Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Treasurer's race draws little attention

Here's a prediction: The next Pennsylvania Treasurer will be from Montgomery County.

Few Pennsylvania residents could name the candidates for state Treasurer, but the office has been a stepping stone to higher office.

Just look at what Bob Casey Jr. was able to accomplish, leaping from state Treasurer to U.S. Senator in 2006 by defeating incumbent Republican Sen. Rick Santorum.

It's a high-profile office that doesn't involve a lot of heavy lifting, bit it keeps you name in public and allows you to campaign on the state's dime, which is what Casey did so well.

So who will be the next state Treasurer? The Nov. 4 race pits former Montgomery County Commissioner Tom Ellis, an attorney who specializes in public finance matters, against Democrat Rob McCord, a former Congressional aide who also has a background in finance. McCord also lives in Montgomery County.

The winner of the race could come down to voter turnout and whether voters vote along party lines.

Read more about the candidates in this Associated Press story posted on The Mercury Web site.



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