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Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rise and Shine

Good Morning and get that rain gear ready!

So, has there ever been a more blatantly bad political move than the one pulled by John McCain yesterday.
Now, truth be told, I am still a bit undecided on the November election. We need to move away from the current administration, but I'm not sure which candidate is the better one right now. And, no, I'm not voting for the vice president, so those candidates don't matter.
What exactly is McCain going to do when he 'suspends his campaign' and goes back to Washington, strong arm the rest of Congress? Maybe he'll give them the short-arm, thumb's up and tell them to keep up the good work.
Look, neither McCain or Democrat Barack Obama are on the committee working on this ridiculous buyout plan. The only thing happening here is not a 'suspension of the campaign,' but a political move to bolster poll numbers.
Here's an idea, let's here from both candidates on how they would fix the mess. Everything else is just more rhetoric.
By the by, I still can't believe that the only way to save the economy is to give a small amount of people more money while the rest of us sharpen pencils.
Why do I get the feeling our President is just trying to take care of his buddies.
"Fellow citizens, we must not let this happen."
By the way, the more things change the more they stay the same:

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rise and Shine

Good Morning out there in the great wide world!

So, Bill Clinton upstaged the rest of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention last night. Really, though, is that much of a surprise. Here's a former two-term President who knows how to work the crowd. When you watch somebody who is the best doing what they do best, it's exciting.
By the way, skeletons and all, Bill Clinton would probably be elected president again if he could run.
Anyway, the Phillies head to Chicago after coughing one up against the Mets last night, the Eagles are fleecing their fans with another 'preseason game' against the Jets tonight and Larry Mendte is still floating around out there somewhere.
So, how is all that connected. Well, it's not really, but as we approach Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end of summer, the mind does wonder.
Funny thing about summer. In June, when school is done and the children are at home, there seems to be a long stretch ahead. Then comes July and you're into some kind of routine which usually means keeping them occupied so they don't want cookies all day (it doesn't work).
Now, we are a week away from school (Yeah, I know, some have already started) and the routine shakes up. After getting all the school supplies, there's a small amount of nervousness and excitement running through their little bodies. It can lead to some intense times where the energy level leaps through the roof. Of course, they are getting up around 6 a.m. and ready to go. Let's do everything we did all summer in the next two hours, then start over.
Somehow, though, when school does start, getting them up by 7:30 a.m. takes a lot of work. That is, until the weekend, when the summer returns.
Speaking of the mind wondering and back to school:

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Monday, April 28, 2008



Well, it's definitely un-Spring like out there today. Maybe we were spoiled last week by the great weather. All of a sudden, it's cold and rainy and there appears to be no end in sight. Well, at least no end until Thursday.

So, the biggest non-event event of our time took place this weekend. No, I don't mean Barack Obama's appearence on FOX News. Despite the hype, it was the same rhetoric we've been hearing for months now.
The biggest non-event of our time is the NFL Draft. ESPN dedicated two days to sitting around watching highlights of college football players as they are chosen by NFL teams. Probably less than half of these players will actually have any kind of career in the NFL, but, thanks to ESPN and the multitude of Web sites, the draft is almost as big as the season.
Fans of this team or that team debate players picked and how their team shapes up after the weekend.
It's almost as bad, but not quite, as the College signing day. Fans that day get on message boards and lament how this high school football player chose the wrong team. Coaches careers are made just by how they can recruit, look at Pitt's Dave Wanstadt for exhibit A. His head coaching career has been one bad loss after another, but, boy, can he recruit.
Now we know the Eagles have no chance to compete for a Super Bowl because they traded out of the first round. Or, it's the best move Andy Reid ever made.
Really, though, it's just a bunch of nothing that fills up a couple of days of television.
Maybe run a marathon of Rock of Love 2 instead. It'll probably be more entertaining.
Speaking of non-events:

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008



Now that the political candidates have left Pennsylvania to focus on other areas of the country, think they'll be back?
They'll probably make their way through during the next campaign, but, I wonder if they will actually return for vacation or whatever.
Then again, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama each have enough money to head to some island in the Pacific to decompress when this is all over.
Meanwhile, we'll be paying $4 for gas just to get to work and start the week all over again.
Just curious, though, how did Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul get any votes in the GOP side of the primary? Is it some kind of Republican statement against John McCain, who had the nomination wrapped up weeks ago?
Why not just write in Ronald Reagan or George Washington? They have as much a chance as any of the other candidates at this point.
Here's an idea, vote for the Charmin Bears in the general election in November.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world went on as usual during the big Primary day.
American Idol and Dancing with the Stars dominated the television world.
The Flyers beat the Capitals (avoiding the choke) and the Phillies came back to beat the Rockies.
By the by, does beating Colorado this week somehow make up for that pitiful playoff perfomance by Pat Burrell and Co. last fall? Uh, probably not.
For those who couldn't score a ticket, the Third Grade Night of Music, in front of a standing-room-only crowd at Garrettford School, went off without a hitch. The violins were especially good.
Here is some unedited video:

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Since Hillary Clinton will be in the area today, I'm sure she'll be checking out Rise and Shine, so good day to you as well.

By the way, according to Clinton, "Northeast Pennsylvania is the key to us winning the Keystone State."
That comment was made yesterday at a campaign stop in Scranton. Does it sound a lot like a rock frontman saying, "We love being in Easton."
Once again, all this political talk is starting to turn people off. I know several people who are very 'into' politics, but can't stand all the rhetoric being put out there by the candidates.
As one really smart pundit said yesteday, "After eight years of George Bush, the best we can do is these two (Clinton and Barak Obama) fighting with each other. How about working together to make things better? No. They'd rather fight back and forth."
Really, it does sound like a brother and sister. The constant yap, yap, yap back-and-forth is, at best, annoying. At worst, well, I won't use those kind of words here.
OK, let's reset:
n We have an out-of-control war on foreign soil;
n We have credit companies that don't care if everybody is homeless as long as the CEO can get a $million bonus;
n We have health care costs so out of whack that it's cheaper to stay sick;
n We have a public school system that only cares about reaching an artificial test score, even if it means discounting half the students;
n We have gas prices making the Amish look like the smartest group in the country;
n We have home-heating costs so high many can't afford to keep the homes they can't afford warm.
After all that, we have two presidential candidates who would rather take shots at each other than make things better.
Well, at least we have this:

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