Thursday, July 17, 2008

The real cost of government

There's a must-read post at POLICY BLOG about a new report by Americans for Tax Reform that examines the burden on the beleaguered American worker to support government in all its manifestations.

Pennsylvanians worked 195 days - through July 14 - to pay for the cost of federal, state and local spending and regulation. This ranks 33rd (i.e. 18th highest government burden), though slightly below the national average - large states like New York and California tilt the average.
It gets more depressing the further you read into the report. If you're a real masochist, check out "How much do you work for Government?" at POLICY BLOG



Anonymous American Patriot said...

This is unbelievable. When are people going to rise up against the tyrrany of government?

July 17, 2008 11:22 AM 

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