Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sebelius another far-left pick by Obama

Tony Perkins, president of FRC Action, the legislative arm of Family Research Council, had this to say on Barack Obama picking Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to be his pick to be the new Secretary of Health and Human Services:
"President Obama is now zero for two in attempting to pick qualified people to head up his Health and Human Services Department (HHS) and zero for four in defending proven methods that contribute to his stated goal of reducing abortions.

"In a little over a month President Obama has reinstated taxpayer funding of abortionists overseas, been complicit in both the increased taxpayer funding of abortionists in the United States and in the overturning of a long-standing policy that prevented taxpayer dollars from going toward international coercive abortion programs. This weekend the cause for life was struck a double blow by first the halting of conscience protections for health care professionals who might otherwise be forced to perform or assist in abortions and the naming of the extremely pro-abortion Gov. Sebelius to HHS.
Read Perkins' full statement at the link below:

FRC Action Questions President Obama's Choice of Gov. Sebelius for HHS

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