Blogs > Rise and Shine

Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Thursday, April 10, 2008



Having worked most of my life after the sun had set, anytime I wanted to watch a television show, I would tape it.
Then, either later that night or the next day, I would watch the show, fast-fowarding through the commercials.
So, I really didn't pay too much attention to them. I don't need a commercial to figure out what I need to waste my money on anyway.
Having started this morning wake-up in January, I've been able to catch the shows during the normal run. Which means, except for when I have the remote in hand and check around, I am forced to watch the commercials.
Well, maybe there are a couple of humourous ones, but most are just plain annoying. Not only would I not buy their product now, but I feel like tracking down the master film and destroying it.
Morning television is the worst. If it's not a political ad, then there is this one for something called 'Honey Clusters.' It is apparently some kind of cereal. They are trying to show it's good for you. Some snot-nosed teenager with a whiny voice makes me hope Honey Clusters go the way of cheap gas.
Anyway, here are some good ones sent along by a favorite reader:

If you have any cool links or photos, send them along to

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