Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Poll: Americans want more drilling for domestic oil to bring down gas prices

While the Democrats who control Congress play silly games with threats to sue OPEC because gas prices are too high or force American oil companies to turn over their business operations to the government, Americans continue to pay record prices for fuel.

Since the Democratic Party took control of Congress in November 2006, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded has risen from $2.10 to $4.00.

How high will gas prices go? It depends on how many Democrats are sent back to Washington. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for higher gas prices.

A new survey shows an overwhelming majority of Americans support more domestic drilling for oil to increase supply and lower prices.

Congress has prevented American oil companies from discovering new sources of oil in Alaska, federal lands in the 48 continental states and off U.S. coastal waters.

China, Cuba and Canada are currently drilling for oil off America's coast while the Democrats continue to ban American companies from finding new sources of oil.

Read more about the changes we need to make in the area of domestic energy at American Solutions for Winning the Future

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