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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rise and Shine --- About that money...

Good Morning and welcome to a July Wednesday!!

When even the Pope weighs in on the world economy, maybe it's time somebody will listen.
We've been separating the haves and have nots for way too long. What's wrong with everybody having the same amount of time, money or whatever. We would all get along a lot better. There would be less crime and businesses could, well, stay in business.
The Pope, according to the New York Times, said world economic leaders should work for the ‘Common Good.'
How about that? This Pope sure is radical.
If you want to argue some 'leaders of industry' deserve to make more money because of their company leadership, so be it. Just remember, those people didn't get there without somebody doing their work.
The head of Sunoco would be bringing home that outlandish salary if we weren't paying the high price (gouging?) for gas.
Just think how much better we would all be if companies looked out for the 'common good' instead of the 'good for one.'
Sometimes, the simplest ideas make the most sense.


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