Blogs > Rise and Shine

Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Making a walk

Good Morning and welcome to another new week!

Well, the rain has gone away and left us with some pretty nice weather. Sure, the wind Sunday could be a bit much, but it's better than grey skies.
Meanwhile, I realized Sunday I am one of the lucky ones. In subbing for the injured, I took part in the 5k Race for the Cure Sunday morning. Now, when there are so many people packed into one place it can be a little overwhelming. Eakins Oval outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art was packed. There were walkers (and runners) of all ages milling around, talking and laughing.
Then you see a pink 'survivor' race number. Then another. Then hundreds more and you realize how the lucky stars have smiled upon you. I haven't had a family member (or friend) touched by breast cancer. Still, when you see the huge number who have, you realize you have been touched.
Everybody you walk past in the mall or speed past on the road could be putting up the fight for their lives. Then you realize you haven't really thought about it and probably should.
Really, if we are all brothers and sisters on this crazy thing we call earth, we should all become involved in each other. Your fight is our fight.
So, I dragged a 9-year old boy out of bed at 5 a.m. Sunday morning and drove down to the Center City. At first, he didn't realize what was going on, after all it was very early and very cold. He took great joy in hitting the sponsor tents and filling bags. In the end, though, I think he was impressed with the number of people. He asked questions about the pink bibs. He asked about the ceremonies.
Maybe it all sinks in, maybe it doesn't, but we walked the whole three miles. We talked. We joked. We want to help.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rise and Shine

Good Morning everybody, especially those stuck sleeping in the Philadelphia Airport!

That was some impressive lightning out there last night. The sky was lighting up like it was the middle of the day, that is if the middle of the day lasted about two seconds. It's nice to watch this kind of nature from a distance of the safety of a window.

So, the director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute issued a memo yesterday linking the use of cell phones with an increase in brain cancer.
Here is Dr. Ronald B. Herberman's memo in full. Here is a related story.
If this is true, maybe we should rethink the need to be 'in touch' all the time. A day doesn't pass without seeing people walking around, driving, and, yes, even riding a bike, while talking on the phone.
Are these calls really that important. I even saw two people sitting at the same table in a restaurant a few weeks ago and each were talking to different people on cell phones.
Take it a little further and imagine the damage those ear things can do to your brain.
When you see people blow through a stop sign because they are talking on the phone you already know cell phones can make you stupid. Now, they can kill you.
So, what do we do ... Sorry, phone is ringing.
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

If you have any cool links or photos, send them along to

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