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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Choir Winter Concert: A Night of Winter Celebration

On Wednesday, the 17th of December, 2008, the Phoenixville Area High School choir and band will be having its annual vocal and instrumental winter concert in the auditorium at 7:00 pm.

It is a night full of fun and cheer, getting us ready for the anxiously awaited holidays we all love. The choir, led by Mrs. Nice, will be spreading some holiday spirit by singing a few carols including some favorites, “Carol of the Bells” and “Sing Noel,” and introducing some new ones. The band, led by Ms.Moll, will also be a part of this winter celebration as they play some Christmas tunes. The concert is free and it is open for anyone to come and enjoy.

Not too long after this winter celebration, Phoenixville is hosting the PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association) District 12 Choral Festival. For those not familiar with the PMEA, it is a service organization to music education in the Commonwealth and offers special opportunities for musical development to school students. The District 12 PMEA serves Philadelphia, Delaware, and Chester Counties and each year the PMEA has festivals for band, orchestra and choir held at district, regional and state levels. The 2009 festival is taking place in January from the 15th to the 17th at the Phoenixville Area High School. Congratulations and good luck to the students representing Phoenixville in the festival- Andrew Cappelli and Thomas Cappelli in the tenor one section, Liam Snead and Andrew Williams in the bass one section and Sarah Schafer in soprano two. Others who auditioned placed very high in their individual sections including Marcus Tavani, Owen Howson , Julie Weicheld , Kelsey Hodgkiss and Jessica Mahan.

Along with the many activities the choir is involved in, the choir members will be taking a trip to Boston, Massachusetts in April from Thursday the 2nd to Sunday the 5th. During this trip, the students will perform as a group in front of a panel of judges at a school and will be critiqued on their singing and style. They will be judged on balance and performance; of course, our choir will do great! The last night of the trip finishes with a nice awards ceremony and dinner, along with a dance banquet.

Again, good luck to all the students participating in the PMEA Choral Festival and do not forget to mark your calendar for Wednesday, December 17th as the choir and band kicks off the holidays with the winter concert.

Posted by
Annet Cherusseril


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