Friday, October 26, 2007

The great soccer debate

The great soccer debate continues.

Apparently concerned that maybe some people would seriously consider naming the MLS team that a local group is hoping to lure to a stadium in Chester after the city itself, the good guys at Sons of Ben are seeking some possible nominations on team names and colors on their Big Soccer forum.

I think they got scared when I suggested Chester Sun, and are now looking to cut any such idea off at the pass.
If you have an idea, you can share it by clicking here.

I’m still hearing from people who kind of like the idea of keeping Chester – the city where the team will actually play – in the name.
Ain’t going to happen.

Leader in the clubhouse seems to be some variation of Philadelphia Independence or Philadelphia Athletic.

My old pal Bob Tennant, former sports and associate editor of the Daily Times, has chimed in with a unique spin that would still hold a key tie for the city. Bob suggests FC Clippers. Is there a nickname more intensely tied to the city than Clippers? And he goes one better. He’d like to see legendary Strath Haven soccer guru Mike Barr as the team’s coach.

Me? Well, it certainly appears as if Chester Sun is being shot down. Eclipsed as it were.

Here’s an alternative. How about FC Philboys. No, it’s not named after me. It’s a spin off the Philly theme that is probably going to wind up in the name.

Unless you think FC Philadelco, combing the two, has a nice ring to it. Maybe FC Laddies. Hey, I’m Irish, what do you expect?

Go to the site and offer your own ideas. In the meantime, when this thing is announced, I intend to put the newspaper in the running with a contest to name the team.

Yep, I’m going to be dragged into this whole soccer thing kicking and screaming. Next thing you know I’ll wind up hanging out with some hooligans. Or newspaper people, which is kind of the same thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the fold Mr. Heron. MLS soccer is coming! I can just feel it.


October 29, 2007 9:16 AM 

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