Blogs > Rise and Shine

Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Rise and Shine --- Hi, it's Tiger...

Good Morning and welcome to end of the week!

So, does anybody really (I mean really beyond the spectacle of the thing) care about what Tiger Woods has to to say today?
By the way, you can watch it BY CLICKING HERE.
He's got a billions in the bank. He's lived a charmed life. He apparently really likes pancakes.
Sure, many will watch it this morning because, well, we like to see stars fall. We like to see those who thought they were somehow better than us scrape their knee (well, in the case of Tiger, something else).
It would probably be more interesting if he stood up today and said: 'Hi, it's Tiger. Uh, I'm available to tape voice mail messages. In fact, I'm going to give up golf to become a dating expert. I really liked that Will Smith movie and it appears to be a lot less stressful than golf. Don't take my number off your phone, in fact, here's the new 800 line."
Maybe he'll come out and say this: "Hi, it's Tiger. Uh, I'm going to become a reality TV star."
Or, he could go the pro wrestling route: "Yeah, I'm Tiger. I can beat you on the dating scene and the golf course. Deal with it."
Here's the music that could be played as he walks to the podium:

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Rise and Shine --- It doesn't take long

Good Morning and welcome to a brand-new week!

The best thing about celebrities getting into trouble is how quickly the jokes and parodies start.
Before Tiger Woods even got out of that smashed SUV last week, they were already staring. Here are a couple of the best:
Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole in one.
What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards.
Now, though, it's not just jokes. Now, there are full-fledged videos and songs about Tiger Woods.
Heard this one on the way home late Friday night:

Finally, sometimes Saturday Night Live is still relevent:

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Rise and Shine --- New day or not

Good Morning and welcome to something called Cyber Monday!

Yeah, we have to have names for everything now. We had Black Friday and now Cyber Monday. What's tomorrow, Take-out Tuesday?
This whole shopping thing is getting crazy. We are being inundated with information about shopping for the holidays. Now, if you go on any Web site, things pop up with special pricing today.
That's all well and good, but the money has to come from somewhere. Is this debit or credit? Well, in the end, it doesn't matter. Might as well make it Monopoly money.
So, get those cards ready. Spend. Spend. Spend.
While doing that, also check out some of those Tiger Woods stories from the weekend. As we are trying to figure out how to buy all that stuff, at least we are having a better weekend than Tiger Woods.
Which, is kind of nice for once.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Rise and Shine ---- More weekend, please!

Good Morning and why won't that snooze just turn off!!

Well, that was certainly an interesting weekend.
Let's see, it started out with a trip to Adventure Aquarium and ended with, well, what looked like the end of the world.
In between, there was an improbable Villanova basketball victory, a beautiful weather weekend that sent everybody outside without jackets by Sunday afternoon, an improbable Tiger comeback and marble-sized hail banging on our heads.
On the whole, though, it was way too short. For some reason, that seems to be the way in our times.
It seems like you just get done work Friday, then have to hear the alarm ringing Monday morning. In between becomes a blur. We go from here to there to here to there.
You wake up one morning, figure you have a lot of time to enjoy anything, then, boom, it's time to go back to work.
Now, I'm not complaining here. In a world where companies are cutting jobs like preschoolers do construction paper, it's good to have a job.
It just seems, there's never any time to do anything.
Then again, maybe the spring will finally get here this week.
By the way, don't think time is flying, remember this:

If you have any cool links or photos, send them along to

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