Friday, October 24, 2008

More newspapers endorse McCain

The Associated Press is compiling presidential endorsements by daily newspapers across the country. Here's a sampling of endorsements for John McCain:

The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Free Press:
"American voters have two very unlikely candidates for president of the United States this year. While the current polls indicate Sen. Barack Obama is ahead, a simple consideration of the candidates' relative qualifications should indicate we should elect Sen. John McCain president. Sen. McCain believes in keeping America strong, cutting taxes, limiting government and not surrendering to our enemies, and he has extensive experience in government that indicates far more stability and judgment than his opponent can offer. Sen. McCain's love of country and dedication to duty have been proved by his honorable military service for which he suffered torture by our enemies."
The Jackson (Tenn.) Sun:
"In an uncertain world, America needs a new president with certainty, fearlessness and proven leadership skills. That candidate is Sen. John McCain of Arizona. The nation faces some of the most trying times in its history. We are involved in two wars, the national and global economies are near meltdown, government spending is virtually out of control, the health care system is broken, Medicare and Social Security face bankruptcy, and partisan bickering has stymied progress in Congress. Who better to cross such a battlefield than a proven military veteran?
The New Hampshire Union-Leader:
"Barack Obama's call for 'change' has a certain appeal, to be sure. But this is no time to be rolling the dice on an untested leader whose rhetoric doesn't match his record when it comes to delivering actual change. John McCain has a long history of standing up to Washington's permanent political class, regardless of party, and pushing for institutional reforms to end business as usual. He is the right leader to restore trust in our government, confidence to our markets and prosperity to our country. On Nov. 4, do right by your country and vote for John McCain for President."
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal in Texas:
"Sen. John McCain has a better understanding than his opponent of issues facing our nation ranging from national security to the economy to energy to immigration and many more, and he has a better vision for establishing solutions and a better chance of implementing them effectively."
Amarillo (Texas) Globe-News:
"Barack Obama mirrors the tax-and-spend philosophies of liberal Democrats, which is not the type of change the nation needs. John McCain has built a more conservative track record during his service in both the House and the Senate, with just the right mix of moderation, to lead the country in a positive direction."

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