Tornado/Ryan Howard watch (and Hamels/chiropractor update!)
Nice place.
And, yes, tornado watch. Pretty sweet. Looking forward to the drive home toward the ocean.

Okay, okay... enough about the weather. I hear the afternoon drive won't be too much better at home, so, as "they" say, pick your poison.
Along with the tornado watch, there is the Ryan Howard watch that's in full effect. With his arbitration hearing date looming (a week from tomorrow) of course everyone would like to hear what the big fella has to say.

Neither Howard or his agent have publicly spoken about the $3 million gap between themselves and Phillies management.
When and if Ryan speaks, I will listen - and then let you in ASAP via the blog.
Yes, technology is nice that way.
So what else is going on at camp? Not much. Pitchers and catchers don't officially have to report until tomorrow for physicals.
Their "official" workouts don't begin until Thursday.
But that hasn't stopped more than a handful of guys from getting started. Upon my arrival at the park yesterday (Monday), I spotted Cole Hamels stretching out his arm in, having a long-toss catch with Chris Coste and Zach Segovia on the Richie Ashburn field within the Brighthouse complex.
Pat Burrell was the only non-catcher positional player I saw yesterday; Chase Utley is here today.
Yes, spring is nearly underway.
I spoke with Brad Lidge (his knee will be fine, he says), Kyle Kendrick (in a major league camp for the first time in his career despite a fine rookie campaign last summer), along with minor league pitchers Joe Savery (the Phillies top pick a year ago) and Josh Outman (maybe the guy who will be unofficially be tabbed as "The Most Likely to be this year's Kyle Kendrick).
They're all pretty excited to be here and get started.
That's all I have for now. Time to do some work now that's I'm on the clock.
Now that most of the reporting is done, an update:
Cole Hamels was asked if the team had hired a chiropractor, per his request last summer that drew some attention (and a lot of comments from ill-informed, baseball-clueless radio talkers).
"No, not that I know of but I know they’re more open to the situation so I think that’s the best and hopefully they're open to the situation of maybe being able to have a guy come around during spring traning just to see what it’s like," the Phillies left-hander said.
"There are allowing me to (go to see one) which beneifits me, and I know other guys use them. You know it’s up to (the Phillies) - I know they’re doing everything they possibly can to get a massage therapist. It’s kind of the new way of training and keeping in shape, so we’ll see what happens."
Hamels, who earned his first all-star invite last year and helped pitch the Phillies to the playoffs in late September after missing a month with a left shoulder strain, appeared to be okay with the situation. As long as he can keep himself of sound body and mind, he knows he can pitch to his capabilities.

This might be an interesting storyline to follow, however, if he misses a start in May after a road trip without treatment. Hamels said he had chiropractice massage therapy two to three times a week during the offseason.
In tomorrow's paper: a Phillies column from yours truly.
What about?
How about this for a rare stance - Adam Eaton may not be that bad of a fifth starter.
Read more about it tomorrow...
We are dying for baseball and all updates are greatly appreciated. Please keep them coming.
I'll try my best!
It is nice that baseball season is finally here. I imagine the Phillies should keep Philly fans with something to talk about sports-wise for 7-8 months.
The beauty of the season is it's everyday, so there's always something fresh to talk about.
Thanks for the comment.
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