Blogs > Rise and Shine

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Rise and Shine --- Retiring to Florida

Good Morning and welcome to winter!

Well, OK, it only feels like winter. Still, don't try to tell me there's nothing wrong with our weather pattern when last Thursday it was 80 degrees and this morning there was frost on the windows.
Meanwhile, the Phillies get to play the Tampa Bay Rays (leave out the Devil) for the World Series title. So, the season started in Clearwater, Fla., and will most likely end in Tampa, which is right over the bridge from Clearwater.
Now, there's a rivalry our retirees can believe in. Maybe it's just me, but I would have rather seen the Phillies play Boston in the Series. That would have an old-time baseball feel. Then again, what is the difference if the Phillies can pull out the wins.
Meanwhile, this chill in the air and some cool looking Halloween decorations got me thinking about a couple of things (Yeah, that's the burning smell).
So, each day between now and Oct. 31 we'll have a Halloween song and movie of the day.
Since there may be a stretch at some point, if you know any cool Halloween movies or songs, send them along to
So, here we go with the first two. Listen to the song first, then go out and find the movie. Who says I don't provide a public service?

Now, stop tapping your feet. Make some popcorn and enjoy:

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