Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama continues to court felons

Two great quotes from Montgomery County Commissioner Bruce L. Castor Jr. about the Barack Obama campaigns efforts to woo convicted felons on Election Day.

From an article by Chris Friend in The Philadelphia Bulletin:
Bruce Castor, Montgomery County Commissioner and former District Attorney, disagreed with the emphasis placed on registering felons.

"Obviously, the Obama folks are going after the 'criminal vote.' Frankly, that is one voter block I'd rather not appeal to," Mr. Castor said. "Elections are about getting more votes than the other side, but what does it say about your candidate that you are reaching out to the nation's felons for support?"

Mr. Love emphasized that the felons have paid their debt to society, stating that, "We feel this is something that should be encouraged, and is a positive thing."

Registering felons, he said, is just a small part of a much larger effort to register the general public, explaining that he is involved in the registering of ex-offenders based on his legal expertise in this area.

"If we believe in getting the vote out, then we should believe in getting it out for every eligible voter, regardless of who they are or where they live. In my own community, in my own way, I have worked to get the 'common man' registered as well," Mr. Love said.

Mr. Castor cautioned Democrats, who are much more active as a political party in registering ex-offenders.

"I know the Democrats are the 'big-tent' party, but with the criminals under the big top, the rest of the Democrats better keep their hands on their wallets," Mr. Castor said.
Read the full story at the newspaper's Web site.

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