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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Den of disease

Good Morning and hope you are enjoying a happy-ending Sunday!

It starts innocently enough, a cough or sneeze. Then starts to blossom until it takes over the body, knocking the person down. The room is spinning, the bed offers no relief. A run to the bathroom is only followed by another run and another run. The sunshine only makes things worse. Finally, the person gives in and lets everything run its course.
It doesn't end there, though. No, that would be way too easy. The 'alien' jumps from one body, to the next, causing the same problems. Then it jumps to the next and the next. It never ends...
Something out of Hollywood?
Not quite, just the way a small stomach bug can move through a household. One day, everybody is fine, running around, enjoying life. Then, boom, down and out.
Of course, you can't enjoy feeling a little better, because somebody else in the house is suddenly feeling bad. The only hope is it doesn't move back around for a second go (sequel?), because, well, you know, if it is good once, why not keep making it again and again.
After sitting through a day with this 'bug' it got me to thinking about how a fast-moving stomach flu is much like the banking business. After all, they suck you dry with fees and interest rates, then complain when you have trouble with the payments.
There's only one way for that sequel to end.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008



OK, so the government stimulus check is going to be in our bank accounts over the next few weeks. While extra money is always welcome (in fact, if anybody wants to send me some now, I'd be thankful), this round of 'stimulus' I don't think will offer much help to the economy.
Why? Well, it's simple, when people can barely make ends meet right now, no amount of extra cash will lead to extra purchases.
When you struggle to fill the gas tank on the way to work, that big-screen television isn't going to make much of a difference. The government, once again the money is great, would be better served making things more affordable for the everyday working person.
When a Saturn takes $36 to fill the tank, that's just too much. I can only imagine what kind of gas those big SUVs and pickup trucks go through.
When you add together gas for the car, home heating, and the regular bills, that stimulus check is going to disappear than a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
It's a help, but we need more. Now, I'm not looking for the government to come in and rescue us all by throwing more money out there.
Maybe we need to look at all our expenses and try to trim things down. The bad part of that, though, is when we spend less, companies lay off workers. That puts us all in a bad sort.
We should be going after big companies and banks and hold them accountable. When Exxon/Mobil is pulling in record profits and our cars are getting by on fumes, somethings wrong.

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