Friday, October 3, 2008

Newspaper: Palin won the debate

Who won Thursday's vice presidential debate? Sarah Palin, of course.

From today's editorial in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Palin offered a potent debating combination. She was well prepared, at ease, folksy and, at times, full of moxie. She shot and scored early and often -- especially noting how Democrats failed to understand the coming train wreck of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and how Democrat wealth redistribution is anything but the "fairness" that Biden insists.

So, who "won"? Clearly, it was Sarah Palin -- not because she exceeded very weak expectations but because she showed she's quite qualified to be not only vice president but president, too. And that should be a major boost for a GOP ticket exactly when it needs it.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

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