Times Herald Dist 61 Democrat

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Harrisburg must be reformed, and the legislature is a good place to start.
There is no doubt Harrisburg needs to be reformed, but it will not be reformed if voters keep returning those legislators who want things to stay the way they are.
The so-called “Bonusgate” scandal that hit Harrisburg this past summer is just a symptom of what is wrong with the way business is done in the state capital. There is an environment of entitlement and arrogance in Harrisburg that must be changed, and that change will not happen until those who want to reform our state government outnumber those who want to retain the status quo.
I will enthusiastically join with reform-minded legislators to make meaningful changes to the way business is conducted in Harrisburg. As a result of the “bonusgate” scandal, I have already said publicly that I will not vote for Democratic leader Bill DeWeese should he run for leadership next year.
Bonusgate sickened me. Taxpayer dollars should not be used for partisan political activities, and whether Bill DeWeese was involved or not, it happened on his watch, and that is not the type of leadership we need.
I will fight or many legislative reforms when I am elected including:
More transparency in government
Campaign finance reform
Random selection of members to the ethics committee
A non-partisan approach to redistricting House and Senate seats
Eliminating costly legislative perks
Eliminating the slush funds controlled by legislative leaders, and redirecting those dollars to education, health care or property tax relief


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