Monday, March 17, 2008


There's a ubiquitous five-letter word on the region's highways and byways I've concluded most drivers don't know the meaning of -- Y-I-E-L-D!
Two dictionaries in my newsroom desk I checked define the word as "GIVE WAY TO, TO CONCEDE OR GRANT, TO SURRENDER VOLUNTARILY ONE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, ETC."
Case in point: I was coming back on the U.S. Route 1/Media Bypass from an assignment last week in Lima and exiting on to the Blue Routh South (I-476) ramp at the proper speed.
Suddenly a driver entering the bypass -- who had a YIELD sign -- seemed to accelerate as he/she pulled up nearly parallel to me, instead of yielding, hardly giving me any space to turn into the exit.
To whoever you are, "YIELD" means just that -- not a sign to put your gas pedal to the floor!
Why is northbound traffic on the Blue Route (I-476) getting off at West Chester Pike (Route 3), Exit 9, in Marple allowed to make a right turn on red?
It is very dangerous with through traffic speeding eastbound on the pike from New Ardmore Avenue, PennDOT honchos.
But yet traffic on Glen Gary Drive in the Westgate Hills section of Haverford -- a few blocks further east on the pike -- cannot make a right turn on red when it's clear. Who makes these decisions that make local residents waste gas while idling? You ever hear about the major package-delivery firm that has a policy of encouraging its drivers to make right turns when possible to avoid waiting for left turns?
Speaking of New Ardmore Avenue in Marple at Route 3, what's with Marple Township officials not doing anything yet with that awful eyesore of a burned-out building at that intersection? It should have been demolished a long time ago. It really makes for a scenic welcome to Marple.
But I have to admit the car-wrecking monster machine on one side of the Platt Bridge (Route 291) into Philadelphia ranks the highest for a welcome-to-our town landmark, don't you think?
Don't get me started...


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