Monday, July 7, 2008

Voter fraud in Pennsylvania

Voter fraud is alive and well in Pennsylvania and once again has been linked to the Democrats.

The Harrisburg Patriot-News is reporting that Dauphin County officials have uncovered at least 100 questionable voter registration forms submitted by a group called ACORN, which has been implicated on voter fraud in many states. (HT to GrassrootsPA)

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is a major voter registration recruiter for Democrats.

Dauphin County District Attorney Edward M. Marsico Jr. told the newspaper that his office has an "ongoing" criminal investigation of the ACORN matter.

Anticipating hanky panky by the Democrats, the Pennsylvania Republican Party has recruited a former Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice to head up the party's Fair Elections Task Force.

"The future of our nation will hinge on the results of this November's election, and it is our Party’s goal to make sure that the true will of the voters is carried out," said Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Robert A. Gleason Jr.

Former Justice Sandra Newman, pictured above, said, "I am honored that Chairman Gleason has asked me to head up the state Party's Fair Elections Task Force. I am confident that we will have the processes in place to ensure this election is conducted fairly and with complete openness throughout the Commonwealth on Election Day."

Read more about the GOP's efforts to monitor the November election at the party's Web site,

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Anonymous josh said...

Argh, when will people get that turning in voter reg cards with bad info isn't fraud!

if a paid canvasser fills out bad info so they can get paid it defrauds ACORN and poses ZERO threat a free and fair election since fake people don't show up on election day!!!

July 8, 2008 12:50 PM 

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