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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Back to school

Good Morning and welcome to the real end of summer!

Today is Back To School day at the house. Most of Labor Day was spent getting clothes together, putting names on notebooks (and everything else) and packing the school bag for the first day.
For the first time, Liam (10 going on 15) is excited about going back to school (he's starting fifth grade). Sure, there is some nervousness, but nothing like the last few years. In fact, I'm probably more upset than he is about school starting. (I always get a few stomach pains at the end of summer. I enjoy being with the family so much, that any break from that routine is tough).
Anyway, while walking the dogs Monday night, the neighbor was asking Liam about starting school. Then turned to me and said, 'Don't you wish it was you getting ready for school?'
Now, that is a rather innocuous question. He was laughing. I was laughing. I said, 'Yeah. That way I wouldn't have to worry about going to work.'
Then, while lying awake last night, I thought about my answer. Sure, being of school age is fun. Sure, learning (although I didn't realize it then) is fun.
If I had never gone to work, though, I never would have met an angel. It happened, in of all places, a library (work library, but a library all the same).
For some reason, the angel smiled at me and I knew, just knew, the world was (is) a beautiful place.
After that day (through even today), I saw (see) the angel everywhere. The angel is in the clouds. In the sun. In trees. In flowers. In the other room. In this room. In the rain. In music.
Now, I have to go back to school to make the angel see the amazing world she has created.
Thank you.

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