Friday, January 22, 2010

The shame of John Edwdards

This one’s for my sister.

It takes a special kind of person to do battle with cancer. It is a harrowing experience, as much mentally as physically.

It helps to have a loving, supportive spouse at your side.

Then there’s John Edwards.

I work with words every day. But I’m at a loss to come up with a description for Edwards.

I suppose sleaze might suffice. Or perhaps slime.

There’s a part of me that always suspected that Edwards’ act was phony.
Maybe it was the $400 haircut.

For those not yet aware, Edwards this week confirmed what most had already suspected. He was the father of the baby born to his ex-mistress.

It’s not the first time a man has strayed. Nor the first time a person in the spotlight has turned out to be something other than his public persona. See Woods, Tiger.

But the Edwards case is different. For several reasons.

At the time of his dalliance – with the woman he hired to be the videographer on his campaign – Edwards’ wife was battling an incurable form of cancer.

Edwards had denied he was the girl’s father, even after he finally admitted cheating on his wife.

And he apparently went to great lengths to try to cover up his paternity. That includes having a key aide say publicly that he was actually the father. And it includes a bizarre tale including dirty diapers and bogus DNA tests.

He had that part right. Because that’s what this entire story smells like. It’s a stench that now is permanently attached to Edwards’
pretty-boy smile.

Remember, this guy was a U.S. Senator. No, that does not make him immune to personal failures. This was a little more than that.

Edwards used his wife, he used his aides, he used the voters.

At one time he was John Kerry’s running mate. He could have been the vice president. A lot of people thought this guy had what it takes to be president of the United States.

Now he’s a sleaze.

And so richly deserved.

Shame on you, John Edwards.

Oh, I forgot. That’s part of the problem. We’ve lost our ability to be shamed.

I expect Edwards to show up and shed a few tears with Oprah any day now.
I only hope his wife will not be with him.


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