Monday, March 9, 2009

Seeing the light

What a difference a week makes.

Last week, I started a week off by shoveling 8 inches of snow from the driveway. Nice. Most of the week was miserably cold. Not exactly my idea of a vacation. I shivered through most of the week, dreams of Clearwater or some other exotic – and most importantly warm – locale dancing in my head.

Finally, on Friday, things managed to ease up. Temperatures burst into the 50s. The snow started melting.

Saturday was almost worth the wait. With temperatures in the low 70s, I ventured out into the yard for the first time since last fall.

But it was not the favorite thing I did all week. That would come last night. After dinner, I grabbed a cup of coffee, walked out onto the front porch, and stood in the still reasonable temperatures. In daylight.

Yes, we have returned to Daylight Saving Time. It cost us an hour sleep Sunday morning, but it’s worth every second.

Later today, I will (hopefully) exit the office, head for my car and drive home before it gets completely dark.

Spring can’t be far behind.


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