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Monday, March 10, 2008



After doing some work around the house Sunday, we took a ride to Chinatown for a good dinner.
No offense to those around here, but there's nothing like the restaurants in Chinatown. Not only is the food fantastic, but the atmosphere can't be beat. There was even a group dancing around in dragon costumes, which is always cool to see.

With the rain coming down Saturday night, it proved to be a good night to stay in and catch a movie.
The choice was the 1980s classic 'Ghostbusters.' I remember seeing the movie twice in the theater when it came out in 1984.
The first time, the place was packed. There were even some sitting in the aisles on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Everybody loved the movie then. There were laughs all over the place, well, except for the lady next to us who fell asleep.
Now, has anybody fell asleep in a movie theater. It's tough to do.
I've seen the movie again over the years, but, what struck me this time is how dated it really is.
With advancement of special effects make the ghosts almost as laughable as some of Bill Murray's lines. Then again, maybe that adds to the movie.
One other thing that struck me was how dominate Murray is in the movie. Dan Ackroyd, at the time, was just as big a star, but he takes a major step back.
It's even more obvious in the sequel when Murray makes basically a cameo appearence and the movie, well, stinks.
The original, though, is still worth a look.
Besides, it has one of the best theme songs ever:

What ever happened to Ray Parker Jr., anyway?
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