Blogs > Rise and Shine

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Never out of the house?

Good Morning and welcome back to the Web!

The children have the opportunity to do, really, whatever they want.
They get to play outside. They get to play in their rooms. They get to watch TV. Sure, they have to go to school and do homework, but that's just a break in a day of freedom.
There aren't a whole lot of rules in the house. It's better to let children be children. That way, they can find out what they like. How they like to play.
More often than not, though, it becomes a test on how far they can push the envelope.
Take, for instance, a trip to the store Wednesday afternoon.
Hey, I figured, it can be a fun outing. The store in question has things the children usually like (bikes, backpacks, boats, skis, boots).
OK, there weren't any toys, but I've learned to stay away from the toy store unless I want to see some real yelling and screaming.
So, after a short drive, the store in question opened it's doors. That's when it quickly went down.
All of them wanted to push the cart. If they weren't pushing the cart, they wanted to climb on the front.
Then there was the running the up, down, around the aisles. Forget having a conversation on what to buy, it was time to break up a wrestling match.
Why a 10-year old feels the need to wrestle with a 4-year old is beyond me. Then again, my brain may have melted years ago.
All right, I'll take the hit and gather them over to the bike area. Little did I know bikes could be used for a smash-up derby, then hurdles.
You would think they never got out of the house.
So, while my head started to pound and my heart started to skip as the glass cups were being banged, it was finally time to leave.
After rushing to the car in a silent, raging walk, a voice came from the back.
'Thanks, that was really fun.'
I guess we'll have to try it again.

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