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Friday, November 21, 2008

Rise and Shine --- A 2004 memory

Good Morning to the birtday princess and those opening the doors!

So, the stock market crashed again Thursday. Sending the numbers down to levels not seen since 2003. So, what about 2004?
Do you remember 2004? That was the year we (we? We? WE?) elected George W. Bush for a second term as president. That, though, wasn't the only planet changing event.
How about the Boston Red Sox winning their first World Series since 1918? It was the year of the big NBA brawl between the Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers, something the league still hasn't really been able to recover. It was also another year of Eagles playoff failure. In 2004, the Birds lost to the Carolina Panthers (Carolina Panthers) in the NFC title game.
Meanwhile, the final Oldsmobile rolled off the factory line. 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' wins 11 Oscars and is crowned the greatest movie of all time that nobody can actually sit through.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Dec. 31, 2004 at 10,783.01.
Beyoncé was the big winner in the music world, taking home five Grammys and establishing herself as a monster in the biz.
Then there was a little thing that happened the Monday before Thanksgiving. A little girl who would quickly become the focus of the whole world was born. She had a hard time breathing at first, but now can outyell anybody anywhere.
Some say having a daughter changes you in some way, softens you. Maybe that's true. It's a smile that can make even the worst day better.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008



At about this time six years ago today, MTV was taking a shot at airing a reality show starting Ozzie Osbourne and his family.
At about this time six years ago today, NASA's Mars Odyssey begins to map the surface of the red planet.
At about this time six years ago today, President George Bush, after having choked on a pretzel, used the term 'axis of evil' to describe the Middle East.
At about this time six years ago today, Great Britain was in mourning after the death of the Queen Mother.
At about this time six years ago today, the original Spider-Man was taking in billions at the movie house. It was closely followed by Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
At about this time six years ago today, 'Get the party started' by Pink was a sensation at the clubs.
At about this time six years ago today, a little book called 'Lovely Bones' was jumping out of the book stores.
At about this time six years ago today, Playstation 2 was starting to turn minds to mush.
At about six years ago today, the Phillies, faced with pitching woes, fell to 17-21 after a disheartening 17-3 loss to the Houston Astros.
At about this time six years ago today, the Eagles, despite cutting linebacker Jeremiah Trotter, were 5-1 odds to reach the Super Bowl.
At about this time six years ago today, a lack of any kind of wet weather for months put Pennsylvania inot a spring drought.
At about this time six years ago today, a little boy came kicking and screaming into this world. His parents, having searched and searched for the perfect name for weeks, settled on one they thought was perfect.
Turns out he is: Happy Birthday Brendan! Have a great day.

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