Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It shouldn't happen to a cat

This one simply makes you shake your head and wonder which is the animal and which is the human.

A humane official in Philadelphia reports that they found a cat that had been wrapped from head to toe in duct tape.

At first I had trouble believing it. Then I saw the photo of this poor little cat wrapped up like some kine of feline mummy.

I have just one question in this case: Exactly what kind of animal could possibly do this to a defenseless animal? And what does it say about our society that this could possibly happen?

Clearly we’re doing something wrong. The recent string of animal abuse just makes you shake your head and wonder, if people are capable of this, what else are they capable of?

I can only imagine what that cat went through as SPCA officials removed the duct tape, taking hunks of furr with it along the way. Officials say they were able to remove the tape, and the cat is recovering.

As for the rest of us shocked that this could happen, that might take a little longer.

And one final thought, and I know some people will undoubtedly believe this is a cheap shot.

Maybe in a society where we’re so eager to forgive people who do horrendous things to animals, including granting them status once again as a celebrity millionaire athlete, maybe we should not be all that taken aback that abuse of animals suddenly is not viewed as all that big a deal.


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