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Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's once again time to get moving on another brisk morning. Somehow, the cold makes it a little harder to get out of bed. It seems the bears have it right. Sleep all winter, then have fun in the spring and summer.
Speaking of staying in bed, here's one of the most famous sleepers in the land.
So, today's weather appears to be much like January. Not too suprising, huh. Cold, possible snow, more cold, some rain, etc.
Still, it's that four letter word -- SNOW -- that seems to bring out the crazy in a lot of people.
Snow's in the forecast, run out get all the bread and milk and eggs and more bread. We might be stuck in forever.
Well, maybe not forever, but at least for an hour or two.
Why is it a lot of people run out to the supermarket to stock up on items they normally wouldn't need just because there is some snow in the forecast? If you know the answer or have some ideas, e-mail me HERE
Even the biggest snowstorms the last 15 years haven't stopped people from moving around at some point in the day. Stores were open, work was happening.
The last big one was the Saturday before the Eagles played the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Championship game. OK, it was nasty that Saturday, but by Sunday the roads were cleared and the game, as well as everything else, went on.
My guess is we have created a panic mentality. We can never have enough. Too many find the need to be nasty just because they can.
Let's all lighten up a little bit. Despite the clouds hanging around out there, it's a bright world, see it.
As always send me some links, photos, anything.
Have fun


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