Blogs > Rise and Shine

Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rise and Shine --- What cold?

Good Morning and welcome to the place where American Idol won't be discussed!

So, it's about 20 degrees out there this morning. We're being warned about potential snow showers (no accumulation, though). They said it's going to be even colder Friday.
So, why don't children of a certain age feel it's necessary to put on a coat. Or a hat. Or a scarf. Or gloves. Or anything that would keep them warm on a cold day.
Is it because their natural energy (some scientist please bottle this so we can keep up) keeps them warmer than the rest of the world? Is it because they would rather not be burdened with the tough task of actually putting on the scarf?
It's one of those mysteries that, sadly, will never be figured out.
Go to a school at the end of the day and watch the students come out the doors. With the small exception of one or two, none of them are wearing coats. Now, I know for a fact they are fashioned with the outerwear in the morning. After school, though, it's 'too hot' to wear the coat.
Like 22 degrees is that much warmer than 20 degrees. Downright balmy, if you ask one 6-year old.
Of course, it's the same 6-year old who will put his coat on indoors if the heat is turned down below 70.
Trying to figure it out makes my head hurt. As does this...

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Rise and Shine

Good Morning Obama-ites, McCain-ites and all those in between!

Well, the Democrats had their say this week and the Republicans get the stage next week. After all the speeches, rhetoric, commercials and analysis, do these big gatherings really change anything?
What it comes down to in November is which candidate each individual feels can make their life a bit better. Who can get us out of this economic spiral? Who can get us out of the wars quicker? Who can pull a nation of depression into the sunlight?
Probably not one person, but one person has to be the face. Whether you vote for Obama or McCain or Nader or that guy who sold everything he owns to walk the country in hopes of getting on the ballot, it will only matter if we hold them all accountable.
Which, I guess, is the way it's supposed to work anyway.
Speaking of working, this is Labor Day weekend. Labor Day was started in 1882 as a way to celebrate "the social and economic achievements of American workers," according to the Department of Labor.
Now, like Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day, President's Day, the Fourth of July, Arbor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's an excuse for stores to open early and stay open late, which, of course, keeps everybody working. The more you buy, the more can keep working, so, in a way, it all works out in the end.
Then again, maybe we should be like this guy:
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

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