Blogs > Phollowing the Phillies

Insight, observations (and whatever else comes to mind) on the trails of the team that ended the quarter century-long parade drought in the City of Brotherly Love - the Philadelphia Phillies.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Relax.... because that's what Pedro is going to do tonight

Pedro Martinez looked like the vintage, Pedro from Boston in his last start.

On Saturday night, he reminded fans of the oft-injured pitcher with the Mets.

But the neck injury that Martinez suffered Saturday in Atlanta doesn't appear to be a big deal. It has nothing to do with him most important limb (his right arm) or a hammy or a leg.

He hurt it while swinging a bat.

His remedy? Wait for it...... a chiropractor. And a muscle relaxer before bed time.

The loss was the 100th of Martinez's Hall of Fame career. Guess what? He didn't seem too concerned about that, either.

"That’s just a number," Martinez said. "If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t have realized. I just would have went home, tried to get some sleep, take a muscle relaxer and forget about it."

Martinez was asked if that night-time ritual would include a calming glass of wine, too.

"No mixing wine," Martinez said with a straight face. "You can’t do that."


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