Wednesday, September 10, 2008

PAGOP: What Does Obama Have Against Women?

Did Sen. Barack Obama call Gov. Sarah Palin a "pig" during a recent campaign speech? Obama denies it, but a lot of people don't believe him.

Whether he meant to refer to Gov. Palin as a pig or not is not the real question here. It's all about Obama's judgment, especially under pressure. Polls now have the Republican ticket even with the Democrats and Obama is losing support among women. The Obama campaign is getting desperate.

If Obama meant to call Gov. Palin a pig, that was a dumb move on his part. Would he call Sen. John McCain a pig?

Here's what the Pennsylvania Republican Party has to say about the controversy:
HARRISBURG – Republican Party of Pennsylvania Vice-Chairman Joyce Haas, National Committeewoman Christine Toretti and Deputy Chairwoman Renee Amoore were appalled by the derogatory comments Barack Obama made towards Governor Sarah Palin and question why he decided to disrespect this successful woman. In response, they released the following joint statement:

"Barack Obama needs to understand that the comments he made today are unacceptable. We find his reference to Sarah Palin as a pig incredibly distasteful and believe that these types of comments have no place in this election. We call on Obama and his running mate Joe Biden to stop leveling personal insults against Governor Palin and instead keep the discussion focused on the important issues facing our nation.

"We believe Obama should apologize immediately to Governor Palin and stop attacking our candidate because she is a woman."

According to Politico, Barack Obama made the following comments in reference to Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Governor Sarah Palin: "You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig." ("Obama, Dems sharpen personal attacks on Palin," Politico, 9/9/08)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

By issuing this statement, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has shown that they cannot comprehend English. Anyone who has taken the time to hear the comments in whole and put them in context knows that Obama was speaking about the policies of John McCain. If they cannot comprehend English, how can they govern?

September 11, 2008 6:41 AM 

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