Movie Review

In Bruges [2008]
Writer/Director: Martin McDonagh
Rhymes with "rouge". City in Belgium. For more info, sit back and enjoy.
Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson are Ray and Ken, two hitmen laying low in Bruges, awaiting orders from their boss (a seething, against-type Ralph Fiennes). While Ken takes in the scenery, Ray causes trouble, romances a local hottie (Clemence Poesy), and struggles with guilt-ridden remorse. The call finally comes through, triggering a collision of morals versus honor for all three men, enacted in appropriately Grimm style.
Dark comedy, Dante-esque allegory, travel promo... As colorful as plot and people are, though, all dwarf in comparison to Bruges itself, a thousand-year-old time capsule of medieval architecture and history. (It's also the perfect location for shooting your next movie!) Jaunty handheld cinematography guides the audience through the canals and cobblestone alleys as effectively as any tourism film, with gunplay and surrealist Boschian elements to boot!
Take a trip(tych) to the local cinema and get lost In Bruges.
Random Trivia: Actor Jordan Prentice (Jim) played 1986's titular Howard The Duck
Posted by
Jesse Crater
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