Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Justice for Worman

It is very unlikely that John Jackey Worman will ever again walk out of prison as a free man.

And that might be too soon.

Worman, already looking at spending the rest of his life in jail for the almost incomprehensible child porn ring he headed, was back in court in Delaware County yesterday.

He pleaded guilty to several charges of raping the children involved in his sadistic pursuits.

He will be sentenced in March by Delaware County Judge Barry Dozor. That time will be heaped on top of the time he earned via his convictions in federal court.

Delco prosecutors decided to push the local charges as a hedge that Worman will never again see the light of day.


That kind of darkness, that kind of evil, should never again walk among us.

In court yesterday Worman seemed more interested in how soon he could get back to federal prison.

Not soon enough.


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