Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Newspaper: Obama already making mistakes

Is it possible for "The Messiah" to make a mistake?

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says "The Chosen One" has already made three major blunders and he's still months away from taking office as president.

From the editorial in today's edition:
It's special-interest politics at its worst and suggests an Obama administration won't be the politics of "change" but politics as usual.
On the foreign front, Obama has hinted he will back off a deal to install a missile-defense system in Poland to guard against Russian aggression.

On the domestic front, Obama is working to scuttle the Colombia Free Trade Agreement and will push to eliminate rules calling for secret ballots to form unions. Both moves are pandering to labor unions that helped get Obama elected but would be disastrous to the U.S. economy.

Also on the domestic front, Obama will continue a Bush administration policy of subsidizing U.S. ethanol producers, the kind of wasteful pork spending Washington politicians love. So much for encouraging energy independence.

Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

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