Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama stumbles on abortion question

It's a shame the "Civil Forum" at Rick Warren's Saddleback church was held on a Saturday night in August during the Olympics, guaranteeing a small audience.

Sen. John McCain mopped the floor with Sen. Barack Obama. McCain was decisive in his answers and offered a clear vision of his presidency. Sen. Obama danced around most of the questions and tried to avoid taking a position on any controversial issue.

The biggest flop was Obama's answer to a question about abortion. Obama, the most pro-abortion candidate to ever seek the presidency, couldn't give a simple answer to a simple question, "When does life begin?"

He avoided the question entirely, eventually saying, "Whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity is, you know, above my pay grade."

Above my pay grade? You want to be president of the United States and you can't answer a question because it's "above my pay grade"? Doesn't sound like Sen. Obama is up to the job.

Writing at Lincoln Blog, Lowman Henry says,
"Obama both waffled politically, and revealed himself as a politician still not clear in his own mind who he is and what he is about. While smooth and engaging, Obama's performance at the forum left open the question of exactly what kind of 'change' his candidacy would bring to America."
For more commentary on the Saturday's candidate forum, check out Lincoln Blog and Save the GOP.

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