Blogs > Rise and Shine

Good Morning everbody. Check here for your wake up call every day. We will have updated traffic, weather and few fun things to get you through the morning.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rise and Shine --- The air is new

Good Morning and welcome to (what feels like) spring!

Hope springs eternal, or so it's been said.
When it feels like spring, things change.
For the past few months, the early-morning requests were exactly the same: 'Can we watch TV? Can we play Wii? Can we play with the DS?'
It was cold outside. More often than not this winter, it was snowing. There are only so many times (even for children) that bundling up and heading out into the snow is fun.
With the temperatures ticking upward, though, the requests changed.
'Can we go outside? Can we go to the baseball field and practice? Can we go to the playground? Can we ride our bikes?'
That's what spring is all about. Rediscover the air. Rediscover what's important.
Sure, the heat of the summer will be upon us and the requests will change, but, now at least, there's a whole world out there to be discovered.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Tight circle

Good Morning and welcome back to your favorite early-morning blog!

Can a leopard change its spots? Can a dog learn new tricks? Can an elephant learn to be friends with mice?
I believe it is all possible. The sun will come out today, drying up the rain left over the last day and the flowers will soon start to bloom.
Spring is the perfect time to look around and see it's time to feel better. Forget the doldrums of winter, this is the time when everything gets better. Sure, there will be bumps in the road. We wouldn't be in this opera called life it there wasn't, it's how we deal with those bumps that define us.
As we continue to read (hear?) about murders, money and drugs, we have to concentrate on our circle. Make the lives around you better and the world becomes that much brighter.
It's time to do just that. Hug your family. Talk on the phone. Help somebody across the street. Let a car out of a parking lot even though you've been sitting in traffic for, like, five minutes.
We have the chance to make everything brighter. Let the world work for you instead of you working for it.

If you have any cool links or photos, send them along to

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