The "Outta Leftfield" Weblog

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Sarah Palin circus worth noting

Maybe it’s a good thing that former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has accepted a gig on Fox as a talking head. Maybe now we will get a more complete accounting of her inadequacies.
According to the new book “Game Change” by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, more of a real picture has emerged about Palin during the presidential campaign: that she didn’t know there were two Koreas; that she believed Saddam Hussein was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks; that she was unaware of the functions of the Federal Reserve; and that according to Sen. John McCain’s chief strategist Steve Schmidt in an appearance on “60 Minutes,” Palin “routinely said things that were provably, demonstrably untrue.”
All of this will mean nothing to Palin supporters. The Republican Party has essentially been hijacked by the Looney Tunes fringe and constructive political discourse that could actually lead to something that helps the American people has not been part of the equation for a while now in the Looney Tunes platform.
So let’s get Gov. Palin in front of the Fox cameras as soon as we can and let’s hope that the poohbahs at Fox give her carte blanche to flap her gums until the cows come home.
The hope here is that the more she talks, the more her slip will show and she won’t sneak up on anybody come 2012.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Among the other stories told in "Game Change": the (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid "light-skinned" and "Negro dialect" remarks and (former President) Bill Clinton's statement to the late Ted Kennedy that Obama would have been "getting [them] all coffee" not too long ago. So if Palin represents the hijacking of the Republicans by the "Loony Tunes fringe," what do Reid and Clinton mean for the Democrats?

January 20, 2010 11:33 AM  

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Name: Mike Morsch
Location: Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

Mike Morsch has been executive editor of Montgomery Newspapers since 2003. His award-winning humor column "Outta Leftfield" has been recognized by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, the Suburban Newspapers of America and the Philadelphia Press Association.

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