Naturally Delicious
Jessica McGilvery
Yes of course you love your ice cream and your chips and all other kinds of junk food, but you can also love organic and healthier food. When people hear the term “organic” or all “natural,” many common reactions include: Never mind! Eww! Let’s go to the next aisle! But really, it’s not that bad and is a lot better for you than conventional foods. Once you start eating organic foods I guarantee that you will find a lot of organic foods actually taste better than conventional processed foods.
Organic food is grown in order to keep the natural health values. It is grown with absolutely NO pesticides, and keeps the health of the soil and the plants. It is much healthier due to higher antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Conventional foods usually have fewer nutrients and lots of times aren’t nearly as pure. Without all the pesticides your foods taste a lot better, especially your fruits and vegetables. Organic farming is also better because it uses less energy and produces less waste than conventional farming. The soil is much more rich in nutrients because of the natural resources used in their farming and because there are not any pesticides. This saves many ecosystems that would normally have been damaged or killed from the pesticides. So why shouldn’t you eat organic?
Many people say that they would get organic foods but they are too expensive. I can sympathize with this, though not all organic foods are more expensive. The way I think of it is, how much money do you spend at the doctor’s, or just paying for medicine when you get sick? If you just bought organic healthier foods regularly then you would be healthier in general, and would not need expensive doctor’s visits. Spend your money to just eat and live healthier, and use your sick days at work or school to do something fun!
Another benefit to organic foods and farming is that the animals that are raised just for consumption have a better life than most animals that are raised for food. It is better to buy organic meat because the animals have better living conditions where they can freely graze rather than being cooped up in small, over-crowded pens.
Eating organic is just a better idea than eating conventional foods. Your food tastes better and it is healthier for you because there aren’t any chemicals on them. Not only that, but organic farmers are way more environmentally friendly. The organic farmers also care about the animals’ lives and do not keep them in unkempt or crowded areas. So next time you are at a grocery store, like Giant, Redners, or Genuardi’s, definitely don’t skip over the organic foods aisle. Grab that organic fruit, or those yummy organic chips. Or, even better, go to Kimberton Whole Foods or Trader Joes; both have a wide variety of organic foods throughout the whole store.
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