Friday, July 24, 2009

Great Moments in Presidential Speeches

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country - JFK

'What's in this for me?' - BHO


Anonymous Bob said...

Gil - That was a real cheap shot.
I guess we can look forward to 8 years of Spencerblog taking everything Obama say's out of context.

July 24, 2009 10:02 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

after 8 years of awkward bush photos and out of context lines from 200 thru the election of 2008, Bob, I'll take this one.

July 24, 2009 10:32 AM 
Anonymous Bob said...

Steve - Obama was addressing people who wanted to know "what's in it for me". He wasn't telling people to ask "what's in it for them". A big difference. It was a cheap shot, taken out of context, and Gil knows it. As for Bush, he was master of the verbal flub. No one had to take anything he had to say out of context.

July 24, 2009 12:09 PM 
Anonymous jake said...

Let me risk the wrath of the Obamaniacs:
Is there anybody else who finds it unbecoming for the nation to have a Presidential jock-sniffer?
First, that baggy jean, candy-ass throw at the All-Star game. This from a guy who we've already been bored to tears by the homages to his athleticism and physique.
Then, yesterday, his obsequious phone call to a White Sox pitcher. Yes, I know it was a perfect game and yes it's his team, but enough already.
There's a recession going on, with people losing their houses and jobs, and his plan to fix it floundering badly. Have the common decency to at least pretend you're trying to solve our nation's problems, rather than rubbing our noses in the jock-sniffing perks of your office.

July 24, 2009 12:21 PM 
Blogger Pro Christ Pro Gun said...

Wow Bob, how soon you forget the daily cheapshots taken at a real man, George W. Bush. At least President Bush was able to fire a strike when he threw the first pitch at the 2002 all star game. Your guy throws like a girl, and he one hopped home plate.

Obama is a failure!

C. Scott Shields, Esquire

July 24, 2009 2:55 PM 
Anonymous Bob said...

Scott - He wasn't elected President to throw a baseball. I could care less how he throws. The fact that he's only been in office for six months, and you've declared him a failure, tell's me just one thing. That you want him to fail.
Jake - Was there ever a bigger jock sniffer in the White House than Bush the Cheerleader? He wasn't good enough to play, so he waved his pom poms on the side lines.

July 24, 2009 9:34 PM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

ok, and "I can see alaska from my house" was really said by palin. CNN did a brief story on her today on the situation room and to lead it off they showed parts of a letterman monologie, what the f?

July 24, 2009 10:18 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see best Obama speech's? Well was the best speech when he backed up the racist Reverend Wright for saying 'God Dam America' or was it when his other racist friend Lil Louy Gates 'Cop's are racial profiling me '?Alas Saint Obama show's his 'real color " when in both event's he needed a second speech to apologize in hope he might get elected in 2008 or in the Gates case 're-elected in 2012 . Well he can bet he lost many white voters in this last racial fiasco he created. ( he IS a the black president )

July 25, 2009 4:12 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

yeah, meant russia. whatever, i'm not in office so who cares...

July 25, 2009 5:02 PM 

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