wall. Ms. Porter is for Ms. Porter and no one else. To hear her interview, you would think she had been lying in the foreign trenches, dodging death, going without comforts, food, family. Excuse me Karen, but that is our soldier's job description, not yours. So, you give one hour a week for peace? Give us all a break. You haven't and you will never make a difference.
Do something constructive for once in your sad, miserable so called-life. Get your ever twisted mind off of yourself (one hour? what a joke) and become a better person. Think ahead, before acting. Think ahead of what your hurtful actions do to others. Think about your end result at the end of the day. Quit saying me, me, me

January 10, 2008 12:53 AM  
Anonymous vetagainstwar said...

I'm a Vietnam veteran and a member of Veterans For Peace; I have been involved in the Saturday Chester County Peace Movement vigil since early October, immediately following the Chester County Victory Movement's arrival at the corner. I read in the Local that CCVM founder Rich Davis feels, "My presence intimidates them." Well, that notion only exists in Rich's imagination, since the contrary is the case: The presence of the CCVM has energized the weekly vigil against the war, increased our numbers and raised the volume on discussion of the war, which is good. Along the same line, it is noteworthy that Rich and the CCVM have called themselves and their website "Sheepdogs," as if we are "sheep" and they are the dogs herding us around. We could escalate this self-congradulatory game and call ourselves "Sheepdog Shearers," but we hope to be more serious and try to engage in ideas, such as why we feel the US Military Occupation of Iraq is bankrupt. No one in CCVM will debate this stuff -- all they do is call us names, wrap themselves in the flag and righteously claim they speak for all US troops. Well, they don't. Personally, I've been to Iraq twice during the war and met numerous soldiers who felt the war was confusing or wrong and just wanted to come home. I personally know dozens of Iraq veterans who are against the war. As the CCPM vigil continues, many of us remain committed to discuss any of these ideas with Rich or any other reasonable members of the CCVM, as well as with members of the community. Neither group has a monopoly on being red-blooded American citizens concerned about where our nation is and where it is headed. I don't share the idea often presented by the CCVM that soldiers in Iraq or in submarines under an ice cap are fighting for my First Amendment freedoms; instead, I feel I am fighting for those rights every Saturday on the street in West Chester.
John Grant
Veterans For Peace

February 6, 2008 1:45 PM  
Anonymous vetagainstwar said...

Check out my You Tube videos of the Courthouse vigils -- at my You Tube account vetagainstwar. The first one is titled: The War In West Chester.

February 7, 2008 11:40 PM  
Anonymous A Vet said...

To "Vetagainstwar", You really need to think about yourself and the sick group you belong to. You are not helping our soldiers, at all.
Your group is composed of tired, haggarded, hate-filled, losers, starving for someone to give you attention.
Your "leader", is the epitome of pathetic. Why do you allow this person to tell you who you can talk to and who you can't talk to?
I assume you are an adult, that can make your own decisions. At least, I hope you are. Porter is a poor example to follow. With her attitude and stance, you and yours will never be given consideration.
I hope that the "CCPM" is not comprised only of hate-mongers,like Porter. She exudes disgust. I have yet to catch a smile on her face. Ms. Porter has failed at everything that she has ever attempted. She has brought only pain, to the few people that have tried to love her.
Please, heed this advice, she is not a good role model.
I hope that you have more sense. At least in your writings, you sound sane. If Porter (and group) care for America and our brave soldiers, show them. Send them care packages, greeting cards, newspapers, etc. Attempt to connect with them. They absolutely know that we care, when they can touch it. What you are doing now, is not appreciated by the biggest majority of troops.(there are always exceptions to the rule)You are not accomplishing one thing, being on that street corner, begging for honks. Just think about it, what in the heck do you think this is doing? Nothing!
I hate war, I dislike our current administration, I want change. But, I am also a realist. There will always be war, unfortunately.
And the brave young men and women, willing to do the hard job, should be shown support. That is the adult, rational, sane and effective way to help them.
Think about it, Vetagainsthewar (perhaps you should be the leader, at least you sound reasonable)

February 8, 2008 5:28 PM  
Anonymous kevlarhed said...

American Sheepdogs?

This letter was written by Charles Grennel and his comrades who are veterans of the Global War On Terror. Grennel is an Army Reservist who spent two years in Iraq and was a principal in putting together the first Iraq elections, January of 2005.

It was written to Jill Edwards, a student at the University of Washington who did not want to honor Medal of Honor recipient USMC Colonel Greg "Pappy" Boyington, former commander of the famous "Black Sheep" fighter squadron from WWII.

Ms. Edwards and other students (and faculty) do not think those who serve in the U.S. armed services are good role models.

To: Edwards, Jill (student, UW)
Subject: Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs

Miss Edwards, I read of your "student activity" regarding the proposed memorial to Col. Greg Boyington, USMC and a Medal of Honor winner. I suspect you will receive a bellyful of angry e-mails from conservative folks like me. You may be too young to appreciate fully the sacrifices of generations of servicemen and servicewomen on whose shoulders you and your fellow students stand. I forgive you for the untutored ways of youth and your naiveté.

It may be that you are, simply, a sheep. There's no dishonor in being a sheep - - as long as you know and accept what you are.

William J. Bennett, in a lecture to the United States Naval Academy November 24, 1997 said: "Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident." We may well be in the most violent times in history, but violence is still remarkably rare. This is because most citizens are kind, decent people who are not capable of hurting each other, except by accident or under extreme provocation. They are sheep.

Then there are the wolves and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in his world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.

Then there are sheepdogs and I'm a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf. If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the uncharted path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.

We know that the sheep live in denial, that is what makes them sheep. They do not want to believe that there is evil in the world. They can accept the fact that fires can happen, which is why they want fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, fire alarms and fire exits throughout their kids' schools. But many of them are outraged at the idea of putting an armed police officer in their kid's school. Our children are thousands of times more likely to be killed or seriously injured by school violence than fire, but the sheep's only response to the possibility of violence is denial. The idea of someone coming to kill or harm their child is just too hard, and so they chose the path of denial.

The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, can not and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheepdog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours. Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn't tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports, in camouflage fatigues, holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, "Baa." Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog.

The students, the victims, at Columbine High School were big, tough high school students, and under ordinary circumstances they would not have had the time of day for a police officer. They were not bad kids; they just had nothing to say to a cop. When the school was under attack, however, and SWAT teams were clearing the rooms and hallways, the officers had to physically peel those clinging, sobbing kids off of them.

This is how the little lambs feel about their sheepdog when the wolf is at the door. Look at what happened after September 11, 2001 when the wolf pounded hard on the door. Remember how America , more than ever before, felt differently about their law enforcement officers and military personnel? Understand t hat there is nothing morally superior about being a sheepdog; it is just what you choose to be. Also understand that a sheepdog is a funny critter: He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at things that go bump in the night, and yearning for a righteous battle. That is, the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle.

The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser, but they move to the sound of the guns when needed, right along with the young ones. Here is how the sheep and the sheepdog think differently. The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day.

After the attacks on September 11, 2001, most of the sheep, that is, most citizens in America said, "Thank God I wasn't on one of those planes." The sheepdogs, the warriors, said, "Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference." You want to be able to make a difference. There is nothing morally superior about the sheepdog, the warrior, but he does have one real advantage. Only one. And that is that he is able to survive and thrive in an environment that destroys 98 percent of the population.

There was research conducted a few years ago with individuals convicted of violent crimes. These cons were in prison for serious, predatory crimes of violence: assaults, murders and killing law enforcement officers. The vast majority said that they specifically targeted victims by body language: slumped walk, passive behavior and lack of awareness. They chose their victims like big cats do in Africa , when they select one out of the herd that is least able to protect itself. Some people may be destined to be sheep and others might be genetically primed to be wolves or sheepdogs.

But I believe that most people can choose which one they want to be, and I'm proud to say that more and more Americans are choosing to become sheepdogs. Seven months after the attack on September 11, 2001, Todd Beamer was honored in his hometown of Cranbury , New Jersey .. Todd, as you recall, was the man on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania who called on his cell phone to alert an operator from United Airlines about the hijacking. When they learned of the other three passenger planes that had been used as weapons, Todd and the other passengers confronted the terrorist hijackers. In one hour, a transformation occurred among the passengers - athletes, business people and parents -- from sheep to sheepdogs and together they fought the wolves, ultimately saving an u n known number of lives on the ground.

"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
- Edmund Burke.
Here is the point I like to emphasize, especially to the thousands of police officers and soldiers I speak to each year. In nature the sheep, real sheep, are born as sheep. Sheepdogs are born that way, and so are wolves. They didn't have a choice.

But you are not a critter. As a human being, you can be whatever you want to be. It is a conscious, moral decision. If you want to be a sheep, then you can be a sheep and that is okay, but you must understand the price you pay. When the wolf comes, you and your loved ones are going to die if there is not a sheepdog there to protect you. If you want to be a wolf, you can be one, but the sheepdogs are going to hunt you down and you will never have rest, safety, trust or love.

But if you want to be a sheepdog and walk the warrior's path, then you must make a conscious and moral decision every day to dedicate, equip and prepare yourself to thrive in that toxic, corrosive moment when the wolf comes knocking at the door.

This business of being a sheep or a sheep dog is not a yes-no dichotomy. It is not an all-or-nothing, either-or choice. It is a matter of degrees, a continuum. On one end is an abject, head- in-the-sand-sheep and on the other end is the ultimate warrior. Few people exist completely on one end or the other. Most of us live somewhere in between. Since 9-11 almost everyone in America took a step up that continuum, away from denial. The sheep took a few steps toward accepting and appreciating their warriors, and the warriors st arted taking their job more seriously.

It's ok to be a sheep, but do not kick the sheep dog. Indeed, the sheepdog may just run a little harder, strive to protect a little better and be fully prepared to pay an ultimate price in battle and spirit with the sheep moving from "baa" to "thanks".

We do not call for gifts or freedoms beyond our lot. We just need a small pat on the head, a smile and a thank you to fill the emotional tank which is drained protecting the sheep. And when our number is called by "The Almighty", and day retreats into night, a small prayer before the heavens just may be in order to say thanks for letting you continue to be a sheep. And be grateful for the thousands - - millions - - of American sheepdogs who permit you the freedom to express even bad ideas. end


If you don't understand the above letter, that's alright, you're just a sheep, and that's okay too.

In the meantime, the American Sheepdogs will continue to keep the wolves at bay.


February 10, 2008 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Ian said...

Whew, I just finished reading Karen Porter's twisted, sick email to her "followers". (in ATLAS SHRUGS, The Great American Counter Protest, 9/30/07)
She is completely psychotic.
Here's to you Ms. Porter:
Can you get thru one writing, one speech, one ranting without using, "me", "I", "mine"? I don't believe it's possible. For your questionable mental health, you need to focus on more than just yourself.
Alert Ms. Porter: God never leaves us, but we can leave Him. I learned that in sunday school, when I was 7 years old. We will pray for you, but He is waiting for you, on bended knees.
You certainly feel as though you have been blessed with the ability to judge a person's heart, soul, intention, education, intellect-by their appearance. You spew hate-filled descriptions of people you have never even spoken to. You don't even know their names! You attack Rich's daughter with such vile language. Rich's daughter works, because she probably doesn't receive government aide for education. She isn't a minority that can take from the government and then hate the very country that is helping her. Her father is a good role model.He does it the right way. You particularly have a huge problem with the female population that doesn't agree with your twisted ideas. Your spite sounds like it came straight out of the devil's mouth. Why do you hate people so much? what has happened in your life, that has scarred you in such a way? Watching you on that corner each week, is quite sad.
Your descriptions of these women, do not fit them at all. However, each insult you spew, is the perfect description of you. You are wrinkled, weathered, obese, frowning,scary, sad looking. You,I believe, have a long history of tobacco, drug and alcohol abuse.
You could use makeup, a lot of makeup. You do not have one maternal-looking attribute. It is honestly painful to look at you.
You speak of the mean, hateful language of these women? Go back and read your own words! I never hear these women or men talk like you. Again, you are describing yourself.
You brag, brag, brag about your readings. You accuse people that you don't even know of being practically illiterate, stupid.How dare you? You appear to be one that does indeed, read alot. What else would someone like you do? No family, no friends, no hobbies. You live your life in books. You obviously have never traveled, experienced, felt, witnessed or loved. There is only so much to be gained by the written word. Experience is education.
You are a piece of work. If these people that you hate, come from other places to counter protest-you think that is wrong? They are Americans, just like you. Guess what? It's actually legal, they can do that!The are not vultures. I would call them eagles.
You accuse counter protestors of hating anything that is not them. ie, Arabs,Muslims, jihad??? Ms. Porter,jihad IS murder.Sane people hate murder.If the act of jihad reaches West Chester, your head will role,along with everyone else's., Yours may go first,after they recognize your ignorance and "intelligent" vulnerability.
Last, but not least. Your constant blathering of sex is cheap, trash, and downright uncalled for. If you had any credibility, which you don't, your crap would erase it. One needs to shower after being subjected to your garbage. You are just plain gross. You are gross in appearance, heart, emotion, and soul. If America ever becomes a snapshot of you-- I'm leaving.

February 11, 2008 12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do the cockroaches of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War have to hide under the Veterans For Peace rock?

Because the Vietnam Veterans Against the War marched under the Viet Cong (National Liberation Front flag) and chanted, "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, N-L-F is gonna win."

They took the enemy's side in the 60's and the do so again, but can't let people know they are V.V.A.W. because the other veterans despise them.

February 11, 2008 3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on John Grant, admit to the good people of West Chester that you are a 60's relic, one of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, trying to protect the legacy you left, that the 60's troops were war criminals and babykillers via the Winter Soldier lie.

Tell these people what you've said on the corner, that you are proud of Winter Soldier and that it was a good thing.

It must really bug you V.V.A.W. types to see the gratitude and respect the public has for today's troops despite your best efforts to smear the military forever with Winter Soldier.

February 11, 2008 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, John Grant will call you a Nazi if he doesn't like your message.

So much for his claim, "all they do is call us names."

February 11, 2008 4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


February 11, 2008 7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anthony said...

The article below my comments says it appeared on line yesterday from the UK....the headline?

Al-Qaeda leaders admit: 'We are in crisis. There is panic and fear'
Qaeda Awakening movement"

Bush has taken the fight to Al Qaeda...he has been steadfast, like Lincoln in the Civil War and Roosevelt and Churchill in WW2,and as a result the group that attacked us on 9/11 is paying a stiff price. Finally we have a President who does not govern by polls. He says to those would do and have done us harm...."you will pay a price"......if Clinton had been more aggressive with the attacks on his watch perhaps 9/11 would not have happened.

Reade the article below and when Karen Porters America haters tell you Iraq was the wrong war because it do not attact the people who attacked us....think hard about what this article and these discovered Al-Qaeda documents are telling you.

Think for yourselves, reason for yourselves. The Karen Porter peace movement is all about Karen. Wise up.

Al-Qaeda leaders admit: 'We are in crisis. There is panic and fear'
Qaeda Awakening movement" src="" width=385 border=0>
Martin Fletcher in Baghdad
Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an “extraordinary crisis”. Last year's mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to the US military “created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight”. The terrorist group's security structure suffered “total collapse”.

These are the words not of al-Qaeda's enemies but of one of its own leaders in Anbar province — once the group's stronghold. They were set down last summer in a 39-page letter seized during a US raid on an al-Qaeda base near Samarra in November.

The US military released extracts from that letter yesterday along with a second seized in another November raid that is almost as startling.

That second document is a bitter 16-page testament written last October by a local al-Qaeda leader near Balad, north of Baghdad. “I am Abu-Tariq, emir of the al-Layin and al-Mashahdah sector,” the author begins. He goes on to describe how his force of 600 shrank to fewer than 20.

Related Links
Children 'taught to kill at al-Qaeda camp'
US security ally killed in Baghdad suicide bomb
“We were mistreated, cheated and betrayed by some of our brothers,” he says. “Those people were nothing but hypocrites, liars and traitors and were waiting for the right moment to switch sides with whoever pays them most.”

Assuming the two documents are authentic — and the US military insists that they are — they provide a rare insight into an organisation thrown into turmoil by the rise of the Awakening movement. More than 80,000 Sunnis have joined the tribal groups of “concerned local citizens” [CLCs] that have helped to eject al-Qaeda from swaths of western and northern Iraq, including much of Baghdad.

US intelligence officials cautioned, however, that the documents were snapshots of two small areas and that al-Qaeda was far from a spent force.

They said that while the number of car bombs had fallen over the past year, the organisation had doubled its attacks on CLC members since October. More than 20 people were killed last night when a suicide car bomber attacked a checkpoint near Balad.

Al-Qaeda gunmen stormed a compound of an “Awakening” group in Iraq's northern Nineveh province yesterday, the US military said. Among those killed in the fighting were 10 suspected Al-Qaeda in Iraq fighters.

The Anbar letter conceded that the “crusaders” — Americans — had gained the upper hand by persuading ordinary Sunnis that al-Qaeda was responsible for their suffering and by exploiting their poverty to entice them into the security forces. Al-Qaeda's “Islamic State of Iraq is faced with an extraordinary crisis, especially in al-Anbar”, the unnamed emir admitted.

In an apparent reference to al-Qaeda's brutal tactics, he said of the Americans and their Sunni allies: “We helped them to unite against us . . . The Americans and the apostates launched their campaigns against us and we found ourselves in a circle not being able to move, organise or conduct our operations.”

He said of the loss of Anbar province: “This created weakness and psychological defeat. This also created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight. The morale of the fighters went down . . . There was a total collapse in the security structure of the organisation.” The emir complained that the supply of foreign fighters had dwindled and that they found it increasingly hard to operate inside Iraq because they could not blend in. Foreign suicide bombers determined to kill “not less than 20 or 30 infidels” grew disillusioned because they were kept hanging about and only given small operations. Some gave up and went home.

Finally the emir recommended rewards for killing apostates, using doctors to kill infidels and offering gifts to tribal leaders. He said al-Qaeda's fighters should be sent to more promising areas such as Diyala province or Baghdad — which is exactly what happened.

Rear-Admiral Gregory Smith, the US military spokesman in Baghdad, called Abu-Tariq's testament a “woe-is-me kind of document”. It calls the Sunnis who switched sides a “cancer in the body of al-Jihad movement”, and declares: “We should have no mercy on them.”

The author lists those who have made off with al-Qaeda weapons or money, describes the group's arsenal, including C5 rockets, which are used against helicopters, and records the fate of the battalions under his command.

Most of the first battalion's fighters “betrayed us and joined al-Sahwah [the Awakening]”, he says. The leader of the second ran away and all but two of its 300 fighters joined the Awakening. The activities of the third were “frozen due to their present conditions”. Of the fourth he writes: “Most of its members are scoundrels, sectarians, non-believers”.

He lists 38 people still working for him but beside five names he has written comments like “We have not seen him for twenty days” or “left us a week ago”. He concludes, wistfully: “And that is the number of fighters left in my sector.”


Extracts from letters

Abu-Tariq, al-Qaeda leader

“There were almost 600 fighters in our sector before the tribes changed course 360 degrees . . . Many of our fighters quit and some of them joined the deserters . . . As a result of that the number of fighters dropped down to 20 or less.”

“We were mistreated, cheated and betrayed by some of our brothers who used to be part of the Jihadi movement, therefore we must not have mercy on those traitors until they come back to the right side or get eliminated completely.”

Unnamed emir, Anbar province

“The Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qaeda] is faced with an extraordinary crisis, especially in al-Anbar province. Al-Qaeda’s expulsion from Anbar created weakness and psychological defeat. This also created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight.

“The morale of the fighters went down and they wanted to be transferred to administrative positions rather than be fighters. There was a total collapse in the security structure of the organisation.”

February 11, 2008 8:36 PM  
Anonymous Ian said...

CCPM and their ilk-name call, because they are most immature. They are too old to run to thier mommies.
Their "look at me" "look at me" wouldn't bother me, if it didn't hurt our troops. I hate to see favor and loyalty given to our enemy.
Can't they find another cause to get the camera on them?
Also, I really wish they would clean themselves up. They are not good ambassadors for USA

February 12, 2008 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice that they invited the "Women in Black" and then had to reinforce the WIB ranks. For sure, Porter and Charles Manson's sister donned black that Saturday.

February 12, 2008 5:13 PM  
Anonymous richard brooks said...

Honk for peace! It's a good thing but meaningless. We all want this war to be over and the sooner the better. I'd honk the horn on my truck all day if it was that simple but this war is a whole lot more complicated than that. If standing on the corner with a peace sign, kept our soldiers out of harms way I'd be there in a minute. Unfortunately though, the Peace Protestors don't help our soldiers at all, they help the enemy and for the life of me, I don't understand why the Peace Protestors can't see that. They stand on that corner in front of the bank (all 60 +-) of them and there is not a single American Flag among them. That right there tells me something. They hate this country and what it stands for and they hate this government. That's right! Hate! You have no trouble finding plenty of "impeach Bush" and other tasteless derogatory signs, to tell you who they are and what they believe. A more dispicable bunch of human beings, I don't think I have ever laid eyes on. I wonder if any of these protestors have ever done one thing to help this Great Nation protect itself. I doubt it!

Some time ago, I saw a bumper sticker in the Friends Meeting Parking Lot. It read: "Peace is a Group Effort." Now there's five words that put life into proper perspective but unfortunately, it takes two to have peace. You can't have peace with someone who wants to kill you and those Islamic Radicals over there on the otherside of the world are determined to put an end to life as we know it. All of the peace signs in the world won't change their minds. Once they get control of the oil revenues, they will put such a strangle hold on the world in general and this country in particular that they will bring our economy to it's knees. We need oil and they'll have it. When there are billions of dollars in petro revenue coming into their banks every day they will be able to buy anything, even a nuclear bomb and I can assure you that they won't have any trouble finding someone to set it off in the belly of a ship in NY harbor. That will make 9/11 look like a "cake walk." Think about it!

If you want to join the Chester County Victory Movement, come out on Saturday morning from 1100 - 1200 and meet the "good guys". we have plenty of signs if you don't have one of your own. Just look for the American Flags. You can't miss them. All are welcome. You just have to believe in our cause.

February 12, 2008 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently realized a childhood dream. I became an American citizen. This CCPM speaks from ignorance. They have no idea what it is like to live in a socialist/communist country. I do wish they could experience it, even just one day. That would be enough. Their families must feel such shame from their treasonous actions.
To see the great American men come to us in WWII. It was to see freedom, hope and even love. Europeans that were Blessed enough to be saved by the American military, did/do thank God for their bravery and unselfishness. They risked their lives for us. And they still do.
How dare this CCPM people say they "support" our brave military?? I don't understand them, at all and neither do our soldiers.
Please, to the CCPM leadership. STOP what you do. STOP before it is too late for you to thank them. I mean really thank them. Quit being so spoiled, so selfish. You are not doing a good thing. That is why you look so ugly, why you are so ugly. Your hearts are filled with hate. Why? You should feel grateful, feel love. God has been good to you all. You are Americans. Straighten up, behave. Be proud of yourselves, for a change. Stop your self loathing. America needs your support.
How I wish you could experience the feeling of life from these men and women. Many Europeans died at peace-after being saved by OUR American troops.
I kiss and I thank the American soil that I am finally able to walk, talk and be free on.
Shame on you, you behave like ignorant children that need to be punished.
I have been quiet too long. But not anymore. I will join with the supporters every Saturday from now on, to help shut the CCPM up. You are embarassing the whole country.You can leave, just as I have come. Other countries will take you-be sure to buy a one way ticket

February 15, 2008 12:28 AM  
Anonymous Rich Davis said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your eloquent comment. You truly appreciate America and love our troops and support their mission.

You know it is the troops who protect and defend our freedoms, rights, and way of life.

They believe in their mission, Iraq MATTERS to our troops.

And we, the Chester Country Victory Movement, are proud to show our support for them and their noble mission.

As a 20-yr veteran of the Navy, I call tell you first-hand that the anti-war protestors do demoralize our troops and help the enemy.

The Jihadists are a determined and implacable enemy and they use video of the peace protestors to encourage their radical islamist assasins to keep fighting and killing our troops.

We all want peace - but the other side uses "peace" protests to bash Bush and blame America. They never ask the terrorists to "give peace a chance". They only point the finger at American troops.

The significant progress by our troops - is bad news for the other side. Sadly, they seem to want us to be defeated.

I look forward to meeting and shaking your hand at our Victory Rally.

Thanks for your outstanding comment.

Rich Davis
Director, Chester County Victory Movement

February 15, 2008 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been invited by John Grant,via this blog,to view his films on YOU TUBE I did.

They are very nice and the oater music brings back memories of: "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

It would seem that the Good are the Victory Movement. The Bad are the Peace Protestors and the Ugly, at least in one known interview, is the TOTAL FALSEHOOD regarding the U.S. Army Major who was called a "Baby Killer" by a member of the group of Peace Protestors that day.

The gentleman being interviewed says that the event did not occur (not a quote).

The event DID occur and the gentleman, who on film denys it, is either deaf, misinformed, or a BOLD FACED LIAR.

So much for the unbiased, accurate, reporting of John Grant.

February 15, 2008 6:53 PM  
Anonymous "Tolly" said...

Like "anonymous", I too, am now an American. (for 20 years)
I say ditto. These "peace" (??) niks should kiss this beloved American soil and pray for God and our soldiers to forgive them.
They should really do something to show their support. IE, send care packages, etc.
BUT, that would take the focus off of them, and that, I feel, is really what they desire. Too bad. All that energy going to evil, and not good.
I will also join your mission on Saturdays, however, I am a 77 year old man! I'll stand with you as long as my old legs will allow. As long as you will have me. Thank you and God Bless the USA and our Military

February 17, 2008 10:44 PM  
Blogger TMCN said...

Dear Tolly and Anonymous,

Thank you for your support of the Victory Movement, and for your wonderful encouraging words. You embody the true spirit of our great nation, and that of our forefathers who came here before us to create a great nation. They, like you, came here to make a new life, and to stand for and by it's government and it's people in times of peace and war, always devoted, principled and patriotic. You are a breath of fresh air, and a vote of confidence to our soldiers, and to we the supporters who are willing to stand in opposition to the peace movement group, who seek to tear down the military, not to support them.

Thanks again for your candid posts! TMCN

February 18, 2008 9:18 AM  
Blogger Anthony said...

Do the Courthouse Protesters Owe Bush an Apology ?

On any given Saturday you will see the "Impeach Bush", "Worst President Ever", "Bush Lied" signs from Karen Porters left leaning CCPM protesters. Within the last two days I have read or witnessed events and articles that should give the Presidents critics pause. In an op-ed piece in Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, William McGurn asks..."can the President's critics ever admit when they're wrong". Several points to ponder from his article and from the events in Africa this past week...

Africans turned out in record numbers to thank President Bush for all he has done for Africa in the battle against AIDS. Bob Geldorf, an Irish rock star and AIDS activists praised Mr. Bush for his work in delivering billions to fight disease and poverty in Africa, and blasted the U.S. press for ignoring the achievement.Mr. Bush, said Mr. Geldof, "has done more than any other president so far."
McGurn in the WSJ piece highlights the recent developments in Stem Cell research. Bush as we all know was steadfast in his refusal to extend the collection of stem cells from human embryos. He was blasted in the press and by all those left of center as being indifferent to the potential of stem cell research to ease pain and suffering. Bush stood on his principals that human babies would not become the farm animals for stem cell research. He suffered greatly in the court of public opinion for his stance. He said that science could find other sources for stem cells and technological innovation should be the path forward. The left mocked him. Well, last November scientists discovered a way to reprogram adult skin cells to act like embryonic stem we can move forward with stem cell research and NOT destroy human embryos. Sounds like Bush was right to stand his ground.
Bush lowered taxes for all Americans...the left said that deficits would rise and revenue to the Government would fall. Well, that didn't happen when John Kennedy lowered taxes, it didn't happen when Reagan lowered taxes it sure didn't happen when Bush lowered taxes. The Bush lower tax rates have done what the lower tax rates did for Kennedy and Reagan....they brought RECORD revenues to the federal Treasury. That is not right wing spin its indisputable FACT. Look at the numbers.
Finally we have the Iraq war. A few months ago John Murtha, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and every Democrat left of Joe Lieberman were claiming the war lost, we had no way of winning and we were in a hopeless quagmire. That was a few months ago, then came a change in Generals and a change in strategy. If you read sources other than the NYT for your news you know that there have been tremendous successes in Iraq. Al Quaeda has all but been destroyed in Baghdad and recent letters found from Al Quaeda operatives talk about the total chaos in their ranks....defections to the Americans and battles lost. Instead of defeat in Iraq, George Bush's leadership and steadfastness in the face of constant criticism will bring us and the Iraqi people a proud victory snatched from the jaws of liberal defeatists.
It's interesting to note that there was another Republican President who fought an unpopular war. He was so unpopular that he had to sneak into Washington before his inauguration. His own Party came to him during the unpopular war to ask him to step down. His response to those who would have him quit ? "I will see this war to its conclusion, then it will have consumed me....then you can have your better man". That unpopular and stubborn President was Abraham Lincoln.

George Bush like Reagan before him was scorned by the media and cultural elite. Intellectuals held both in low regard. Reagan was an actor, Bush an idiot. Well.... Reagan, the president who was going to get us into WW3 according to the left, brought the Soviet Union to its knees and not a shot was fired. And George Bush looks like he is being proved right on some very critical issues and decisions of his presidency.

To reiterate William McGurn's question in the op-ed piece this week..."can the President's critics ever admit when they're wrong". And I will add....can Karen Porter's CCPM???

February 20, 2008 7:08 AM  
Blogger TMCN said...

Bravo Anthony! Give credit where it is due, I say. And it's a difficult thing to find in todays liberals and their media. I happened to see a FOX News story on the Africa visit the other night, and they showed leaders greeting GW with open arms, and people wearing clothing with GW's face on it, not t-shirts-but really nice Hawaiian type shirts and dresses, with very complimentary pics of the pres. all over them. A pop-star has written him a song. Interviews from aids patients were incredibly touching, thanking him and the US for our help. There were no end to the celebrations in each town he visited.
Just now, when I was searching on-line for a headline/storyline to back it up (have you noticed anything about his trip in the regular news?) I first found a BBC reporters comments, and you would never know of the warm reception he is being given. He was completely negative, citing specifically the fact that Bush's stops did not include the war-torn nations over there. Really? I'll let you figure that one out brainiac. Mr BBC had nothing nice to say at all, and certainly did not report the respect for President Bush, that was being shown. He also said nothing whatsoever about the amount of $$ Bush has dedicated to combat aids and help these nations to develop. I think the 2-sided reporting is getting to be almost frightening! Here is a place in the world where the man is honored and revered for his commitment, and the media aren't around to tell the story. But God forbid he mispronounces a word…

Some links:

February 20, 2008 8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the Daily Local, or any other legitimate copy, pay Karen Porter any attention?

February 20, 2008 5:13 PM  
Anonymous Tim said...

What is wrong with this words?

The most "disliked" "peace-activist" is Karen Porter

February 20, 2008 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Shannon said...

Yeah, Porter makes Cindy Sheehan appear lovable!

February 20, 2008 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know why the "peace" protesters continue to use violence against the other side?

On 3/22/2008 one of their members (John Meicht) hit one of the female members of the victory side in the face twice. The cops were called and a police car flagged down. John Meicht was being questioned about it then got belligerent with the police and was abruptly thrown to the ground and handcuffed.

But yet the peace people continue to distort the truth stating they did nothing wrong and actually blaming the woman for being hit by John Meicht.

What shameful and despicable character they have displayed.

March 24, 2008 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen the videos of the two protests and its a shame that in a country that prides itself on free speech that there can't be more talking and less screaming.

Pro-military group: You may not like what the CCPM has to say, but they have a right to dissent against the war and to voice that opinion.

CCPM: If you haven't issued an apology by this point for striking the woman with the camera, then do it. Now. To have credibility as an organization for peace, you cannot tolerate or condone any violence, especially by your own members.

March 28, 2008 12:21 PM  
Blogger Bud said...

I was glad to hear the previous writer call the Support-the-Troop people 'pro-military' and not pro-war. Too many reporters refer to them as 'pro-war', and all they are trying to do is support our troops in battle, and prevent them from being called 'baby killers' as the CCPM likes to call them. From seeing the CCPM over many months I can see they have one message, and that is 'hate America'. They seem to thrive on anything anti-American. I'll continue to support the troops, and pray that my support helps to saves the lives of our troops in battle.

March 28, 2008 3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both sides do not support the troops. Porter does not as she is the local coordinator/bus organizer for ANSWER, the front group used to hide the hand of the Party For Socialism & Liberation behind the largest and best funded of the anti-American groups that have set up phony peace groups.

ANSWER's flyer/column titled "Counter-Revolution & Resistance in Iraq" says:

"The anti-war movement here and around the world must give its unconditional support to the Iraqi anti-colonial resistance.”

Unconditional support means supporting the resistance as they kill US troops. There is no Gandhi figure in Iraq and any claims that the resistance is not involved in killing US troops is quickly dispelled by searching YouTube for “Iraqi resistance” or “Iraq resistance”.

A.N.S.W.E.R. also endorses the findings of the World Tribunal on Iraq, which urges the resistance to continue armed hostilities, even commit atrocities because they are entitled to “acts of desperation”. Porter and A.N.S.W.E.R. never ask both adversaries to stop, never ask for a cease fire, but rather always blame America.

I am not talking about anti-American factions on the fringe of the anti-war movemnt, I pointing out who leads the anti-war movement. There is no intention good enough, no peace sign large enough, to hide the shame of marching with those who dishonestly speak of peace while actually encouraging an enemy to kill our sons and daughters.

Those who still choose to march with such groups can visit the A.N.S.W.E.R. and PSL websites (internationalanswer dot org and pslweb dot org) for a good deal on a Che’ shirt.

April 12, 2008 10:41 PM  
Blogger ishmashaw said...

OMG! There IS NO WAR anymore in Iraq. It is an occupation for stability. Just like Germany, South Korea, Japan, Guam, and many, many, more locations around the globe. GEESH! Get over it already! In case you didn't know, we have a permanent presence in Iraq just like the countries listed above. Our troops will be deployed to Iraq for at least the next 50 years. QUIT WHINING!

May 2, 2008 10:45 AM  
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June 1, 2008 9:54 AM  
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January 5, 2009 11:48 AM  

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