Blogs > Rise and Shine

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Alarming

Good Morning and welcome to May!

So, it's May Day, which isn't exactly what I was thinking this morning when I looked at the clock. No, there were other words going through my mind.
It's a funny thing about that morning alarm. We hate them, curse them, want to throw them against the wall, hit the button to delay them and generally have nightmares about the loud buzz, beat, buzz. Then, when they don't go off or, through a haze of sleepiness, forget to turn them on, well, it's more of the same. We hate them, curse them and want to throw them against the wall.
The problem is, there's no time to even think about that. My alarm goes off at 4:10 a.m., usually. For the first time in a couple of years, I forgot to turn the alarm on Thursday night. So, after rolling over and seeing 3:53 blinking on the clock, I figured I had about 15 minutes before the alarm would get me up.
No sir. Forgot to put it on, so, when I looked and the clock was laughing at me with 5:13 blinking back, it was time to run. Know those nightmares about going to work without pants, well, miss the alarm and you might live it.
Somehow, I was able to shower, walk the dogs, get breakfast, get back-packs packed and get out the door by 5:30.
Miracle? Maybe. Now, if a few other would come this way.
Meanwhile, you can listen to this while sitting at home with the Swine Flu:

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